mirror of
synced 2025-02-13 20:48:02 +01:00
![Eric House](/assets/img/avatar_default.png)
manage a single connection to the relay for all of its games. Works so far to the extent that the game's playable with all boards on the same device (with checkins about to come) as long as all boards are open. (Client doesn't handle opening closed games yet.)
880 lines
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880 lines
27 KiB
/* -*- compile-command: "make -k -j3"; -*- */
* Copyright 2010-2012 by Eric House (xwords@eehouse.org). All rights
* reserved.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include "dbmgr.h"
#include "mlock.h"
#include "configs.h"
#include "xwrelay_priv.h"
#define GAMES_TABLE "games"
#define MSGS_TABLE "msgs"
#define DEVICES_TABLE "devices"
#define ARRAYSUM "sum_array(nPerDevice)"
static DBMgr* s_instance = NULL;
#define DELIM "\1"
static void formatParams( char* paramValues[], int nParams, const char* fmt,
char* buf, int bufLen, ... );
static int here_less_seed( const char* seeds, int perDeviceSum,
unsigned short seed );
static void destr_function( void* conn );
/* static */ DBMgr*
if ( s_instance == NULL ) {
s_instance = new DBMgr();
return s_instance;
} /* Get */
logf( XW_LOGINFO, "%s called", __func__ );
pthread_key_create( &m_conn_key, destr_function );
/* Now figure out what the largest cid currently is. There must be a way
to get postgres to do this for me.... */
/* const char* query = "SELECT cid FROM games ORDER BY cid DESC LIMIT 1"; */
/* PGresult* result = PQexec( m_pgconn, query ); */
/* if ( 0 == PQntuples( result ) ) { */
/* m_nextCID = 1; */
/* } else { */
/* char* value = PQgetvalue( result, 0, 0 ); */
/* m_nextCID = 1 + atoi( value ); */
/* } */
/* PQclear(result); */
/* logf( XW_LOGINFO, "%s: m_nextCID=%d", __func__, m_nextCID ); */
// I've seen rand returning the same series several times....
srand( time( NULL ) );
assert( s_instance == this );
s_instance = NULL;
int err = pthread_key_delete( m_conn_key );
logf( XW_LOGINFO, "%s: pthread_key_delete=>%d", __func__, err );
DBMgr::AddNew( const char* cookie, const char* connName, CookieID cid,
int langCode, int nPlayersT, bool isPublic )
if ( !cookie ) cookie = "";
if ( !connName ) connName = "";
const char* command = "INSERT INTO " GAMES_TABLE
" (cid, room, connName, nTotal, lang, pub)"
" VALUES( $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6 )";
int nParams = 6;
char* paramValues[nParams];
char buf[512];
formatParams( paramValues, nParams,
buf, sizeof(buf), cid, cookie, connName, nPlayersT,
langCode, isPublic?"TRUE":"FALSE" );
PGresult* result = PQexecParams( getThreadConn(), command,
nParams, NULL,
NULL, NULL, 0 );
if ( PGRES_COMMAND_OK != PQresultStatus(result) ) {
logf( XW_LOGERROR, "PQexec=>%s;%s", PQresStatus(PQresultStatus(result)),
PQresultErrorMessage(result) );
PQclear( result );
DBMgr::FindGame( const char* connName, char* cookieBuf, int bufLen,
int* langP, int* nPlayersTP, int* nPlayersHP, bool* isDead )
CookieID cid = 0;
const char* fmt = "SELECT cid, room, lang, nTotal, nPerDevice, dead FROM "
GAMES_TABLE " WHERE connName = '%s'"
" LIMIT 1";
string query;
string_printf( query, fmt, connName );
logf( XW_LOGINFO, "query: %s", query.c_str() );
PGresult* result = PQexec( getThreadConn(), query.c_str() );
if ( 1 == PQntuples( result ) ) {
cid = atoi( PQgetvalue( result, 0, 0 ) );
snprintf( cookieBuf, bufLen, "%s", PQgetvalue( result, 0, 1 ) );
*langP = atoi( PQgetvalue( result, 0, 2 ) );
*nPlayersTP = atoi( PQgetvalue( result, 0, 3 ) );
*nPlayersHP = atoi( PQgetvalue( result, 0, 4 ) );
*isDead = 't' == PQgetvalue( result, 0, 5 )[0];
PQclear( result );
logf( XW_LOGINFO, "%s(%s)=>%d", __func__, connName, cid );
return cid;
} /* FindGame */
DBMgr::SeenSeed( const char* cookie, unsigned short seed,
int langCode, int nPlayersT, bool wantsPublic,
char* connNameBuf, int bufLen, int* nPlayersHP,
CookieID* cid )
int nParams = 5;
char* paramValues[nParams];
char buf[512];
formatParams( paramValues, nParams,
"%s"DELIM"%d"DELIM"%d"DELIM"%d"DELIM"%s", buf, sizeof(buf),
cookie, langCode, nPlayersT, seed,
wantsPublic?"TRUE":"FALSE" );
const char* cmd = "SELECT cid, connName, seeds, sum_array(nPerDevice) FROM "
" WHERE NOT dead"
" AND room ILIKE $1"
" AND lang = $2"
" AND nTotal = $3"
" AND $4 = ANY(seeds)"
" AND $5 = pub"
" ORDER BY ctime DESC"
" LIMIT 1";
PGresult* result = PQexecParams( getThreadConn(), cmd,
nParams, NULL,
NULL, NULL, 0 );
bool found = 1 == PQntuples( result );
if ( found ) {
*cid = atoi( PQgetvalue( result, 0, 0 ) );
*nPlayersHP = here_less_seed( PQgetvalue( result, 0, 2 ),
atoi( PQgetvalue( result, 0, 3 ) ),
seed );
snprintf( connNameBuf, bufLen, "%s", PQgetvalue( result, 0, 1 ) );
PQclear( result );
logf( XW_LOGINFO, "%s(%4X)=>%s", __func__, seed, found?"true":"false" );
return found;
DBMgr::FindOpen( const char* cookie, int lang, int nPlayersT, int nPlayersH,
bool wantsPublic, char* connNameBuf, int bufLen,
int* nPlayersHP )
CookieID cid = 0;
int nParams = 5;
char* paramValues[nParams];
char buf[512];
formatParams( paramValues, nParams,
"%s"DELIM"%d"DELIM"%d"DELIM"%d"DELIM"%s", buf, sizeof(buf),
cookie, lang, nPlayersT, nPlayersH, wantsPublic?"TRUE":"FALSE" );
/* NOTE: ILIKE, for case-insensitive comparison, is a postgres extension
to SQL. */
const char* cmd = "SELECT cid, connName, sum_array(nPerDevice) FROM "
" WHERE NOT dead"
" AND room ILIKE $1"
" AND lang = $2"
" AND nTotal = $3"
" AND $4 <= nTotal-sum_array(nPerDevice)"
" AND $5 = pub"
" LIMIT 1";
PGresult* result = PQexecParams( getThreadConn(), cmd,
nParams, NULL,
NULL, NULL, 0 );
if ( 1 == PQntuples( result ) ) {
cid = atoi( PQgetvalue( result, 0, 0 ) );
snprintf( connNameBuf, bufLen, "%s", PQgetvalue( result, 0, 1 ) );
*nPlayersHP = atoi( PQgetvalue( result, 0, 2 ) );
/* cid may be 0, but should use game anyway */
PQclear( result );
logf( XW_LOGINFO, "%s=>%d", __func__, cid );
return cid;
} /* FindOpen */
DBMgr::AllDevsAckd( const char* const connName )
const char* cmd = "SELECT ntotal=sum_array(nperdevice) AND 'A'=ALL(ack) from " GAMES_TABLE
" WHERE connName='%s'";
string query;
string_printf( query, cmd, connName );
logf( XW_LOGINFO, "query: %s", query.c_str() );
PGresult* result = PQexec( getThreadConn(), query.c_str() );
int nTuples = PQntuples( result );
assert( nTuples <= 1 );
bool full = nTuples == 1 && 't' == PQgetvalue( result, 0, 0 )[0];
PQclear( result );
logf( XW_LOGINFO, "%s=>%d", __func__, full );
return full;
// Return DevIDRelay for device, adding it to devices table IFF it's not
// already there.
DBMgr::RegisterDevice( const DevID* host )
DevIDRelay devID;
assert( host->m_devIDType != ID_TYPE_NONE );
int ii;
bool success;
// if it's already present, just return
devID = getDevID( host );
// If it's not present *and* of type ID_TYPE_RELAY, we can do nothing.
// Otherwise proceed.
if ( DEVID_NONE == devID && ID_TYPE_RELAY < host->m_devIDType ) {
// loop until we're successful inserting the unique key. Ship with this
// coming from random, but test with increasing values initially to make
// sure duplicates are detected.
for ( success = false, ii = 0; !success; ++ii ) {
assert( 10 > ii ); // better to check that we're looping BECAUSE
// of uniqueness problem.
devID = (DevIDRelay)random();
if ( DEVID_NONE == devID ) {
const char* command = "INSERT INTO " DEVICES_TABLE
" (id, devType, devid)"
" VALUES( $1, $2, $3 )";
int nParams = 3;
char* paramValues[nParams];
char buf[512];
formatParams( paramValues, nParams,
buf, sizeof(buf), devID, host->m_devIDType,
host->m_devIDString.c_str() );
PGresult* result = PQexecParams( getThreadConn(), command,
nParams, NULL,
NULL, NULL, 0 );
success = PGRES_COMMAND_OK == PQresultStatus(result);
if ( !success ) {
logf( XW_LOGERROR, "PQexec=>%s;%s", PQresStatus(PQresultStatus(result)),
PQresultErrorMessage(result) );
PQclear( result );
return devID;
DBMgr::AddDevice( const char* connName, HostID curID, int clientVersion,
int nToAdd, unsigned short seed, const AddrInfo* addr,
DevIDRelay devID, bool ackd )
HostID newID = curID;
if ( newID == HOST_ID_NONE ) {
int arr[4] = {0};
readArray( connName, arr );
for ( newID = HOST_ID_SERVER; newID <= 4; ++newID ) {
if ( arr[newID-1] == 0 ) {
assert( newID <= 4 );
string devIDBuf;
if ( DEVID_NONE != devID ) {
string_printf( devIDBuf, "devids[%d] = %d, ", newID, devID );
} else {
assert( 0 == strlen(devIDBuf.c_str()) );
const char* fmt = "UPDATE " GAMES_TABLE " SET nPerDevice[%d] = %d,"
" clntVers[%d] = %d,"
" seeds[%d] = %d, addrs[%d] = \'%s\', %s"
" tokens[%d] = %d, mtimes[%d]='now', ack[%d]=\'%c\'"
" WHERE connName = '%s'";
string query;
char* ntoa = inet_ntoa( addr->sin_addr() );
string_printf( query, fmt, newID, nToAdd, newID, clientVersion,
newID, seed, newID, ntoa, devIDBuf.c_str(),
newID, addr->clientToken(), newID, newID, ackd?'A':'a',
connName );
logf( XW_LOGINFO, "%s: query: %s", __func__, query.c_str() );
execSql( query );
return newID;
} /* AddDevice */
DBMgr::NoteAckd( const char* const connName, HostID id )
const char* fmt = "UPDATE " GAMES_TABLE " SET ack[%d]='A'"
" WHERE connName = '%s'";
string query;
string_printf( query, fmt, id, connName );
logf( XW_LOGINFO, "%s: query: %s", __func__, query.c_str() );
execSql( query );
DBMgr::RmDeviceByHid( const char* connName, HostID hid )
const char* fmt = "UPDATE " GAMES_TABLE " SET nPerDevice[%d] = 0, "
"seeds[%d] = 0, ack[%d]='-', mtimes[%d]='now' WHERE connName = '%s'";
string query;
string_printf( query, fmt, hid, hid, hid, hid, connName );
logf( XW_LOGINFO, "%s: query: %s", __func__, query.c_str() );
return execSql( query );
DBMgr::HIDForSeed( const char* const connName, unsigned short seed )
HostID hid = HOST_ID_NONE;
char seeds[128] = {0};
const char* fmt = "SELECT seeds FROM " GAMES_TABLE
" WHERE connName = '%s'"
" AND %d = ANY(seeds)";
string query;
string_printf( query, fmt, connName, seed );
logf( XW_LOGINFO, "%s: query: %s", __func__, query.c_str() );
PGresult* result = PQexec( getThreadConn(), query.c_str() );
if ( 1 == PQntuples( result ) ) {
snprintf( seeds, sizeof(seeds), "%s", PQgetvalue( result, 0, 0 ) );
PQclear( result );
if ( 0 != seeds[0] ) {
char *saveptr = NULL;
int ii;
char* str;
for ( str = seeds, ii = 0; ; str = NULL, ++ii ) {
char* tok = strtok_r( str, "{},", &saveptr );
if ( NULL == tok ) {
} else {
int asint = atoi( tok );
if ( asint == seed ) {
hid = ii + 1;
} else {
assert(0); /* but don't ship with this!!!! */
return hid;
DBMgr::RmDeviceBySeed( const char* const connName, unsigned short seed )
HostID hid = HIDForSeed( connName, seed );
if ( hid != HOST_ID_NONE ) {
RmDeviceByHid( connName, hid );
} /* RmDeviceSeed */
DBMgr::HaveDevice( const char* connName, HostID hid, int seed )
bool found = false;
const char* fmt = "SELECT * from " GAMES_TABLE
" WHERE connName = '%s' AND seeds[%d] = %d";
string query;
string_printf( query, fmt, connName, hid, seed );
logf( XW_LOGINFO, "%s: query: %s", __func__, query.c_str() );
PGresult* result = PQexec( getThreadConn(), query.c_str() );
found = 1 == PQntuples( result );
PQclear( result );
return found;
DBMgr::AddCID( const char* const connName, CookieID cid )
const char* fmt = "UPDATE " GAMES_TABLE " SET cid = %d "
" WHERE connName = '%s' AND cid IS NULL";
string query;
string_printf( query, fmt, cid, connName );
logf( XW_LOGINFO, "%s: query: %s", __func__, query.c_str() );
bool result = execSql( query );
logf( XW_LOGINFO, "%s(cid=%d)=>%d", __func__, cid, result );
return result;
DBMgr::ClearCID( const char* connName )
const char* fmt = "UPDATE " GAMES_TABLE " SET cid = null "
"WHERE connName = '%s'";
string query;
string_printf( query, fmt, connName );
logf( XW_LOGINFO, "%s: query: %s", __func__, query.c_str() );
execSql( query );
DBMgr::RecordSent( const char* const connName, HostID hid, int nBytes )
assert( hid >= 0 && hid <= 4 );
const char* fmt = "UPDATE " GAMES_TABLE " SET"
" nsent = nsent + %d, mtimes[%d] = 'now'"
" WHERE connName = '%s'";
string query;
string_printf( query, fmt, nBytes, hid, connName );
logf( XW_LOGINFO, "%s: query: %s", __func__, query.c_str() );
execSql( query );
DBMgr::RecordSent( const int* msgIDs, int nMsgIDs )
if ( nMsgIDs > 0 ) {
string query( "SELECT connname,hid,sum(msglen)"
for ( int ii = 0; ; ) {
string_printf( query, "%d", msgIDs[ii] );
if ( ++ii == nMsgIDs ) {
} else {
query.append( "," );
query.append( ") GROUP BY connname,hid" );
PGresult* result = PQexec( getThreadConn(), query.c_str() );
if ( PGRES_TUPLES_OK == PQresultStatus( result ) ) {
int ntuples = PQntuples( result );
for ( int ii = 0; ii < ntuples; ++ii ) {
RecordSent( PQgetvalue( result, ii, 0 ),
atoi( PQgetvalue( result, ii, 1 ) ),
atoi( PQgetvalue( result, ii, 2 ) ) );
PQclear( result );
DBMgr::RecordAddress( const char* const connName, HostID hid,
const AddrInfo* addr )
assert( hid >= 0 && hid <= 4 );
const char* fmt = "UPDATE " GAMES_TABLE " SET addrs[%d] = \'%s\'"
" WHERE connName = '%s'";
string query;
char* ntoa = inet_ntoa( addr->sin_addr() );
string_printf( query, fmt, hid, ntoa, connName );
logf( XW_LOGVERBOSE0, "%s: query: %s", __func__, query.c_str() );
execSql( query );
DBMgr::GetPlayerCounts( const char* const connName, int* nTotal, int* nHere )
const char* fmt = "SELECT ntotal, sum_array(nperdevice) FROM " GAMES_TABLE
" WHERE connName = '%s'";
string query;
string_printf( query, fmt, connName );
logf( XW_LOGINFO, "%s: query: %s", __func__, query.c_str() );
PGresult* result = PQexec( getThreadConn(), query.c_str() );
assert( 1 == PQntuples( result ) );
*nTotal = atoi( PQgetvalue( result, 0, 0 ) );
*nHere = atoi( PQgetvalue( result, 0, 1 ) );
PQclear( result );
DBMgr::KillGame( const char* const connName, int hid )
const char* fmt = "UPDATE " GAMES_TABLE " SET dead = TRUE,"
" nperdevice[%d] = - nperdevice[%d]"
" WHERE connName = '%s'";
string query;
string_printf( query, fmt, hid, hid, connName );
execSql( query );
DBMgr::ClearCIDs( void )
execSql( "UPDATE " GAMES_TABLE " set cid = null" );
DBMgr::PublicRooms( int lang, int nPlayers, int* nNames, string& names )
const char* fmt = "SELECT room, nTotal-sum_array(nPerDevice),"
" round( extract( epoch from age('now', ctime)))"
" WHERE NOT dead"
" AND pub = TRUE"
" AND lang = %d"
" AND nTotal>sum_array(nPerDevice)"
" AND nTotal = %d";
string query;
string_printf( query, fmt, lang, nPlayers );
logf( XW_LOGINFO, "%s: query: %s", __func__, query.c_str() );
PGresult* result = PQexec( getThreadConn(), query.c_str() );
int nTuples = PQntuples( result );
for ( int ii = 0; ii < nTuples; ++ii ) {
names.append( PQgetvalue( result, ii, 0 ) );
names.append( "/" );
names.append( PQgetvalue( result, ii, 1 ) );
names.append( "/" );
names.append( PQgetvalue( result, ii, 2 ) );
names.append( "\n" );
PQclear( result );
*nNames = nTuples;
DBMgr::PendingMsgCount( const char* connName, int hid )
int count = 0;
const char* fmt = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " MSGS_TABLE
" WHERE connName = '%s' AND hid = %d "
"AND stime IS NULL"
string query;
string_printf( query, fmt, connName, hid );
logf( XW_LOGVERBOSE0, "%s: query: %s", __func__, query.c_str() );
PGresult* result = PQexec( getThreadConn(), query.c_str() );
if ( 1 == PQntuples( result ) ) {
count = atoi( PQgetvalue( result, 0, 0 ) );
PQclear( result );
return count;
DBMgr::execSql( const string& query )
return execSql( query.c_str() );
DBMgr::execSql( const char* const query )
PGresult* result = PQexec( getThreadConn(), query );
bool ok = PGRES_COMMAND_OK == PQresultStatus(result);
if ( !ok ) {
logf( XW_LOGERROR, "PQexec=>%s;%s", PQresStatus(PQresultStatus(result)), PQresultErrorMessage(result) );
PQclear( result );
return ok;
DBMgr::readArray( const char* const connName, int arr[] ) /* len 4 */
const char* fmt = "SELECT nPerDevice FROM " GAMES_TABLE " WHERE connName='%s'";
string query;
string_printf( query, fmt, connName );
logf( XW_LOGINFO, "%s: query: %s", __func__, query.c_str() );
PGresult* result = PQexec( getThreadConn(), query.c_str() );
assert( 1 == PQntuples( result ) );
const char* arrStr = PQgetvalue( result, 0, 0 );
sscanf( arrStr, "{%d,%d,%d,%d}", &arr[0], &arr[1], &arr[2], &arr[3] );
PQclear( result );
DBMgr::getDevID( const char* connName, int hid )
DevIDRelay devID;
const char* fmt = "SELECT devids[%d] FROM " GAMES_TABLE " WHERE connName='%s'";
string query;
string_printf( query, fmt, hid, connName );
logf( XW_LOGINFO, "%s: query: %s", __func__, query.c_str() );
PGresult* result = PQexec( getThreadConn(), query.c_str() );
assert( 1 == PQntuples( result ) );
devID = (DevIDRelay)strtoul( PQgetvalue( result, 0, 0 ), NULL, 10 );
PQclear( result );
return devID;
DBMgr::getDevID( const DevID* devID )
DevIDType devIDType = devID->m_devIDType;
string query;
assert( ID_TYPE_NONE < devIDType );
if ( ID_TYPE_RELAY == devIDType ) {
// confirm it's there
DevIDRelay cur = devID->asRelayID();
if ( DEVID_NONE != cur ) {
const char* fmt = "SELECT id FROM " DEVICES_TABLE " WHERE id=%d";
string_printf( query, fmt, cur );
} else {
const char* fmt = "SELECT id FROM " DEVICES_TABLE " WHERE devtype=%d and devid = '%s'";
string_printf( query, fmt, devIDType, devID->m_devIDString.c_str() );
if ( 0 < query.size() ) {
logf( XW_LOGINFO, "%s: query: %s", __func__, query.c_str() );
PGresult* result = PQexec( getThreadConn(), query.c_str() );
assert( 1 >= PQntuples( result ) );
if ( 1 == PQntuples( result ) ) {
rDevID = (DevIDRelay)strtoul( PQgetvalue( result, 0, 0 ), NULL, 10 );
PQclear( result );
return rDevID;
id | connname | hid | msg
1 | abcd:1234 | 2 | xyzzx
2 | abcd:1234 | 2 | xyzzxxx
3 | abcd:1234 | 3 | xyzzxxx
DBMgr::CountStoredMessages( const char* const connName, int hid )
const char* fmt = "SELECT count(*) FROM " MSGS_TABLE
" WHERE connname = '%s' "
"AND stime IS NULL"
string query;
string_printf( query, fmt, connName );
if ( hid != -1 ) {
string_printf( query, "AND hid = %d", hid );
PGresult* result = PQexec( getThreadConn(), query.c_str() );
assert( 1 == PQntuples( result ) );
int count = atoi( PQgetvalue( result, 0, 0 ) );
PQclear( result );
return count;
DBMgr::CountStoredMessages( const char* const connName )
return CountStoredMessages( connName, -1 );
} /* CountStoredMessages */
DBMgr::StoreMessage( const char* const connName, int hid,
const unsigned char* buf, int len )
DevIDRelay devID = getDevID( connName, hid );
size_t newLen;
const char* fmt = "INSERT INTO " MSGS_TABLE
" (connname, hid, devid, msg, msglen)"
" VALUES( '%s', %d, %d, E'%s', %d)";
unsigned char* bytes = PQescapeByteaConn( getThreadConn(), buf,
len, &newLen );
assert( NULL != bytes );
string query;
string_printf( query, fmt, connName, hid, devID, bytes, len );
PQfreemem( bytes );
logf( XW_LOGINFO, "%s: query: %s", __func__, query.c_str() );
execSql( query );
DBMgr::GetNthStoredMessage( const char* const connName, int hid, int nn,
unsigned char* buf, size_t* buflen, int* msgID )
const char* fmt = "SELECT id, msg, msglen FROM " MSGS_TABLE
" WHERE connName = '%s' AND hid = %d "
"AND stime IS NULL "
string query;
string_printf( query, fmt, connName, hid, nn );
logf( XW_LOGINFO, "%s: query: %s", __func__, query.c_str() );
PGresult* result = PQexec( getThreadConn(), query.c_str() );
int nTuples = PQntuples( result );
assert( nTuples <= 1 );
bool found = nTuples == 1;
if ( found ) {
if ( NULL != msgID ) {
*msgID = atoi( PQgetvalue( result, 0, 0 ) );
size_t msglen = atoi( PQgetvalue( result, 0, 2 ) );
/* int len = PQgetlength( result, 0, 1 ); */
const unsigned char* from =
(const unsigned char* )PQgetvalue( result, 0, 1 );
size_t to_length;
unsigned char* bytes = PQunescapeBytea( from, &to_length );
assert( to_length <= *buflen );
memcpy( buf, bytes, to_length );
PQfreemem( bytes );
*buflen = to_length;
assert( 0 == msglen || to_length == msglen );
PQclear( result );
return found;
DBMgr::GetStoredMessage( const char* const connName, int hid,
unsigned char* buf, size_t* buflen, int* msgID )
return GetNthStoredMessage( connName, hid, 0, buf, buflen, msgID );
DBMgr::RemoveStoredMessages( const int* msgIDs, int nMsgIDs )
if ( nMsgIDs > 0 ) {
string ids;
size_t len = 0;
int ii;
for ( ii = 0; ; ) {
string_printf( ids, "%d", msgIDs[ii] );
assert( len < sizeof(ids) );
if ( ++ii == nMsgIDs ) {
} else {
ids.append( "," );
const char* fmt =
"UPDATE " MSGS_TABLE " SET stime='now' "
" WHERE id IN (%s)";
string query;
string_printf( query, fmt, ids.c_str() );
logf( XW_LOGINFO, "%s: query: %s", __func__, query.c_str() );
execSql( query );
static void
formatParams( char* paramValues[], int nParams, const char* fmt, char* buf,
int bufLen, ... )
va_list ap;
va_start( ap, bufLen );
int len = vsnprintf( buf, bufLen, fmt, ap );
assert( buf[len] == '\0' );
int pnum;
char* ptr = buf;
for ( pnum = 0; pnum < nParams; ++pnum ) {
paramValues[pnum] = ptr;
for ( ; *ptr != '\0' && *ptr != DELIM[0]; ++ptr ) {
// do nothing
assert( ptr < &buf[bufLen] );
// we've found an end
*ptr = '\0';
static int
here_less_seed( const char* seeds, int sumPerDevice, unsigned short seed )
logf( XW_LOGINFO, "%s: find %x(%d) in \"%s\", sub from \"%d\"", __func__,
seed, seed, seeds, sumPerDevice );
return sumPerDevice - 1; /* FIXME */
static void
destr_function( void* conn )
logf( XW_LOGINFO, "%s()", __func__ );
PGconn* pgconn = (PGconn*)conn;
PQfinish( pgconn );
DBMgr::getThreadConn( void )
PGconn* conn = (PGconn*)pthread_getspecific( m_conn_key );
if ( NULL == conn ) {
char buf[128];
int len = snprintf( buf, sizeof(buf), "dbname = " );
if ( !RelayConfigs::GetConfigs()->
GetValueFor( "DB_NAME", &buf[len], sizeof(buf)-len ) ) {
assert( 0 );
conn = PQconnectdb( buf );
pthread_setspecific( m_conn_key, conn );
return conn;