Eric House b8f359c3e5 add filtering to wordlist browser
Add a basic regular expression engine to the dictiter, and to the UI add
the ability to filter for "starts with", "contains" and "ends with",
which translate into ANDed RE_*, _*RE_* and _*RE, respectively (with
_ standing for blank/wildcard). The engine's tightly integrated with the
next/prevWord() functions for greatest possible speed, but unless
there's no pattern does slow things down a bit (especially when "ENDS
WITH" is used.) The full engine is not exposed (users can't provide raw
REs), and while the parser will accept nesting (e.g. ([AB]_*[CD]){2,5}
to mean words from 2-5 tiles long starting with A or B and ending with C
or D) the engine can't handle it. Which is why filtering for word length
is handled separately from REs (but also tightly integrated.)

Users can enter strings that don't map to tiles. They now get an
error. It made sense for the error alert to have a "Show tiles"
button, so there's now a dialog listing all the tiles in a wordlist,
something the browser has needed all along.
2020-08-05 09:47:44 -07:00

92 lines
3.8 KiB
Executable file

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import argparse, subprocess
g_pairs = [
(['_*ING'], [('RINGER', False)]),
(['_{2}ING'], [('RING', False), ('DOING', True), ('SPRING', False)]),
(['_{2}'], [('DO', True)]),
(['D_{1,2}'], [('DOG', True), ('DO', True), ('D', False)]),
(['A_*'], [('ABLE', True), ('BALL', False),]),
(['B_*'], [('BALL', True), ('APPLE', False), ('CAT', False),],),
(['ABC'], [('ABC', True), ('CBA', False)]),
(['_*'], [('ABC', True)]),
(['_*Z'], [('ABC', False), ('AB', False)]),
(['_*C'], [('ABC', True)]),
(['_*B'], [('AB', True)]),
(['B_*'], [('AB', False), ('BA', True)]),
(['A*'], [('A', True)]),
(['A*A*'], [('A', True), ('AA', True), ('AAA', True), ('AAAA', True), ('AABA', False)]),
(['A*A*B'], [('B', True), ('C', False)]),
(['A{3}'], [('AAA', True)]),
(['A{1}A{1}A{1}'], [('AAA', True),('AA', False),('AAAA', False)]),
(['A*A*A*'], [('A', True),('AA', True),('AAA', True),('AAAA', True), ('ABAA', False)]),
(['AB*'], [('A', True)]),
(['A{2,4}'], [('A', False), ('AA', True), ('AAAA', True), ('AAAAA', False)]),
(['_*ING'], [('RINGER', False)]),
(['R_*'], [('RINGER', True)]),
(['R_*', '_*ING'], [('RING', True), ('ROLLING', True), ('SPRING', False), ('INGER', False), ('RINGER', False)]),
(['A', '_*'], [('ABC', False), ('CBA', False), ('A', True)]),
(['ABC', '_*'], [('ABC', True)]),
(['[ABC]{3}'], [('ABC', True), ('CBA', True), ('AAA', True), ('BBB', True)]),
(['[+ABC]{3}'], [('ABC', True), ('CBA', True), ('AAA', False), ('AA', False), ]),
(['[+ABC]{3}_*'], [('ABC', True), ('CBA', True), ('AAA', False), ('AA', False), ]),
(['AA[+ABC]{3}ZZ'], [('AAABCZZ', True), ('AACBAZZ', True), ('AAAAAZZ', False), ]),
(['[+AAB]{3}'], [('AAB', True), ('ABA', True), ('ABB', False), ('AB', False),
('ABBA', False),]),
(['[+AB_]{3}'], [('AAB', True), ('ABA', True), ('ABB', True), ('ABC', True),
('AB', False), ('ABBA', False),]),
(['[+_AB]{3}'], [('AAB', True), ('ABA', True), ('ABB', True), ('ABC', True),
('AB', False), ('ABBA', False),]),
g_dict = '../android/app/src/main/assets/BasEnglish2to8.xwd'
def doTest( pats, pair, stderr ):
# print('pair: {}'.format(pair))
(word, expect) = pair
args = ['./obj_linux_memdbg/xwords', '--test-dict', g_dict, '--test-string', word ]
for pat in pats:
args += ['--test-pat', pat]
result = subprocess.run(args, stderr=stderr)
passed = (0 == result.returncode) == expect
return passed
def main():
stderr = subprocess.DEVNULL
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('--with-stderr', dest = 'STDERR', action = 'store_true',
help = 'don\'t discard stderr')
parser.add_argument('--do-only', dest = 'SPECIFIED', type = int, action = 'append',
help = 'do this test case only')
parser.add_argument('--show-all', dest = 'PRINT_ALL', action = 'store_true', default = False,
help = 'print successes in addition to failures')
args = parser.parse_args()
if args.STDERR: stderr = None
ii = 0
counts = { False: 0, True: 0 }
for cases in g_pairs:
(pats, rest) = cases
for one in rest:
if not args.SPECIFIED or ii in args.SPECIFIED:
success = doTest(pats, one, stderr)
note = success and 'passed' or 'FAILED'
if args.PRINT_ALL or not success:
print( '{:2d} {}: {} {}'.format(ii, note, pats, one))
counts[success] += 1
ii += 1
print('Successes: {}'.format(counts[True]))
print('Failures: {}'.format(counts[False]))
if __name__ == '__main__':