#!/usr/bin/perl # Script for turning Crosswords .xwd files into .cab files that, when # run on a PPC device, will install the enclosed .xwd file into a # Crosswords directory in "c:\Program Files\Crosswords". use strict; my $provider = "\"Crosswords project\""; usage() if 0 == @ARGV; while ( my $path = shift @ARGV ) { unless ( $path =~ m|.xwd$| ) { print STDERR "skipping $path: doesn't end in .xwd\n"; next; } unless (-f $path ) { print STDERR "skipping $path: not found\n"; next; } my $fname = "/tmp/file$$.list"; # see this url for %CE5% and other definitions: # http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/DevGuideSP/html/sp_wce51consmartphonewindowscestringsozup.asp open FILE, "> $fname"; print FILE "$path "; print FILE '%CE5%\\Crosswords', "\n"; close FILE; my $cabname = `basename $path`; chomp $cabname; $cabname =~ s/.xwd$//; my $appname = $cabname; $cabname .= "_xwd.cab"; `pocketpc-cab -p $provider -a $appname $fname $cabname`; print STDERR "$cabname done\n"; unlink $fname; } sub usage() { print STDERR "usage: $0 xwdfile[ xwdfile]*\n"; exit 2; }