mirror of
synced 2025-02-12 08:47:50 +01:00
![Eric House](/assets/img/avatar_default.png)
revert a bit, dropping use of git revision and repo to provide an order. Instead use aapt (which is an ubuntu package now) to pull the version code and appID from .apk files, order by versionCode, and secondarily by file mod time.
639 lines
21 KiB
Executable file
639 lines
21 KiB
Executable file
# Script meant to be installed on eehouse.org.
import logging, shelve, hashlib, sys, re, json, subprocess, glob, os
import struct, random, string, psycopg2, zipfile
import mk_for_download, mygit
import xwconfig
# I'm not checking my key in...
import mykey
from stat import ST_CTIME
from mod_python import apache
apacheAvailable = True
except ImportError:
apacheAvailable = False
# constants that are also used in UpdateCheckReceiver.java
k_NAME = 'name'
k_AVERS = 'avers'
k_GVERS = 'gvers'
k_INSTALLER = 'installer'
k_DEVOK = 'devOK'
k_APP = 'app'
k_DEBUG = "dbg"
k_DICTS = 'dicts'
k_XLATEINFO = 'xlatinfo'
k_CALLBACK = 'callback'
k_LOCALE = 'locale'
k_XLATPROTO = 'proto'
k_XLATEVERS = 'xlatevers'
k_STRINGSHASH = 'strings'
k_OLD = 'old'
k_NEW = 'new'
k_PAIRS = 'pairs'
k_LANG = 'lang'
k_MD5SUM = 'md5sum'
k_INDEX = 'index'
k_ISUM = 'isum'
k_SUCCESS = 'success'
k_URL = 'url'
k_SUMS = 'sums'
k_COUNT = 'count'
k_LANGS = 'langs'
k_LANGSVERS = 'lvers'
# Version for those sticking with RELEASES
k_REL_REV = 'android_beta_98'
# newer build-info.txt file contain lines like this:
# git: android_beta_123
pat_git_tag = re.compile( 'git: (\S*)', re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE )
# Version for those getting intermediate builds
k_suffix = '.xwd'
k_filebase = "/var/www/html/"
k_apkDir = "xw4/android/"
k_shelfFile = k_filebase + 'xw4/info_shelf_2'
k_urlbase = "http://eehouse.org"
k_versions = { 'org.eehouse.android.xw4': {
'version' : 91,
k_AVERS : 91,
k_URL : k_apkDir + 'XWords4-release_' + k_REL_REV + '.apk',
# k_versions_dbg = { 'org.eehouse.android.xw4': {
# 'version' : 74,
# k_AVERS : 74,
# k_GVERS : k_DBG_REV,
# k_URL : k_apkDir + 'XWords4-release_' + k_DBG_REV + '.apk',
# },
# }
s_shelf = None
g_langs = {'English' : 'en',
'Swedish' : 'se',
'Portuguese' : 'pt',
'Dutch' : 'nl',
'Danish' : 'dk',
'Czech' : 'cz',
'French' : 'fr',
'German' : 'de',
'Catalan' : 'ca',
'Slovak' : 'sk',
'Spanish' : 'es',
'Polish' : 'pl',
'Italian' : 'it',
,format='%(asctime)s [[%(levelname)s]] %(message)s'
,datefmt='%d %b %y %H:%M'
# ,filemode='w')
# This seems to be required to prime the pump somehow.
# logging.debug( "loaded...." )
def languageCodeFor( lang ):
result = ''
if lang in g_langs: result = g_langs[lang]
return result
def getInternalSum( filePath ):
filePath = k_filebase + "and_wordlists/" + filePath
proc = subprocess.Popen(['/usr/bin/perl',
k_filebase + 'xw4/dawg2dict.pl',
'-dict', filePath ],
stdout = subprocess.PIPE,
stderr = subprocess.PIPE)
return proc.communicate()[0].strip()
def md5Checksums( sums, filePath ):
if not filePath.endswith(k_suffix): filePath += k_suffix
if filePath in sums:
result = sums[filePath]
logging.debug( "opening %s" % (k_filebase + "and_wordlists/" + filePath))
file = open( k_filebase + "and_wordlists/" + filePath, 'rb' )
md5 = hashlib.md5()
while True:
buffer = file.read(128)
if not buffer: break
md5.update( buffer )
sums[filePath] = [ md5.hexdigest(),
getInternalSum( filePath ) ]
logging.debug( "figured sum for %s: %s" % (filePath,
sums[filePath] ) )
result = sums[filePath]
# logging.debug( "Unexpected error: " + sys.exc_info()[0] )
result = None
return result
def openShelf():
global s_shelf
# shelve will fail if permissions are wrong. That's ok for some
# testing: just make a fake shelf and test before saving it later.
if not s_shelf:
s_shelf = shelve.open(k_shelfFile)
s_shelf = {}
if not k_SUMS in s_shelf: s_shelf[k_SUMS] = {}
if not k_COUNT in s_shelf: s_shelf[k_COUNT] = 0
s_shelf[k_COUNT] += 1
logging.debug( "Count now %d" % s_shelf[k_COUNT] )
def closeShelf():
global s_shelf
if 'close' in s_shelf: s_shelf.close()
def getDictSums():
global s_shelf
return s_shelf[k_SUMS]
def getGitRevFor(file, repo):
result = None
zip = zipfile.ZipFile(file);
result = zip.read('assets/gitvers.txt').split("\n")[0]
except KeyError, err:
result = None
if not result:
data = zip.read('assets/build-info.txt')
match = pat_git_tag.match(data)
if match:
tag = match.group(1)
if not 'dirty' in tag:
result = repo.tagToRev(tag)
except KeyError, err:
# print "getGitRevFor(", file, "->", result
return result
pat_badge_info = re.compile("package: name='([^']*)' versionCode='([^']*)' versionName='([^']*)'", re.DOTALL )
def getAAPTInfo(file):
result = None
test = subprocess.Popen(["aapt", "dump", "badging", file], shell = False, stdout = subprocess.PIPE)
for line in test.communicate():
if line:
match = pat_badge_info.match(line)
if match:
result = { 'appID' : match.group(1),
'versionCode' : int(match.group(2)),
'versionName' : match.group(3),
return result
def getOrderedApks( path, appID, debug ):
apkToCode = {}
apkToMtime = {}
if debug: pattern = path + "/*debug*.apk"
else: pattern = path + "/*release*.apk"
files = ((os.stat(apk).st_mtime, apk) for apk in glob.glob(pattern))
for mtime, file in sorted(files, reverse=True):
info = getAAPTInfo(file)
if info['appID'] == appID:
apkToCode[file] = info['versionCode']
apkToMtime[file] = mtime
result = sorted(apkToCode.keys(), reverse=True, key=lambda file: (apkToCode[file], apkToMtime[file]))
return result
def getVariantDir( name ):
result = ''
splits = string.split( name, '.' )
last = splits[-1]
if not last == 'xw4': result = last + '/'
# logging.debug( 'getVariantDir(' + name + ") => " + result )
return result
# public, but deprecated
def curVersion( req, name, avers = 41, gvers = None, installer = None ):
global k_versions
result = { k_SUCCESS : True }
if apacheAvailable:
logging.debug( 'IP address of requester is %s'
% req.get_remote_host(apache.REMOTE_NAME) )
logging.debug( "name: %s; avers: %s; installer: %s; gvers: %s"
% (name, avers, installer, gvers) )
if name in k_versions:
versions = k_versions[name]
if versions[k_AVERS] > int(avers):
logging.debug( avers + " is old" )
result[k_URL] = k_urlbase + '/' + versions[k_URL]
logging.debug(name + " is up-to-date")
logging.debug( 'Error: bad name ' + name )
return json.dumps( result )
# public, but deprecated
def dictVersion( req, name, lang, md5sum ):
result = { k_SUCCESS : True }
if not name.endswith(k_suffix): name += k_suffix
dictSums = getDictSums()
path = lang + "/" + name
if not path in dictSums:
sums = md5Checksums( dictSums, path )
if sums:
dictSums[path] = sums
s_shelf[k_SUMS] = dictSums
if path in dictSums:
if not md5sum in dictSums[path]:
result[k_URL] = k_urlbase + "/and_wordlists/" + path
logging.debug( path + " not known" )
return json.dumps( result )
def getApp( params, name ):
result = None
if k_NAME in params:
name = params[k_NAME]
if name:
variantDir = getVariantDir( name )
# If we're a dev device, always push the latest
if k_DEBUG in params and params[k_DEBUG]:
dir = k_filebase + k_apkDir + variantDir
apks = getOrderedApks( dir, name, True )
if 0 < len(apks):
apk = apks[0]
curApk = params[k_GVERS] + '.apk'
if curApk in apk:
logging.debug( "already have " + curApk )
url = k_urlbase + '/' + k_apkDir + variantDir + apk[len(dir):]
logging.debug("url: " + url)
result = {k_URL: url}
elif k_DEVOK in params and params[k_DEVOK]:
apks = getOrderedApks( k_filebase + k_apkDir, name, False )
if 0 < len(apks):
apk = apks[0]
# Does path NOT contain name of installed file
curApk = params[k_GVERS] + '.apk'
if curApk in apk:
logging.debug( "already have " + curApk )
url = k_urlbase + '/' + apk[len(k_filebase):]
result = {k_URL: url}
logging.debug( result )
elif k_GVERS in params:
gvers = params[k_GVERS]
if k_INSTALLER in params: installer = params[k_INSTALLER]
else: installer = ''
logging.debug( "name: %s; installer: %s; gvers: %s"
% (name, installer, gvers) )
if name in k_versions:
if k_GVERS in versForName and not gvers == versForName[k_GVERS]:
result = {k_URL: k_urlbase + '/' + versForName[k_URL]}
logging.debug(name + " is up-to-date")
logging.debug( 'Error: bad name ' + name )
logging.debug( 'missing param' )
return result
def getStats( path ):
nBytes = int(os.stat( path ).st_size)
nWords = -1
note = md5sum = None
with open(path, "rb") as f:
flags = struct.unpack('>h', f.read(2))[0]
hasHeader = not 0 == (flags & k_DICT_HEADER_MASK)
if hasHeader:
headerLen = struct.unpack('>h', f.read(2))[0]
nWords = struct.unpack('>i', f.read(4))[0]
headerLen -= 4
if 0 < headerLen:
rest = f.read(headerLen)
for ii in range(len(rest)):
if '\0' == rest[ii]:
if not note:
note = rest[:ii]
start = ii + 1
elif not md5sum:
md5sum = rest[start:ii]
result = { 'nWords' : nWords, 'nBytes' : nBytes }
if note: result['note'] = note
if md5sum: result['md5sum'] = md5sum
return result
# create obj containing array of objects each with 'lang' and 'xwds',
# the latter an array of objects giving info about a dict.
def listDicts( lc = None ):
global s_shelf
langsVers = 2
# langsVers = random.random() # change this to force recalc of shelf langs data
ldict = {}
root = k_filebase + "and_wordlists/"
if not k_LANGS in s_shelf or not k_LANGSVERS in s_shelf \
or s_shelf[k_LANGSVERS] != langsVers:
dictSums = getDictSums()
for path in glob.iglob( root + "*/*.xwd" ):
entry = getStats( path )
path = path.replace( root, '' )
lang, xwd = path.split( '/' )
entry.update( { 'xwd' : xwd,
'md5sums' : md5Checksums( dictSums, path ),
} )
if not lang in ldict: ldict[lang] = []
ldict[lang].append( entry )
# now format as we want 'em
langs = []
for lang, entry in ldict.iteritems():
obj = { 'lang' : lang,
'lc' : languageCodeFor(lang),
'dicts' : entry,
langs.append( obj )
s_shelf[k_LANGS] = langs
s_shelf[k_LANGSVERS] = langsVers
result = { 'langs' : s_shelf[k_LANGS] }
print "looking for", lc
if lc:
result['langs'] = [elem for elem in result['langs'] if elem['lc'] == lc]
return result
def getDicts( params ):
result = []
dictSums = getDictSums()
for param in params:
name = param[k_NAME]
lang = param[k_LANG]
md5sum = param[k_MD5SUM]
index = param[k_INDEX]
if not name.endswith(k_suffix): name += k_suffix
path = lang + "/" + name
if not path in dictSums:
sums = md5Checksums( dictSums, path )
if sums:
dictSums[path] = sums
s_shelf[k_SUMS] = dictSums
if path in dictSums:
if not md5sum in dictSums[path]:
cur = { k_URL : k_urlbase + "/and_wordlists/" + path,
k_INDEX : index, k_ISUM: dictSums[path][1] }
result.append( cur )
logging.debug( path + " not known" )
if 0 == len(result): result = None
return result
def variantFor( name ):
if name == 'xw4': result = 'XWords4'
logging.debug( 'variantFor(%s)=>%s' % (name, result))
return result
def getXlate( params, name, stringsHash ):
result = []
path = xwconfig.k_REPOPATH
logging.debug('creating repo with path ' + path)
repo = mygit.GitRepo( path )
logging.debug( "getXlate: %s, hash=%s" % (json.dumps(params), stringsHash) )
# logging.debug( 'status: ' + repo.status() )
# reduce org.eehouse.anroid.xxx to xxx, then turn it into a
# variant and get the contents of the R.java file
splits = name.split('.')
name = splits[-1]
variant = variantFor( name );
rPath = '%s/archive/R.java' % variant
rDotJava = repo.cat( rPath, stringsHash )
# Figure out the newest hash possible for translated strings.xml
# files. If our R.java's the newest, that's HEAD. Otherwise it's
# the revision BEFORE the revision that changed R.java
head = repo.getHeadRev()
logging.debug('head = %s' % head)
rjavarevs = repo.getRevsBetween(head, stringsHash, rPath)
if rjavarevs:
assert( 1 >= len(rjavarevs) )
assert( stringsHash == rjavarevs[-1] )
if 1 == len(rjavarevs):
firstPossible = head
firstPossible = rjavarevs[-2] + '^'
# get actual number for rev^
firstPossible = repo.getRevsBetween( firstPossible, firstPossible )[0]
logging.debug('firstPossible: %s' % firstPossible)
for entry in params:
curVers = entry[k_XLATEVERS]
if not curVers == firstPossible:
locale = entry[k_LOCALE]
data = mk_for_download.getXlationFor( repo, rDotJava, locale, \
firstPossible )
if data: result.append( { k_LOCALE: locale,
k_OLD: curVers,
k_NEW: firstPossible,
k_PAIRS: data,
} )
if 0 == len(result): result = None
logging.debug( "getXlate=>%s" % (json.dumps(result)) )
return result
def init():
con = psycopg2.connect(port=mykey.psqlPort, database='xwgames', user='relay',
password=mykey.relayPwd, host='localhost')
except psycopg2.DatabaseError, e:
print 'Error %s' % e
return con
# public
# Give a list of relayIDs, e.g. eehouse.org:56022505:64/2, assumed to
# represent the caller's position in games, return for each a list of
# relayIDs representing the other devices in the game.
def opponentIDsFor( req, params ):
# build array of connnames by taking the part before the slash
params = json.loads( params )
relayIDs = params['relayIDs']
me = int(params['me'])
connnames = {}
for relayID in relayIDs:
(connname, index) = string.split(relayID, '/')
if connname in connnames:
connnames[connname] = [int(index)]
query = "SELECT connname, devids FROM games WHERE connname in ('%s')" % \
string.join(connnames.keys(), '\',\'')
con = init()
cur = con.cursor()
results = []
for row in cur:
connname = row[0]
indices = connnames[connname]
for index in indices:
devids = []
for devid in row[1]:
if not devid == me:
if 0 < len(devids):
results.append({"%s/%d" % (connname, index) : devids})
result = { k_SUCCESS : True,
'devIDs' : results,
'me' : me,
return result
def getUpdates( req, params ):
result = { k_SUCCESS : True }
appResult = None
logging.debug( "getUpdates: got params: %s" % params )
asJson = json.loads( params )
if k_APP in asJson:
name = None
if k_NAME in asJson: name = asJson[k_NAME]
appResult = getApp( asJson[k_APP], name )
if appResult:
result[k_APP] = appResult
if k_DICTS in asJson:
dictsResult = getDicts( asJson[k_DICTS] )
if dictsResult:
result[k_DICTS] = dictsResult
# Let's not upgrade strings at the same time as we're upgrading the app
if appResult:
logging.debug( 'skipping xlation upgrade because app being updated' )
elif k_XLATEINFO in asJson and k_NAME in asJson and k_STRINGSHASH in asJson:
xlateResult = getXlate( asJson[k_XLATEINFO], asJson[k_NAME], asJson[k_STRINGSHASH] )
if xlateResult:
logging.debug( xlateResult )
result[k_XLATEINFO] = xlateResult;
logging.debug( "NOT FOUND xlate info" )
result = json.dumps( result )
# logging.debug( result )
return result
def clearShelf():
shelf = shelve.open(k_shelfFile)
for key in shelf: del shelf[key]
def usage(msg=None):
if msg: print "ERROR:", msg
print "usage:", sys.argv[0], '--get-sums [lang/dict]*'
print ' | --test-get-app app <org.eehouse.app.name> avers gvers'
print ' | --test-get-dicts name lang curSum'
print ' | --list-apks [--path <path/to/apks>] [--debug] --appID org.something'
print ' | --list-dicts'
print ' | --opponent-ids-for'
print ' | --clear-shelf'
def main():
argc = len(sys.argv)
if 1 >= argc: usage();
arg = sys.argv[1]
if arg == '--clear-shelf':
elif arg == '--list-dicts':
if 2 < argc: lc = sys.argv[2]
else: lc = None
dictsJson = listDicts( lc )
print json.dumps( dictsJson )
elif arg == '--get-sums':
dictSums = getDictSums()
for arg in sys.argv[2:]:
print arg, md5Checksums(dictSums, arg)
s_shelf[k_SUMS] = dictSums
elif arg == '--test-get-app':
if not 4 == argc: usage()
params = { k_NAME: sys.argv[2],
k_GVERS: sys.argv[3],
print getApp( params, sys.argv[2] )
elif arg == '--test-get-dicts':
if not 5 == argc: usage()
params = { k_NAME: sys.argv[2],
k_LANG : sys.argv[3],
k_MD5SUM : sys.argv[4],
k_INDEX : 0,
print getDicts( [params] )
elif arg == '--list-apks':
path = ""
debug = False
appID = ''
args = sys.argv[2:]
while len(args):
arg = args.pop(0)
if arg == '--appID': appID = args.pop(0)
elif arg == '--debug': debug = True
elif arg == '--path': path = args.pop(0)
if not appID: usage('--appID not optional')
apks = getOrderedApks( path, appID, debug )
if not len(apks): print "No apks in", path
else: print
for apk in apks:
print apk
elif arg == '--opponent-ids-for':
ids = ['eehouse.org:55f90207:7/1',
params = {'relayIDs' : ids, 'me' : '80713149'}
result = opponentIDsFor(None, json.dumps(params))
print json.dumps(result)
if __name__ == '__main__':