/* -*- compile-command: "cd ../linux && make MEMDEBUG=TRUE -j3"; -*- */ /* * Copyright 2020 by Eric House (xwords@eehouse.org). All rights reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include #include #include "device.h" #include "comtypes.h" #include "memstream.h" #include "xwstream.h" #include "strutils.h" #include "nli.h" static XWStreamCtxt* mkStream( XW_DUtilCtxt* dutil ) { XWStreamCtxt* stream = mem_stream_make_raw( MPPARM(dutil->mpool) dutil_getVTManager(dutil) ); return stream; } #ifdef XWFEATURE_DEVICE typedef struct _DevCtxt { XP_U16 devCount; } DevCtxt; static DevCtxt* load( XW_DUtilCtxt* dutil, XWEnv xwe ) { DevCtxt* state = (DevCtxt*)dutil->devCtxt; if ( NULL == state ) { XWStreamCtxt* stream = mkStream( dutil ); const XP_UCHAR* keys[] = { KEY_DEVSTATE, NULL }; dutil_loadStream( dutil, xwe, keys, stream ); state = XP_CALLOC( dutil->mpool, sizeof(*state) ); dutil->devCtxt = state; if ( 0 < stream_getSize( stream ) ) { state->devCount = stream_getU16( stream ); ++state->devCount; /* for testing until something's there */ /* XP_LOGF( "%s(): read devCount: %d", __func__, state->devCount ); */ } else { XP_LOGF( "%s(): empty stream!!", __func__ ); } stream_destroy( stream, NULL ); } return state; } void dvc_store( XW_DUtilCtxt* dutil, XWEnv xwe ) { DevCtxt* state = load( dutil, xwe ); XWStreamCtxt* stream = mkStream( dutil ); stream_putU16( stream, state->devCount ); const XP_UCHAR* keys[] = { KEY_DEVSTATE, NULL }; dutil_storeStream( dutil, xwe, keys, stream ); stream_destroy( stream, NULL ); XP_FREEP( dutil->mpool, &dutil->devCtxt ); } #endif // #define BOGUS_ALL_SAME_DEVID #define NUM_RUNS 1 /* up this to see how random things look */ static void getMQTTDevID( XW_DUtilCtxt* dutil, XWEnv xwe, XP_Bool forceNew, MQTTDevID* devID ) { const XP_UCHAR* keys[] = { MQTT_DEVID_KEY, NULL }; #ifdef BOGUS_ALL_SAME_DEVID XP_USE(forceNew); MQTTDevID bogusID = 0; XP_UCHAR* str = "ABCDEF0123456789"; XP_Bool ok = strToMQTTCDevID( str, &bogusID ); XP_ASSERT( ok ); MQTTDevID tmp = 0; XP_U32 len = sizeof(tmp); dutil_loadPtr( dutil, xwe, keys, &tmp, &len ); if ( len != sizeof(tmp) || 0 != XP_MEMCMP( &bogusID, &tmp, sizeof(tmp) ) ) { dutil_storePtr( dutil, xwe, keys, &bogusID, sizeof(bogusID) ); } *devID = bogusID; #else MQTTDevID tmp = 0; XP_U32 len = sizeof(tmp); if ( !forceNew ) { dutil_loadPtr( dutil, xwe, keys, &tmp, &len ); } /* XP_LOGFF( "len: %d; sizeof(tmp): %zu", len, sizeof(tmp) ); */ if ( forceNew || len != sizeof(tmp) ) { /* not found, or bogus somehow */ int total = 0; for ( int ii = 0; ii < NUM_RUNS; ++ii ) { tmp = XP_RANDOM(); tmp <<= 27; tmp ^= XP_RANDOM(); tmp <<= 27; tmp ^= XP_RANDOM(); int count = 0; MQTTDevID tmp2 = tmp; while ( 0 != tmp2 ) { if ( 0 != (1 & tmp2) ) { ++count; ++total; } tmp2 >>= 1; } XP_LOGFF( "got: %" PRIX64 " (set: %d/%zd)", tmp, count, sizeof(tmp2)*8 ); } XP_LOGFF( "average bits set: %d", total / NUM_RUNS ); dutil_storePtr( dutil, xwe, keys, &tmp, sizeof(tmp) ); # ifdef DEBUG XP_UCHAR buf[32]; formatMQTTDevID( &tmp, buf, VSIZE(buf) ); /* This log statement is required by discon_ok2.py!!! (keep in sync) */ XP_LOGFF( "generated id: %s; key: %s", buf, MQTT_DEVID_KEY ); # endif } *devID = tmp; #endif // LOG_RETURNF( MQTTDevID_FMT " key: %s", *devID, MQTT_DEVID_KEY ); } void dvc_getMQTTDevID( XW_DUtilCtxt* dutil, XWEnv xwe, MQTTDevID* devID ) { getMQTTDevID( dutil, xwe, XP_FALSE, devID ); } void dvc_resetMQTTDevID( XW_DUtilCtxt* dutil, XWEnv xwe ) { #ifdef BOGUS_ALL_SAME_DEVID XP_LOGFF( "doing nothing" ); XP_USE( dutil ); XP_USE( xwe ); #else MQTTDevID ignored; getMQTTDevID( dutil, xwe, XP_TRUE, &ignored ); #endif } typedef enum { CMD_INVITE, CMD_MSG, CMD_DEVGONE, } MQTTCmd; // #define PROTO_0 0 #define PROTO_1 1 /* moves gameID into "header" relay2 knows about */ #define PROTO_2 2 /* adds timestamp to header */ #ifndef MQTT_USE_PROTO # define MQTT_USE_PROTO PROTO_1 #endif static void addHeaderGameIDAndCmd( XW_DUtilCtxt* dutil, XWEnv xwe, MQTTCmd cmd, XP_U32 gameID, XP_U32 timestamp, XWStreamCtxt* stream ) { stream_putU8( stream, MQTT_USE_PROTO ); MQTTDevID myID; dvc_getMQTTDevID( dutil, xwe, &myID ); myID = htobe64( myID ); stream_putBytes( stream, &myID, sizeof(myID) ); stream_putU32( stream, gameID ); if ( PROTO_2 <= MQTT_USE_PROTO ) { if ( 0 == timestamp ) { timestamp = dutil_getCurSeconds( dutil, xwe ); XP_LOGFF( "replacing timestamp of 0" ); } stream_putU32( stream, timestamp ); } stream_putU8( stream, cmd ); } void dvc_makeMQTTInvite( XW_DUtilCtxt* dutil, XWEnv xwe, XWStreamCtxt* stream, const NetLaunchInfo* nli, XP_U32 timestamp ) { addHeaderGameIDAndCmd( dutil, xwe, CMD_INVITE, nli->gameID, timestamp, stream ); nli_saveToStream( nli, stream ); } void dvc_makeMQTTMessage( XW_DUtilCtxt* dutil, XWEnv xwe, XWStreamCtxt* stream, XP_U32 gameID, XP_U32 timestamp, const XP_U8* buf, XP_U16 len ) { addHeaderGameIDAndCmd( dutil, xwe, CMD_MSG, gameID, timestamp, stream ); if ( PROTO_2 <= MQTT_USE_PROTO ) { stream_putU32VL( stream, len ); } stream_putBytes( stream, buf, len ); } void dvc_makeMQTTNoSuchGame( XW_DUtilCtxt* dutil, XWEnv xwe, XWStreamCtxt* stream, XP_U32 gameID, XP_U32 timestamp ) { addHeaderGameIDAndCmd( dutil, xwe, CMD_DEVGONE, gameID, timestamp, stream ); } void dvc_parseMQTTPacket( XW_DUtilCtxt* dutil, XWEnv xwe, const XP_U8* buf, XP_U16 len ) { LOG_FUNC(); XWStreamCtxt* stream = mkStream( dutil ); stream_putBytes( stream, buf, len ); XP_U8 proto = stream_getU8( stream ); if ( proto == PROTO_1 || proto == PROTO_2 ) { MQTTDevID senderID; stream_getBytes( stream, &senderID, sizeof(senderID) ); senderID = be64toh( senderID ); #ifdef DEBUG XP_UCHAR tmp[32]; formatMQTTDevID( &senderID, tmp, VSIZE(tmp) ); XP_LOGFF( "senderID: %s", tmp ); #endif XP_U32 gameID = stream_getU32( stream ); XP_U32 timestamp = 0; if ( PROTO_2 == proto ) { timestamp = stream_getU32( stream ); #ifdef DEBUG if ( 0 < timestamp ) { XP_U32 now = dutil_getCurSeconds( dutil, xwe ); XP_LOGFF( "delivery took %ds", now - timestamp ); } #endif } MQTTCmd cmd = stream_getU8( stream ); /* Need to ack even if discarded/malformed */ dutil_ackMQTTMsg( dutil, xwe, gameID, &senderID, buf, len ); switch ( cmd ) { case CMD_INVITE: { NetLaunchInfo nli = {0}; if ( nli_makeFromStream( &nli, stream ) ) { dutil_onInviteReceived( dutil, xwe, &nli ); } } break; case CMD_DEVGONE: case CMD_MSG: { CommsAddrRec from = {0}; addr_addType( &from, COMMS_CONN_MQTT ); from.u.mqtt.devID = senderID; if ( CMD_MSG == cmd ) { XP_U32 msgLen; if ( PROTO_2 == proto ) { msgLen = stream_getU32VL( stream ); if ( msgLen > stream_getSize( stream ) ) { XP_LOGFF( "msglen %d too large", msgLen ); msgLen = 0; } } else { msgLen = stream_getSize( stream ); } if ( 0 < msgLen ) { XP_U8 msgBuf[msgLen]; stream_getBytes( stream, msgBuf, msgLen ); dutil_onMessageReceived( dutil, xwe, gameID, &from, msgBuf, msgLen ); } } else if ( CMD_DEVGONE == cmd ) { dutil_onGameGoneReceived( dutil, xwe, gameID, &from ); } } break; default: XP_LOGFF( "unknown command %d; dropping message", cmd ); XP_ASSERT(0); } } else { XP_LOGFF( "bad proto %d; dropping packet", proto ); } stream_destroy( stream, xwe ); }