mirror of
synced 2025-01-31 19:57:06 +01:00
480 lines
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480 lines
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/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-gradle.sh inXw4dDeb"; -*- */
* Copyright 2015 - 2021 by Eric House (xwords@eehouse.org). All rights
* reserved.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
* License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
def VERSION_NAME = '4.4.193'
def BUILD_INFO_NAME = "build-info.txt"
def LAST_COMMIT_FILE = "last-commit.txt"
// Trying to support older devices (pre KitKat) while moving KitKat and beyond
// to the newer version of the Paho MQTT client library that, with luck, will
// crash less. I expect there will be two tags and two releases per set of
// changes: first one with USE_KITKAT_MQTT changed to false, and then
// immediately after one with it set to true. I have no idea how to do this on
// f-droid, so for now JellyBean and earlier will be abandoned there.
def USE_KITKAT_MQTT = true
// Not all variants use the same BT_UUID. Those with the same talk to
// each other
def XW_UUID = '"7be0d084-ff89-4d6d-9c78-594773a6f963"' // from comms.h
def XWD_UUID = '"b079b640-35fe-11e5-a432-0002a5d5c51b"' // from comms.h
// AID must start with F (first 4 bits) and be from 5 to 16 bytes long
def NFC_AID_XW4 = "FC8FF510B360"
def NFC_AID_XW4d = "FDDA0A3EB5E5"
// Get the git revision we're using. Since fdroid modifies files as
// part of its build process -dirty will always be added, confusing
// users. So add that for the non-fdroid case.
if (! project.hasProperty('GITREV')) {
ext.GITREV = 'git describe --tags --dirty'.execute().text.trim()
def GITREV_SHORT = "git rev-parse --short HEAD".execute().text.trim()
// Make CURTAG non-empty IFF we're at a tag (release build)
def CURTAG = "git describe --exact-match".execute().text.trim()
// print "CURTAG: " + CURTAG + "\n"
apply plugin: 'com.android.application'
repositories {
android {
compileOptions {
sourceCompatibility 1.8
targetCompatibility 1.8
// Specify buildToolsVersion so gradle will inform when the
// default changes and .travis.yml can be kept in sync
buildToolsVersion '28.0.3'
ndkVersion '21.4.7075529'
defaultConfig {
// HostApduService requires 19. But is it a problem?
minSdkVersion 19 // Required for paho client > 3:1.1.+
} else {
minSdkVersion 14
versionName VERSION_NAME
// Rename all output artifacts to include version information
applicationVariants.all { variant ->
// renameArtifact(variant)
// variant.buildConfigField "String", "FIELD_NAME", "\"my String\""
// We need both of these because xwprefs.xml can't reference
// the BuildConfig constant
variant.buildConfigField "String", "GIT_REV", "\"$GITREV\""
variant.buildConfigField "String", "GITREV_SHORT", "\"$GITREV_SHORT\""
// def stamp = Long.valueOf('date +\'%s\''.execute().text.trim());
def stamp = Math.round(System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000)
variant.buildConfigField "long", "BUILD_STAMP", "$stamp"
variant.buildConfigField "short", "CLIENT_VERS_RELAY", "$INITIAL_CLIENT_VERS"
/* Variants:
* GPlay: for the Google Play store, include FCM but not SMS-data.
* FDroid: for the f-droid store, includes SMS-data but not FCM.
* Foss: released via SourceForge and Github, and auto-upgraded
* within the app. Includes both SMS-data and FCM
flavorDimensions "variant"//, "abi"
productFlavors {
all {
android {
targetSdkVersion 31
compileSdkVersion 31
buildConfigField "String", "JNI_LIB_NAME", "\"xwjni\""
buildConfigField "String", "DB_NAME", "\"xwdb\""
buildConfigField "String", "BUILD_INFO_NAME", "\"${BUILD_INFO_NAME}\""
buildConfigField "boolean", "IS_TAGGED_BUILD", "${CURTAG}" == '' ? "false" : "true"
resValue "string", "invite_prefix", "/and/"
resValue "string", "conf_prefix", "/cnf/"
resValue "string", "newgame_scheme", "newxwgame"
buildConfigField "boolean", "UDP_ENABLED", "true"
buildConfigField "boolean", "REPORT_LOCKS", "false"
buildConfigField "boolean", "LOG_LIFECYLE", "false"
buildConfigField "boolean", "ATTACH_SUPPORTED", "false"
buildConfigField "boolean", "NON_RELEASE", "DEBUG || !IS_TAGGED_BUILD"
buildConfigField "boolean", "HAVE_KNOWN_PLAYERS", "true"
buildConfigField "boolean", "FOR_FDROID", "false"
buildConfigField "boolean", "HAVE_PASSWORD", "false"
buildConfigField "boolean", "NO_NEW_RELAY", "true"
buildConfigField "boolean", "LOCUTILS_ENABLED", "false"
buildConfigField "String", "LAST_COMMIT_FILE", "\"$LAST_COMMIT_FILE\""
buildConfigField "int", "BAD_COUNT", "2"
resValue "string", "nbs_port", "0"
xw4GPlay {
dimension "variant"
applicationId "org.eehouse.android.xw4GPTest"
manifestPlaceholders = [ APP_ID: applicationId ]
resValue "string", "app_name", "DoNotRelease"
buildConfigField "boolean", "NON_RELEASE", "true"
buildConfigField "boolean", "WIDIR_ENABLED", "false"
buildConfigField "String", "VARIANT_NAME", "\"Google Play Store\""
buildConfigField "int", "VARIANT_CODE", "1"
buildConfigField "String", "NFC_AID", "\"${NFC_AID_XW4}\""
resValue "string", "nfc_aid", "$NFC_AID_XW4"
externalNativeBuild.ndkBuild.cFlags += ['-DVARIANT_xw4GPlay']
externalNativeBuild.ndkBuild.arguments += ['XW_BT_UUID=' + XW_UUID]
xw4fdroid {
dimension "variant"
applicationId "org.eehouse.android.xw4"
manifestPlaceholders = [ APP_ID: applicationId ]
resValue "string", "app_name", "CrossWords"
resValue "string", "nbs_port", "3344"
buildConfigField "boolean", "WIDIR_ENABLED", "false"
buildConfigField "String", "VARIANT_NAME", "\"F-Droid\""
buildConfigField "int", "VARIANT_CODE", "2"
buildConfigField "boolean", "FOR_FDROID", "true"
buildConfigField "String", "NFC_AID", "\"${NFC_AID_XW4}\""
resValue "string", "nfc_aid", "$NFC_AID_XW4"
externalNativeBuild.ndkBuild.cFlags += ['-DVARIANT_xw4fdroid']
externalNativeBuild.ndkBuild.arguments += ['XW_BT_UUID=' + XW_UUID]
xw4d {
dimension "variant"
buildConfigField "String", "DB_NAME", "\"xwddb\""
applicationId "org.eehouse.android.xw4dbg"
resValue "string", "app_name", "CrossDbg"
resValue "string", "nbs_port", "3345"
resValue "string", "invite_prefix", "/andd/"
resValue "string", "conf_prefix", "/cnfd/"
resValue "string", "newgame_scheme", "newxwgamed"
buildConfigField "boolean", "WIDIR_ENABLED", "true"
buildConfigField "String", "VARIANT_NAME", "\"Dev/Debug\""
buildConfigField "int", "VARIANT_CODE", "3"
buildConfigField "boolean", "REPORT_LOCKS", "true"
buildConfigField "String", "NFC_AID", "\"${NFC_AID_XW4d}\""
resValue "string", "nfc_aid", "$NFC_AID_XW4d"
externalNativeBuild.ndkBuild.cFlags += ['-DVARIANT_xw4d']
externalNativeBuild.ndkBuild.arguments += ['XW_BT_UUID=' + XWD_UUID]
xw4dGPlay {
dimension "variant"
applicationId "org.eehouse.android.xw4dbg"
buildConfigField "String", "DB_NAME", "\"xwddb\""
resValue "string", "app_name", "CrossDbg"
resValue "string", "invite_prefix", "/andd/"
resValue "string", "conf_prefix", "/cnfd/"
resValue "string", "newgame_scheme", "newxwgamed"
buildConfigField "boolean", "WIDIR_ENABLED", "true"
buildConfigField "String", "VARIANT_NAME", "\"Dev/Debug GPlay\""
buildConfigField "int", "VARIANT_CODE", "4"
buildConfigField "boolean", "REPORT_LOCKS", "true"
buildConfigField "String", "NFC_AID", "\"${NFC_AID_XW4d}\""
resValue "string", "nfc_aid", "$NFC_AID_XW4d"
externalNativeBuild.ndkBuild.cFlags += ['-DVARIANT_xw4dGPlay']
externalNativeBuild.ndkBuild.arguments += ['XW_BT_UUID=' + XWD_UUID]
xw4Foss {
dimension "variant"
applicationId "org.eehouse.android.xw4"
manifestPlaceholders = [ APP_ID: applicationId ]
resValue "string", "app_name", "CrossWords"
resValue "string", "nbs_port", "3344"
buildConfigField "boolean", "WIDIR_ENABLED", "false"
buildConfigField "String", "VARIANT_NAME", "\"FOSS\""
buildConfigField "int", "VARIANT_CODE", "5"
buildConfigField "String", "NFC_AID", "\"${NFC_AID_XW4}\""
resValue "string", "nfc_aid", "$NFC_AID_XW4"
externalNativeBuild.ndkBuild.cFlags += ['-DVARIANT_xw4Foss']
externalNativeBuild.ndkBuild.arguments += ['XW_BT_UUID=' + XW_UUID]
// WARNING: "all" breaks things. Seems to be a keyword. Need
// to figure out how to express include-all-abis
// all {
// dimension "abi"
// versionCode 0 + VERSION_CODE_BASE
// }
// armeabi {
// dimension "abi"
// versionCode 1 + VERSION_CODE_BASE
// }
// x86 {
// dimension "abi"
// versionCode 2 + VERSION_CODE_BASE
// }
// armeabiv7a {
// dimension "abi"
// versionCode 3 + VERSION_CODE_BASE
// }
all {
buildConfigField "String", "compileSdkVersion", "\"$compileSdkVersion\""
signingConfigs {
debug {
def path = System.getenv("DEBUG_KEYSTORE_PATH")
if (! path) {
path = "./debug.keystore"
storeFile file(path)
keyAlias "androiddebugkey"
storePassword "android"
keyPassword "android"
buildTypes {
all {
externalNativeBuild {
release {
debuggable false
minifyEnabled false // PENDING
// proguard crashes when I do this (the optimize part)
// proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android-optimize.txt'), 'proguard-rules.pro'
resValue "bool", "DEBUG", "false"
externalNativeBuild {
ndkBuild {
arguments += ['BUILD_TARGET=release']
ndk {
abiFilters 'armeabi-v7a', 'arm64-v8a'
debug {
debuggable true
resValue "bool", "DEBUG", "true"
// Drop this. Takes too long to build
// minifyEnabled true // for testing
proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'), 'proguard-rules.pro'
// This doesn't work on marshmallow: duplicate permission error
// applicationIdSuffix ".debug"
externalNativeBuild {
ndkBuild {
cFlags += ['-DDEBUG']
arguments += ['BUILD_TARGET=debug']
ndk {
abiFilters 'armeabi-v7a', 'arm64-v8a', 'x86', 'x86_64'
externalNativeBuild {
ndkBuild {
path "../jni/Android.mk"
sourceSets {
// Use symlinks instead of setting non-conventional
// directories here. AS doesn't respect what's set here: it'll
// compile, but post-install app launch and source-level
// debugging don't work.
xw4GPlay {
release {
jniLibs.srcDir "../libs-xw4GPlayRelease"
debug {
jniLibs.srcDir "../libs-xw4GPlayDebug"
xw4d {
release {
jniLibs.srcDir "../libs-xw4dRelease"
debug {
jniLibs.srcDir "../libs-xw4dDebug"
xw4dGPlay {
release {
jniLibs.srcDir "../libs-xw4dGPlayRelease"
debug {
jniLibs.srcDir "../libs-xw4dGPlayDebug"
xw4Foss {
release {
jniLibs.srcDir "../libs-xw4FossRelease"
debug {
jniLibs.srcDir "../libs-xw4FossDebug"
xw4fdroid {
release {
jniLibs.srcDir "../libs-xw4fdroidRelease"
debug {
jniLibs.srcDir "../libs-xw4fdroidDebug"
lintOptions {
abortOnError false
applicationVariants.all { variant ->
variant.outputs.each { output ->
def newName = output.outputFile.name
newName = newName.replace(".apk","-${GITREV}.apk")
newName = newName.replace("app-","")
output.outputFileName = newName
dependencies {
implementation 'androidx.legacy:legacy-support-v4:1.0.+'
implementation 'androidx.core:core:1.0.+'
implementation 'androidx.preference:preference:1.2.+'
implementation 'androidx.lifecycle:lifecycle-extensions:2.0.+'
annotationProcessor 'androidx.lifecycle:lifecycle-compiler:2.0.+'
// 3:1.2.+ crashes on API 18 and below (all Jelly Beans) because
// java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets not defined. Does not crash on
// 19 (KitKat).
// Most recent seems to be 1.2.5 tagged July 2020.
// https://github.com/eclipse/paho.mqtt.java/tags
implementation "org.eclipse.paho:org.eclipse.paho.client.mqttv3:1.2.+"
} else {
implementation "org.eclipse.paho:org.eclipse.paho.client.mqttv3:1.1.+"
// Try this if paho keeps sucking (and it's not my fault)
// implementation("com.hivemq:hivemq-mqtt-client:1.3.0")
implementation 'com.google.zxing:core:3.3.+'
implementation 'com.jakewharton:process-phoenix:2.1.2'
task mkImages(type: Exec) {
workingDir '../'
commandLine './scripts/mkimages.sh'
task copyLocStrings(type: Exec) {
workingDir '../'
commandLine 'make', '-f', './scripts/copy-strings.mk'
task mkPrefsWrapper(type: Exec) {
workingDir '../'
commandLine 'make', '-f', './scripts/prefsWrapper.mk'
task cleanPrefsWrapper(type: Exec) {
workingDir '../'
commandLine 'make', '-f', './scripts/prefsWrapper.mk', 'clean'
task cleanLocStrings(type: Exec) {
workingDir '../'
commandLine 'make', '-f', './scripts/copy-strings.mk', 'clean'
clean.dependsOn cleanLocStrings, cleanPrefsWrapper
task myPreBuild(dependsOn: ['mkImages',
'copyStringsXw4DGPlay']) {
preBuild.dependsOn myPreBuild
task copyStringsXw4D(type: Exec) {
workingDir './'
environment.put('APPNAME', 'CrossDbg')
commandLine 'make', '-f', '../scripts/Variant.mk',
task copyStringsXw4DGPlay(type: Exec) {
workingDir './'
environment.put('APPNAME', 'CrossDbg')
commandLine 'make', '-f', '../scripts/Variant.mk',
task makeBuildAssets() {
def assetsDir = android.sourceSets.main.assets.srcDirs.toArray()[0]
String path = new File(assetsDir, BUILD_INFO_NAME).getAbsolutePath()
String out = "git_describe: ${GITREV}\n"
String HEAD = "git rev-parse HEAD".execute().text.trim()
out += "HEAD: ${HEAD}\n"
String date = "date".execute().text.trim()
out += "date: ${date}\n"
// I want the variant, but that's harder. Here's a quick hack from SO.
// String target = gradle.startParameter.taskNames[0]
// out += "target: ${target}\n"
String diff = "git diff".execute().text.trim()
if (diff) {
out += "\n" + diff
new File(path).write(out)
// Now the latest commit
path = new File(assetsDir, LAST_COMMIT_FILE).getAbsolutePath()
out = "git log -n 1".execute().text.trim()
new File(path).write(out)
gradle.projectsEvaluated {
// To turn on javac options
// tasks.withType(JavaCompile) {
// options.compilerArgs += ["-Xdiags:verbose"]
// }