/* -*-mode: C; fill-column: 78; c-basic-offset: 4; -*- */ /* * Copyright 2005 by Eric House (xwords@eehouse.org). All rights reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "tpool.h" #include "xwrelay_priv.h" #include "xwrelay.h" #include "timermgr.h" #include "mlock.h" XWThreadPool* XWThreadPool::g_instance = NULL; /* static */ XWThreadPool* XWThreadPool::GetTPool() { XWThreadPool* me = g_instance; if ( me == NULL ) { me = new XWThreadPool(); g_instance = me; } return me; } XWThreadPool::XWThreadPool() : m_timeToDie(false) , m_nThreads(0) { pthread_rwlock_init( &m_activeSocketsRWLock, NULL ); pthread_mutex_init ( &m_queueMutex, NULL ); pthread_cond_init( &m_queueCondVar, NULL ); int fd[2]; if ( pipe( fd ) ) { logf( XW_LOGERROR, "pipe failed" ); } m_pipeRead = fd[0]; m_pipeWrite = fd[1]; logf( XW_LOGINFO, "pipes: m_pipeRead: %d; m_pipeWrite: %d", m_pipeRead, m_pipeWrite ); } XWThreadPool::~XWThreadPool() { pthread_cond_destroy( &m_queueCondVar ); pthread_rwlock_destroy( &m_activeSocketsRWLock ); pthread_mutex_destroy ( &m_queueMutex ); } /* ~XWThreadPool */ void XWThreadPool::Setup( int nThreads, packet_func pFunc ) { m_nThreads = nThreads; m_pFunc = pFunc; pthread_t thread; int ii; for ( ii = 0; ii < nThreads; ++ii ) { int result = pthread_create( &thread, NULL, tpool_main, this ); assert( result == 0 ); pthread_detach( thread ); } int result = pthread_create( &thread, NULL, listener_main, this ); assert( result == 0 ); } void XWThreadPool::Stop() { m_timeToDie = true; int ii; for ( ii = 0; ii < m_nThreads; ++ii ) { enqueue( 0 ); } interrupt_poll(); } void XWThreadPool::AddSocket( int socket ) { logf( XW_LOGINFO, "%s(%d)", __func__, socket ); { RWWriteLock ml( &m_activeSocketsRWLock ); m_activeSockets.push_back( socket ); } interrupt_poll(); } bool XWThreadPool::RemoveSocket( int socket ) { bool found = false; { RWWriteLock ml( &m_activeSocketsRWLock ); vector::iterator iter = m_activeSockets.begin(); while ( iter != m_activeSockets.end() ) { if ( *iter == socket ) { m_activeSockets.erase( iter ); found = true; break; } ++iter; } } return found; } /* RemoveSocket */ void XWThreadPool::CloseSocket( int socket ) { /* bool do_interrupt = false; */ if ( !RemoveSocket( socket ) ) { RWWriteLock rwl( &m_activeSocketsRWLock ); deque::iterator iter = m_queue.begin(); while ( iter != m_queue.end() ) { if ( *iter == socket ) { m_queue.erase( iter ); /* do_interrupt = true; */ break; } ++iter; } } logf( XW_LOGINFO, "CLOSING socket %d", socket ); close( socket ); /* if ( do_interrupt ) { */ /* We always need to interrupt the poll because the socket we're closing will be in the list being listened to. That or we need to drop sockets that have been removed on some other thread while the poll call's blocking.*/ interrupt_poll(); /* } */ } bool XWThreadPool::get_process_packet( int socket ) { bool success = false; short packetSize; assert( sizeof(packetSize) == 2 ); ssize_t nRead = recv( socket, &packetSize, sizeof(packetSize), MSG_WAITALL ); if ( nRead != 2 ) { killSocket( socket, "nRead != 2" ); } else { packetSize = ntohs( packetSize ); if ( packetSize < 0 || packetSize > MAX_MSG_LEN ) { killSocket( socket, "packetSize wrong" ); } else { unsigned char buf[MAX_MSG_LEN]; nRead = recv( socket, buf, packetSize, MSG_WAITALL ); if ( nRead != packetSize ) { killSocket( socket, "nRead != packetSize" ); } else { logf( XW_LOGINFO, "read %d bytes", nRead ); logf( XW_LOGINFO, "calling m_pFunc" ); success = (*m_pFunc)( buf, packetSize, socket ); } } } return success; } /* get_process_packet */ /* static */ void* XWThreadPool::tpool_main( void* closure ) { XWThreadPool* me = (XWThreadPool*)closure; return me->real_tpool_main(); } void* XWThreadPool::real_tpool_main() { logf( XW_LOGINFO, "tpool worker thread starting" ); for ( ; ; ) { pthread_mutex_lock( &m_queueMutex ); while ( !m_timeToDie && m_queue.size() == 0 ) { pthread_cond_wait( &m_queueCondVar, &m_queueMutex ); } if ( m_timeToDie ) { break; } int socket = m_queue.front(); m_queue.pop_front(); pthread_mutex_unlock( &m_queueMutex ); logf( XW_LOGINFO, "worker thread got socket %d from queue", socket ); if ( get_process_packet( socket ) ) { AddSocket( socket ); } /* else drop it: error */ } logf( XW_LOGINFO, "tpool worker thread exiting" ); return NULL; } void XWThreadPool::interrupt_poll() { logf( XW_LOGINFO, __func__ ); unsigned char byt = 0; int nSent = write( m_pipeWrite, &byt, 1 ); if ( nSent != 1 ) { logf( XW_LOGERROR, "errno = %s (%d)", strerror(errno), errno ); } } void* XWThreadPool::real_listener() { int flags = POLLIN | POLLERR | POLLHUP; TimerMgr* tmgr = TimerMgr::GetTimerMgr(); int nSocketsAllocd = 1; struct pollfd* fds = (pollfd*)calloc( nSocketsAllocd, sizeof(fds[0]) ); char* log = (char*)malloc( 4 * nSocketsAllocd ); for ( ; ; ) { pthread_rwlock_rdlock( &m_activeSocketsRWLock ); int nSockets = m_activeSockets.size() + 1; /* for pipe */ /* Don't malloc this thing every time!!! */ int logCapacity = 4 * nSockets; int logLen = 0; if ( nSockets > nSocketsAllocd ) { fds = (struct pollfd*)realloc( fds, nSockets * sizeof(fds[0]) ); log = (char*)realloc( log, nSockets * 4 ); nSocketsAllocd = nSockets; } struct pollfd* curfd = fds; curfd->fd = m_pipeRead; curfd->events = flags; logLen += snprintf( log+logLen, logCapacity - logLen, "%d,", curfd->fd ); ++curfd; vector::iterator iter = m_activeSockets.begin(); while ( iter != m_activeSockets.end() ) { curfd->fd = *iter++; curfd->events = flags; if ( logCapacity > logLen ) { logLen += snprintf( log+logLen, logCapacity - logLen, "%d,", curfd->fd ); } assert( curfd < fds + nSockets ); ++curfd; } pthread_rwlock_unlock( &m_activeSocketsRWLock ); int nMillis = tmgr->GetPollTimeout(); logf( XW_LOGINFO, "polling %s nmillis=%d", log, nMillis ); int nEvents = poll( fds, nSockets, nMillis ); logf( XW_LOGINFO, "back from poll: %d", nEvents ); if ( m_timeToDie ) { break; } if ( nEvents == 0 ) { tmgr->FireElapsedTimers(); } else if ( nEvents < 0 ) { logf( XW_LOGERROR, "poll failed: errno: %s (%d)", strerror(errno), errno ); } if ( fds[0].revents != 0 ) { logf( XW_LOGINFO, "poll interrupted" ); assert( fds[0].revents == POLLIN ); unsigned char byt; read( fds[0].fd, &byt, 1 ); --nEvents; } if ( nEvents > 0 ) { --nSockets; curfd = &fds[1]; int ii; for ( ii = 0; ii < nSockets && nEvents > 0; ++ii ) { if ( curfd->revents != 0 ) { int socket = curfd->fd; if ( !RemoveSocket( socket ) ) { /* no further processing if it's been removed while we've been sleeping in poll */ --nEvents; continue; } if ( 0 != (curfd->revents & (POLLIN | POLLPRI)) ) { logf( XW_LOGINFO, "enqueuing %d", socket ); enqueue( socket ); } else { logf( XW_LOGERROR, "odd revents: %x", curfd->revents ); killSocket( socket, "error/hup in poll()" ); } --nEvents; } ++curfd; } assert( nEvents == 0 ); } } logf( XW_LOGINFO, "real_listener returning" ); return NULL; } /* real_listener */ /* static */ void* XWThreadPool::listener_main( void* closure ) { XWThreadPool* me = (XWThreadPool*)closure; return me->real_listener(); } void XWThreadPool::enqueue( int socket ) { MutexLock ml( &m_queueMutex ); m_queue.push_back( socket ); logf( XW_LOGINFO, "calling pthread_cond_signal" ); pthread_cond_signal( &m_queueCondVar ); /* implicit unlock */ }