# -*- mode: Makefile; compile-command: "make ARCH=68K_ONLY MEMDEBUG=TRUE"; -*- # Copyright 2002-2006 by Eric House (xwords@eehouse.org). All rights # reserved. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. PLATFORM=obj_palm ifeq ($(MEMDEBUG),TRUE) DEBUG = -DMEM_DEBUG -DDEBUG PLATFORM := $(PLATFORM)_memdebug CFLAGS += $(DEBUG) -g -O0 CSFLAGS += -O0 -g NAME = "CrossDbg" ICONTEXT = "CrossDbg" APPID ?= Xwdb else PLATFORM := $(PLATFORM)_rel CFLAGS += -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer # The -Os flag breaks multilink, at least as I'm using it CSFLAGS += -OS -fomit-frame-pointer NAME = "Crosswords" ICONTEXT = "Crosswords" APPID ?= Xwr4 endif LANG=en_US ROOTNAME = $(NAME) BITMAPS = ./bmps TYPE = appl MLPREFIX = /usr DICT = $(shell echo $$BASENG_PATH) ARCH ?= ARM_ONLY ifeq ($(ARCH),ARM_ONLY) PLATFORM := $(PLATFORM)_armonly BUILD_AS_PNOLET = 1 TARGET=$(PLATFORM)/xw4_ARM.prc else ifeq ($(ARCH),68K_ONLY) PLATFORM := $(PLATFORM)_68konly TARGET=$(PLATFORM)/xw4_68K.prc else ifeq ($(ARCH),SONY) # No highres in sony build case PLATFORM := $(PLATFORM)_sony BUILD_AS_PNOLET = 1 FEATURE_PNOAND68K = -DFEATURE_PNOAND68K TARGET=$(PLATFORM)/xw4_SONY.prc else ifeq ($(ARCH),COMBINED) PLATFORM := $(PLATFORM)_combined BUILD_AS_PNOLET = 1 FEATURE_PNOAND68K = -DFEATURE_PNOAND68K TARGET=$(PLATFORM)/xwords4.prc endif endif endif endif APPNAME = "$(NAME)" PALM_TOOLS_PREFIX = $(shell echo $$PALM_TOOLS_PREFIX) ifeq (x$(PALM_TOOLS_PREFIX)x, xx) PALM_TOOLS_PREFIX = m68k-palmos- endif #PALM_TOOLS_PREFIX=m68k-palmos-coff- CC = $(PALM_TOOLS_PREFIX)gcc AR = $(PALM_TOOLS_PREFIX)ar MULTILINK = $(PALM_TOOLS_PREFIX)multilink ############################################################################### # par is a utility for manipulating .prc and .pdb files. See # http://djw.org/product/palm/par/index.html to download source. ############################################################################### PAR = par PILRC = pilrc BUILD-PRC = build-prc OBJ-RES = m68k-palmos-obj-res MULTILINK_OPTIONS = -basename $(ROOTNAME) -segmentsize 27k -g \ -deadstrip -verbose -gdb-script app.gdb ifneq (x$(OWNERNAME)x,xx) HASHDEF = -DOWNER_HASH=$$(./namehash $(OWNERNAME)) endif MYDEFS_COMMON = $(PASSTHRU) -DXW_FEATURE_UTILS -DPOINTER_SUPPORT \ -DKEY_SUPPORT -DOVERRIDE_EDGE_FOR_INDEX -DCOLOR_SUPPORT \ -DSHOW_PROGRESS $(HASHDEF) -DNO_REG_REQUIRED # turn on letting users pick tiles "face-up" MYDEFS_COMMON += -DFEATURE_TRAY_EDIT # turn on limits to searches on board and in tray (number of tiles to # use) MYDEFS_COMMON += -DXWFEATURE_SEARCHLIMIT #MYDEFS_COMMON += -DXWFEATURE_HINT_CONFIG # Turn on network play over IP via cellular modem. Very much # experimental at this point! # MYDEFS_COMMON += -DXWFEATURE_RELAY # turn on bluetooth comms option for 68K and ARM -- which won't work yet #BLUETOOTH = -DXWFEATURE_BLUETOOTH #MYDEFS_COMMON += $(BLUETOOTH) # Add menu allowing to choose to run 68K or ARM # ifdef DEBUG # MYDEFS_COMMON += -DFEATURE_DUALCHOOSE # endif # For Danish and perhaps other languages, custom-measure glyph height # so that overtall letters have a chance of fitting. MYDEFS_COMMON += -DTALL_FONTS # Turn on ability to handle 4-byte-node DAWG files. These are of type # Xwr4, not Xwr3 like the old ones. Currently this option means the # binary won't be able to read or even find the old dictionaries. # Don't release with this on until there's a UI decision and code on # how to help users transition. MYDEFS_COMMON += -DNODE_CAN_4 MYDEFS_COMMON += -DSVN_REV=\"$(shell svnversion -n .)\" ifdef XWFEATURE_STANDALONE_ONLY MYDEFS_COMMON += -DXWFEATURE_STANDALONE_ONLY else MYDEFS_COMMON += -DXWFEATURE_IR endif MYDEFS_ARM = -D__LITTLE_ENDIAN -DXW_TARGET_PNO $(MYDEFS_COMMON) MYDEFS_68K = -DPLATFORM_PALM -D__BIG_ENDIAN $(MYDEFS_COMMON) \ -DAPPNAME=\"$(APPNAME)\" \ $(BLUETOOTH) BITMAP_RSRCS = \ $(BITMAPS)/rightarrow.pbitm \ $(BITMAPS)/downarrow.pbitm \ $(BITMAPS)/flipbutton.pbitm \ $(BITMAPS)/valuebutton.pbitm \ $(BITMAPS)/lightbulb.pbitm \ $(BITMAPS)/traybuttons.pbitm \ $(BITMAPS)/showtray.pbitm \ $(BITMAPS)/xwords4.pbitm \ # INCLUDES += -I/usr/local/share/palmdev/sdk-5r3/Extensions/ExpansionMgr ifdef BLUETOOTH INCLUDES += -I/usr/local/share/palmdev/sdk-5r3/include/Extensions/Bluetooth endif XWFEATURE_FIVEWAY = -DXWFEATURE_FIVEWAY -DKEYBOARD_NAV ifneq (x$(XWFEATURE_FIVEWAY)x, xx) INCLUDES += -I/usr/local/share/palmdev/Handspring5 INCLUDES += -I/usr/local/share/palmdev/Handspring5/68K # INCLUDES += -I/usr/local/share/palmdev/duoIncs # INCLUDES += -I/usr/local/share/palmdev/duoIncs/68K # INCLUDES += -I/usr/local/share/palmdev/duoIncs/68K/System # INCLUDES += -I/usr/local/share/palmdev/duoIncs/Common/System MYDEFS_68K += $(XWFEATURE_FIVEWAY) MYDEFS_ARM += $(XWFEATURE_FIVEWAY) endif INCLUDES += -I/usr/local/share/palmdev/sdk-5r3/include/SonyIncs INCLUDES += -I/usr/local/share/palmdev/sdk-5r3/include/SonyIncs/System INCLUDES += -I/usr/local/share/palmdev/sdk-5r3/include/SonyIncs/Libraries MYDEFS_68K += -DCPU_TYPE=CPU_68K include ../common/config.mk OBJS_68K = $(PLATFORM)/palmmain.o \ $(PLATFORM)/palmsavg.o \ $(PLATFORM)/gameutil.o \ $(PLATFORM)/newgame.o \ $(PLATFORM)/palmdict.o \ $(PLATFORM)/palmdraw.o \ $(PLATFORM)/palmutil.o \ $(PLATFORM)/dictui.o \ $(PLATFORM)/dictlist.o \ $(PLATFORM)/palmir.o \ $(PLATFORM)/palmip.o \ $(PLATFORM)/palmbt.o \ $(PLATFORM)/prefsdlg.o \ $(PLATFORM)/connsdlg.o \ $(PLATFORM)/palmdbg.o \ $(COMMONOBJ) # if BUILD_AS_PNOLET is defined and FEATURE_PNOAND68K isn't, exclude # all but enter68k.o from the 68K part of the binary (code resources). ifdef BUILD_AS_PNOLET OBJS = $(PLATFORM)/enter68k.o PNOLET = pnolet endif ifndef BUILD_AS_PNOLET OBJS += $(OBJS_68K) else ifdef FEATURE_PNOAND68K OBJS += $(OBJS_68K) endif endif MYDEFS_68K += $(FEATURE_PNOAND68K) MYDEFS_ARM += $(FEATURE_PNOAND68K) include ../common/rules.mk CSFLAGS += -S -Wall -DAPPID=\'$(APPID)\' $(MYDEFS_68K) $(INCLUDES) CFLAGS += -Wall -DAPPID=\'$(APPID)\' $(MYDEFS_68K) $(INCLUDES) # In the non-debug mode (for which DONT_OMIT is undefined) build without # the frame pointer. $(TARGET): $(PLATFORM)/objs.prc $(PLATFORM)/res.prc $(PAR) -c -a 'resource|backup' -v 4 $@ $(NAME) $(TYPE) $(APPID) $^ ifdef XW_UPLOAD_SCRIPT $(XW_UPLOAD_SCRIPT) $@ endif solo: $(MAKE) XWFEATURE_STANDALONE_ONLY=1 gremlins: $(MAKE) PASSTHRU="-DDEBUG -DMEM_DEBUG -DFOR_GREMLINS" DONT_OMIT=true # REL=405 REL_PATH=public_html/xwords/4.0.5 ship-all: make clean; make; \ make; (cd xwconfig && make); \ for l in fr_FR en_US es_ES es_CT sv_SE de_DE ; do \ make clean; \ make LANG=$$l; \ zip -j xw$(REL)_$$l.zip xwconfig/xwconfig.prc $(TARGET); \ done .S.o: $(CC) $(TARGETFLAGS) -c $< .c.s: $(CC) $(CSFLAGS) $< $(BITMAPS)/%.pbitm: $(BITMAPS)/%.bmp bmtoa $< > $@ $(PLATFORM)/objs.prc: LocalizedStrIncludes.h $(OBJS) gdbload @rm -f *.grc *.bin ifeq ($(ARCH),ARM_ONLY) $(CC) $(OBJS) -o tmp.o $(OBJ-RES) tmp.o rm -f tmp.o else $(MULTILINK) $(MULTILINK_OPTIONS) $(OBJS) endif $(PAR) -c -a resource $(PLATFORM)/objs.prc Code rsrc rsrc *.grc @rm -f *.grc *.bin $(PLATFORM)/res.prc: xwords4.rcp $(HEADERS) StrL03e8.bin $(FNAVS) $(PNOLET) $(PILRC) $< >/dev/null $(PAR) -c -a 'resource' $@ Rsrc rsrc rsrc *.bin rm -f $< *.bin xwords4.rcp: l10n/xwords4_$(LANG).rcp.pre xwords4defines.h $(BITMAP_RSRCS) gcc -x c -E -P $(INCLUDES) $(MYDEFS_68K) $(DEBUG) \ -DICONTEXT=\"$(ICONTEXT)\" $< > $@ # LocalizedStrIncludes.h: SVN_REV can change, but I don't have a way # to express a dependency on it. If it does change, strings can wind # up with offsets out of sync with the .h file. Not sure what to do # about this.... Clean builds are probably a safe fallback. LocalizedStrIncludes.h StrL03e8.bin: \ ./l10n/StrRes_$(LANG).pre ./l10n/mkstrsres.c gcc $(CFLAGS) $(FORMATDEFINES) \ -DLANGSTRFILE=\"$<\" ./l10n/mkstrsres.c \ -o mkstrsres ./mkstrsres StrL03e8.bin LocalizedStrIncludes.h rm -f mkstrsres namehash: namehash.c ownerhash.h ifneq (x$(BUILD_AS_PNOLET)x, xx) .PHONY : pnolet pnolet: LocalizedStrIncludes.h $(MAKE) -f Makefile.PNO MEMDEBUG=$(MEMDEBUG) MYDEFS="$(MYDEFS_ARM) -DAPPID=\'$(APPID)\' \ -DAPPNAME=\\\"$(APPNAME)\\\"" endif # GDB seems confused by relative paths these days. So generate the # file rather than trying to keep in in cvs. gdbload: echo "source app.gdb" > $@ echo "load-segments" >> $@ echo "dir $(shell pwd)" >> $@ echo "dir $(shell pwd)/../common" >> $@ clean: cd ../common && $(MAKE) PLATFORM=$(PLATFORM) $@ rm -rf $(PLATFORM)/*.[oa] xwords4 *.bin *.stamp *.[pg]rc \ xwords4.rcp *.btxt $(PLATFORM)/* LocalizedStrIncludes.h gdbload ifneq (x$(BUILD_AS_PNOLET)x, xx) $(MAKE) -f Makefile.PNO clean endif #cmod03E8.bin: palmdraw.c Makefile # $(CC) -O2 -nostartfiles $(INCLUDES) $(MYDEFS) -o tmp $< # $(OBJRES) tmp # mv code0001.tmp.grc $@ ; rm *.tmp.grc help: @echo "make [ARCH=(ARM_ONLY|68K_ONLY|SONY|COMBINED)] [MEMDEBUG=TRUE] [LANG=fr_FR|en_US|es_ES|es_CT|sv_SE|de_DE] [clean]" @echo OR @echo "make ship-all" @echo OR @echo "make gremlins"