#include "util.h" #include "comtypes.h" #include "main.h" #include "dbgutil.h" typedef struct _WasmUtilCtx { XW_UtilCtxt super; XW_DUtilCtxt* dctxt; void* closure; } WasmUtilCtx; static XWStreamCtxt* wasm_util_makeStreamFromAddr(XW_UtilCtxt* uc, XWEnv xwe, XP_PlayerAddr channelNo ) { LOG_FUNC(); return NULL; } static XWBonusType wasm_util_getSquareBonus( XW_UtilCtxt* uc, XWEnv xwe, XP_U16 boardSize, XP_U16 col, XP_U16 row ) { #define BONUS_DIM 8 static const int s_buttsBoard[BONUS_DIM][BONUS_DIM] = { { BONUS_TRIPLE_WORD, BONUS_NONE, BONUS_NONE,BONUS_DOUBLE_LETTER,BONUS_NONE,BONUS_NONE,BONUS_NONE,BONUS_TRIPLE_WORD }, { BONUS_NONE, BONUS_DOUBLE_WORD, BONUS_NONE,BONUS_NONE,BONUS_NONE,BONUS_TRIPLE_LETTER,BONUS_NONE,BONUS_NONE }, { BONUS_NONE, BONUS_NONE, BONUS_DOUBLE_WORD,BONUS_NONE,BONUS_NONE,BONUS_NONE,BONUS_DOUBLE_LETTER,BONUS_NONE }, { BONUS_DOUBLE_LETTER,BONUS_NONE, BONUS_NONE,BONUS_DOUBLE_WORD,BONUS_NONE,BONUS_NONE,BONUS_NONE,BONUS_DOUBLE_LETTER }, { BONUS_NONE, BONUS_NONE, BONUS_NONE,BONUS_NONE,BONUS_DOUBLE_WORD,BONUS_NONE,BONUS_NONE,BONUS_NONE }, { BONUS_NONE, BONUS_TRIPLE_LETTER,BONUS_NONE,BONUS_NONE,BONUS_NONE,BONUS_TRIPLE_LETTER,BONUS_NONE,BONUS_NONE }, { BONUS_NONE, BONUS_NONE, BONUS_DOUBLE_LETTER,BONUS_NONE,BONUS_NONE,BONUS_NONE,BONUS_DOUBLE_LETTER,BONUS_NONE }, { BONUS_TRIPLE_WORD, BONUS_NONE, BONUS_NONE,BONUS_DOUBLE_LETTER,BONUS_NONE,BONUS_NONE,BONUS_NONE,BONUS_DOUBLE_WORD }, }; /* buttsBoard */ int half = boardSize / 2; if ( col > half ) { col = (half*2) - col; } if ( row > half ) { row = (half*2) - row; } XP_ASSERT( col < BONUS_DIM && row < BONUS_DIM ); return s_buttsBoard[row][col]; } static const XP_UCHAR* wasm_getErrString( UtilErrID id, XP_Bool* silent ) { *silent = XP_FALSE; const char* message = NULL; switch( (int)id ) { case ERR_TILES_NOT_IN_LINE: message = "All tiles played must be in a line."; break; case ERR_NO_EMPTIES_IN_TURN: message = "Empty squares cannot separate tiles played."; break; case ERR_TOO_FEW_TILES_LEFT_TO_TRADE: message = "Too few tiles left to trade."; break; case ERR_TWO_TILES_FIRST_MOVE: message = "Must play two or more pieces on the first move."; break; case ERR_TILES_MUST_CONTACT: message = "New pieces must contact others already in place (or " "the middle square on the first move)."; break; case ERR_NOT_YOUR_TURN: message = "You can't do that; it's not your turn!"; break; case ERR_NO_PEEK_ROBOT_TILES: message = "No peeking at the robot's tiles!"; break; #ifndef XWFEATURE_STANDALONE_ONLY case ERR_NO_PEEK_REMOTE_TILES: message = "No peeking at remote players' tiles!"; break; case ERR_REG_UNEXPECTED_USER: message = "Refused attempt to register unexpected user[s]."; break; case ERR_SERVER_DICT_WINS: message = "Conflict between Host and Guest dictionaries; Host wins."; XP_WARNF( "GTK may have problems here." ); break; case ERR_REG_SERVER_SANS_REMOTE: message = "At least one player must be marked remote for a game " "started as Host."; break; #endif case ERR_NO_EMPTY_TRADE: message = "No tiles selected; trade cancelled."; break; case ERR_TOO_MANY_TRADE: message = "More tiles selected than remain in pool."; break; case ERR_NO_HINT_FOUND: message = "Unable to suggest any moves."; break; case ERR_CANT_UNDO_TILEASSIGN: message = "Tile assignment can't be undone."; break; case ERR_CANT_HINT_WHILE_DISABLED: message = "The hint feature is disabled for this game. Enable " "it for a new game using the Preferences dialog."; break; /* case INFO_REMOTE_CONNECTED: */ /* message = "Another device has joined the game"; */ /* break; */ case ERR_RELAY_BASE + XWRELAY_ERROR_LOST_OTHER: *silent = XP_TRUE; message = "XWRELAY_ERROR_LOST_OTHER"; break; case ERR_RELAY_BASE + XWRELAY_ERROR_TIMEOUT: message = "The relay timed you out; other players " "have left or never showed up."; break; case ERR_RELAY_BASE + XWRELAY_ERROR_HEART_YOU: message = "You were disconnected from relay because it didn't " "hear from you in too long."; break; case ERR_RELAY_BASE + XWRELAY_ERROR_HEART_OTHER: /* *silent = XP_TRUE; */ message = "The relay has lost contact with a device in this game."; break; case ERR_RELAY_BASE + XWRELAY_ERROR_OLDFLAGS: message = "You need to upgrade your copy of Crosswords."; break; case ERR_RELAY_BASE + XWRELAY_ERROR_SHUTDOWN: message = "Relay disconnected you to shut down (and probably reboot)."; break; case ERR_RELAY_BASE + XWRELAY_ERROR_BADPROTO: message = "XWRELAY_ERROR_BADPROTO"; break; case ERR_RELAY_BASE + XWRELAY_ERROR_RELAYBUSY: message = "XWRELAY_ERROR_RELAYBUSY"; break; case ERR_RELAY_BASE + XWRELAY_ERROR_OTHER_DISCON: *silent = XP_TRUE; /* happens all the time, and shouldn't matter */ message = "XWRELAY_ERROR_OTHER_DISCON"; break; case ERR_RELAY_BASE + XWRELAY_ERROR_NO_ROOM: message = "No such room. Has the host connected yet to reserve it?"; break; case ERR_RELAY_BASE + XWRELAY_ERROR_DUP_ROOM: message = "That room is reserved by another host. Rename your room, " "become a guest, or try again in a few minutes."; break; case ERR_RELAY_BASE + XWRELAY_ERROR_TOO_MANY: message = "You tried to supply more players than the host expected."; break; case ERR_RELAY_BASE + XWRELAY_ERROR_DELETED: message = "Game deleted ."; break; case ERR_RELAY_BASE + XWRELAY_ERROR_NORECONN: message = "Cannot reconnect."; break; case ERR_RELAY_BASE + XWRELAY_ERROR_DEADGAME: message = "Game is listed as dead on relay."; break; default: XP_LOGF( "no code for error: %d", id ); message = ""; } return (XP_UCHAR*)message; } static void wasm_util_userError( XW_UtilCtxt* uc, XWEnv xwe, UtilErrID id ) { WasmUtilCtx* wuctxt = (WasmUtilCtx*)uc; Globals* globals = (Globals*)wuctxt->closure; XP_Bool silent; const XP_UCHAR* str = wasm_getErrString( id, &silent ); if ( !silent ) { main_alert( globals, str ); } } static void query_proc_notifyMove( void* closure, XP_Bool confirmed ) { if ( confirmed ) { WasmUtilCtx* wuctxt = (WasmUtilCtx*)closure; Globals* globals = (Globals*)wuctxt->closure; if ( board_commitTurn( globals->game.board, NULL, XP_TRUE, XP_TRUE, NULL ) ) { board_draw( globals->game.board, NULL ); } } } static void wasm_util_notifyMove( XW_UtilCtxt* uc, XWEnv xwe, XWStreamCtxt* stream ) { WasmUtilCtx* wuctxt = (WasmUtilCtx*)uc; Globals* globals = (Globals*)wuctxt->closure; XP_U16 len = stream_getSize( stream ); XP_UCHAR buf[len+1]; stream_getBytes( stream, buf, len ); buf[len] = '\0'; main_query( globals, buf, query_proc_notifyMove, uc ); } static void wasm_util_notifyTrade( XW_UtilCtxt* uc, XWEnv xwe, const XP_UCHAR** tiles, XP_U16 nTiles ) { LOG_FUNC(); } static void wasm_util_notifyPickTileBlank( XW_UtilCtxt* uc, XWEnv xwe, XP_U16 playerNum, XP_U16 col, XP_U16 row, const XP_UCHAR** tileFaces, XP_U16 nTiles ) { LOG_FUNC(); } static void wasm_util_informNeedPickTiles( XW_UtilCtxt* uc, XWEnv xwe, XP_Bool isInitial, XP_U16 player, XP_U16 nToPick, XP_U16 nFaces, const XP_UCHAR** faces, const XP_U16* counts ) { LOG_FUNC(); } static void wasm_util_informNeedPassword( XW_UtilCtxt* uc, XWEnv xwe, XP_U16 playerNum, const XP_UCHAR* name ) { LOG_FUNC(); } static void wasm_util_trayHiddenChange(XW_UtilCtxt* uc, XWEnv xwe, XW_TrayVisState newState, XP_U16 nVisibleRows ) { LOG_FUNC(); } static void wasm_util_yOffsetChange( XW_UtilCtxt* uc, XWEnv xwe, XP_U16 maxOffset, XP_U16 oldOffset, XP_U16 newOffset ) { LOG_FUNC(); } static void wasm_util_turnChanged(XW_UtilCtxt* uc, XWEnv xwe, XP_S16 newTurn) { LOG_FUNC(); } static void wasm_util_notifyDupStatus( XW_UtilCtxt* uc, XWEnv xwe, XP_Bool amHost, const XP_UCHAR* msg ) { LOG_FUNC(); } static void wasm_util_informMove( XW_UtilCtxt* uc, XWEnv xwe, XP_S16 turn, XWStreamCtxt* expl, XWStreamCtxt* words ) { XWStreamCtxt* useMe = expl; /*!!words ? words : expl;*/ XP_U16 len = stream_getSize( useMe ); XP_UCHAR buf[len+1]; stream_getBytes( useMe, buf, len ); buf[len] = '\0'; WasmUtilCtx* wuctxt = (WasmUtilCtx*)uc; Globals* globals = (Globals*)wuctxt->closure; main_alert( globals, buf ); } static void wasm_util_informUndo( XW_UtilCtxt* uc, XWEnv xwe ) { LOG_FUNC(); } static void wasm_util_informNetDict( XW_UtilCtxt* uc, XWEnv xwe, XP_LangCode lang, const XP_UCHAR* oldName, const XP_UCHAR* newName, const XP_UCHAR* newSum, XWPhoniesChoice phoniesAction ) { LOG_FUNC(); } static void wasm_util_notifyGameOver( XW_UtilCtxt* uc, XWEnv xwe, XP_S16 quitter ) { WasmUtilCtx* wuctxt = (WasmUtilCtx*)uc; Globals* globals = (Globals*)wuctxt->closure; main_alert( globals, "Game over" ); } static XP_Bool wasm_util_engineProgressCallback( XW_UtilCtxt* uc, XWEnv xwe ) { // LOG_RETURN_VOID(); return XP_TRUE; } static void wasm_util_setTimer( XW_UtilCtxt* uc, XWEnv xwe, XWTimerReason why, XP_U16 when, XWTimerProc proc, void* closure ) { XP_LOGFF( "(why: %d)", why ); WasmUtilCtx* wuctxt = (WasmUtilCtx*)uc; Globals* globals = (Globals*)wuctxt->closure; main_set_timer( globals, why, when, proc, closure ); LOG_RETURN_VOID(); } static void wasm_util_clearTimer( XW_UtilCtxt* uc, XWEnv xwe, XWTimerReason why ) { LOG_FUNC(); } static XP_Bool on_idle( void* closure ) { WasmUtilCtx* wuctxt = (WasmUtilCtx*)closure; Globals* globals = (Globals*)wuctxt->closure; return server_do( globals->game.server, NULL ); } static void wasm_util_requestTime( XW_UtilCtxt* uc, XWEnv xwe ) { WasmUtilCtx* wuctxt = (WasmUtilCtx*)uc; Globals* globals = (Globals*)wuctxt->closure; main_set_idle( globals, on_idle, wuctxt ); } static XP_Bool wasm_util_altKeyDown( XW_UtilCtxt* uc, XWEnv xwe ) { LOG_FUNC(); return XP_FALSE; } static DictionaryCtxt* wasm_util_makeEmptyDict( XW_UtilCtxt* uc, XWEnv xwe ) { LOG_FUNC(); return NULL; } static void wasm_util_notifyIllegalWords( XW_UtilCtxt* uc, XWEnv xwe, BadWordInfo* bwi, XP_U16 turn, XP_Bool turnLost ) { XP_UCHAR words[256]; int offset = 0; for ( int ii = 0; ; ) { offset += XP_SNPRINTF( &words[offset], VSIZE(words) - offset, "%s", bwi->words[ii] ); if ( ++ii >= bwi->nWords ) { break; } offset += XP_SNPRINTF( &words[offset], VSIZE(words) - offset, ", " ); } XP_UCHAR buf[256]; XP_SNPRINTF( buf, VSIZE(buf), "Word[s] \"%s\" not in the current " "dictionary (%s). Use anyway?", words, bwi->dictName ); WasmUtilCtx* wuctxt = (WasmUtilCtx*)uc; Globals* globals = (Globals*)wuctxt->closure; main_query( globals, buf, query_proc_notifyMove, uc ); } static void wasm_util_remSelected( XW_UtilCtxt* uc, XWEnv xwe ) { LOG_FUNC(); } static void wasm_util_timerSelected( XW_UtilCtxt* uc, XWEnv xwe, XP_Bool inDuplicateMode, XP_Bool canPause ) { LOG_FUNC(); } static void wasm_util_formatPauseHistory( XW_UtilCtxt* uc, XWEnv xwe, XWStreamCtxt* stream, DupPauseType typ, XP_S16 turn, XP_U32 secsPrev, XP_U32 secsCur, const XP_UCHAR* msg ) { LOG_FUNC(); } static void wasm_util_bonusSquareHeld( XW_UtilCtxt* uc, XWEnv xwe, XWBonusType bonus ) { LOG_FUNC(); } static void wasm_util_playerScoreHeld( XW_UtilCtxt* uc, XWEnv xwe, XP_U16 player ) { LOG_FUNC(); } #ifdef XWFEATURE_BOARDWORDS static void wasm_util_cellSquareHeld( XW_UtilCtxt* uc, XWEnv xwe, XWStreamCtxt* words ) { LOG_FUNC(); } #endif static void wasm_util_informMissing(XW_UtilCtxt* uc, XWEnv xwe, XP_Bool isServer, const CommsAddrRec* addr, XP_U16 nDevs, XP_U16 nMissing ) { LOG_FUNC(); } static void wasm_util_addrChange( XW_UtilCtxt* uc, XWEnv xwe, const CommsAddrRec* oldAddr, const CommsAddrRec* newAddr ) { LOG_FUNC(); } static void wasm_util_informWordsBlocked( XW_UtilCtxt* uc, XWEnv xwe, XP_U16 nBadWords, XWStreamCtxt* words, const XP_UCHAR* dictName ) { LOG_FUNC(); } #ifdef XWFEATURE_SEARCHLIMIT static XP_Bool wasm_util_getTraySearchLimits( XW_UtilCtxt* uc, XWEnv xwe, XP_U16* min, XP_U16* max ) { LOG_FUNC(); } #endif static void wasm_util_showChat( XW_UtilCtxt* uc, XWEnv xwe, const XP_UCHAR* const msg, XP_S16 from, XP_U32 timestamp ) { LOG_FUNC(); } static XW_DUtilCtxt* wasm_util_getDevUtilCtxt( XW_UtilCtxt* uc, XWEnv xwe ) { LOG_FUNC(); WasmUtilCtx* wuctxt = (WasmUtilCtx*)uc; LOG_RETURNF( "%p", wuctxt->dctxt ); return wuctxt->dctxt; } XW_UtilCtxt* wasm_util_make( MPFORMAL CurGameInfo* gi, XW_DUtilCtxt* dctxt, void* closure ) { LOG_FUNC(); WasmUtilCtx* wuctxt = XP_MALLOC( mpool, sizeof(*wuctxt) ); wuctxt->super.vtable = XP_MALLOC( mpool, sizeof(*wuctxt->super.vtable) ); wuctxt->super.mpool = mpool; wuctxt->super.gameInfo = gi; wuctxt->dctxt = dctxt; wuctxt->closure = closure; SET_VTABLE_ENTRY( wuctxt->super.vtable, util_userError, wasm ); SET_VTABLE_ENTRY( wuctxt->super.vtable, util_makeStreamFromAddr, wasm ); SET_VTABLE_ENTRY( wuctxt->super.vtable, util_getSquareBonus, wasm ); SET_VTABLE_ENTRY( wuctxt->super.vtable, util_notifyMove, wasm ); SET_VTABLE_ENTRY( wuctxt->super.vtable, util_notifyTrade, wasm ); SET_VTABLE_ENTRY( wuctxt->super.vtable, util_notifyPickTileBlank, wasm ); SET_VTABLE_ENTRY( wuctxt->super.vtable, util_informNeedPickTiles, wasm ); SET_VTABLE_ENTRY( wuctxt->super.vtable, util_informNeedPassword, wasm ); SET_VTABLE_ENTRY( wuctxt->super.vtable, util_trayHiddenChange, wasm ); SET_VTABLE_ENTRY( wuctxt->super.vtable, util_yOffsetChange, wasm ); #ifdef XWFEATURE_TURNCHANGENOTIFY SET_VTABLE_ENTRY( wuctxt->super.vtable, util_turnChanged, wasm ); #endif SET_VTABLE_ENTRY( wuctxt->super.vtable, util_notifyDupStatus, wasm ); SET_VTABLE_ENTRY( wuctxt->super.vtable, util_informMove, wasm ); SET_VTABLE_ENTRY( wuctxt->super.vtable, util_informUndo, wasm ); SET_VTABLE_ENTRY( wuctxt->super.vtable, util_informNetDict, wasm ); SET_VTABLE_ENTRY( wuctxt->super.vtable, util_notifyGameOver, wasm ); SET_VTABLE_ENTRY( wuctxt->super.vtable, util_engineProgressCallback, wasm ); #ifdef XWFEATURE_HILITECELL SET_VTABLE_ENTRY( wuctxt->super.vtable, util_hiliteCell, wasm ); #endif SET_VTABLE_ENTRY( wuctxt->super.vtable, util_setTimer, wasm ); SET_VTABLE_ENTRY( wuctxt->super.vtable, util_clearTimer, wasm ); SET_VTABLE_ENTRY( wuctxt->super.vtable, util_requestTime, wasm ); SET_VTABLE_ENTRY( wuctxt->super.vtable, util_altKeyDown, wasm ); SET_VTABLE_ENTRY( wuctxt->super.vtable, util_makeEmptyDict, wasm ); SET_VTABLE_ENTRY( wuctxt->super.vtable, util_notifyIllegalWords, wasm ); SET_VTABLE_ENTRY( wuctxt->super.vtable, util_remSelected, wasm ); SET_VTABLE_ENTRY( wuctxt->super.vtable, util_timerSelected, wasm ); SET_VTABLE_ENTRY( wuctxt->super.vtable, util_formatPauseHistory, wasm ); SET_VTABLE_ENTRY( wuctxt->super.vtable, util_bonusSquareHeld, wasm ); SET_VTABLE_ENTRY( wuctxt->super.vtable, util_playerScoreHeld, wasm ); #ifdef XWFEATURE_BOARDWORDS SET_VTABLE_ENTRY( wuctxt->super.vtable, util_cellSquareHeld, wasm ); #endif SET_VTABLE_ENTRY( wuctxt->super.vtable, util_informMissing, wasm ); SET_VTABLE_ENTRY( wuctxt->super.vtable, util_addrChange, wasm ); SET_VTABLE_ENTRY( wuctxt->super.vtable, util_informWordsBlocked, wasm ); SET_VTABLE_ENTRY( wuctxt->super.vtable, util_showChat, wasm ); SET_VTABLE_ENTRY( wuctxt->super.vtable, util_getDevUtilCtxt, wasm ); size_t sizeInBytes = sizeof(*wuctxt->super.vtable); assertTableFull( wuctxt->super.vtable, sizeInBytes, "wasmutilctx" ); LOG_RETURNF( "%p", wuctxt ); return (XW_UtilCtxt*)wuctxt; } void wasm_util_destroy( XW_UtilCtxt* util ) { LOG_FUNC(); XP_ASSERT(0); WasmUtilCtx* wuctxt = (WasmUtilCtx*)util; XP_FREEP( wuctxt->super.mpool, &wuctxt->super.vtable ); XP_FREEP( wuctxt->super.mpool, &wuctxt ); }