Eric House f2c4c82129 a shot at no-conn connecting
Ideally the comms module wouldn't go through its connecting routine in
order to join a game. To that end I added a join() method to relay.py
and code to call it. Joins happen (pairing games, starting new ones,
etc.), but after that communication doesn't. First part of fixing that
would be to make cookieID persistent and transmit it back with the rest
of what join sends (since it's used by all the messages currently sent
in a connected state), but I suspect there's more to be done, and even
that requires a fair number of changes on the relay side. So all that's
wrapped in #ifdef RELAY_VIA_HTTP (and turned off.)
2017-11-10 21:34:02 -08:00

1320 lines
40 KiB

/* -*- compile-command: "make MEMDEBUG=TRUE -j3"; -*- */
* Copyright 2013 by Eric House (xwords@eehouse.org). All rights reserved.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#include <netdb.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <curl/curl.h>
#include <json-c/json.h>
#include "relaycon.h"
#include "linuxmain.h"
#include "comtypes.h"
#include "gamesdb.h"
#define MAX_MOVE_CHECK_MS ((XP_U16)(1000 * 60 * 60 * 24))
#define RELAY_API_PROTO "http"
typedef struct _RelayConStorage {
pthread_t mainThread;
guint moveCheckerID;
XP_U32 nextMoveCheckMS;
pthread_cond_t relayCondVar;
pthread_mutex_t relayMutex;
GSList* relayTaskList;
pthread_mutex_t gotDataMutex;
GSList* gotDataTaskList;
int socket;
RelayConnProcs procs;
void* procsClosure;
struct sockaddr_in saddr;
uint32_t nextID;
XWPDevProto proto;
LaunchParams* params;
XP_UCHAR host[64];
int nextTaskID;
} RelayConStorage;
typedef struct _MsgHeader {
XWRelayReg cmd;
uint32_t packetID;
} MsgHeader;
static RelayConStorage* getStorage( LaunchParams* params );
static XP_Bool onMainThread( RelayConStorage* storage );
static XP_U32 hostNameToIP( const XP_UCHAR* name );
static gboolean relaycon_receive( GIOChannel *source, GIOCondition condition,
gpointer data );
static void schedule_next_check( RelayConStorage* storage );
static void reset_schedule_check_interval( RelayConStorage* storage );
static void checkForMovesOnce( RelayConStorage* storage );
static gboolean gotDataTimer(gpointer user_data);
static ssize_t sendIt( RelayConStorage* storage, const XP_U8* msgbuf, XP_U16 len, float timeoutSecs );
static size_t addVLIStr( XP_U8* buf, size_t len, const XP_UCHAR* str );
static void getNetString( const XP_U8** ptr, XP_U16 len, XP_UCHAR* buf );
static XP_U16 getNetShort( const XP_U8** ptr );
static XP_U32 getNetLong( const XP_U8** ptr );
static int writeHeader( RelayConStorage* storage, XP_U8* dest, XWRelayReg cmd );
static bool readHeader( const XP_U8** buf, MsgHeader* header );
static size_t writeDevID( XP_U8* buf, size_t len, const XP_UCHAR* str );
static size_t writeShort( XP_U8* buf, size_t len, XP_U16 shrt );
static size_t writeLong( XP_U8* buf, size_t len, XP_U32 lng );
static size_t writeBytes( XP_U8* buf, size_t len, const XP_U8* bytes,
size_t nBytes );
static size_t writeVLI( XP_U8* out, uint32_t nn );
static size_t un2vli( int nn, uint8_t* buf );
static bool vli2un( const uint8_t** inp, uint32_t* outp );
#ifdef DEBUG
static const char* msgToStr( XWRelayReg msg );
static void* relayThread( void* arg );
typedef struct _WriteState {
gchar* ptr;
size_t curSize;
} WriteState;
typedef enum {
POST, QUERY, } TaskType;
typedef struct _RelayTask {
TaskType typ;
int id;
RelayConStorage* storage;
WriteState ws;
XP_U32 ctime;
union {
struct {
XP_U16 lang;
XP_U16 nHere;
XP_U16 nTotal;
XP_U16 seed;
XP_UCHAR devID[64];
OnJoinedProc proc;
void* closure;
} join;
struct {
XP_U8* msgbuf;
XP_U16 len;
float timeoutSecs;
} post;
struct {
GHashTable* map;
} query;
} u;
} RelayTask;
static RelayTask* makeRelayTask( RelayConStorage* storage, TaskType typ );
static void freeRelayTask(RelayTask* task);
static void handleJoin( RelayTask* task );
static void handlePost( RelayTask* task );
static void handleQuery( RelayTask* task );
static void addToGotData( RelayTask* task );
static RelayTask* getFromGotData( RelayConStorage* storage );
static size_t
write_callback(void *contents, size_t size, size_t nmemb, void* data)
WriteState* ws = (WriteState*)data;
if ( !ws->ptr ) {
ws->ptr = g_malloc0(1);
ws->curSize = 1L;
XP_LOGF( "%s(size=%ld, nmemb=%ld)", __func__, size, nmemb );
size_t oldLen = ws->curSize;
const size_t newLength = size * nmemb;
XP_ASSERT( (oldLen + newLength) > 0 );
ws->ptr = g_realloc( ws->ptr, oldLen + newLength );
memcpy( ws->ptr + oldLen - 1, contents, newLength );
ws->ptr[oldLen + newLength - 1] = '\0';
// XP_LOGF( "%s() => %ld: (passed: \"%s\")", __func__, result, *strp );
return newLength;
static void
addJsonParams( CURL* curl, va_list ap )
gchar* buf = NULL;
for ( ; ; ) {
const char* name = va_arg(ap, const char*);
if ( !name ) {
json_object* param = va_arg(ap, json_object*);
XP_ASSERT( !!param );
const char* asStr = json_object_get_string( param );
XP_LOGF( "%s: adding param (with name %s): %s", __func__, name, asStr );
char* curl_params = curl_easy_escape( curl, asStr, strlen(asStr) );
gchar* tmp = g_strdup_printf( "%s=%s", name, curl_params );
curl_free( curl_params );
if ( !buf ) {
buf = tmp;
} else {
gchar* cur = buf;
buf = g_strdup_printf( "%s&%s", cur, tmp );
g_free( tmp );
g_free( cur );
json_object_put( param );
XP_LOGF( "%s(): setting params: %s", __func__, buf );
curl_easy_setopt( curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, buf );
curl_easy_setopt( curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDSIZE, (long)strlen(buf) );
// Can't free the buf!! Well, maybe after the send...
// g_free( buf );
static XP_Bool
runWitCurl( RelayTask* task, const gchar* proc, ...)
CURLcode res = curl_global_init(CURL_GLOBAL_DEFAULT);
CURL* curl = curl_easy_init();
char url[128];
snprintf( url, sizeof(url), "%s://%s/xw4/relay.py/%s",
RELAY_API_PROTO, task->storage->host, proc );
curl_easy_setopt( curl, CURLOPT_URL, url );
curl_easy_setopt( curl, CURLOPT_POST, 1L );
va_list ap;
va_start( ap, proc );
addJsonParams( curl, ap );
va_end( ap );
curl_easy_setopt( curl, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, write_callback );
curl_easy_setopt( curl, CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, &task->ws );
// curl_easy_setopt( curl, CURLOPT_VERBOSE, 1L );
res = curl_easy_perform(curl);
XP_Bool success = res == CURLE_OK;
XP_LOGF( "%s(): curl_easy_perform() => %d", __func__, res );
/* Check for errors */
if ( ! success ) {
XP_LOGF( "curl_easy_perform() failed: %s", curl_easy_strerror(res));
} else {
XP_LOGF( "%s(): got for %s: \"%s\"", __func__, proc, task->ws.ptr );
/* always cleanup */
return success;
relaycon_checkMsgs( LaunchParams* params )
RelayConStorage* storage = getStorage( params );
XP_ASSERT( onMainThread(storage) );
checkForMovesOnce( storage );
relaycon_init( LaunchParams* params, const RelayConnProcs* procs,
void* procsClosure, const char* host, int port )
XP_ASSERT( !params->relayConStorage );
RelayConStorage* storage = getStorage( params );
XP_MEMCPY( &storage->procs, procs, sizeof(storage->procs) );
storage->procsClosure = procsClosure;
if ( params->useHTTP ) {
storage->mainThread = pthread_self();
pthread_mutex_init( &storage->relayMutex, NULL );
pthread_cond_init( &storage->relayCondVar, NULL );
pthread_t thread;
(void)pthread_create( &thread, NULL, relayThread, storage );
pthread_detach( thread );
pthread_mutex_init( &storage->gotDataMutex, NULL );
g_timeout_add( 50, gotDataTimer, storage );
XP_ASSERT( XP_STRLEN(host) < VSIZE(storage->host) );
XP_MEMCPY( storage->host, host, XP_STRLEN(host) + 1 );
} else {
storage->socket = socket( AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP );
(*procs->socketAdded)( storage, storage->socket, relaycon_receive );
XP_MEMSET( &storage->saddr, 0, sizeof(storage->saddr) );
storage->saddr.sin_family = PF_INET;
storage->saddr.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl( hostNameToIP(host) );
storage->saddr.sin_port = htons(port);
storage->params = params;
storage->proto = XWPDEV_PROTO_VERSION_1;
if ( params->useHTTP ) {
schedule_next_check( storage );
/* Send existing relay-assigned rDevID to relay, or empty string if we have
none. Send local devID and type, ID_TYPE_NONE, if we aren't providing an
update. It's an error for neither to be provided. */
relaycon_reg( LaunchParams* params, const XP_UCHAR* rDevID,
DevIDType typ, const XP_UCHAR* devID )
XP_LOGF( "%s(typ=%d)", __func__, typ );
XP_U8 tmpbuf[256];
int indx = 0;
RelayConStorage* storage = getStorage( params );
indx += writeHeader( storage, tmpbuf, XWPDEV_REG );
indx += addVLIStr( &tmpbuf[indx], sizeof(tmpbuf) - indx, rDevID );
assert( ID_TYPE_RELAY != typ );
tmpbuf[indx++] = typ;
if ( ID_TYPE_NONE != typ ) {
indx += writeDevID( &tmpbuf[indx], sizeof(tmpbuf) - indx, devID );
indx += writeShort( &tmpbuf[indx], sizeof(tmpbuf) - indx,
indx += addVLIStr( &tmpbuf[indx], sizeof(tmpbuf) - indx, SVN_REV );
indx += addVLIStr( &tmpbuf[indx], sizeof(tmpbuf) - indx, "linux box" );
indx += addVLIStr( &tmpbuf[indx], sizeof(tmpbuf) - indx, "linux version" );
sendIt( storage, tmpbuf, indx, 0.5 );
relaycon_invite( LaunchParams* params, XP_U32 destDevID,
const XP_UCHAR* relayID, NetLaunchInfo* invit )
XP_U8 tmpbuf[256];
int indx = 0;
RelayConStorage* storage = getStorage( params );
indx += writeHeader( storage, tmpbuf, XWPDEV_INVITE );
XP_U32 me = linux_getDevIDRelay( params );
indx += writeLong( &tmpbuf[indx], sizeof(tmpbuf) - indx, me );
/* write relayID <connname>/<hid>, or if we have an actual devID write a
null byte plus it. */
if ( 0 == destDevID ) {
XP_ASSERT( '\0' != relayID[0] );
indx += writeBytes( &tmpbuf[indx], sizeof(tmpbuf) - indx,
(XP_U8*)relayID, 1 + XP_STRLEN( relayID ) );
} else {
tmpbuf[indx++] = '\0'; /* null byte: zero-len str */
indx += writeLong( &tmpbuf[indx], sizeof(tmpbuf) - indx, destDevID );
XWStreamCtxt* stream = mem_stream_make( MPPARM(params->mpool)
params->vtMgr, params,
nli_saveToStream( invit, stream );
XP_U16 len = stream_getSize( stream );
indx += writeShort( &tmpbuf[indx], sizeof(tmpbuf) - indx, len );
XP_ASSERT( indx + len < sizeof(tmpbuf) );
const XP_U8* ptr = stream_getPtr( stream );
indx += writeBytes( &tmpbuf[indx], sizeof(tmpbuf) - indx, ptr, len );
stream_destroy( stream );
sendIt( storage, tmpbuf, indx, 0.5 );
relaycon_send( LaunchParams* params, const XP_U8* buf, XP_U16 buflen,
XP_U32 gameToken, const CommsAddrRec* XP_UNUSED(addrRec) )
XP_ASSERT( 0 != gameToken );
ssize_t nSent = -1;
RelayConStorage* storage = getStorage( params );
XP_U8 tmpbuf[1 + 4 + 1 + sizeof(gameToken) + buflen];
int indx = 0;
indx += writeHeader( storage, tmpbuf, XWPDEV_MSG );
indx += writeLong( &tmpbuf[indx], sizeof(tmpbuf) - indx, gameToken );
indx += writeBytes( &tmpbuf[indx], sizeof(tmpbuf) - indx, buf, buflen );
nSent = sendIt( storage, tmpbuf, indx, 0.5 );
if ( nSent > buflen ) {
nSent = buflen;
LOG_RETURNF( "%zd", nSent );
return nSent;
relaycon_sendnoconn( LaunchParams* params, const XP_U8* buf, XP_U16 buflen,
const XP_UCHAR* relayID, XP_U32 gameToken )
XP_LOGF( "%s(relayID=%s)", __func__, relayID );
XP_ASSERT( 0 != gameToken );
XP_U16 indx = 0;
ssize_t nSent = -1;
RelayConStorage* storage = getStorage( params );
XP_U16 idLen = XP_STRLEN( relayID );
XP_U8 tmpbuf[1 + 4 + 1 +
1 + idLen +
sizeof(gameToken) + buflen];
indx += writeHeader( storage, tmpbuf, XWPDEV_MSGNOCONN );
indx += writeLong( &tmpbuf[indx], sizeof(tmpbuf) - indx, gameToken );
indx += writeBytes( &tmpbuf[indx], sizeof(tmpbuf) - indx,
(const XP_U8*)relayID, idLen );
tmpbuf[indx++] = '\n';
indx += writeBytes( &tmpbuf[indx], sizeof(tmpbuf) - indx, buf, buflen );
nSent = sendIt( storage, tmpbuf, indx, 0.5 );
if ( nSent > buflen ) {
nSent = buflen;
LOG_RETURNF( "%zd", nSent );
return nSent;
relaycon_requestMsgs( LaunchParams* params, const XP_UCHAR* devID )
XP_LOGF( "%s(devID=%s)", __func__, devID );
RelayConStorage* storage = getStorage( params );
XP_U8 tmpbuf[128];
int indx = 0;
indx += writeHeader( storage, tmpbuf, XWPDEV_RQSTMSGS );
indx += addVLIStr( &tmpbuf[indx], sizeof(tmpbuf) - indx, devID );
sendIt( storage, tmpbuf, indx, 0.5 );
relaycon_deleted( LaunchParams* params, const XP_UCHAR* devID,
XP_U32 gameToken )
RelayConStorage* storage = getStorage( params );
XP_U8 tmpbuf[128];
int indx = 0;
indx += writeHeader( storage, tmpbuf, XWPDEV_DELGAME );
indx += writeDevID( &tmpbuf[indx], sizeof(tmpbuf) - indx, devID );
indx += writeLong( &tmpbuf[indx], sizeof(tmpbuf) - indx, gameToken );
sendIt( storage, tmpbuf, indx, 0.1 );
static XP_Bool
onMainThread( RelayConStorage* storage )
return storage->mainThread = pthread_self();
static const gchar*
taskName( const RelayTask* task )
const char* str;
# define CASE_STR(c) case c: str = #c; break
switch (task->typ) {
default: XP_ASSERT(0);
str = NULL;
#undef CASE_STR
return str;
static gchar*
listTasks( GSList* tasks )
XP_U32 now = (XP_U32)time(NULL);
gchar* names[1 + g_slist_length(tasks)];
int len = g_slist_length(tasks);
names[len] = NULL;
for ( int ii = 0; !!tasks; ++ii ) {
RelayTask* task = (RelayTask*)tasks->data;
names[ii] = g_strdup_printf( "{%s:id:%d;age:%ds}", taskName(task),
task->id, now - task->ctime );
tasks = tasks->next;
gchar* result = g_strjoinv( ",", names );
for ( int ii = 0; ii < len; ++ii ) {
g_free( names[ii] );
return result;
static void*
relayThread( void* arg )
RelayConStorage* storage = (RelayConStorage*)arg;
for ( ; ; ) {
pthread_mutex_lock( &storage->relayMutex );
while ( !storage->relayTaskList ) {
pthread_cond_wait( &storage->relayCondVar, &storage->relayMutex );
int len = g_slist_length( storage->relayTaskList );
gchar* strs = listTasks( storage->relayTaskList );
GSList* head = storage->relayTaskList;
storage->relayTaskList = g_slist_remove_link( storage->relayTaskList,
storage->relayTaskList );
RelayTask* task = head->data;
g_slist_free( head );
pthread_mutex_unlock( &storage->relayMutex );
XP_LOGF( "%s(): processing first of %d (%s)", __func__, len, strs );
g_free( strs );
switch ( task->typ ) {
case JOIN:
handleJoin( task );
case POST:
handlePost( task );
case QUERY:
handleQuery( task );
return NULL;
static XP_Bool
didCombine( const RelayTask* one, const RelayTask* two )
/* For now.... */
XP_Bool result = one->typ == QUERY && two->typ == QUERY;
return result;
static void
addTask( RelayConStorage* storage, RelayTask* task )
pthread_mutex_lock( &storage->relayMutex );
/* Let's see if the current last task is the same. */
GSList* last = g_slist_last( storage->relayTaskList );
if ( !!last && didCombine( last->data, task ) ) {
freeRelayTask( task );
} else {
storage->relayTaskList = g_slist_append( storage->relayTaskList, task );
gchar* strs = listTasks( storage->relayTaskList );
pthread_cond_signal( &storage->relayCondVar );
pthread_mutex_unlock( &storage->relayMutex );
XP_LOGF( "%s(): task list now: %s", __func__, strs );
g_free( strs );
static RelayTask*
makeRelayTask( RelayConStorage* storage, TaskType typ )
XP_ASSERT( onMainThread(storage) );
RelayTask* task = (RelayTask*)g_malloc0(sizeof(*task));
task->typ = typ;
task->id = ++storage->nextTaskID;
task->ctime = (XP_U32)time(NULL);
task->storage = storage;
return task;
static void
freeRelayTask( RelayTask* task )
GSList faker = { .next = NULL, .data = task };
gchar* str = listTasks(&faker);
XP_LOGF( "%s(): deleting %s", __func__, str );
g_free( str );
g_free( task->ws.ptr );
g_free( task );
relaycon_join( LaunchParams* params, const XP_UCHAR* devID, const XP_UCHAR* room,
XP_U16 nPlayersHere, XP_U16 nPlayersTotal, XP_U16 seed, XP_U16 lang,
OnJoinedProc proc, void* closure )
RelayConStorage* storage = getStorage( params );
XP_ASSERT( onMainThread(storage) );
RelayTask* task = makeRelayTask( storage, JOIN );
task->u.join.nHere = nPlayersHere;
XP_STRNCPY( task->u.join.devID, devID, sizeof(task->u.join.devID) );
XP_STRNCPY( task->u.join.room, room, sizeof(task->u.join.room) );
task->u.join.nTotal = nPlayersTotal;
task->u.join.lang = lang;
task->u.join.seed = seed;
task->u.join.proc = proc;
task->u.join.closure = closure;
addTask( storage, task );
static void
sendAckIf( RelayConStorage* storage, const MsgHeader* header )
if ( header->cmd != XWPDEV_ACK ) {
XP_U8 tmpbuf[16];
int indx = writeHeader( storage, tmpbuf, XWPDEV_ACK );
indx += writeVLI( &tmpbuf[indx], header->packetID );
sendIt( storage, tmpbuf, indx, 0.1 );
static gboolean
process( RelayConStorage* storage, XP_U8* buf, ssize_t nRead )
if ( 0 <= nRead ) {
const XP_U8* ptr = buf;
const XP_U8* end = buf + nRead;
MsgHeader header;
if ( readHeader( &ptr, &header ) ) {
sendAckIf( storage, &header );
XP_LOGF( "%s(): got %s", __func__, msgToStr(header.cmd) );
switch( header.cmd ) {
uint32_t len;
if ( !vli2un( &ptr, &len ) ) {
XP_UCHAR devID[len+1];
getNetString( &ptr, len, devID );
XP_U16 maxInterval = getNetShort( &ptr );
XP_LOGF( "%s: maxInterval=%d", __func__, maxInterval );
(*storage->procs.devIDReceived)( storage->procsClosure, devID,
maxInterval );
case XWPDEV_MSG: {
CommsAddrRec addr = {0};
addr_addType( &addr, COMMS_CONN_RELAY );
(*storage->procs.msgReceived)( storage->procsClosure, &addr,
ptr, end - ptr );
(*storage->procs.devIDReceived)( storage->procsClosure, NULL, 0 );
(*storage->procs.msgNoticeReceived)( storage->procsClosure );
#ifdef DEBUG
XP_U32 unavail = getNetLong( &ptr );
XP_LOGF( "%s: unavail = %u", __func__, unavail );
uint32_t len;
if ( !vli2un( &ptr, &len ) ) {
XP_UCHAR buf[len+1];
getNetString( &ptr, len, buf );
(*storage->procs.msgErrorMsg)( storage->procsClosure, buf );
case XWPDEV_ACK: {
uint32_t packetID;
if ( !vli2un( &ptr, &packetID ) ) {
assert( 0 );
XP_USE( packetID );
XP_LOGF( "%s(): got ack for packetID %d", __func__, packetID );
uint32_t len;
if ( !vli2un( &ptr, &len ) ) {
XP_UCHAR buf[len + 1];
getNetString( &ptr, len, buf );
XP_LOGF( "%s: got message: %s", __func__, buf );
XP_LOGF( "%s(): got XWPDEV_GOTINVITE", __func__ );
#ifdef DEBUG
XP_U32 sender =
getNetLong( &ptr );
XP_U16 len = getNetShort( &ptr );
XWStreamCtxt* stream = mem_stream_make( MPPARM(storage->params->mpool)
storage->params->vtMgr, storage,
stream_putBytes( stream, ptr, len );
NetLaunchInfo invit;
XP_Bool success = nli_makeFromStream( &invit, stream );
XP_LOGF( "sender: %d", sender );
stream_destroy( stream );
if ( success ) {
(*storage->procs.inviteReceived)( storage->procsClosure,
&invit );
XP_LOGF( "%s: Unexpected cmd %d", __func__, header.cmd );
} else {
XP_LOGF( "%s: error reading udp socket: %d (%s)", __func__,
errno, strerror(errno) );
return TRUE;
static gboolean
relaycon_receive( GIOChannel* source, GIOCondition XP_UNUSED_DBG(condition), gpointer data )
XP_ASSERT( 0 != (G_IO_IN & condition) ); /* FIX ME */
RelayConStorage* storage = (RelayConStorage*)data;
XP_ASSERT( !storage->params->useHTTP );
XP_U8 buf[512];
struct sockaddr_in from;
socklen_t fromlen = sizeof(from);
int socket = g_io_channel_unix_get_fd( source );
XP_LOGF( "%s: calling recvfrom on socket %d", __func__, socket );
ssize_t nRead = recvfrom( socket, buf, sizeof(buf), 0, /* flags */
(struct sockaddr*)&from, &fromlen );
gchar* b64 = g_base64_encode( (const guchar*)buf,
((0 <= nRead)? nRead : 0) );
XP_LOGF( "%s: read %zd bytes ('%s')", __func__, nRead, b64 );
g_free( b64 );
gchar* sum = g_compute_checksum_for_data( G_CHECKSUM_MD5, buf, nRead );
XP_LOGF( "%s: read %zd bytes ('%s')(sum=%s)", __func__, nRead, b64, sum );
g_free( sum );
return process( storage, buf, nRead );
relaycon_cleanup( LaunchParams* params )
RelayConStorage* storage = (RelayConStorage*)params->relayConStorage;
if ( storage->params->useHTTP ) {
pthread_mutex_lock( &storage->relayMutex );
int nRelayTasks = g_slist_length( storage->relayTaskList );
gchar* taskStrs = listTasks( storage->relayTaskList );
pthread_mutex_unlock( &storage->relayMutex );
pthread_mutex_lock( &storage->gotDataMutex );
int nDataTasks = g_slist_length( storage->gotDataTaskList );
gchar* gotStrs = listTasks( storage->gotDataTaskList );
pthread_mutex_unlock( &storage->gotDataMutex );
XP_LOGF( "%s(): sends pending: %d (%s); data tasks pending: %d (%s)", __func__,
nRelayTasks, gotStrs, nDataTasks, taskStrs );
g_free( gotStrs );
g_free( taskStrs );
XP_FREEP( params->mpool, &params->relayConStorage );
static RelayConStorage*
getStorage( LaunchParams* params )
XP_ASSERT( params->useUdp );
RelayConStorage* storage = (RelayConStorage*)params->relayConStorage;
if ( NULL == storage ) {
storage = XP_CALLOC( params->mpool, sizeof(*storage) );
storage->socket = -1;
params->relayConStorage = storage;
return storage;
static XP_U32
hostNameToIP( const XP_UCHAR* name )
XP_U32 ip;
struct hostent* host;
XP_LOGF( "%s: looking up %s", __func__, name );
host = gethostbyname( name );
if ( NULL == host ) {
XP_WARNF( "gethostbyname returned NULL\n" );
} else {
XP_MEMCPY( &ip, host->h_addr_list[0], sizeof(ip) );
ip = ntohl(ip);
XP_LOGF( "%s found %x for %s", __func__, ip, name );
return ip;
static void
onGotJoinData( RelayTask* task )
RelayConStorage* storage = task->storage;
XP_ASSERT( onMainThread(storage) );
if ( !!task->ws.ptr ) {
XP_LOGF( "%s(): got json? %s", __func__, task->ws.ptr );
json_object* reply = json_tokener_parse( task->ws.ptr );
json_object* jConnname = NULL;
json_object* jHID = NULL;
if ( json_object_object_get_ex( reply, "connname", &jConnname )
&& json_object_object_get_ex( reply, "hid", &jHID ) ) {
const char* connname = json_object_get_string( jConnname );
XWHostID hid = json_object_get_int( jHID );
(*task->u.join.proc)( task->u.join.closure, connname, hid );
json_object_put( jConnname );
json_object_put( jHID );
freeRelayTask( task );
static gboolean
onGotPostData( RelayTask* task )
RelayConStorage* storage = task->storage;
/* Now pull any data from the reply */
// got "{"status": "ok", "dataLen": 14, "data": "AYQDiDAyMUEzQ0MyADw=", "err": "none"}"
if ( !!task->ws.ptr ) {
json_object* reply = json_tokener_parse( task->ws.ptr );
json_object* replyData;
if ( json_object_object_get_ex( reply, "data", &replyData ) && !!replyData ) {
const int len = json_object_array_length(replyData);
for ( int ii = 0; ii < len; ++ii ) {
json_object* datum = json_object_array_get_idx( replyData, ii );
const char* str = json_object_get_string( datum );
gsize out_len;
guchar* buf = g_base64_decode( (const gchar*)str, &out_len );
process( storage, buf, out_len );
g_free( buf );
(void)json_object_put( replyData );
(void)json_object_put( reply );
g_free( task->u.post.msgbuf );
freeRelayTask( task );
return FALSE;
static void
handleJoin( RelayTask* task )
runWitCurl( task, "join",
"devID", json_object_new_string( task->u.join.devID ),
"room", json_object_new_string( task->u.join.room ),
"seed", json_object_new_int( task->u.join.seed ),
"lang", json_object_new_int( task->u.join.lang ),
"nInGame", json_object_new_int( task->u.join.nTotal ),
"nHere", json_object_new_int( task->u.join.nHere ),
addToGotData( task );
static void
handlePost( RelayTask* task )
XP_LOGF( "%s(task.post.len=%d)", __func__, task->u.post.len );
XP_ASSERT( !onMainThread(task->storage) );
char* data = g_base64_encode( task->u.post.msgbuf, task->u.post.len );
struct json_object* jobj = json_object_new_object();
struct json_object* jstr = json_object_new_string(data);
g_free( data );
json_object_object_add( jobj, "data", jstr );
json_object* jTimeout = json_object_new_double( task->u.post.timeoutSecs );
runWitCurl( task, "post", "params", jobj, "timeoutSecs", jTimeout, NULL );
// Put the data on the main thread for processing
addToGotData( task );
} /* handlePost */
static ssize_t
post( RelayConStorage* storage, const XP_U8* msgbuf, XP_U16 len, float timeout )
XP_LOGF( "%s(len=%d)", __func__, len );
RelayTask* task = makeRelayTask( storage, POST );
task->u.post.msgbuf = g_malloc(len);
task->u.post.timeoutSecs = timeout;
XP_MEMCPY( task->u.post.msgbuf, msgbuf, len );
task->u.post.len = len;
addTask( storage, task );
return len;
static gboolean
onGotQueryData( RelayTask* task )
RelayConStorage* storage = task->storage;
XP_Bool foundAny = false;
if ( !!task->ws.ptr ) {
json_object* reply = json_tokener_parse( task->ws.ptr );
if ( !!reply ) {
CommsAddrRec addr = {0};
addr_addType( &addr, COMMS_CONN_RELAY );
/* Currently there's an array of arrays for each relayID (value) */
json_object_object_foreach(reply, relayID, arrOfArrOfMoves) {
int len1 = json_object_array_length( arrOfArrOfMoves );
if ( len1 > 0 ) {
sqlite3_int64 rowid = *(sqlite3_int64*)g_hash_table_lookup( task->u.query.map, relayID );
for ( int ii = 0; ii < len1; ++ii ) {
json_object* forGameArray = json_object_array_get_idx( arrOfArrOfMoves, ii );
int len2 = json_object_array_length( forGameArray );
for ( int jj = 0; jj < len2; ++jj ) {
json_object* oneMove = json_object_array_get_idx( forGameArray, jj );
const char* asStr = json_object_get_string( oneMove );
gsize out_len;
guchar* buf = g_base64_decode( asStr, &out_len );
(*storage->procs.msgForRow)( storage->procsClosure, &addr,
rowid, buf, out_len );
foundAny = XP_TRUE;
json_object_put( reply );
if ( foundAny ) {
/* Reschedule. If we got anything this time, check again sooner! */
reset_schedule_check_interval( storage );
schedule_next_check( storage );
g_hash_table_destroy( task->u.query.map );
return FALSE;
static void
handleQuery( RelayTask* task )
XP_ASSERT( !onMainThread(task->storage) );
if ( g_hash_table_size( task->u.query.map ) > 0 ) {
GList* ids = g_hash_table_get_keys( task->u.query.map );
json_object* jIds = json_object_new_array();
for ( GList* iter = ids; !!iter; iter = iter->next ) {
json_object* idstr = json_object_new_string( iter->data );
json_object_array_add(jIds, idstr);
g_list_free( ids );
runWitCurl( task, "query", "ids", jIds, NULL );
/* Put processing back on the main thread */
addToGotData( task );
} /* handleQuery */
static void
checkForMovesOnce( RelayConStorage* storage )
XP_ASSERT( onMainThread(storage) );
RelayTask* task = makeRelayTask( storage, QUERY );
sqlite3* dbp = storage->params->pDb;
task->u.query.map = getRelayIDsToRowsMap( dbp );
addTask( storage, task );
static gboolean
checkForMoves( gpointer user_data )
RelayConStorage* storage = (RelayConStorage*)user_data;
checkForMovesOnce( storage );
schedule_next_check( storage );
return FALSE;
static gboolean
gotDataTimer(gpointer user_data)
RelayConStorage* storage = (RelayConStorage*)user_data;
assert( onMainThread(storage) );
for ( ; ; ) {
RelayTask* task = getFromGotData( storage );
if ( !task ) {
} else {
switch ( task->typ ) {
case JOIN:
onGotJoinData( task );
case POST:
onGotPostData( task );
case QUERY:
onGotQueryData( task );
return TRUE;
static void
addToGotData( RelayTask* task )
RelayConStorage* storage = task->storage;
pthread_mutex_lock( &storage->gotDataMutex );
storage->gotDataTaskList = g_slist_append( storage->gotDataTaskList, task );
XP_LOGF( "%s(): added id %d; len now %d", __func__, task->id,
g_slist_length(storage->gotDataTaskList) );
pthread_mutex_unlock( &storage->gotDataMutex );
static RelayTask*
getFromGotData( RelayConStorage* storage )
RelayTask* task = NULL;
XP_ASSERT( onMainThread(storage) );
pthread_mutex_lock( &storage->gotDataMutex );
int len = g_slist_length( storage->gotDataTaskList );
// XP_LOGF( "%s(): before: len: %d", __func__, len );
if ( len > 0 ) {
GSList* head = storage->gotDataTaskList;
= g_slist_remove_link( storage->gotDataTaskList,
storage->gotDataTaskList );
task = head->data;
g_slist_free( head );
XP_LOGF( "%s(): got id %d!", __func__, task->id );
// XP_LOGF( "%s(): len now %d", __func__, g_slist_length(storage->gotDataTaskList) );
pthread_mutex_unlock( &storage->gotDataMutex );
return task;
static void
reset_schedule_check_interval( RelayConStorage* storage )
XP_ASSERT( onMainThread(storage) );
storage->nextMoveCheckMS = 500;
static void
schedule_next_check( RelayConStorage* storage )
XP_ASSERT( onMainThread(storage) );
XP_ASSERT( !storage->params->noHTTPAuto );
if ( !storage->params->noHTTPAuto ) {
if ( storage->moveCheckerID != 0 ) {
g_source_remove( storage->moveCheckerID );
storage->moveCheckerID = 0;
storage->nextMoveCheckMS *= 2;
if ( storage->nextMoveCheckMS > MAX_MOVE_CHECK_MS ) {
storage->nextMoveCheckMS = MAX_MOVE_CHECK_MS;
} else if ( storage->nextMoveCheckMS == 0 ) {
storage->nextMoveCheckMS = 1000;
storage->moveCheckerID = g_timeout_add( storage->nextMoveCheckMS,
checkForMoves, storage );
XP_ASSERT( storage->moveCheckerID != 0 );
static ssize_t
sendIt( RelayConStorage* storage, const XP_U8* msgbuf, XP_U16 len, float timeoutSecs )
ssize_t nSent;
if ( storage->params->useHTTP ) {
nSent = post( storage, msgbuf, len, timeoutSecs );
} else {
nSent = sendto( storage->socket, msgbuf, len, 0, /* flags */
(struct sockaddr*)&storage->saddr,
sizeof(storage->saddr) );
gchar* sum = g_compute_checksum_for_data( G_CHECKSUM_MD5, msgbuf, len );
XP_LOGF( "%s: sent %d bytes with sum %s", __func__, len, sum );
g_free( sum );
XP_LOGF( "%s()=>%zd", __func__, nSent );
return nSent;
static size_t
addVLIStr( XP_U8* buf, size_t buflen, const XP_UCHAR* str )
uint32_t len = !!str? strlen( str ) : 0;
uint8_t nbuf[5];
size_t nsize = un2vli( len, nbuf );
if ( nsize + len <= buflen ) {
memcpy( buf, nbuf, nsize );
buf += nsize;
XP_MEMCPY( buf, str, len );
return nsize + len;
static size_t
writeDevID( XP_U8* buf, size_t len, const XP_UCHAR* str )
return addVLIStr( buf, len, str );
static size_t
writeShort( XP_U8* buf, size_t len, XP_U16 shrt )
shrt = htons( shrt );
assert( sizeof( shrt ) <= len );
XP_MEMCPY( buf, &shrt, sizeof(shrt) );
return sizeof(shrt);
static size_t
writeLong( XP_U8* buf, size_t len, XP_U32 lng )
lng = htonl( lng );
assert( sizeof( lng ) <= len );
memcpy( buf, &lng, sizeof(lng) );
return sizeof(lng);
static size_t
writeBytes( XP_U8* buf, size_t len, const XP_U8* bytes, size_t nBytes )
assert( nBytes <= len );
XP_MEMCPY( buf, bytes, nBytes );
return nBytes;
static size_t
writeVLI( XP_U8* out, uint32_t nn )
uint8_t buf[5];
size_t numSiz = un2vli( nn, buf );
memcpy( out, buf, numSiz );
return numSiz;
static XP_U16
getNetShort( const XP_U8** ptr )
XP_U16 result;
memcpy( &result, *ptr, sizeof(result) );
*ptr += sizeof(result);
return ntohs( result );
static XP_U32
getNetLong( const XP_U8** ptr )
XP_U32 result;
memcpy( &result, *ptr, sizeof(result) );
*ptr += sizeof(result);
return ntohl( result );
static void
getNetString( const XP_U8** ptr, XP_U16 len, XP_UCHAR* buf )
memcpy( buf, *ptr, len );
*ptr += len;
buf[len] = '\0';
static int
writeHeader( RelayConStorage* storage, XP_U8* dest, XWRelayReg cmd )
int indx = 0;
dest[indx++] = storage->proto;
XP_LOGF( "%s: wrote proto %d", __func__, storage->proto );
uint32_t packetNum = 0;
if ( XWPDEV_ACK != cmd ) {
packetNum = storage->nextID++;
if ( XWPDEV_PROTO_VERSION_1 == storage->proto ) {
indx += writeVLI( &dest[indx], packetNum );
} else {
assert( 0 );
dest[indx++] = cmd;
return indx;
static bool
readHeader( const XP_U8** buf, MsgHeader* header )
const XP_U8* ptr = *buf;
bool ok = XWPDEV_PROTO_VERSION_1 == *ptr++;
assert( ok );
if ( !vli2un( &ptr, &header->packetID ) ) {
assert( 0 );
XP_LOGF( "%s: got packet %d", __func__, header->packetID );
header->cmd = *ptr++;
*buf = ptr;
return ok;
/* Utilities */
#define TOKEN_MULT 1000000
makeClientToken( sqlite3_int64 rowid, XP_U16 seed )
XP_ASSERT( rowid < 0x0000FFFF );
XP_U32 result = rowid;
result *= TOKEN_MULT; /* so visible when displayed as base-10 */
result += seed;
return result;
rowidFromToken( XP_U32 clientToken, sqlite3_int64* rowid, XP_U16* seed )
*rowid = clientToken / TOKEN_MULT;
*seed = clientToken % TOKEN_MULT;
static size_t
un2vli( int nn, uint8_t* buf )
int indx = 0;
bool done = false;
do {
uint8_t byt = nn & 0x7F;
nn >>= 7;
done = 0 == nn;
if ( done ) {
byt |= 0x80;
buf[indx++] = byt;
} while ( !done );
return indx;
static bool
vli2un( const uint8_t** inp, uint32_t* outp )
uint32_t result = 0;
const uint8_t* in = *inp;
const uint8_t* end = in + 5;
int count;
for ( count = 0; in < end; ++count ) {
unsigned int byt = *in++;
bool done = 0 != (byt & 0x80);
if ( done ) {
byt &= 0x7F;
result |= byt << (7 * count);
if ( done ) {
bool success = in < end;
if ( success ) {
*inp = in;
*outp = result;
return success;
#ifdef DEBUG
static const char*
msgToStr( XWRelayReg msg )
const char* str;
# define CASE_STR(c) case c: str = #c; break
switch( msg ) {
CASE_STR(XWPDEV_ALERT); // should not receive this....
str = "<unknown>";
# undef CASE_STR
return str;