ehouse 6b80b3c0bc Include output of svnversion in Palm version's About dialog. For
Catalan and Spanish as well as English.  There's also some character
conversion in the former two that may be linked to my local LANG
setting now being en_US.utf8.  May need to revisit if there are
2006-05-15 04:24:30 +00:00

140 lines
5.8 KiB

/* -*- mode: c; -*- */
* Copyright 1997 - 2002 by Eric House (xwords@eehouse.org) and others. All rights reserved.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
/* This table is where English user-visible strings come from (all
* strings meant to wind up in a str# resource, actually. Each entry
* is a pair of strings, first the constant name and then the string
* itself. The build system creats a str# resource with the latter
* and generates a .h file of #defines using the former. */
{ "STR_COMMIT_CONFIRM", "Acceptes la jugada?\n\n" },
{ "STR_NOT_YOUR_TURN", "No ho pots fer; no és el teu torn!" },
{ "STR_NO_PEEK_ROBOT_TILES", "No miris les fitxes de la màquina!" },
{ "STR_NO_PEEK_REMOTE_TILES", "No miris les fitxes dels altres!" },
"Conflicte de diccionaris: mana el del servidor." },
{ "STR_REG_UNEXPECTED_USER", "Jugador inesperat: no s'accepta" },
{ "STR_RESEND_IR", "Error enviant el missatge; ¿reenviar?" },
{ "STR_TOO_FEW_TILES", "No hi ha prou fitxes." },
{ "STR_CANT_UNDO_TILEASSIGN", "El repartiment de fitxes no pot desfer-se." },
{ "STR_VALUES_TITLE", "Counts and Values" }, /* translate */
{ "STR_REMAINS_TITLE","Remaining tiles" }, /* translate */
{ "STRS_VALUES_HEADER", "%s counts/values:\n" }, /* translate */
{ "STR_DOUBLE_LETTER", "Doble de lletra" },
{ "STR_DOUBLE_WORD", "Doble de paraula" },
{ "STR_TRIPLE_LETTER", "Triple de lletra" },
{ "STR_TRIPLE_WORD", "Triple de paraula" },
{ "STR_REMTILES", "Hi ha:%d" },
{ "STR_CANT_TRADE_MIDTURN", "Encara tens fitxes al tauler."},
{ "STR_ASK_REPLACE_GAME", "Vols sobreescriure la partida?" },
{ "STR_OK", "Ok" }, /* translate */
{ "STR_ABOUT_TITLE", "Sobre Crosswords" },
{ "STR_DEFAULT_NAME", "Jugador %d" },
"Crosswords " XW_PALM_VERSION_STRING " (rev. " SVN_REV ").\n" \
"Copyright 1998-2004 by Eric House. "\
"Tots els drets reservats.\n\n"\
"El manual és a xwords.sourceforge.net\n\n" \
"Aquest programa és postalware.\nSi el fas servir, " \
"envia una postal a:\n" \
"The Houses\n" \
"1610 NW 14th Place\n" \
"Corvallis, OR 97330 USA\n\n"
"Escrit sobre Debian GNU/Linux usant les prc-tools.\n\n" \
"Versió catalana de F. Xavier Gil\n(setimig@wanadooadsl.net)." \
{ "STR_CONFIRM_END_GAME", "Segur que vols acabar la partida?"},
{ "STR_CONFIRM_TRADE", "Segur que vols usar el teu torn " \
"per canviar fitxes?" },
{ "STR_TRADING_REMINDER", "Prem D per acabar." },
{ "STR_NOT_UNREG_VERS", "Només funciona a la versió registrada." },
{ "STR_LOCAL_NAME", "%s" },
{ "STR_NONLOCAL_NAME", "%s (remot)" },
{ "STRSD_SUMMARYSCORED", "%s: %d" },
{ "STRD_TRADED", "Canviades: %d" },
{ "STR_PASSED", "Ha passat" },
{ "STR_LOSTTURN", "Torn perdut" },
{ "STR_HISTORY_TITLE", "Jugades" },
{ "STRD_REMAINING_TILES_ADD", "+ %d [fitxes sobreres]" },
{ "STRD_UNUSED_TILES_SUB", "- %d [fitxes no usades]" },
{ "STR_BONUS_ALL", "Per usar les set fitxes: 50\n" },
{ "STRD_TURN_SCORE", "Parcial de la jugada: %d\n" },
{ "STR_ALL_IN_LINE_ERR", "Les fitxes no estan en línia." },
{ "STR_NO_EMPTIES_ERR", "Les fitxes s'han de tocar." },
{ "STR_FIRST_MOVE_ERR", "Has de posar dues o mes fitxes a " \
"la primera jugada." },
/* phony comment to get diff back in sync */
{ "STR_MUST_CONTACT_ERR", "Les fitxes n'han de tocar d'altres (o " \
"el quadre central a la primera jugada)." },
{ "STR_PTS", "Punts:" },
{ "STR_CONFIRM_DEL_GAME", "Segur que la vols esborrar?" },
{ "STRD_TIME_PENALTY_SUB", " - %d [per temps]" },
{ "STR_NO_DICT_INSTALLED", "Crosswords necessita algun diccionari." },
{ "STR_ILLEGAL_WORD", "Ep!, %s no està al diccionari." },
{ "STR_FINAL_SCORES_TITLE", "Puntuació final"},
/* another phony comment to get diff back in sync */
{ "STRD_CUMULATIVE_SCORE", "Acumulat: %d\n" },
{ "STRS_TRAY_AT_START", "Faristol inicial: %s\n" },
{ "STRS_MOVE_ACROSS", "jugada (%s, horitzontal)\n" },
{ "STRS_MOVE_DOWN", "jugada (%s, vertical)\n" },
{ "STRS_NEW_TILES", "Noves fitxes: %s\n" },
{ "STRSS_TRADED_FOR", "Canvi de %s per %s." },
{ "STR_PASS", "passa\n" },
{ "STR_PHONY_REJECTED", "Mot incorrecte; torn perdut!\n" },
{ "STR_ROBOT_MOVED", "El robot ha jugat:\n" },
{ "STR_REMOTE_MOVED", "Un jugador remot ha jugat:\n" },
{ "STRD_ROBOT_TRADED", "s'han canviat %d fitxes." },
{ "STR_ROBOT_TITLE", "Punts del robot" },
/* The end of 4.0.5's strings */
{ "STR_PICK_BLANK", "Tria la fitxa per l'escarràs." },
{ "STRS_PICK_TILE", "Tria una nova fitxa per %s." },
#ifdef NODE_CAN_4
{ "STR_CONFIRM_CONVERTDICT", "Vols convertir els diccionaris de Crosswords " \
"al nou format? " \
"El canvi no és reversible." },
{ "STRS_CONFIRM_ONEDICT", "Convertir el diccionari %s?" },
{ "STRS_CANNOT_FIND_DICT", "%s dictionary not found." }, /* translate */
{ "STR_DICT_COPY_EXPL", "Copying dictionary from card..." },/* translate */