#!/usr/bin/perl # Script for turning the Crosswords executable into a cab, along with # a shortcut in the games menu use strict; sub main() { my $provider = "\"Crosswords project\""; usage() if 1 != @ARGV; my $path = shift @ARGV; usage() unless $path =~ m|.dll$|; die "$path not found\n" unless -f $path; my $cabname = `basename $path`; chomp $cabname; # Create a link. The format, says Shaun, is # #command line my $userName = $cabname; my $cmdline = "\"\\Program Files\\Crosswords\\" . $userName . "\""; my $cmdlen = length( $cmdline ); $cabname =~ s/.dll$//; my $fname = "/tmp/file$$.list"; # see this url for %CE5% and other definitions: # http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/DevGuideSP/html/sp_wce51consmartphonewindowscestringsozup.asp open FILE, "> $fname"; my $tmpfile = "/tmp/$userName"; `cp $path $tmpfile`; print FILE "$tmpfile "; print FILE '%CE1%\\Crosswords', "\n"; close FILE; my $appname = $cabname; $cabname .= ".cab"; my $cmd = "pocketpc-cab -p $provider -a $appname " . "$fname $cabname"; print( STDERR $cmd, "\n"); `$cmd`; unlink $linkName, $tmpfile; } sub usage() { print STDERR "usage: $0 path/to/xwords4_language.dll\n"; exit 2; } main();