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synced 2025-02-09 22:00:39 +01:00
The http-based comms flow is stalling. This will help figure out why.
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Executable file
100 lines
3.2 KiB
Executable file
import getopt, re, sys
import json, psycopg2
I want to understand why some messages linger on the database so
long. So given one or more logfiles that track a linux client's
interaction, look at what it sends and receives and compare that with
what's in the relay's msgs table.
DEVID_PAT = re.compile('.*linux_getDevIDRelay => (\d+)$')
QUERY_GOT_PAT = re.compile('.*>(\d+:\d+:\d+):runWitCurl\(\): got for query: \"({.*})\"$')
# <26828:7f03b7fff700>07:47:20:runWitCurl(): got for post: "{"data": ["AR03ggcAH2gwBwESbnVja3k6NTlmYTFjZmM6MTEw", "AR43ggcAH2gwDQBvAgEAAAAAvdAAAAAAAAAAAJIGUGxheWVyGg==", "AYALgw=="], "err": "timeout"}"
POST_GOT_PAT = re.compile('.*>(\d+:\d+:\d+):runWitCurl\(\): got for post: \"({.*})\"$')
def usage(msg = None):
if msg: sys.stderr.write('ERROR:' + msg + '\n')
sys.stderr.write('usage: ' + sys.argv[0] + ': (-l logfile)+ \n')
def parseLog(log, data):
devIDs = []
msgMap = {}
for line in open(log):
line = line.strip()
aMatch = DEVID_PAT.match(line)
if aMatch:
devID = int(aMatch.group(1))
if devID and (len(devIDs) == 0 or devIDs[-1] != devID):
aMatch = QUERY_GOT_PAT.match(line)
if aMatch:
rtime = aMatch.group(1)
jobj = json.loads(aMatch.group(2))
for relayID in jobj:
msgs = jobj[relayID]
for msgarr in msgs:
for msg in msgarr:
if not msg in msgMap: msgMap[msg] = []
msgMap[msg].append({'rtime' : rtime,})
if len(msgMap[msg]) > 1: print('big case')
aMatch = POST_GOT_PAT.match(line)
if aMatch:
jobj = json.loads(aMatch.group(2))
for datum in jobj['data']:
return devIDs, msgMap
def fetchMsgs(devIDs, msgMaps, data):
foundCount = 0
notFoundCount = 0
con = psycopg2.connect(database='xwgames')
cur = con.cursor()
query = "SELECT ctime, stime, stime-ctime as age, msg64 FROM msgs WHERE devid in (%s) order by ctime" \
% (','.join([str(id) for id in devIDs]))
# print(query)
for row in cur:
msg64 = row[3]
for msgMap in msgMaps:
if msg64 in msgMap:
print('added:', row[0], 'sent:', row[1], 'received:', msgMap[msg64][0]['rtime'], 'age:', row[2])
if msg64 in data:
foundCount += 1
notFoundCount += 1
print('found:', foundCount, 'not found:', notFoundCount);
def main():
logs = []
opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "l:")
for option, value in opts:
if option == '-l': logs.append(value)
else: usage("unknown option" + option)
if len(logs) == 0: usage('at least one -l requried')
msgMaps = []
devIDs = set()
data = set()
for log in logs:
ids, msgMap = parseLog(log, data)
for id in ids: devIDs.add(id)
fetchMsgs(devIDs, msgMaps, data)
if __name__ == '__main__':