/* -*- compile-command: "make MEMDEBUG=TRUE -j3"; -*- */ /* * Copyright 2020 - 2022 by Eric House (xwords@eehouse.org). All rights * reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include #include "mqttcon.h" #include "gsrcwrap.h" #include "device.h" #include "strutils.h" typedef struct _MQTTConStorage { LaunchParams* params; struct mosquitto* mosq; MQTTDevID clientID; gchar clientIDStr[32]; int msgPipe[2]; } MQTTConStorage; #define DEFAULT_QOS 2 static MQTTConStorage* getStorage( LaunchParams* params ) { MQTTConStorage* storage = (MQTTConStorage*)params->mqttConStorage; if ( NULL == storage ) { storage = XP_CALLOC( params->mpool, sizeof(*storage) ); params->mqttConStorage = storage; } return storage; } static void loadClientID( LaunchParams* params, MQTTConStorage* storage ) { dvc_getMQTTDevID( params->dutil, NULL_XWE, &storage->clientID ); formatMQTTDevID( &storage->clientID, storage->clientIDStr, VSIZE(storage->clientIDStr) ); XP_ASSERT( 16 == strlen(storage->clientIDStr) ); } static void onMessageReceived( struct mosquitto* XP_UNUSED_DBG(mosq), void *userdata, const struct mosquitto_message* message ) { XP_LOGFF( "(len=%d)", message->payloadlen ); MQTTConStorage* storage = (MQTTConStorage*)userdata; XP_ASSERT( storage->mosq == mosq ); XP_ASSERT( message->payloadlen < 0x7FFF ); const int msgPipe = storage->msgPipe[1]; /* write topic, then message */ const char* topic = message->topic; short msgLen = htons(1 + strlen(topic)); write( msgPipe, &msgLen, sizeof(msgLen) ); write( msgPipe, topic, 1 + strlen(topic) ); short len = (short)message->payloadlen; len = htons( len ); write( msgPipe, &len, sizeof(len) ); write( msgPipe, message->payload, message->payloadlen ); } static void connect_callback( struct mosquitto *mosq, void *userdata, int XP_UNUSED_DBG(err) ) { XP_LOGFF( "(err=%s)", mosquitto_strerror(err) ); XP_USE(mosq); XP_USE(userdata); /* int i; */ /* if(!result){ */ /* /\* Subscribe to broker information topics on successful connect. *\/ */ /* mosquitto_subscribe(mosq, NULL, "$SYS/#", 2); */ /* }else{ */ /* fprintf(stderr, "Connect failed\n"); */ /* } */ } static void subscribe_callback( struct mosquitto *mosq, void *userdata, int mid, int qos_count, const int *granted_qos) { XP_USE(mosq); XP_USE(userdata); XP_USE(mid); XP_USE(qos_count); XP_USE(granted_qos); XP_LOGFF ("Subscribed (mid: %d): %d", mid, granted_qos[0]); for ( int ii = 1; ii < qos_count; ii++ ) { XP_LOGFF(", %d", granted_qos[ii]); } } static void log_callback( struct mosquitto *mosq, void *userdata, int level, const char* str ) { XP_USE(mosq); XP_USE(userdata); XP_USE(level); XP_USE(str); /* XP_LOGFF( "msg: %s", str ); */ } static gboolean handle_gotmsg( GIOChannel* source, GIOCondition XP_UNUSED(condition), gpointer data ) { // XP_LOGFF( "(len=%d)", message->payloadlen ); LOG_FUNC(); MQTTConStorage* storage = (MQTTConStorage*)data; int pipe = g_io_channel_unix_get_fd( source ); XP_ASSERT( pipe == storage->msgPipe[0] ); short topicLen; #ifdef DEBUG ssize_t nRead = #endif read( pipe, &topicLen, sizeof(topicLen) ); XP_ASSERT( nRead == sizeof(topicLen) ); topicLen = ntohs(topicLen); XP_U8 topicBuf[topicLen]; #ifdef DEBUG nRead = #endif read( pipe, topicBuf, topicLen ); XP_ASSERT( nRead == topicLen); XP_ASSERT( '\0' == topicBuf[topicLen-1] ); short msgLen; #ifdef DEBUG nRead = #endif read( pipe, &msgLen, sizeof(msgLen) ); XP_ASSERT( nRead == sizeof(msgLen) ); msgLen = ntohs(msgLen); XP_U8 msgBuf[msgLen]; #ifdef DEBUG nRead = #endif read( pipe, msgBuf, msgLen ); XP_ASSERT( nRead == msgLen ); dvc_parseMQTTPacket( storage->params->dutil, NULL_XWE, (XP_UCHAR*)topicBuf, msgBuf, msgLen ); return TRUE; } /* handle_gotmsg */ static bool postOne( MQTTConStorage* storage, const XP_UCHAR* topic, const XP_U8* buf, XP_U16 len ) { int mid; int err = mosquitto_publish( storage->mosq, &mid, topic, len, buf, DEFAULT_QOS, true ); XP_LOGFF( "mosquitto_publish(topic=%s) => %s; mid=%d", topic, mosquitto_strerror(err), mid ); XP_ASSERT( 0 == err ); return 0 == err; } void mqttc_init( LaunchParams* params ) { LOG_FUNC(); if ( types_hasType( params->conTypes, COMMS_CONN_MQTT ) ) { XP_ASSERT( !params->mqttConStorage ); MQTTConStorage* storage = getStorage( params ); storage->params = params; loadClientID( params, storage ); #ifdef DEBUG int res = #endif pipe( storage->msgPipe ); XP_ASSERT( !res ); ADD_SOCKET( storage, storage->msgPipe[0], handle_gotmsg ); int err = mosquitto_lib_init(); XP_LOGFF( "mosquitto_lib_init() => %d", err ); XP_ASSERT( 0 == err ); bool cleanSession = false; struct mosquitto* mosq = storage->mosq = mosquitto_new( storage->clientIDStr, cleanSession, storage ); err = mosquitto_username_pw_set( mosq, "xwuser", "xw4r0cks" ); XP_LOGFF( "mosquitto_username_pw_set() => %s", mosquitto_strerror(err) ); mosquitto_log_callback_set( mosq, log_callback ); mosquitto_connect_callback_set( mosq, connect_callback ); mosquitto_message_callback_set( mosq, onMessageReceived ); mosquitto_subscribe_callback_set( mosq, subscribe_callback ); int keepalive = 60; err = mosquitto_connect( mosq, params->connInfo.mqtt.hostName, params->connInfo.mqtt.port, keepalive ); XP_LOGFF( "mosquitto_connect(host=%s) => %s", params->connInfo.mqtt.hostName, mosquitto_strerror(err) ); if ( MOSQ_ERR_SUCCESS == err ) { XP_UCHAR topicStorage[256]; XP_UCHAR* topics[4]; XP_U16 nTopics = VSIZE(topics); dvc_getMQTTSubTopics( storage->params->dutil, NULL_XWE, topicStorage, VSIZE(topicStorage), &nTopics, topics ); int mid; err = mosquitto_subscribe_multiple( mosq, &mid, nTopics, topics, DEFAULT_QOS, 0, NULL ); XP_LOGFF( "mosquitto_subscribe(topics[0]=%s, etc) => %s, mid=%d", topics[0], mosquitto_strerror(err), mid ); err = mosquitto_loop_start( mosq ); XP_ASSERT( !err ); } else { XP_LOGFF( "failed to connect so not proceeding" ); } } else { XP_LOGFF( "MQTT disabled; doing nothing" ); } LOG_RETURN_VOID(); } void mqttc_cleanup( LaunchParams* params ) { MQTTConStorage* storage = getStorage( params ); #ifdef DEBUG int err = #endif mosquitto_loop_stop( storage->mosq, true ); /* blocks until thread dies */ XP_LOGFF( "mosquitto_loop_stop() => %s", mosquitto_strerror(err) ); mosquitto_destroy( storage->mosq ); storage->mosq = NULL; mosquitto_lib_cleanup(); XP_ASSERT( params->mqttConStorage == storage ); /* cheat */ XP_FREEP( params->mpool, &storage ); params->mqttConStorage = NULL; } const MQTTDevID* mqttc_getDevID( LaunchParams* params ) { MQTTConStorage* storage = getStorage( params ); return &storage->clientID; } const gchar* mqttc_getDevIDStr( LaunchParams* params ) { MQTTConStorage* storage = getStorage( params ); return storage->clientIDStr; } static void msgAndTopicProc( void* closure, const XP_UCHAR* topic, const XP_U8* buf, XP_U16 len ) { MQTTConStorage* storage = (MQTTConStorage*)closure; (void)postOne( storage, topic, buf, len ); } void mqttc_invite( LaunchParams* params, const NetLaunchInfo* nli, const MQTTDevID* invitee ) { MQTTConStorage* storage = getStorage( params ); #ifdef DEBUG gchar buf[32]; XP_LOGFF( "need to send to %s", formatMQTTDevID(invitee, buf, sizeof(buf) ) ); XP_ASSERT( 16 == strlen(buf) ); #endif dvc_makeMQTTInvites( params->dutil, NULL_XWE, msgAndTopicProc, storage, invitee, nli ); } XP_S16 mqttc_send( LaunchParams* params, XP_U32 gameID, const XP_U8* buf, XP_U16 len, const MQTTDevID* addressee ) { MQTTConStorage* storage = getStorage( params ); dvc_makeMQTTMessages( params->dutil, NULL_XWE, msgAndTopicProc, storage, addressee, gameID, buf, len ); return len; } void mqttc_notifyGameGone( LaunchParams* params, const MQTTDevID* addressee, XP_U32 gameID ) { MQTTConStorage* storage = getStorage( params ); dvc_makeMQTTNoSuchGames( params->dutil, NULL_XWE, msgAndTopicProc, storage, addressee, gameID ); }