2024-02-18 19:28:29 -08:00

906 lines
34 KiB
Executable file

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import argparse, datetime, glob, json, os, random, shutil, signal, \
socket, struct, subprocess, sys, threading, time
g_ROOT_NAMES = ['Brynn', 'Ariela', 'Kati', 'Eric']
# These must correspond to what the linux app is looking for in roFromStr()
g_ROS = ['same', 'low_score_first', 'high_score_first', 'juggle',]
gDone = False
gGamesMade = 0
g_LOGFILE = None
def log(args, msg):
now = datetime.datetime.strftime(datetime.datetime.now(), '%X.%f')
msg = '{} {}'.format(now, msg)
if args.VERBOSE:
global g_LOGFILE
print(msg, file=g_LOGFILE)
def pick_ndevs(args):
RNUM = random.randint(0, 99)
if RNUM > 95 and args.MAXDEVS >= 4:
elif RNUM > 90 and args.MAXDEVS >= 3:
if NDEVS < args.MINDEVS:
return NDEVS
def makeNames(nDevs):
names = g_ROOT_NAMES[:nDevs]
for ii in range(len(names), nDevs):
newName = '{}{:02}'.format(g_ROOT_NAMES[ii%len(g_ROOT_NAMES)], ii//len(g_ROOT_NAMES))
names += [newName]
return names
def chooseNames(nPlayers):
global g_NAMES
players = g_NAMES[:]
result = []
for ii in range(nPlayers):
indx = random.randint(0, len(players)-1)
return result
class GameInfo():
def __init__(self, device, gid, rematchLevel):
self.device = device
self.gid = gid
self.state = {}
assert isinstance(rematchLevel, int)
self.rematchLevel = rematchLevel
def setGid(self, gid):
# set only once!
assert 8 == len(gid) and not self.gid
self.gid = gid
def gameOver(self):
return self.state.get('gameOver', False)
def getDevice(self): return self.device
class GuestGameInfo(GameInfo):
def __init__(self, device, gid, rematchLevel):
super().__init__(device, gid, rematchLevel)
class SoloGameInfo(GameInfo):
def __init__(self, device, nRobots=0, **kwargs):
super().__init__(device, kwargs.get('gid'), kwargs.get('rematchLevel'))
self.nRobots = nRobots # only matters for creating games, not rematching
global gGamesMade
gGamesMade += 1
class HostGameInfo(GameInfo):
def __init__(self, device, guestNames, **kwargs):
super().__init__(device, kwargs.get('gid'), kwargs.get('rematchLevel'))
self.guestNames = guestNames
self.needsInvite = kwargs.get('needsInvite', True)
self.orderedPlayers = None
global gGamesMade
gGamesMade += 1
def haveOrder(self): return self.orderedPlayers is not None
def setOrder(self, orderedPlayers): self.orderedPlayers = orderedPlayers
def __str__(self):
return 'gid: {}, guests: {}'.format(self.gid, self.guestNames)
class GameStatus():
_statuses = None
_prevLines = []
_lastChange = datetime.datetime.now()
_tileCount = 0
def __init__(self, gid):
self.gid = gid
self.players = []
self.allOver = True
self.hostPlayerName = None
self.hostName = None
self.isSolo = False
def harvest(self, dev, isSolo):
self.allOver = self.allOver and dev.gameOver(self.gid)
self.isSolo = isSolo
def sortPlayers(self):
game = Device.getHostGame(self.gid)
orderedPlayers = isinstance(game, HostGameInfo) and game.orderedPlayers
if orderedPlayers:
assert len(orderedPlayers) == len(self.players)
self.players = orderedPlayers
self.hostName = game.getDevice().host
# Build a gid->status map for each game, querying each device in
# the game for details
def makeAll():
GameStatus._tileCount = 0
statuses = {}
for dev in Device.getAll():
for game in dev._allGames():
gid = game.gid
assert 8 == len(gid)
isSolo = isinstance(game, SoloGameInfo)
if not gid in statuses: statuses[gid] = GameStatus(gid)
statuses[gid].harvest(dev, isSolo)
for status in statuses.values():
GameStatus._statuses = statuses
def summary():
now = datetime.datetime.strftime(datetime.datetime.now(), '%H:%M:%S')
count = sum([1 for one in GameStatus._statuses.values() if one.allOver])
return '{}; {} tiles; {} games; {} finished' \
.format(now, GameStatus._tileCount, len(GameStatus._statuses), count)
def numLines():
maxPlayers = 0
for status in GameStatus._statuses.values():
nPlayers = len(status.players)
if nPlayers > maxPlayers: maxPlayers = nPlayers
return maxPlayers + 1
# For all games, print the proper line of status for that game in
# exactly 8 chars
def line(indx):
results = []
for gid in sorted(GameStatus._statuses.keys()):
status = GameStatus._statuses[gid]
line = ''
if indx == 0:
line = gid
elif indx <= len(status.players) and not status.allOver:
player = status.players[indx-1]
if status.isSolo: hostMarker = 's'
elif status.hostName == player: hostMarker = '*'
else: hostMarker = ' '
initial = GameStatus._abbrev(player)
dev = Device._devs.get(player)
gameState = dev.gameFor(gid).state
if gameState:
if gameState.get('gameOver', False):
initial = initial.lower()
arg3 = gameState.get('nPending', 0)
arg3 = gameState.get('nTiles')
if arg3 > 0: GameStatus._tileCount += arg3
arg3 = 0 <= arg3 and '{: 3}'.format(arg3) or '-'.rjust(3)
line = '{}{:3}{}'.format(hostMarker, initial, arg3)
return ' '.join(results)
def _abbrev(name):
for base in g_ROOT_NAMES:
if name.startswith(base):
return name[0] + name.strip(base)
class Device():
_devs = {}
_logdir = None
_nSteps = 0
_nextChatID = 0
def setup(logdir):
Device._logdir = logdir
def __init__(self, args, host):
self.args = args
self.app = None
self.endTime = None
self.mqttDevID = None
self.smsNumber = args.WITH_SMS and '{}_phone'.format(host) or None
self.host = host
self.hostedGames = [] # array of HostGameInfo for each game I host
self.guestGames = []
self.script = '{}/{}.sh'.format(Device._logdir, host)
self.dbName = '{}/{}.db'.format(Device._logdir, host)
self.logfile = '{}/{}_log.txt'.format(Device._logdir, host)
self.cmdSocketName = '{}/{}.sock'.format(Device._logdir, host)
self._keyCur = 10000 * (1 + g_NAMES.index(host))
def init(self):
def _getApp(self):
# first time?
if not self.app:
pct = random.randint(0,99)
if pct < self.args.OLD_START_PCT:
self.app = self.args.APP_OLD
self.app = self.args.APP_NEW
# upgrade time?
elif not self.app == self.args.APP_NEW:
pct = random.randint(0,99)
if pct < self.args.UPGRADE_PCT:
self._log('upgrading app')
self.app = self.args.APP_NEW
return self.app
# called by thread proc
def _launchProc(self):
assert not self.endTime
self.endTime = datetime.datetime.now() + datetime.timedelta(seconds = 5)
args = [ self.script, '--close-stdin' ]
if not self.args.USE_GTK: args.append('--curses')
env = os.environ.copy()
env['APP'] = self._getApp()
with open( self.logfile, 'a' ) as logfile:
subprocess.run(args, env=env, stdout = subprocess.DEVNULL,
stderr = logfile, universal_newlines = True)
self._log('_launchProc() (in thread): subprocess FINISHED')
self.endTime = None
def launchIfNot(self):
if not self.endTime:
self.watcher = threading.Thread(target = Device.runnerStub, args=(self,))
self.watcher.isDaemon = True
while not self.endTime or not os.path.exists(self.cmdSocketName):
def moveOne(self):
moved = False
gids = [game.gid for game in self._allGames() if not self.gameOver(game.gid)]
for gid in gids:
tryTrade = random.randint(0, 99) < self.args.TRADE_PCT
response = self._sendWaitReply('moveIf', gid=gid, tryTrade=tryTrade)
moved = response.get('success', False)
if moved: break
return moved
def sendChat(self):
success = False
if random.randint(0, 99) < self.args.CHAT_PCT:
gids = [game.gid for game in self._allGames()]
if gids:
gid = gids[0]
response = self._sendWaitReply('sendChat', gid=gid, msg=Device.nextChatMsg())
success = response.get('success', False)
return success
def _sendWaitReply(self, cmd, **kwargs):
client = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
# print('connecting to: {}'.format(self.cmdSocketName))
key = self._nextKey()
params = [{'cmd': cmd, 'key': key, 'args': {**kwargs}}]
payload = json.dumps(params).encode()
client.send(struct.pack('!h', len(payload)))
# # Receive a response from the server
# self._log('_sendWaitReply({}): calling recv()'.format(cmd))
reslen = struct.unpack('!h', client.recv(2))[0]
response = client.recv(reslen).decode()
# self._log('_sendWaitReply({}): recv => str: {}'.format(cmd, response))
response = json.loads(response)
self._log('_sendWaitReply({}, {}): recv => {}'.format(cmd, kwargs, response))
assert 1 == len(response)
response = response[0]
assert response.get('key', 0) == key
assert response.get('cmd') == cmd
response = response.get('response')
return response
def _nextKey(self):
self._keyCur += 1
return self._keyCur
def setDevID(self):
response = self._sendWaitReply('getMQTTDevID')
mqttDevID = response and response.get('mqtt')
if mqttDevID:
self.mqttDevID = mqttDevID
printError('no mqtt or no response')
def makeGames(self):
args = self.args
for game in self.hostedGames:
isSolo = isinstance(game, SoloGameInfo)
nPlayers = 1 + (isSolo and game.nRobots or len(game.guestNames))
hostPosn = random.randint(0, nPlayers-1)
traySize = 0 == args.TRAY_SIZE and random.randint(7, 9) or args.TRAY_SIZE
boardSize = random.choice(range(args.BOARD_SIZE_MIN, args.BOARD_SIZE_MAX+1, 2))
allowSub7 = random.randint(0, 99) < self.args.SUB7_TRADES_PCT
timerSeconds = self.args.TIMER_SECS
response = self._sendWaitReply('makeGame', nPlayers=nPlayers,
hostPosn=hostPosn, dict=args.DICTS[0],
boardSize=boardSize, traySize=traySize,
isSolo=isSolo, allowSub7=allowSub7,
newGid = response.get('newGid')
if newGid:
# This is the heart of things. Do something as long as we have a
# game that needs to run.
def step(self):
# self._log('step() called for {}'.format(self))
stepped = False
for game in self.hostedGames:
if isinstance(game, HostGameInfo) and game.needsInvite:
stepped = True
if not stepped:
if not self.endTime:
elif datetime.datetime.now() > self.endTime:
elif self.sendChat():
elif self.moveOne():
# self._log('sleeping with {} to go'.format(self.endTime-now))
stepped = True
# I may be a guest or a host in this game. Rematch works either
# way. But how I figure out the other players differs.
def rematch(self, game):
gid = game.gid
rematchOrder = self.figureRematchOrder()
newGid = self._sendWaitReply('rematch', gid=gid, rematchOrder=rematchOrder) \
if newGid:
guests = Device.playersIn(gid)
self._log('rematch: new host: {}; new guest[s]: {}, gid: {}'.format(self.host, guests, newGid))
rematchLevel = game.rematchLevel - 1
assert rematchLevel >= 0 # fired
if isinstance(game, SoloGameInfo):
newGame = SoloGameInfo(self, rematchLevel=rematchLevel, gid=newGid)
newGame = HostGameInfo(self, guests, needsInvite=False, gid=newGid,
for guest in guests:
Device.getForPlayer(guest).expectInvite(newGid, rematchLevel)
def invite(self, game):
remotes = []
guestDevs = []
for ii in reversed(range(len(game.guestNames))):
guestDev = Device.getForPlayer(game.guestNames[ii])
addr = {}
if self.args.WITH_MQTT: addr['mqtt'] = guestDev.mqttDevID
if self.args.WITH_SMS: addr['sms'] = guestDev.smsNumber
remotes.append({'channel': ii+1, 'addr': addr})
response = self._sendWaitReply('invite', gid=game.gid,
if response['success']:
for guestDev in guestDevs:
guestDev.expectInvite(game.gid, game.rematchLevel)
game.needsInvite = False
def expectInvite(self, gid, rematchLevel):
self.guestGames.append(GuestGameInfo(self, gid, rematchLevel))
def figureRematchOrder(self):
ro = self.args.REMATCH_ORDER
if not ro: ro = random.choice(g_ROS)
return ro
# Return true only if all games I host are finished on all games.
# But: what about games I don't host? For now, let's make it all
# games!
def finished(self):
allGames = self._allGames()
result = 0 < len(allGames)
for game in allGames:
if not result: break
peers = Device.devsWith(game.gid)
for dev in peers:
result = dev.gameOver(game.gid)
if not result: break
# if result: self._log('finished() => {}'.format(result))
return result
def gameOver(self, gid):
result = False
"""Is the game is over for *this* device"""
gameState = self.gameFor(gid).state
if gameState:
result = gameState.get('gameOver', False) and 0 == gameState.get('nPending', 1)
# if result: self._log('gameOver({}) => {}'.format(gid, result))
return result
# this device is stalled if none of its unfinshed games has
# changed state in some interval
def stalled(self):
return False
def _allGames(self):
return self.hostedGames + self.guestGames
def haveGame(self, gid):
withGid = [game for game in self._allGames() if gid == game.gid]
return 0 < len(withGid)
def gameFor(self, gid):
for game in self._allGames():
if gid == game.gid:
return game
def rematchOrQuit(self):
if self.endTime:
gids = [game.gid for game in self._allGames() if not self.gameOver(game.gid)]
orders = []
for gid in gids:
game = Device.getHostGame(gid)
if game and not game.haveOrder():
response = self._sendWaitReply('getStates', gids=gids, orders=orders)
for order in response.get('orders', []):
gid = order.get('gid')
game = Device.getHostGame(gid)
assert isinstance(game, HostGameInfo) # firing
anyRematched = False
for obj in response.get('states', []):
game = self.gameFor(obj.get('gid'))
game.state = obj
if game.gameOver() and 0 < game.rematchLevel:
game.rematchLevel = 0 # so won't be used again
anyRematched = True
if not anyRematched:
response = self._sendWaitReply('quit')
self.watcher = None
assert not self.endTime
def quit(self):
if self.endTime:
allGames = self._allGames()
gids = [game.gid for game in allGames if not self.gameOver(game.gid)]
response = self._sendWaitReply('quit', gids=gids)
for obj in response.get('states', []):
self.gameFor(obj.get('gid')).state = obj
# wait for the thing to actually die
self.watcher = None
assert not self.endTime
def _checkScript(self):
if not os.path.exists(self.script):
scriptArgs = ['exec'] # without exec means terminate() won't work
if self.args.VALGRIND:
scriptArgs += ['valgrind']
# args += ['--leak-check=full']
# args += ['--track-origins=yes']
scriptArgs += '--db', self.dbName, '--skip-confirm'
scriptArgs += '--localName', self.host
scriptArgs += '--cmd-socket-name', self.cmdSocketName
if self.args.WITH_MQTT:
scriptArgs += [ '--mqtt-port', self.args.MQTT_PORT, '--mqtt-host', self.args.MQTT_HOST ]
if self.args.WITH_SMS:
scriptArgs += [ '--sms-number', self.smsNumber ]
scriptArgs += ['--board-size', '15', '--sort-tiles']
# useDupeMode = random.randint(0, 100) < self.args.DUP_PCT
# if not useDupeMode: scriptArgs += ['--trade-pct', self.args.TRADE_PCT]
# if self.devID: args.extend( ' '.split(self.devID))
scriptArgs += [ '$*' ]
with open( self.script, 'w' ) as fil:
fil.write('#!/bin/bash\n' )
fil.write(' '.join([str(arg) for arg in scriptArgs]) + '\n')
os.chmod(self.script, 0o755)
def printStatus(statusSteps):
Device._nSteps += 1
print('.', end='', flush=True)
if 0 == Device._nSteps % statusSteps:
lines = [GameStatus.line(ii) for ii in range(GameStatus.numLines())]
print(' ' + GameStatus.summary())
now = datetime.datetime.now()
if lines == GameStatus._prevLines:
print('no change in {}'.format(now - GameStatus._lastChange))
for line in lines: print(line)
GameStatus._prevLines = lines
GameStatus._lastChange = now
def deviceFor(args, host):
dev = Device._devs.get(host)
if not dev:
dev = Device(args, host)
Device._devs[host] = dev
return dev
def playersIn(gid):
return [dev.host for dev in Device.devsWith(gid)]
# return all devices (up to 4 of them) that are host or guest in a
# game with <gid>"""
def devsWith(gid):
result = [dev for dev in Device._devs.values() if dev.haveGame(gid)]
return result
def getAll():
return [dev for dev in Device._devs.values()]
def getForPlayer(player):
result = None
for dev in Device.getAll():
if dev.host == player:
result = dev
assert result
return result
def getHostGame(gid):
devs = Device.devsWith(gid)
for dev in devs:
game = dev.gameFor(gid)
if isinstance(game, HostGameInfo):
return game
return None
def addSoloGame(self, nRobots):
self.hostedGames \
.append(SoloGameInfo(self, nRobots,
def addGameWith(self, guests):
self.hostedGames.append(HostGameInfo(self, guests, needsInvite=True,
for guest in guests:
Device.deviceFor(self.args, guest) # in case this device never hosts
def _log(self, msg):
log(self.args, '{}: {}'.format(self.host, msg))
def __str__(self):
result = 'host: {}, devID: {}, with {} games: ' \
.format(self.host, self.mqttDevID,
result += '{' + ', '.join(['{}'.format(game) for game in self._allGames()]) + '}'
result += ' running={}'.format(self.endTime is not None)
return result
def runnerStub(self):
def nextChatMsg():
Device._nextChatID += 1
return 'Chat msg {}'.format(Device._nextChatID)
def openOnExit(args):
devs = Device.getAll()
for dev in devs:
appargs = [args.APP_NEW, '--db', dev.dbName]
if args.WITH_MQTT:
appargs += [ '--mqtt-port', args.MQTT_PORT, '--mqtt-host', args.MQTT_HOST ]
subprocess.Popen([str(arg) for arg in appargs], stdout = subprocess.DEVNULL,
stderr = subprocess.DEVNULL, universal_newlines = True)
def countCores(args):
count = 0
if args.CORE_PAT:
count = len( glob.glob(args.CORE_PAT) )
return count
def mainLoop(args, devs):
startCount = len(devs)
nCores = countCores(args)
startTime = datetime.datetime.now()
nextStallCheck = startTime + datetime.timedelta(seconds = 20)
while 0 < len(devs):
if gDone:
print('gDone set; exiting loop')
elif nCores < countCores(args):
print('core file count increased; exiting')
dev = random.choice(devs)
if dev.finished():
log(args, 'removed dev for {}; {} devs left'.format(dev.host, len(devs)))
now = datetime.datetime.now()
if devs and now > nextStallCheck:
nextStallCheck = now + datetime.timedelta(seconds = 10)
allStalled = True
for dev in devs:
if not dev.stalled():
allStalled = False
if allStalled:
log(args, 'exiting mainLoop with {} left (of {}) because all stalled' \
.format(len(devs), startCount))
if False and endTime < datetime.datetime.now():
log(args, 'exiting mainLoop with {} left (of {}) because out of time' \
.format(len(devs), startCount))
if not args.VERBOSE:
for dev in devs:
print('killing {}'.format(dev.host))
# We will build one Device for each player in the set of games, and
# prime each with enough information that when we start running them
# they can invite each other.
def build_devs(args):
global g_NAMES
g_NAMES = makeNames(args.NDEVS)
for ii in range(args.NGAMES):
nPlayers = pick_ndevs(args)
players = chooseNames(nPlayers)
host = players[0]
guests = players[1:]
dev = Device.deviceFor(args, host)
if random.randint(0, 100) < args.SOLO_PCT:
return Device.getAll()
def mkParser():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('--status-steps', dest = 'STATUS_STEPS', type = int, default = 20,
help = 'how many steps between status dumps (matters only if not --debug)')
parser.add_argument('--chat-pct', dest = 'CHAT_PCT', type = int, default = 0,
help = 'odds of sending a chat message')
parser.add_argument('--app-new', dest = 'APP_NEW', default = './obj_linux_memdbg/xwords',
help = 'the app we\'ll use')
parser.add_argument('--app-old', dest = 'APP_OLD', default = './obj_linux_memdbg/xwords',
help = 'the app we\'ll upgrade from')
parser.add_argument('--old-start-pct', dest = 'OLD_START_PCT', default = 90, type = int,
help = 'odds of starting with the old app, 0 <= n < 100')
parser.add_argument('--upgrade-pct', dest = 'UPGRADE_PCT', default = 0, type = int,
help = 'odds of upgrading at any launch, 0 <= n < 100')
parser.add_argument('--solo-pct', dest = 'SOLO_PCT', default = 20, type = int,
help = 'odds a game will be standalone')
parser.add_argument('--num-games', dest = 'NGAMES', type = int, default = 1, help = 'number of games')
parser.add_argument('--num-devs', dest = 'NDEVS', type = int, default = len(g_ROOT_NAMES), help = 'number of devices')
parser.add_argument('--timeout-mins', dest = 'TIMEOUT_MINS', default = 10000, type = int,
help = 'minutes after which to timeout')
# parser.add_argument('--nochange-secs', dest = 'NO_CHANGE_SECS', default = 30, type = int,
# help = 'seconds without change after which to timeout')
# parser.add_argument('--log-root', dest='LOGROOT', default = '.', help = 'where logfiles go')
# parser.add_argument('--dup-packets', dest = 'DUP_PACKETS', default = False, action = 'store_true',
# help = 'send all packet twice')
# parser.add_argument('--phonies', dest = 'PHONIES', default = -1, type = int,
# help = '0 (ignore), 1 (warn)) or 2 (lose turn); default is pick at random')
# parser.add_argument('--make-phony-pct', dest = 'PHONY_PCT', default = 20, type = int,
# help = 'how often a robot should play a phony (only applies when --phonies==2')
parser.add_argument('--use-gtk', dest = 'USE_GTK', default = False, action = 'store_true',
help = 'run games using gtk instead of ncurses')
# parser.add_argument('--dup-pct', dest = 'DUP_PCT', default = 0, type = int,
# help = 'this fraction played in duplicate mode')
# #
# # echo " [--clean-start] \\" >&2
parser.add_argument('--game-dict', dest = 'DICTS', action = 'append', default = [])
# # echo " [--help] \\" >&2
# # echo " [--max-devs <int>] \\" >&2
parser.add_argument('--min-devs', dest = 'MINDEVS', type = int, default = 2,
help = 'No game will have fewer devices than this')
parser.add_argument('--max-devs', dest = 'MAXDEVS', type = int, default = 4,
help = 'No game will have more devices than this')
# parser.add_argument('--robots-all-same-iq', dest = 'IQS_SAME', default = False,
# action = 'store_true', help = 'give all robots the same IQ')
# parser.add_argument('--min-run', dest = 'MINRUN', type = int, default = 2,
# help = 'Keep each run alive at least this many seconds')
# # echo " [--new-app <path/to/app] \\" >&2
# # echo " [--new-app-args [arg*]] # passed only to new app \\" >&2
# # echo " [--num-rooms <int>] \\" >&2
# # echo " [--old-app <path/to/app]* \\" >&2
# parser.add_argument('--one-per', dest = 'ONEPER', default = False,
# action = 'store_true', help = 'force one player per device')
# parser.add_argument('--resign-pct', dest = 'RESIGN_PCT', default = 0, type = int, \
# help = 'Odds of resigning [0..100]')
parser.add_argument('--seed', type = int, dest = 'SEED', default = 0)
# # echo " [--send-chat <interval-in-seconds> \\" >&2
# # echo " [--udp-incr <pct>] \\" >&2
# # echo " [--udp-start <pct>] # default: $UDP_PCT_START \\" >&2
# # echo " [--undo-pct <int>] \\" >&2
# parser.add_argument('--undo-pct', dest = 'UNDO_PCT', default = 0, type = int)
parser.add_argument('--trade-pct', dest = 'TRADE_PCT', default = 10, type = int)
parser.add_argument('--sub7-trades-pct', dest = 'SUB7_TRADES_PCT', default = 10, type=int)
parser.add_argument('--timer-seconds', dest='TIMER_SECS', default=10, type=int,
help='Enable game timer with game this many seconds long')
parser.add_argument('--with-sms', dest = 'WITH_SMS', action = 'store_true')
parser.add_argument('--without-sms', dest = 'WITH_SMS', default = False, action = 'store_false')
# parser.add_argument('--sms-fail-pct', dest = 'SMS_FAIL_PCT', default = 0, type = int)
parser.add_argument('--with-mqtt', dest = 'WITH_MQTT', default = True, action = 'store_true')
parser.add_argument('--without-mqtt', dest = 'WITH_MQTT', action = 'store_false')
parser.add_argument('--mqtt-port', dest = 'MQTT_PORT', default = 1883 )
parser.add_argument('--mqtt-host', dest = 'MQTT_HOST', default = 'localhost' )
parser.add_argument('--force-tray', dest = 'TRAY_SIZE', default = 0, type = int,
help = 'Always this many tiles per tray')
parser.add_argument('--board-size-min', dest = 'BOARD_SIZE_MIN', type = int, default = 11,
help = 'give boards at least this many rows and columns')
parser.add_argument('--board-size-max', dest = 'BOARD_SIZE_MAX', type = int, default = 23,
help = 'give boards no more than this many rows and columns')
parser.add_argument('--rematch-level', dest = 'REMATCH_LEVEL', type = int, default = 0,
help = 'rematch games down to this ancestry/depth')
parser.add_argument('--rematch-order', dest = 'REMATCH_ORDER', type = str, default = None,
help = 'order rematched games one of these ways: {}'.format(g_ROS))
parser.add_argument('--core-pat', dest = 'CORE_PAT', default = os.environ.get(envpat),
help = "pattern for core files that should stop the script " \
+ "(default from env {})".format(envpat) )
parser.add_argument('--with-valgrind', dest = 'VALGRIND', default = False,
action = 'store_true')
parser.add_argument('--debug', dest='VERBOSE', default=False, action='store_true',
help='log stuff')
parser.add_argument('--open-on-exit', dest = 'OPEN_ON_EXIT', default = False,
action = 'store_true', help='Open devs in gtk app when finished')
return parser
def parseArgs():
args = mkParser().parse_args()
return args
# print(options)
def assignDefaults(args):
if len(args.DICTS) == 0: args.DICTS.append('CollegeEng_2to8.xwd')
assert 1 == (args.BOARD_SIZE_MAX % 2)
assert 1 == (args.BOARD_SIZE_MIN % 2)
assert args.BOARD_SIZE_MAX >= args.BOARD_SIZE_MIN
assert args.BOARD_SIZE_MIN >= 11
assert args.BOARD_SIZE_MAX <= 23
def termHandler(signum, frame):
global gDone
print('termHandler() called')
gDone = True
def printError(msg): print( 'ERROR: {}'.format(msg))
def initLogs():
scriptName = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]))[0]
logdir = scriptName + '_logs'
if os.path.exists(logdir):
shutil.move(logdir, '/tmp/{}_{}'.format(logdir, os.getpid()))
logfilepath = '{}/{}_logs.txt'.format(logdir, scriptName)
global g_LOGFILE
g_LOGFILE = open(logfilepath, 'w')
return logdir
def main():
startTime = datetime.datetime.now()
signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, termHandler)
logdir = initLogs()
args = parseArgs()
if args.SEED: random.seed(args.SEED)
# Hack: old files confuse things. Remove is simple fix good for now
if args.WITH_SMS:
try: rmtree('/tmp/xw_sms')
except: None
Device.setup(logdir) # deletes old logdif
devs = build_devs(args)
for dev in devs:
for dev in devs:
if args.WITH_MQTT: dev.setDevID()
for dev in devs:
mainLoop(args, devs)
elapsed = datetime.datetime.now() - startTime
print('played {} games in {}'.format(gGamesMade, elapsed))
if g_LOGFILE: g_LOGFILE.close()
if args.OPEN_ON_EXIT: openOnExit(args)
if __name__ == '__main__':