Crosswords 4.4 beta 33 release
- Use the term "wordlist" instead of "dictionary" to not imply that
there are definitions provided.
- Add color of bonus hints -- the 2L etc. that appear on the board
-- to set of editable colors
- Change how downloaded wordlists are opened to consume much less
Java memory. Downside: wordlists on external storage are not
available when that storage is mounted on a computer over USB.
- In the Wordlists screen, hide wordlists stored on external media
when the media's not available. Notice when it becomes available
and redraw the list.
- Make a game's language one of several configurable attributes
that can be displayed along with the game
- Display relay connection state as being in one of three phases:
configured, connected, and with all players present.
- Fix rename of games to work when keyboard opened while dialog
- Add icons to games list display so it's easier to tell networked
from standalone. These are placeholders until I can get an artist
to help out. :-)
- Fix a family of crashes that occurred when dialogs were up and
memory got low: rare, but annoying.
Please remember that this is beta software. Please let me know (at what's broken and what features you'd most like
to see.