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synced 2025-02-01 19:57:11 +01:00
258 lines
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Executable file
258 lines
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Executable file
# Meant to be run on the server that's hosting the relay, loops,
# checking the relay for new messages whose target devices have GCM
# ids and sending GCM notifications to them.
# Depends on the gcm module
import getpass, sys, psycopg2, time, signal, shelve, json, urllib2
from time import gmtime, strftime
from os import path
# I'm not checking my key in...
import mykey
# Backoff strategy
# A message is considered in need of delivery as long as its in the
# msgs table, and the expected behavior is that as soon as a device
# receives a GCM notification it fetches all messages so that they're
# deleted. But when a device is offline we don't get any errors, so
# while a message remains in that table we need to be sure we don't
# ask GCM to contact the device too often.
# But it's devices we contact, not messages. A device is in the
# contact list if it is the target of at least one message in the msgs
# table.
k_shelfFile = path.splitext( path.basename( sys.argv[0]) )[0] + ".shelf"
g_con = None
g_sent = None
g_debug = False
g_skipSend = False # for debugging
g_columns = [ 'id', 'devid', 'connname', 'hid', 'msg64' ]
DEVTYPE_GCM = 3 # 3 == GCM
def init():
global g_sent
con = psycopg2.connect(database='xwgames', user=getpass.getuser())
except psycopg2.DatabaseError, e:
print 'Error %s' % e
shelf = shelve.open( k_shelfFile )
if k_SENT in shelf: g_sent = shelf[k_SENT]
else: g_sent = {}
if g_debug: print 'g_sent:', g_sent
return con
def getPendingMsgs( con, typ ):
cur = con.cursor()
query = """SELECT %s FROM msgs
WHERE devid IN (SELECT id FROM devices WHERE devtype=%d and NOT unreg)
AND NOT connname IN (SELECT connname FROM games WHERE dead); """
cur.execute(query % (",".join( g_columns ), typ))
result = []
for row in cur:
rowObj = {}
for ii in range( len( g_columns ) ):
rowObj[g_columns[ii]] = row[ii]
result.append( rowObj )
if g_debug: print "getPendingMsgs=>", result
return result
def addClntVers( con, rows ):
query = """select clntVers[%s] from games where connname = '%s';"""
cur = con.cursor()
for row in rows:
cur.execute( query % (row['hid'], row['connname']))
if cur.rowcount == 1: row['clntVers'] = cur.fetchone()[0]
else: print "bad row count: ", cur.rowcount
return rows
def deleteMsgs( con, msgIDs ):
if 0 < len( msgIDs ):
query = "DELETE from msgs where id in (%s);" % ",".join(msgIDs)
cur = con.cursor()
except psycopg2.DatabaseError, e:
print 'Error %s' % e
except Exception as inst:
print "failed to execute", query
print type(inst)
print inst.args
print inst
def unregister( gcmid ):
global g_con
print "unregister(", gcmid, ")"
query = "UPDATE devices SET unreg=TRUE WHERE devid = '%s' and devtype = 3" % gcmid
g_con.cursor().execute( query )
def asGCMIds(con, devids, typ):
cur = con.cursor()
query = "SELECT devid FROM devices WHERE devtype = %d AND id IN (%s)" \
% (typ, ",".join([str(y) for y in devids]))
cur.execute( query )
return [elem[0] for elem in cur.fetchall()]
def notifyGCM( devids, typ, target ):
success = False
if typ == DEVTYPE_GCM:
if 3 <= target['clntVers'] and target['msg64']:
connname = "%s/%d" % (target['connname'], target['hid'])
data = { 'msgs64': [ target['msg64'] ],
'connname': connname,
data = { 'getMoves': True, }
values = {
'data' : data,
'registration_ids': devids,
params = json.dumps( values )
req = urllib2.Request("https://android.googleapis.com/gcm/send", params )
req.add_header( 'Content-Type' , 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8' )
req.add_header( 'Authorization' , 'key=' + mykey.myKey )
req.add_header('Content-Type', 'application/json' )
response = urllib2.urlopen( req ).read()
asJson = json.loads( response )
if 'success' in asJson and 'failure' in asJson and len(devids) == asJson['success'] and 0 == asJson['failure']:
print "OK"
success = True
print "Errors: "
print response
print "not sending to", len(devids), "devices because typ ==", typ
return success
def shouldSend(val):
return val == 1
# pow = 1
# while pow < val:
# pow *= 3
# return pow == val
# given a list of msgid, devid lists, figure out which messages should
# be sent/resent now and mark them as sent. Backoff is based on
# msgids: if the only messages a device has pending have been seen
# before, backoff applies.
def targetsAfterBackoff( msgs ):
global g_sent
targets = {}
for row in msgs:
msgid = row['id']
devid = row['devid']
if not msgid in g_sent:
g_sent[msgid] = 0
g_sent[msgid] += 1
if shouldSend( g_sent[msgid] ):
targets[devid] = row
return targets
# devids is an array of (msgid, devid) tuples
def pruneSent( devids ):
global g_sent
if g_debug: print "pruneSent: before:", g_sent
lenBefore = len(g_sent)
msgids = []
for row in devids:
for msgid in g_sent.keys():
if not msgid in msgids:
del g_sent[msgid]
if g_debug: print "pruneSent: after:", g_sent
def cleanup():
global g_con, g_sent
if g_con:
g_con = None
shelf = shelve.open( k_shelfFile )
shelf[k_SENT] = g_sent
def handleSigTERM( one, two ):
print 'handleSigTERM called: ', one, two
def usage():
print "usage:", sys.argv[0], "[--loop <nSeconds>] [--type typ] [--verbose]"
def main():
global g_con, g_sent, g_debug
loopInterval = 0
g_con = init()
emptyCount = 0
ii = 1
while ii < len(sys.argv):
arg = sys.argv[ii]
if arg == '--loop':
ii += 1
loopInterval = float(sys.argv[ii])
elif arg == '--type':
ii += 1
typ = int(sys.argv[ii])
elif arg == '--verbose':
g_debug = True
ii = ii + 1
signal.signal( signal.SIGTERM, handleSigTERM )
signal.signal( signal.SIGINT, handleSigTERM )
while g_con:
if g_debug: print
devids = getPendingMsgs( g_con, typ )
if 0 < len(devids):
devids = addClntVers( g_con, devids )
targets = targetsAfterBackoff( devids )
if 0 < len(targets):
if 0 < emptyCount: print ""
emptyCount = 0
print strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime()),
print "devices needing notification:", targets, '=>',
toDelete = []
for devid in targets.keys():
target = targets[devid]
if notifyGCM( asGCMIds(g_con, [devid], typ), typ, target ) \
and 3 <= target['clntVers'] \
and target['msg64']:
toDelete.append( str(target['id']) )
pruneSent( devids )
deleteMsgs( g_con, toDelete )
elif g_debug: print "no targets after backoff"
emptyCount += 1
if (0 == (emptyCount%5)) and not g_debug:
if 0 == (emptyCount % (LINE_LEN*5)): print ""
if 0 == loopInterval: break
time.sleep( loopInterval )
if __name__ == '__main__':