mirror of
synced 2025-02-14 20:47:54 +01:00
103 lines
4.1 KiB
Executable file
103 lines
4.1 KiB
Executable file
import sys, re, datetime
from datetime import date
def CONNNAME_ASSIGN(thread, timestamp, mtch):
global g_games
connname = mtch.group(2)
if not connname in g_games:
game = {'connname': connname,
'cids' : set(),
'ts': timestamp
g_games[connname] = game
game = g_games[connname]
game['cids'].add( mtch.group(1) )
def CID(thread, timestamp, mtch):
print "CID called with", mtch.group(0)
# Global full-line patterns
LINE = re.compile('(<0x.*>)(\d\d:\d\d:\d\d): (.*)$')
DATE = re.compile('It\'s a new day: (\d\d/\d\d/\d\d\d\d)')
# Patterns for the meat of log lines, after thread and timestamp
g_patterns = {
'CID' : [ re.compile('^cid:(\d*)\((.*):([0-9a-f]*):(\d)\) .*$'), CID ],
'CONNNAME_ASSIGN': [re.compile('^(cid:\d*)\(.* assignConnName: assigning name: (.*)$'),
'UDP_READ': [re.compile('read_udp_packet: recvfrom=>(\d*)$')],
'REFRESH_RESETTING': [re.compile( '^Refresh: RESETTING.*$' )],
'HANDLE_ENQUEUING': [re.compile( '^handle: enqueuing packet \d* \(socket (\d*), len (\d*)\)$' )],
'PACKED_DISPATCH': [re.compile( '^thread_main: dispatching packet (\d*) \(socket (\d)\); (\d*) seconds old$' )],
'HANDLE_UDP_PACKET': [re.compile( '^handle_udp_packet\(msg=(.*)\)$' )],
'REMEMBERDEVICE': [re.compile( '^rememberDevice\(devid=(.*), saddr=\'.*\'\)')],
'REMEMBERDEVICE_REPL': [re.compile( '^rememberDevice: replacing address for .*$' )],
'MAP_CONTAINS': [re.compile( '^dev->addr map now contains \d* entries' )],
'RETRIEVEMESSAGES': [re.compile( '^retrieveMessages\(\)$' )],
'ACKPACKETIF': [re.compile( '^ackPacketIf: acking packet \d*$' )],
'SEND_VIA_UDP_IMPL': [re.compile( '^send_via_udp_impl\(\)=>\d*$' )],
'REFRESH_ADDING' : [re.compile( '^Refresh: adding \'(.*)\'$' )],
'REFRESH_REFRESHING' : [re.compile( '^Refresh: refreshing \'(.*)\'; last seen \d* milliseconds ago$' )],
'PROCESSMESSAGE' : [re.compile( '^processMessage got (.*)$' )],
'PROCESSRECONNECT' : [re.compile( '^processReconnect\(\)$' )],
'QUERY' : [re.compile( '^query: .*$' )],
'ADDTOGAME_QUERY' : [re.compile( '^[a-zA-Z]*: query: .*$' )],
'FINDGAMEFOR' : [re.compile( '^FindGameFor\((.*)\)=>1$' )],
'SETOWNER' : [re.compile( '^SetOwner\(owner=(\d*)\); m_ownerCount now (\d*)$' )],
'HOSTREC_CREATED' : [re.compile( '^HostRec created HostRec with id \d$' ) ],
'SEND_MSG_VIA_UDP': [re.compile( '^send_msg_via_udp: sent \d* bytes \(plus header\) on UDP socket, token=.*\(\d*\)$')],
'SEND_MSG_VIA_UDP_DONE': [re.compile( '^send_msg_via_udp\(\)=>\d*$' )],
'HANDLE_UDP_PACKET_ACK' : [re.compile( '^handle_udp_packet: got ack for packet (\d*)$' )],
'CALLPROC' : [re.compile( '^callProc\(.*\)$' )],
'ONMSGACKED' : [re.compile( '^onMsgAcked\(packetID=\d*, acked=true\)$')],
'RECYCLE_LOCKED_LOCKING' : [re.compile( '^Recycle_locked\(cref=0x.*,cookie=(.*)\)$')],
'RECYCLE_LOCKED_ERASING' : [re.compile( 'Recycle_locked: erasing cref cid (\d*)')],
# indexed by connname.
g_games = {}
def handleLine(thread, timestamp, rest):
global g_games, g_curDate, g_patterns
mtch = None
for RE in g_patterns.keys():
mtch = g_patterns[RE][0].match( rest )
if mtch:
if 1 < len(g_patterns[RE]):
g_patterns[RE][1](thread, timestamp, mtch)
if not mtch:
print "No match for:", rest
def main():
global g_curDate, g_games
g_curDate = None
for line in sys.stdin:
mtch = LINE.match(line)
if mtch:
ts = datetime.datetime.strptime(mtch.group(2), '%H:%M:%S')
if g_curDate:
ts = datetime.datetime.combine( g_curDate, ts.time() )
handleLine( mtch.group(1), ts, mtch.group(3) )
mtch = DATE.match(line)
if mtch:
g_curDate = datetime.datetime.strptime(mtch.group(1), '%d/%m/%Y').date()
print "unmatched: ", line
print 'here'
for conname in g_games.keys():
print conname, g_games[conname]['ts']