mirror of
synced 2025-01-07 05:24:46 +01:00
394 lines
10 KiB
394 lines
10 KiB
var state = {client: null,
closure: null,
connected: false,
function ccallString(proc, closure, str) {
Module.ccall('cbckString', null, ['number', 'number', 'string'],
[proc, closure, str]);
function registerOnce(devid, gitrev, now) {
let nextTimeKey = 'next_reg';
let gitKey = 'last_write';
let nextTime = parseInt(localStorage.getItem(nextTimeKey));
let prevGit = localStorage.getItem(gitKey);
if ( prevGit == gitrev && now < nextTime ) {
// console.log('registerOnce(): next in ' + (nextTime - now) + ' secs');
} else {
let args = { devid: devid,
gitrev: gitrev,
loc: navigator.language,
os: navigator.appName,
vers: '0.0',
dbg: true,
myNow: now,
vrntName: 'wasm',
let body = JSON.stringify(args);
fetch('/xw4/api/v1/register', {
method: 'post',
body: body,
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
}).then(res => {
return res.json();
}).then(data => {
// console.log('data: ' + JSON.stringify(data));
if ( data.success ) {
localStorage.setItem(nextTimeKey, data.atNext);
localStorage.setItem(gitKey, gitrev);
function handleFetchErrors(response) {
if ( response.ok ) {
return response;
} else {
throw Error(response.statusText);
function getDict(langs, proc, closure) {
function callWhenDone(xwd, lc, langName, data, len) {
Module.ccall('gotDictBinary', null,
['number', 'number', 'string', 'string', 'string', 'array', 'number'],
[proc, closure, xwd, lc, langName, data, len ]);
let gots = {}; // for later
console.log('langs: ' + langs + '; langs[0]: ' + langs[0]);
let args = '?lc=' + langs.join('|');
console.log('args: ' + args);
fetch('/xw4/info.py/listDicts' + args, {
method: 'post',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
.then(response => {
return response.json();
}).then(data => {
// console.log('data: ' + JSON.stringify(data));
for ( lang of data.langs ) {
let dict = null;
for ( one of lang.dicts ) {
if ( !dict || one.nBytes > dict.nBytes ) {
dict = one;
if ( dict ) {
gots.xwd = dict.xwd;
gots.langName = lang.lang;
gots.lc = lang.lc;
let path = '/' + ['and_wordlists', gots.langName, gots.xwd].join('/');
return fetch(path);
.then(response => {
// console.log('got here!!!' + response);
return response.arrayBuffer();
}).then(data=> {
let len = data.byteLength;
let dataPtr = Module._malloc(len);
// Copy data to Emscripten heap
var dataHeap = new Uint8Array(Module.HEAPU8.buffer, dataPtr, len);
dataHeap.set( new Uint8Array(data) );
callWhenDone(gots.xwd, gots.lc, gots.langName, dataHeap, len);
}).catch(ex => {
callWhenDone(null, null, null, [], 0);
// Called from main() asap after things are initialized etc.
function jssetup(closure, devid, gitrev, now, noTabProc, focusProc, msgProc) {
// Set a unique tag so we know if somebody comes along later
let tabID = Math.random();
localStorage.setItem('tabID', tabID);
let listener = function () {
newTabID = localStorage.getItem('tabID');
if ( newTabID != tabID ) {
ccallString(noTabProc, state.closure, '');
window.removeEventListener('storage', listener);
window.addEventListener('storage', listener);
window.onfocus = function () {
ccallString(focusProc, state.closure, '');
registerOnce(devid, gitrev, now);
state.closure = closure;
state.msgProc = msgProc;
function tellConnected(isConn) {
Module.ccall('MQTTConnectedChanged', null, ['number', 'boolean'],
[state.closure, isConn]);
state.client = new Paho.MQTT.Client("eehouse.org", 8883, '/wss', devid);
// set callback handlers
state.client.onConnectionLost = function onConnectionLost(responseObject) {
state.connected = false;
if (responseObject.errorCode !== 0) {
state.client.onMessageArrived = function onMessageArrived(message) {
let payload = message.payloadBytes;
let length = payload.length;
Module.ccall('cbckBinary', null, ['number', 'number', 'number', 'array'],
[state.msgProc, state.closure, length, payload]);
function onConnect() {
state.connected = true
var subscribeOptions = {
qos: 2, // QoS
// invocationContext: {foo: true}, // Passed to success / failure callback
// onSuccess: function() { alert('subscribe succeeded'); },
onFailure: function() { alert('subscribe failed'); },
timeout: 10,
state.client.subscribe('xw4/device/' + devid, subscribeOptions);
state.client.connect({mqttVersion: 3,
userName: "xwuser",
password: "xw4r0cks",
useSSL: true,
reconnect: true,
onSuccess: onConnect,
onFailure: function() { alert('onFailure'); },
function mqttSend( topic, ptr ) {
let canSend = null != state.client && state.connected;
if ( canSend ) {
message = new Paho.MQTT.Message(ptr);
message.destinationName = topic;
message.qos = 2;
} else {
console.log('mqttSend: not connected');
return canSend;
function addDepthNote(dlg) {
let depth = dlg.parentNode.childElementCount;
if ( depth > 1 ) {
let div = document.createElement('div');
div.textContent = '(Depth: ' + depth + ')';
function newDlgWMsg(msg) {
let container = document.getElementById('nbalert');
let dlg = document.createElement('div');
dlg.style.zIndex = 10000 + container.childElementCount;
container.appendChild( dlg );
let txtDiv = document.createElement('div');
txtDiv.textContent = msg
dlg.appendChild( txtDiv );
return dlg;
function newButtonDiv(buttons, proc) {
let div = document.createElement('div');
for ( let ii = 0; ii < buttons.length; ++ii ) {
let buttonTxt = buttons[ii];
let button = document.createElement('button');
button.textContent = buttonTxt;
button.onclick = function() { proc(ii); };
div.appendChild( button );
return div;
function nbDialog(msg, buttons, proc, closure) {
const dlg = newDlgWMsg( msg );
const butProc = function(indx) {
ccallString(proc, closure, buttons[indx]);
dlg.appendChild( newButtonDiv( buttons, butProc ) );
function nbBlankPick(title, buttons, proc, closure) {
let dlg = newDlgWMsg( title );
const butProc = function(indx) {
ccallString(proc, closure, indx.toString());
dlg.appendChild( newButtonDiv( buttons, butProc ) );
// To enable sorting of names on buttons while keeping existing code,
// I'm creating an array of pairs then sorting that.
function nbGamePick(title, gameMap, proc, closure) {
let dlg = newDlgWMsg( title );
let pairs = [];
Object.keys(gameMap).forEach( function(key) {
pairs.push({id:key, txt:gameMap[key]});
pairs.sort(function(a, b){
var stra = a.txt.toLowerCase();
var strb = b.txt.toLowerCase();
if (stra < strb) {return -1;}
if (stra > strb) {return 1;}
return parseInt(a.id) - parseInt(b.id);
let buttons = [];
for ( pair of pairs ) {
butProc = function(indx) {
ccallString(proc, closure, pairs[indx].id);
dlg.appendChild( newButtonDiv( buttons, butProc ) );
function setDivButtons(divid, buttons, proc, closure) {
let parent = document.getElementById(divid);
while ( parent.lastElementChild ) {
butProc = function(indx) {
ccallString(proc, closure, buttons[indx]);
parent.appendChild( newButtonDiv( buttons, butProc ) );
function nbGetString(msg, dflt, proc, closure) {
let dlg = newDlgWMsg( msg );
let tarea = document.createElement('textarea');
tarea.value = dflt;
dlg.appendChild( tarea );
dismissed = function(str) {
ccallString(proc, closure, str);
let buttons = ["Cancel", "OK"];
butProc = function(indx) {
if ( indx == 0 ) { // CANCEL
} else if ( indx == 1 ) { // OK
dlg.appendChild( newButtonDiv( buttons, butProc ) );
function newRadio(txt, id, isSet, proc) {
let span = document.createElement('span');
let radio = document.createElement('input');
radio.type = 'radio';
radio.id = id;
radio.name = id;
radio.onclick = proc;
radio.checked = isSet;
let label = document.createElement('label')
label.htmlFor = id;
var description = document.createTextNode(txt);
return span;
function nbGetNewGame(closure, msg, langs) {
const dlg = newDlgWMsg(msg);
const explDiv = document.createElement('div');
dlg.appendChild( explDiv );
explDiv.textContent = 'Is your opponent a robot or someone you will invite?';
const radioDiv = document.createElement('div');
dlg.appendChild( radioDiv );
let robotSet = true;
radioDiv.appendChild(newRadio('Robot', 'newgame', robotSet,
function() {robotSet = true;}));
radioDiv.appendChild(newRadio('Remote player', 'newgame', !robotSet,
function() {robotSet = false;} ));
const dfltLangIndx = 0;
let chosenLang = langs[dfltLangIndx];
if ( 1 < langs.length ) {
const langsExplDiv = document.createElement('div');
dlg.appendChild( langsExplDiv );
langsExplDiv.textContent = "Choose your game language";
const langsDiv = document.createElement('div');
dlg.appendChild( langsDiv );
for ( let ii = 0; ii < langs.length; ++ii ) {
let langName = langs[ii];
langsDiv.appendChild(newRadio(langName, 'lang', ii == dfltLangIndx,
function() {chosenLang = langName;}));
const butProc = function(indx) {
if ( indx === 1 ) {
const types = ['number', 'boolean', 'string'];
const params = [closure, robotSet, chosenLang];
Module.ccall('onNewGame', null, types, params);
dlg.appendChild( newButtonDiv( ['Cancel', 'OK'], butProc ) );
for ( let one of ['paho-mqtt.js'] ) {
let script = document.createElement('script');
script.src = one;