#!/bin/sh set -e -u # Grabs the list of string names from values.xml and greps for each. # If it's not found in a .java or .xml file lists it. cd $(dirname $0) IDS=$(./string-names.sh ../XWords4/res/values/strings.xml) STR_COUNT=$(echo $IDS | wc -w) JAVA_FILES=$(find ../ -name '*.java') XML_FILES="$(find ../XWords4/res/ -name '*.xml') ../XWords4/AndroidManifest.xml" FILE_COUNT=$(( $(echo $JAVA_FILES | wc -w) + $(echo $XML_FILES | wc -w) )) echo "checking $STR_COUNT string ids in $FILE_COUNT files..." for ID in $IDS; do RID="R.string.${ID}" if grep -qr $RID $JAVA_FILES; then continue; fi RID="@string/${ID}" if grep -qr $RID $XML_FILES; then continue; fi echo "$ID not found" done