Crosswords 4.4 beta 17 release

This release changes how networked games are created, configured and connect with each other. It tries to make the process simpler and should mean it's much more likely to succeed. I've also scattered "new user hints" around the app, dialogs with tips that you can dismiss with a "Do not show again" button when you don't need to see that hint again.

I'm breaking from tradition and not listing bugs fixed or features added here -- because there have been well over 300 separate changes committed since the last beta. Instead I'll outline how you get started with a two-player networked game.

Assume you and a friend each have Crosswords on an Android phone. You both need to

Please remember that this is beta software. Letting me know (at what's broken and what features you'd most like to see is the best way to help get this to release quality quickly.
