var state = {client: null, closure: null, connected: false, }; function callNewGame() { Module.ccall('newgame', null, ['number'], [state.closure]); } function callButton(obj) { Module.ccall('button', null, ['number', 'string'], [state.closure,]); } function onHaveDevID(closure, devid) { // Set a unique tag so we know if somebody comes along later let tabID = Math.random(); localStorage.setItem('tabID', tabID); window.addEventListener('storage', function () { newTabID = localStorage.getItem('tabID'); if ( newTabID != tabID ) { state.client.disconnect(); Module.ccall('button', null, ['number', 'string'], [state.closure, 'exit']); } } ); state.closure = closure; document.getElementById("mqtt_span").textContent=devid; function tellConnected(isConn) { Module.ccall('MQTTConnectedChanged', null, ['number', 'boolean'], [state.closure, isConn]); } state.client = new Paho.MQTT.Client("", 8883, '/wss', devid); // set callback handlers state.client.onConnectionLost = function onConnectionLost(responseObject) { state.connected = false; document.getElementById("mqtt_status").textContent="Disconnected"; tellConnected(false); if (responseObject.errorCode !== 0) { console.log("onConnectionLost:"+responseObject.errorMessage); } }; state.client.onMessageArrived = function onMessageArrived(message) { var payload = message.payloadBytes; var length = payload.length; Module.ccall('gotMQTTMsg', null, ['number', 'number', 'array'], [state.closure, length, payload]); }; function onConnect() { state.connected = true document.getElementById("mqtt_status").textContent="Connected"; tellConnected(true); var subscribeOptions = { qos: 2, // QoS // invocationContext: {foo: true}, // Passed to success / failure callback // onSuccess: function() { alert('subscribe succeeded'); }, onFailure: function() { alert('subscribe failed'); }, timeout: 10, }; state.client.subscribe('xw4/device/' + devid, subscribeOptions); } state.client.connect({mqttVersion: 3, userName: "xwuser", password: "xw4r0cks", useSSL: true, reconnect: true, onSuccess: onConnect, onFailure: function() { alert('onFailure'); }, }); } function mqttSend( topic, ptr ) { let canSend = null != state.client && state.connected; if ( canSend ) { message = new Paho.MQTT.Message(ptr); message.destinationName = topic; message.qos = 2; state.client.send(message); } else { console.log('mqttSend: not connected'); } return canSend; } function addDepthNote(dlg) { let depth = dlg.parentNode.childElementCount; if ( depth > 1 ) { let div = document.createElement('div'); div.textContent = '(Depth: ' + depth + ')'; dlg.appendChild(div); } } function newDlgWMsg(msg) { let container = document.getElementById('nbalert'); let dlg = document.createElement('div'); dlg.classList.add('nbalert'); = 10000 + container.childElementCount; container.appendChild( dlg ); let txtDiv = document.createElement('div'); txtDiv.textContent = msg dlg.appendChild( txtDiv ); return dlg; } function newButtonDiv(buttons, proc) { let div = document.createElement('div'); div.classList.add('buttonRow'); for ( let buttonTxt of buttons ) { let button = document.createElement('button'); button.textContent = buttonTxt; button.onclick = function() { proc(buttonTxt); }; div.appendChild( button ); } return div; } function nbDialog(msg, buttons, proc, closure) { let dlg = newDlgWMsg( msg ); butProc = function(buttonTxt) { Module.ccall('onDlgButton', null, ['number', 'number', 'string'], [proc, closure, buttonTxt]); dlg.parentNode.removeChild(dlg); } dlg.appendChild( newButtonDiv( buttons, butProc ) ); addDepthNote(dlg); } function nbBlankPick(title, buttons, proc, closure) { let dlg = newDlgWMsg( title ); butProc = function(buttonTxt) { Module.ccall('onDlgButton', null, ['number', 'number', 'string'], [proc, closure, buttonTxt]); dlg.parentNode.removeChild(dlg); } let ROWLEN = 6; for (ii = 0; ii < buttons.length; ii += ROWLEN) { dlg.appendChild( newButtonDiv( buttons.slice(ii, ii + ROWLEN), butProc ) ); } addDepthNote(dlg); } function nbGamePick(title, gameMap, proc, closure) { let dlg = newDlgWMsg( title ); buttons = []; revMap = {} Object.keys(gameMap).forEach( function(key) { let val = gameMap[key] buttons.push(val); revMap[val] = key; }); butProc = function(buttonTxt) { Module.ccall('onDlgButton', null, ['number', 'number', 'string'], [proc, closure, revMap[buttonTxt]]); dlg.parentNode.removeChild(dlg); } dlg.appendChild( newButtonDiv( buttons.sort(), butProc ) ); addDepthNote(dlg); } function setDivButtons(divid, buttons, proc, closure) { let parent = document.getElementById(divid); while ( parent.lastElementChild ) { parent.removeChild(parent.lastElementChild); } butProc = function(buttonTxt) { Module.ccall('onDlgButton', null, ['number', 'number', 'string'], [proc, closure, buttonTxt]); } parent.appendChild( newButtonDiv( buttons, butProc ) ); } function nbGetString(msg, dflt, proc, closure) { let dlg = newDlgWMsg( msg ); let tarea = document.createElement('textarea'); tarea.classList.add('stringedit'); tarea.value = dflt; dlg.appendChild( tarea ); dismissed = function(str) { dlg.parentNode.removeChild(dlg); Module.ccall('onDlgButton', null, ['number', 'number', 'string'], [proc, closure, str]); } buttons = ["Cancel", "OK"]; butProc = function(str) { if ( str == buttons[0] ) { dismissed(null); } else if ( str == buttons[1] ) { dismissed(tarea.value); } } dlg.appendChild( newButtonDiv( buttons, butProc ) ); addDepthNote(dlg); } function newRadio(txt, id, proc) { let span = document.createElement('span'); let radio = document.createElement('input'); radio.type = 'radio'; = id; = id; radio.onclick = proc; let label = document.createElement('label') label.htmlFor = id; var description = document.createTextNode(txt); label.appendChild(description); span.appendChild(label); span.appendChild(radio); return span; } function nbGetNewGame(closure, msg) { let dlg = newDlgWMsg('Is your opponent a robot or someone you will invite?'); let radioDiv = document.createElement('div'); dlg.appendChild( radioDiv ); var robotSet = [null]; radioDiv.appendChild(newRadio('Robot', 'newgame', function() {robotSet[0] = true;})); radioDiv.appendChild(newRadio('Remote player', 'newgame', function() {robotSet[0] = false;})); butProc = function(str) { if ( str === 'OK' && null !== robotSet[0]) { types = ['number', 'boolean']; params = [closure, robotSet[0]]; Module.ccall('onNewGame', null, types, params); } dlg.parentNode.removeChild(dlg); } dlg.appendChild( newButtonDiv( ['Cancel', 'OK'], butProc ) ); addDepthNote(dlg); } for ( let one of ['paho-mqtt.js'] ) { let script = document.createElement('script'); script.src = one; document.body.appendChild(script); }