mirror of
synced 2025-02-07 20:46:17 +01:00
300 lines
11 KiB
Executable file
300 lines
11 KiB
Executable file
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import argparse, io, struct, sys
oneByteFmt = struct.Struct('B')
SPACE = ' '
def getNullTermParam(fh):
msg = ""
while True:
(oneChar) = oneByteFmt.unpack(fh.read(oneByteFmt.size))
if int(oneChar[0]) == 0: break
msg += chr(oneChar[0])
return msg
def addFace( faces, face ):
assert face
faces.append( face )
# print( 'addFace(): added:', face, ' now have', len(faces), 'faces' )
# Each face is one or two synonym strings (typically the upper- and
# lower-case versions of a tile face), with a space as separator in the
# two-string case.
# Each letter read is a space/delimiter or not. If it's a delimiter,
# then we append what we had before. Otherwise if we have something
# already then this is a new face starting. Otherwise it's a synonym
# for something we're processing already.
def splitFaces( buf ):
faces = []
synonyms = None
lastWasDelim = False
for oneChar in buf:
# print('read char', oneChar)
if oneChar == SPACE:
assert synonyms # there's better be one already
lastWasDelim = True
# print( "read non-delim char:", oneChar )
if lastWasDelim:
assert len(synonyms) == 1
synonyms.append( oneChar )
addFace( faces, synonyms )
synonyms = None
lastWasDelim = False
if synonyms:
addFace( faces, synonyms )
synonyms = [ oneChar ]
if synonyms: addFace( faces, synonyms )
return faces
def loadCountsAndValues( fh, numFaces, extraData, data ):
for ii in range(numFaces):
data[ii]['counts'] = {15: int.from_bytes(fh.read(1), 'little')}
data[ii]['val'] = int.from_bytes(fh.read(1), 'little')
if extraData:
buf = io.BytesIO(extraData)
while True:
siz = int.from_bytes(buf.read(1), 'little')
if not siz: break
for ii in range(numFaces):
count = int.from_bytes(buf.read(1), 'little')
data[ii]['counts'][siz] = count
def eatBitmap( fh ):
nCols = int(oneByteFmt.unpack(fh.read(oneByteFmt.size))[0])
if nCols > 0:
nRows = int(oneByteFmt.unpack(fh.read(oneByteFmt.size))[0])
nBytes = ((nRows*nCols)+7) // 8
print('eatBitmap(): skipping {} bytes; nCols: {}, nRows: {}:'.format(nBytes,nCols, nRows),\
def loadSpecialData( fh, data ):
count = 0
lastSpecial = ord(' ')
for datum in data:
# print('loadSpecialData: comparing', ord(datum['faces'][0]), 'with', lastSpecial)
if len(datum['faces']) == 1 and ord(datum['faces'][0]) < lastSpecial:
count += 1
txtlen = int(oneByteFmt.unpack(fh.read(oneByteFmt.size))[0])
txt = fh.read(txtlen).decode("UTF-8")
# print('loadSpecialData(): found:', txt, 'of len', txtlen)
datum['faces'] = txt.split( SPACE )
eatBitmap( fh )
eatBitmap( fh )
def loadNodes( dawg, nodeSize ):
nodes = []
fmtStr = ''
for ii in range(nodeSize): fmtStr += 'B'
fmt = struct.Struct(fmtStr)
while True:
buf = dawg.read(nodeSize)
if len(buf) == 0: break
assert len(buf) == nodeSize
arr = fmt.unpack(buf)
val = 0
for elem in arr:
val = (val << 8) + elem
# print('loaded node 0x{:x} of len {}'.format(val, nodeSize))
return nodes
def parseNode( node, nodeSize ):
if nodeSize == 4:
accepting = (node & 0x00008000) != 0
isLast = (node & 0x00004000) != 0
chrIndex = (node & 0x00003f00) >> 8
nextEdge = (node >> 16) + ((node & 0x000000FF) << 16)
elif nodeSize == 3:
accepting = (node & 0x00000080) != 0
isLast = (node & 0x00000040) != 0
chrIndex = node & 0x0000001f
nextEdge = (node >> 8) + ((node & 0x00000020) << 11)
return (nextEdge, chrIndex, accepting, isLast )
def expandDAWG( nodes, nodeSize, delim, indx, data, words, letters = [] ):
if len(letters) > 15: error( "infinite recursion???" )
while True:
node = nodes[indx]
indx += 1
( nextEdge, chrIndex, accepting, lastEdge ) = parseNode( node, nodeSize )
letters.append( data[chrIndex]['faces'][0] )
if accepting:
words.append( delim.join(letters) )
if nextEdge != 0:
expandDAWG( nodes, nodeSize, delim, nextEdge, data, words, letters )
if lastEdge: break
def process(args):
with open(args.DAWG, "rb") as dawg:
nWords = 0
extraData = None
headerFmt = struct.Struct('!HH')
(flags, headerLen) = headerFmt.unpack(dawg.read(headerFmt.size))
print( 'read flags: {:x}, header len: {}'.format(flags, headerLen ),
file=sys.stderr )
if not 0 == DICT_HEADER_MASK & flags:
header = io.BytesIO(dawg.read(headerLen))
nWordsFmt = struct.Struct('!L')
nWords = nWordsFmt.unpack(header.read(nWordsFmt.size))[0]
print( 'header: read nWords: {}'.format(nWords ), file=sys.stderr )
try: # older wordlists won't have these
msg = getNullTermParam(header)
if args.DUMP_MSG:
print(msg, file=sys.stdout)
md5Sum = getNullTermParam(header)
print( 'header: read sum: {}'.format(md5Sum), file=sys.stderr )
hdrFlags = int.from_bytes(header.read(2), 'little')
print( 'header: flags: {:X}'.format(hdrFlags), file=sys.stderr)
langCode = getNullTermParam(header)
print('header: langCode: {}; '.format(langCode), file=sys.stderr, end = '')
langName = getNullTermParam(header)
print('langName: {}'.format(langName), file=sys.stderr)
extraSize = int.from_bytes(header.read(1), 'little')
print( 'header: extraSize: {}'.format(extraSize), file=sys.stderr )
extraData = header.read(extraSize)
except Exception as ex:
# This will fire when header ends before langCode,
# i.e. for older wordlists
print( 'old/small header? exception!! {} '.format(ex), file=sys.stderr )
if args.GET_SUM:
print( '{}'.format(md5Sum), file=sys.stdout )
elif args.GET_NWORDS:
print( '{}'.format(nWords), file=sys.stdout )
elif args.GET_LNAME:
print( '{}'.format(langName), file=sys.stdout )
nodeSize = 0
isUTF8 = False
if flags == 0x0002:
nodeSize = 3
elif flags == 0x0003:
nodeSize = 4
elif flags == 0x0004:
isUTF8 = True
nodeSize = 3
elif flags == 0x0005:
isUTF8 = True
nodeSize = 4
error("unexpected flags value")
print( 'nodesize: {}, isUTF8: {}'.format(nodeSize, isUTF8), file=sys.stderr )
numFaceBytes = 0
if isUTF8:
numFaceBytes = oneByteFmt.unpack(dawg.read(oneByteFmt.size))[0]
numFaces = int(oneByteFmt.unpack(dawg.read(oneByteFmt.size))[0])
if not isUTF8:
numFaceBytes = numFaces * 2
assert numFaces <= 64, 'too many faces: {}'.format(numFaces)
print( 'numFaceBytes: {}, numFaces: {}'.format(numFaceBytes, numFaces), file=sys.stderr )
print( 'TODO: confirm checksum', file=sys.stderr )
data = []
if isUTF8:
faceBytes = dawg.read(numFaceBytes).decode("UTF-8")
faces = splitFaces( faceBytes )
assert( len(faces) == numFaces )
# print( 'loaded', len(faces), 'faces:', faces )
for datum in faces:
data.append({'faces' : datum })
error('I don\'t handle obsolete ascii case')
langCode = oneByteFmt.unpack(dawg.read(oneByteFmt.size))[0]
official = 0 != langCode & 0x80
langCode = 0x7F & langCode
print( 'langCode: {:02X}; official: {}'.format(langCode, official), file=sys.stderr )
dawg.read( oneByteFmt.size ) # skip byte
loadCountsAndValues( dawg, numFaces, extraData, data )
loadSpecialData( dawg, data )
offsetStruct = struct.Struct('!L')
assert offsetStruct.size == 4
offset = int(offsetStruct.unpack(dawg.read(offsetStruct.size))[0])
if args.DUMP_TILES:
for ii in range(len(data)):
print( 'tile {:2d}: {}:'.format(ii, data[ii]) )
nodes = loadNodes( dawg, nodeSize )
words = []
if nodes:
expandDAWG( nodes, nodeSize, args.DELIM, offset, data, words )
if not len(words) == nWords:
print("loaded {} words but header claims {}".format(len(words), nWords), file=sys.stderr)
# assert len(words) == nWords
if args.DUMP_WORDS:
for word in words:
# if we're piped to head we'll get an exception, so just exit
try: print(word)
except: break
def mkParser():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('--dawg', dest = 'DAWG', type = str, required = True,
help = 'the .xwd file to load')
parser.add_argument('--dump-words', dest = 'DUMP_WORDS', default = False,
action = 'store_true', help = 'write wordlist to stdout')
parser.add_argument('--dump-tiles', dest = 'DUMP_TILES', default = False,
action = 'store_true', help = 'write tile metadata to stdout')
parser.add_argument('--dump-msg', dest = 'DUMP_MSG', default = False,
action = 'store_true', help = 'write header user-visible message to stdout')
parser.add_argument('--get-sum', dest = 'GET_SUM', default = False,
action = 'store_true', help = 'write md5sum to stdout')
parser.add_argument('--get-nwords', dest = 'GET_NWORDS', default = False,
action = 'store_true', help = 'write count of words to stdout')
parser.add_argument('--get-lname', dest = 'GET_LNAME', default = False,
action = 'store_true', help = 'write language name to stdout (if present)')
parser.add_argument('--separator', dest = 'DELIM', default = '', help = 'printed between tiles')
# [-raw | -json] [-get-sum] [-get-desc] -dict <xwdORpdb>
return parser
def parseArgs():
args = mkParser().parse_args()
process( args )
def main():
args = parseArgs()
if __name__ == '__main__':