/* -*- compile-command: "make MEMDEBUG=TRUE -j5"; -*- */ /* * Copyright 1997-2020 by Eric House (xwords@eehouse.org). All rights * reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #ifdef PLATFORM_NCURSES #include #include #include #include #include "cursesmain.h" #include "draw.h" #include "board.h" #include "dbgutil.h" #include "linuxmain.h" #include "linuxutl.h" typedef struct CursesDrawCtx { DrawCtxVTable* vtable; WINDOW* boardWin; } CursesDrawCtx; static void curses_draw_clearRect( DrawCtx* p_dctx, const XP_Rect* rectP ); static void getTops( const XP_Rect* rect, int* toptop, int* topbot ); static void eraseRect( CursesDrawCtx* dctx, const XP_Rect* rect ) { int y, bottom = rect->top + rect->height; for ( y = rect->top; y < bottom; ++y ) { mvwhline( dctx->boardWin, y, rect->left, ' ', rect->width ); } } /* eraseRect */ static void cursesHiliteRect( WINDOW* window, const XP_Rect* rect ) { int right, width, x, y; width = rect->width; right = width + rect->left; wstandout( window ); for ( y = rect->top; y < rect->top + rect->height; ++y ) { for ( x = rect->left; x < right; ++x ) { chtype cht = mvwinch( window, y, x ); char ch = cht & A_CHARTEXT; mvwaddch( window, y, x, ch ); } } wstandend( window ); } static void curses_draw_destroyCtxt( DrawCtx* XP_UNUSED(p_dctx) ) { // CursesDrawCtx* dctx = (CursesDrawCtx*)p_dctx; } /* draw_setup */ static void curses_draw_dictChanged( DrawCtx* XP_UNUSED(p_dctx), XP_S16 XP_UNUSED(playerNum), const DictionaryCtxt* XP_UNUSED(dict) ) { } static XP_Bool curses_draw_beginDraw( DrawCtx* XP_UNUSED(p_dctx) ) { return XP_TRUE; } static void curses_draw_endDraw( DrawCtx* XP_UNUSED(dctx) ) { } static XP_Bool curses_draw_boardBegin( DrawCtx* XP_UNUSED(p_dctx), const XP_Rect* XP_UNUSED(rect), XP_U16 XP_UNUSED(width), XP_U16 XP_UNUSED(height), DrawFocusState XP_UNUSED(dfs) ) { return XP_TRUE; } /* curses_draw_boardBegin */ static XP_Bool curses_draw_trayBegin( DrawCtx* XP_UNUSED(p_dctx), const XP_Rect* XP_UNUSED(rect), XP_U16 XP_UNUSED(owner), XP_S16 XP_UNUSED(score), DrawFocusState XP_UNUSED(dfs) ) { return XP_TRUE; } /* curses_draw_trayBegin */ static XP_Bool curses_draw_scoreBegin( DrawCtx* p_dctx, const XP_Rect* rect, XP_U16 XP_UNUSED(numPlayers), const XP_S16* const XP_UNUSED(scores), XP_S16 XP_UNUSED(remCount), DrawFocusState XP_UNUSED(dfs) ) { CursesDrawCtx* dctx = (CursesDrawCtx*)p_dctx; eraseRect( dctx, rect ); return XP_TRUE; } /* curses_draw_scoreBegin */ #ifdef XWFEATURE_SCOREONEPASS static XP_Bool curses_draw_drawRemText( DrawCtx* p_dctx, XP_S16 nTilesLeft, XP_Bool focussed, XP_Rect* rect ) { XP_USE(p_dctx); XP_USE(nTilesLeft); XP_USE(focussed); XP_USE(rect); return XP_TRUE; } #else static void formatRemText( XP_S16 nTilesLeft, const XP_Rect* rect, char* buf, char** lines ) { if ( 1 == rect->height ) { const char* fmt; if ( rect->width < 15 ) { fmt = "%d"; } else { fmt = "Rem: %.3d"; } *lines = buf; sprintf( buf, fmt, nTilesLeft ); } else { sprintf( buf, "Rem:" ); *lines++ = buf; buf += 1 + strlen(buf); sprintf( buf, "%.3d", nTilesLeft ); *lines++ = buf; } } /* formatRemText */ static XP_Bool curses_draw_measureRemText( DrawCtx* XP_UNUSED(dctx), const XP_Rect* rect, XP_S16 nTilesLeft, XP_U16* width, XP_U16* height ) { if ( 0 == nTilesLeft ) { *width = *height = 0; } else { char buf[64]; char* lines[2] = {0}; formatRemText( nTilesLeft, rect, buf, lines ); *width = 0; int ii; for ( ii = 0; ii < VSIZE(lines) && !!lines[ii]; ++ii ) { *width = XP_MAX( *width, strlen(lines[ii]) ); } *height = ii; } return XP_TRUE; } /* curses_draw_measureRemText */ static void curses_draw_drawRemText( DrawCtx* p_dctx, const XP_Rect* rInner, const XP_Rect* rOuter, XP_S16 nTilesLeft, XP_Bool focussed ) { CursesDrawCtx* dctx = (CursesDrawCtx*)p_dctx; char buf[32]; char* lines[2] = {0}; formatRemText( nTilesLeft, rInner, buf, lines ); int ii; for ( ii = 0; ii < VSIZE(lines) && !!lines[ii]; ++ii ) { mvwprintw( dctx->boardWin, rInner->top + ii, rInner->left, lines[ii] ); } if ( focussed ) { cursesHiliteRect( dctx->boardWin, rOuter ); } } /* curses_draw_drawRemText */ #endif #ifdef XWFEATURE_SCOREONEPASS #else #if 0 static int fitIn( char* buf, int len, int* rem, const char* str ) { int slen = strlen(str); if ( !!rem && (*rem != 0) ) { ++len; --*rem; } if ( slen > len ) { slen = len; } memcpy( buf, str, slen ); return len; } /* fitIn */ #endif static void formatScoreText( XP_UCHAR* out, const DrawScoreInfo* dsi, const XP_Rect* rect, char** lines ) { if ( 2 <= rect->height ) { sprintf( out, "%s", dsi->name ); *lines++ = out; out += 1 + strlen(out); } /* Status/role chars at start/top, if there's room */ if ( 3 <= rect->height ) { out[0] = dsi->isTurn ? 'T': ' '; out[1] = dsi->selected ? 'S' : ' '; out[2] = dsi->isRobot ? 'r' : ' '; out[3] = '\0'; *lines++ = out; out += 4; } if ( 1 == rect->height ) { sprintf( out, "%c:%.3d", dsi->name[0], dsi->totalScore ); } else { sprintf( out, "%.3d", dsi->totalScore ); } *lines++ = out; out += 1 + strlen(out); #if 0 /* Now we want to fit name, rem tiles, last score, and last move, if there's space. Allocate to each so they're in columns. */ width -= 8; /* status chars plus space; score plus space */ if ( width > 0 ) { int pos = 4; int nCols = 2; int perCol = (width - ( nCols - 1)) / nCols; /* not counting spaces */ if ( perCol > 0 ) { int rem = (width - ( nCols - 1)) % nCols; pos += 1 + fitIn( &buf[pos], perCol, &rem, dsi->name ); XP_U16 len = sizeof(tmp); if ( (*dsi->lsc)( dsi->lscClosure, dsi->playerNum, tmp, &len ) ) { char* s = tmp; if ( len > perCol ) { /* We want to preserve the score first, then the first part of word. That is, WORD:20 prints as W0:20, not WORD: or RD:20 */ char* colon = strstr( tmp, ":" ); if ( colon ) { s += len - perCol; memmove( s, tmp, colon - tmp - (len - perCol) ); } } pos += 1 + fitIn( &buf[pos], perCol, NULL, s ); } } else { fitIn( &buf[pos], width, NULL, dsi->name ); } } snprintf( out, outLen, "%s", buf ); #endif } /* formatScoreText */ static void curses_draw_measureScoreText( DrawCtx* XP_UNUSED(p_dctx), const XP_Rect* rect, const DrawScoreInfo* dsi, XP_U16* width, XP_U16* height ) { XP_UCHAR buf[100]; char* lines[3] = {0}; formatScoreText( buf, dsi, rect, lines ); int ii; int max = 0; for ( ii = 0; ii < VSIZE(lines) && !!lines[ii]; ++ii ) { max = XP_MAX( max, strlen( lines[ii] ) ); } XP_ASSERT( ii <= rect->height ); *height = ii; *width = max; XP_ASSERT( *width <= rect->width ); } /* curses_draw_measureScoreText */ static void curses_draw_score_drawPlayer( DrawCtx* p_dctx, const XP_Rect* rInner, const XP_Rect* rOuter, XP_U16 XP_UNUSED(gotPct), const DrawScoreInfo* dsi ) { CursesDrawCtx* dctx = (CursesDrawCtx*)p_dctx; char buf[100]; curses_draw_clearRect( p_dctx, rOuter ); /* print the name and turn/remoteness indicator */ char* lines[3] = {0}; formatScoreText( buf, dsi, rInner, lines ); int ii; for ( ii = 0; ii < VSIZE(lines) && !!lines[ii]; ++ii ) { char* line = lines[ii]; int left = rOuter->left + ((rOuter->width - strlen(line)) / 2); mvwprintw( dctx->boardWin, rInner->top + ii, left, line ); } if ( (dsi->flags&CELL_ISCURSOR) != 0 ) { cursesHiliteRect( dctx->boardWin, rOuter ); } } /* curses_draw_score_drawPlayer */ #endif static void curses_draw_score_pendingScore( DrawCtx* p_dctx, const XP_Rect* rect, XP_S16 score, XP_U16 XP_UNUSED(playerNum), XP_Bool XP_UNUSED(curTurn), CellFlags XP_UNUSED(flags) ) { CursesDrawCtx* dctx = (CursesDrawCtx*)p_dctx; char buf[4]; if ( score >= 0 ) { sprintf( buf, "%.3d", score ); } else { strcpy( buf, "???" ); } int toptop, topbot; getTops( rect, &toptop, &topbot ); mvwprintw( dctx->boardWin, toptop, rect->left, "pt:" ); mvwprintw( dctx->boardWin, topbot, rect->left, "%s", buf ); } /* curses_draw_score_pendingScore */ static void curses_draw_drawTimer( DrawCtx* p_dctx, const XP_Rect* rInner, XP_U16 XP_UNUSED(playerNum), XP_S16 secondsLeft, XP_Bool XP_UNUSED(localTurnDone) ) { CursesDrawCtx* dctx = (CursesDrawCtx*)p_dctx; eraseRect( dctx, rInner ); gchar buf[16]; formatTimerText( buf, VSIZE(buf), secondsLeft ); mvwprintw( dctx->boardWin, rInner->top, rInner->left, buf ); wrefresh( dctx->boardWin ); } static void curses_draw_objFinished( DrawCtx* p_dctx, BoardObjectType XP_UNUSED(typ), const XP_Rect* XP_UNUSED(rect), DrawFocusState XP_UNUSED(dfs) ) { CursesDrawCtx* dctx = (CursesDrawCtx*)p_dctx; wrefresh( dctx->boardWin ); } /* curses_draw_objFinished */ static XP_Bool curses_draw_vertScrollBoard( DrawCtx* XP_UNUSED(dctx), XP_Rect* XP_UNUSED(rect), XP_S16 XP_UNUSED(dist), DrawFocusState XP_UNUSED(dfs) ) { XP_ASSERT(0); } #define MY_PAIR 1 static XP_Bool curses_draw_drawCell( DrawCtx* p_dctx, const XP_Rect* rect, const XP_UCHAR* letter, const XP_Bitmaps* XP_UNUSED(bitmaps), Tile XP_UNUSED(tile), XP_U16 XP_UNUSED(value), XP_S16 XP_UNUSED(owner), XWBonusType bonus, HintAtts XP_UNUSED(hintAtts), CellFlags flags ) { CursesDrawCtx* dctx = (CursesDrawCtx*)p_dctx; XP_Bool highlight = (flags & (CELL_PENDING|CELL_RECENT|CELL_ISCURSOR)) != 0; if ( highlight ) { wstandout( dctx->boardWin ); } /* in case it's not 1x1 */ eraseRect( dctx, rect ); if ( (flags & (CELL_DRAGSRC|CELL_ISEMPTY)) != 0 ) { char ch = ' '; switch ( bonus ) { case BONUS_DOUBLE_LETTER: ch = '+'; break; case BONUS_DOUBLE_WORD: ch = '*'; break; case BONUS_TRIPLE_LETTER: ch = '^'; break; case BONUS_TRIPLE_WORD: ch = '#'; break; default: break; } /* switch */ mvwaddch( dctx->boardWin, rect->top, rect->left, ch ); } else { /* To deal with multibyte (basically just L·L at this point), draw one char at a time, wrapping to the next line if we need to. */ mbstate_t ps = {0}; const char* end = letter + strlen( letter ); for ( int line = 0; line < rect->height; ++line ) { for ( int col = 0; letter < end && col < rect->width; ++col ) { // mbrlen returns len-in-bytes of next printable char size_t nextLen = mbrlen( letter, end - letter, &ps ); XP_ASSERT( nextLen > 0 ); mvwaddnstr( dctx->boardWin, rect->top + line, rect->left + col, letter, nextLen ); letter += nextLen; } } } if ( highlight ) { wstandend( dctx->boardWin ); } return XP_TRUE; } /* curses_draw_drawCell */ static void curses_draw_invertCell( DrawCtx* XP_UNUSED(dctx), const XP_Rect* XP_UNUSED(rect) ) { XP_ASSERT(0); } static void getTops( const XP_Rect* rect, int* toptop, int* topbot ) { int top = rect->top; if ( rect->height >= 4 ) { ++top; } *toptop = top; top = rect->top + rect->height - 1; if ( rect->height >= 3 ) { --top; } *topbot = top; } /* getTops */ static void curses_stringInTile( CursesDrawCtx* dctx, const XP_Rect* rect, const XP_UCHAR* letter, const XP_UCHAR* val ) { eraseRect( dctx, rect ); int toptop, topbot; getTops( rect, &toptop, &topbot ); if ( !!letter ) { mvwaddnstr( dctx->boardWin, toptop, rect->left+(rect->width/2), letter, -1 ); } if ( !!val ) { int len = strlen( val ); mvwaddnstr( dctx->boardWin, topbot, rect->left + rect->width - len, val, len ); } } /* curses_stringInTile */ static XP_Bool curses_draw_drawTile( DrawCtx* p_dctx, const XP_Rect* rect, const XP_UCHAR* textP, const XP_Bitmaps* XP_UNUSED(bitmaps), XP_U16 val, CellFlags flags ) { char numbuf[5]; XP_UCHAR letterbuf[5]; char* nump = NULL; XP_UCHAR* letterp = NULL; CursesDrawCtx* dctx = (CursesDrawCtx*)p_dctx; XP_Bool highlight = (flags&(CELL_RECENT|CELL_PENDING|CELL_ISCURSOR)) != 0; if ( highlight ) { wstandout( dctx->boardWin ); } if ( (flags&CELL_ISEMPTY) == 0 ) { if ( !!textP ) { snprintf( letterbuf, sizeof(letterbuf), "%s", textP ); } else { letterbuf[0] = '_'; /* BLANK or bitmap */ letterbuf[1] = '\0'; } if ( (flags&CELL_VALHIDDEN) == 0 ) { sprintf( numbuf, "%.2d", val ); if ( numbuf[0] == '0' ) { numbuf[0] = ' '; } nump = numbuf; } letterp = letterbuf; } curses_stringInTile( dctx, rect, letterp, nump ); if ( (flags & (CELL_RECENT|CELL_PENDING)) != 0 ) { mvwaddnstr( dctx->boardWin, rect->top+rect->height-1, rect->left, "*-*", 3 ); } if ( highlight ) { wstandend( dctx->boardWin ); } return XP_TRUE; } /* curses_draw_drawTile */ static XP_Bool curses_draw_drawTileBack( DrawCtx* p_dctx, const XP_Rect* rect, CellFlags flags ) { CursesDrawCtx* dctx = (CursesDrawCtx*)p_dctx; curses_stringInTile( dctx, rect, "?", "?" ); if ( (flags&CELL_ISCURSOR) != 0 ) { cursesHiliteRect( dctx->boardWin, rect ); } return XP_TRUE; } /* curses_draw_drawTileBack */ static XP_Bool curses_draw_drawTileMidDrag( DrawCtx* XP_UNUSED(dctx), const XP_Rect* XP_UNUSED(rect), const XP_UCHAR* XP_UNUSED(text), const XP_Bitmaps* XP_UNUSED(bitmaps), XP_U16 XP_UNUSED(val), XP_U16 XP_UNUSED(owner), CellFlags XP_UNUSED(flags) ) { XP_ASSERT( 0 ); } static void curses_draw_drawTrayDivider( DrawCtx* p_dctx, const XP_Rect* rect, CellFlags flags ) { CursesDrawCtx* dctx = (CursesDrawCtx*)p_dctx; eraseRect( dctx, rect ); wmove( dctx->boardWin, rect->top, rect->left + (rect->width/2)); wvline( dctx->boardWin, '#', rect->height ); if ( 0 != (flags & CELL_ISCURSOR) ) { cursesHiliteRect( dctx->boardWin, rect ); } } /* curses_draw_drawTrayDivider */ static void curses_draw_drawBoardArrow( DrawCtx* p_dctx, const XP_Rect* rect, XWBonusType XP_UNUSED(cursorBonus), XP_Bool vertical, HintAtts XP_UNUSED(hintAtts), CellFlags XP_UNUSED(flags) ) { CursesDrawCtx* dctx = (CursesDrawCtx*)p_dctx; #if 1 char ch = vertical?'|':'-'; mvwaddch( dctx->boardWin, rect->top, rect->left, ch ); #else chtype curChar = mvwinch(dctx->boardWin, rect->top, rect->left ); wstandout( dctx->boardWin ); mvwaddch( dctx->boardWin, rect->top, rect->left, curChar); wstandend( dctx->boardWin ); #endif } /* curses_draw_drawBoardArrow */ static void curses_draw_clearRect( DrawCtx* p_dctx, const XP_Rect* rectP ) { CursesDrawCtx* dctx = (CursesDrawCtx*)p_dctx; XP_Rect rect = *rectP; eraseRect( dctx, &rect ); } /* curses_draw_clearRect */ #ifdef XWFEATURE_MINIWIN static const XP_UCHAR* curses_draw_getMiniWText( DrawCtx* XP_UNUSED(p_dctx), XWMiniTextType XP_UNUSED(textHint) ) { return "Trading..."; } /* curses_draw_getMiniWText */ static void curses_draw_measureMiniWText( DrawCtx* XP_UNUSED(p_dctx), const XP_UCHAR* str, XP_U16* widthP, XP_U16* heightP ) { *widthP = strlen(str) + 4; *heightP = 3; } /* curses_draw_measureMiniWText */ static void drawRect( WINDOW* win, const XP_Rect* rect, char vert, char hor ) { wmove( win, rect->top-1, rect->left ); whline( win, hor, rect->width ); wmove( win, rect->top+rect->height, rect->left ); whline( win, hor, rect->width ); wmove( win, rect->top, rect->left-1 ); wvline( win, vert, rect->height ); wmove( win, rect->top, rect->left+rect->width ); wvline( win, vert, rect->height ); } /* drawRect */ static void curses_draw_drawMiniWindow( DrawCtx* p_dctx, const XP_UCHAR* text, const XP_Rect* rect, void** XP_UNUSED(closure) ) { CursesDrawCtx* dctx = (CursesDrawCtx*)p_dctx; XP_Rect smallerR; XP_ASSERT(0); /* does this really get called? */ smallerR.top = rect->top + 1; smallerR.left = rect->left + 1; smallerR.width = rect->width - 2; smallerR.height = rect->height - 2; eraseRect( dctx, rect ); drawRect( dctx->boardWin, &smallerR, '|', '-' ); mvwprintw( dctx->boardWin, smallerR.top, smallerR.left, text, strlen(text) ); } /* curses_draw_drawMiniWindow */ #endif #if 0 static void curses_draw_frameTray( DrawCtx* p_dctx, XP_Rect* rect ) { CursesDrawCtx* dctx = (CursesDrawCtx*)p_dctx; box( dctx->boardWin, '*', '+'); } /* curses_draw_frameTray */ #endif DrawCtx* cursesDrawCtxtMake( WINDOW* boardWin ) { CursesDrawCtx* dctx = g_malloc0( sizeof(CursesDrawCtx) ); dctx->vtable = g_malloc0( sizeof(*(((CursesDrawCtx*)dctx)->vtable)) ); SET_VTABLE_ENTRY( dctx->vtable, draw_destroyCtxt, curses ); SET_VTABLE_ENTRY( dctx->vtable, draw_dictChanged, curses ); SET_VTABLE_ENTRY( dctx->vtable, draw_beginDraw, curses ); SET_VTABLE_ENTRY( dctx->vtable, draw_endDraw, curses ); SET_VTABLE_ENTRY( dctx->vtable, draw_boardBegin, curses ); SET_VTABLE_ENTRY( dctx->vtable, draw_trayBegin, curses ); SET_VTABLE_ENTRY( dctx->vtable, draw_scoreBegin, curses ); SET_VTABLE_ENTRY( dctx->vtable, draw_objFinished, curses ); SET_VTABLE_ENTRY( dctx->vtable, draw_vertScrollBoard, curses ); SET_VTABLE_ENTRY( dctx->vtable, draw_drawTimer, curses ); #ifdef XWFEATURE_SCOREONEPASS SET_VTABLE_ENTRY( dctx->vtable, draw_drawRemText, curses ); #else SET_VTABLE_ENTRY( dctx->vtable, draw_measureRemText, curses ); SET_VTABLE_ENTRY( dctx->vtable, draw_drawRemText, curses ); SET_VTABLE_ENTRY( dctx->vtable, draw_measureScoreText, curses ); SET_VTABLE_ENTRY( dctx->vtable, draw_score_drawPlayer, curses ); #endif SET_VTABLE_ENTRY( dctx->vtable, draw_score_pendingScore, curses ); SET_VTABLE_ENTRY( dctx->vtable, draw_drawCell, curses ); SET_VTABLE_ENTRY( dctx->vtable, draw_invertCell, curses ); SET_VTABLE_ENTRY( dctx->vtable, draw_drawTile, curses ); SET_VTABLE_ENTRY( dctx->vtable, draw_drawTileBack, curses ); SET_VTABLE_ENTRY( dctx->vtable, draw_drawTileMidDrag, curses ); SET_VTABLE_ENTRY( dctx->vtable, draw_drawTrayDivider, curses ); SET_VTABLE_ENTRY( dctx->vtable, draw_clearRect, curses ); SET_VTABLE_ENTRY( dctx->vtable, draw_drawBoardArrow, curses ); #ifdef XWFEATURE_MINIWIN SET_VTABLE_ENTRY( dctx->vtable, draw_drawMiniWindow, curses ); SET_VTABLE_ENTRY( dctx->vtable, draw_getMiniWText, curses ); SET_VTABLE_ENTRY( dctx->vtable, draw_measureMiniWText, curses ); #endif assertDrawCallbacksSet( dctx->vtable ); dctx->boardWin = boardWin; return (DrawCtx*)dctx; } /* curses_drawctxt_init */ void cursesDrawCtxtFree( DrawCtx* pdctx ) { CursesDrawCtx* dctx = (CursesDrawCtx*)pdctx; g_free( dctx->vtable ); g_free( dctx ); } #endif /* PLATFORM_NCURSES */