#!/usr/bin/env python3 import re, os, sys, getopt, shutil, threading, requests, json, glob import argparse, datetime, random, signal, subprocess, time # LOGDIR=./$(basename $0)_logs # APP_NEW="" # DO_CLEAN="" # APP_NEW_PARAMS="" # NGAMES = 1 g_UDP_PCT_START = 100 gDeadLaunches = 0 # UDP_PCT_INCR=10 # UPGRADE_ODDS="" # NROOMS="" # HOST="" # PORT="" # TIMEOUT="" # SAVE_GOOD="" # MINDEVS="" # MAXDEVS="" # ONEPER="" # RESIGN_PCT=0 g_DROP_N=0 # MINRUN=2 # seconds # ONE_PER_ROOM="" # don't run more than one device at a time per room # USE_GTK="" # UNDO_PCT=0 # ALL_VIA_RQ=${ALL_VIA_RQ:-FALSE} # SEED="" # BOARD_SIZES_OLD=(15) # BOARD_SIZES_NEW=(15) g_NAMES = [None, 'Brynn', 'Ariela', 'Kati', 'Eric'] # SEND_CHAT='' # CORE_COUNT=$(ls core.* 2>/dev/null | wc -l) # DUP_PACKETS='' # HTTP_PCT=0 # declare -A PIDS # declare -A APPS # declare -A NEW_ARGS # declare -a ARGS # declare -A ARGS_DEVID # declare -A ROOMS # declare -A FILES # declare -A LOGS # declare -A MINEND # ROOM_PIDS = {} # declare -a APPS_OLD=() # declare -a DICTS= # wants to be =() too? # declare -A CHECKED_ROOMS # function cleanup() { # APP="$(basename $APP_NEW)" # while pidof $APP; do # echo "killing existing $APP instances..." # killall -9 $APP # sleep 1 # done # echo "cleaning everything up...." # if [ -d $LOGDIR ]; then # mv $LOGDIR /tmp/${LOGDIR}_$$ # fi # if [ -e $(dirname $0)/../../relay/xwrelay.log ]; then # mkdir -p /tmp/${LOGDIR}_$$ # mv $(dirname $0)/../../relay/xwrelay.log /tmp/${LOGDIR}_$$ # fi # echo "DELETE FROM games WHERE room LIKE 'ROOM_%';" | psql -q -t xwgames # echo "DELETE FROM msgs WHERE NOT devid in (SELECT unnest(devids) from games);" | psql -q -t xwgames # } # function connName() { # LOG=$1 # grep -a 'got_connect_cmd: connName' $LOG | \ # tail -n 1 | \ # sed 's,^.*connName: \"\(.*\)\" (reconnect=.)$,\1,' # } # function check_room() { # ROOM=$1 # if [ -z ${CHECKED_ROOMS[$ROOM]:-""} ]; then # NUM=$(echo "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM games "\ # "WHERE NOT dead "\ # "AND ntotal!=sum_array(nperdevice) "\ # "AND ntotal != -sum_array(nperdevice) "\ # "AND room='$ROOM'" | # psql -q -t xwgames) # NUM=$((NUM+0)) # if [ "$NUM" -gt 0 ]; then # echo "$ROOM in the DB has unconsummated games. Remove them." # exit 1 # else # CHECKED_ROOMS[$ROOM]=1 # fi # fi # } # print_cmdline() { # local COUNTER=$1 # local LOG=${LOGS[$COUNTER]} # echo -n "New cmdline: " >> $LOG # echo "${APPS[$COUNTER]} ${NEW_ARGS[$COUNTER]} ${ARGS[$COUNTER]}" >> $LOG # } def pick_ndevs(args): RNUM = random.randint(0, 99) if RNUM > 95 and args.MAXDEVS >= 4: NDEVS = 4 elif RNUM > 90 and args.MAXDEVS >= 3: NDEVS = 3 else: NDEVS = 2 if NDEVS < args.MINDEVS: NDEVS = args.MINDEVS return NDEVS # # Given a device count, figure out how many local players per device. # # "1 1" would be a two-device game with 1 each. "1 2 1" a # # three-device game with four players total def figure_locals(args, NDEVS): NPLAYERS = pick_ndevs(args) if NPLAYERS < NDEVS: NPLAYERS = NDEVS EXTRAS = 0 if not args.ONEPER: EXTRAS = NPLAYERS - NDEVS LOCALS = [] for IGNORE in range(NDEVS): COUNT = 1 if EXTRAS > 0: EXTRA = random.randint(0, EXTRAS) if EXTRA > 0: COUNT += EXTRA EXTRAS -= EXTRA LOCALS.append(COUNT) assert 0 < sum(LOCALS) <= 4 return LOCALS def player_params(args, NLOCALS, NPLAYERS, NAME_INDX): assert 0 < NPLAYERS <= 4 NREMOTES = NPLAYERS - NLOCALS PARAMS = [] while NLOCALS > 0 or NREMOTES > 0: if 0 == random.randint(0, 2) and 0 < NLOCALS: PARAMS += ['--robot', g_NAMES[NAME_INDX], '--robot-iq', str(random.randint(1,100))] NLOCALS -= 1 NAME_INDX += 1 elif 0 < NREMOTES: PARAMS += ['--remote-player'] NREMOTES -= 1 return PARAMS def logReaderStub(dev): dev.logReaderMain() class Device(): sConnnameMap = {} sHasLDevIDMap = {} sConnNamePat = re.compile('.*got_connect_cmd: connName: "([^"]+)".*$') sGameOverPat = re.compile('.*\[unused tiles\].*') sTilesLeftPoolPat = re.compile('.*pool_removeTiles: (\d+) tiles left in pool') sTilesLeftTrayPat = re.compile('.*player \d+ now has (\d+) tiles') sRelayIDPat = re.compile('.*UPDATE games.*seed=(\d+),.*relayid=\'([^\']+)\'.*') def __init__(self, args, game, indx, app, params, room, db, log, nInGame): self.game = game self.indx = indx self.args = args self.pid = 0 self.gameOver = False self.app = app self.params = params self.room = room self.db = db self.logPath = log self.nInGame = nInGame # runtime stuff; init now self.proc = None self.connname = None self.devID = '' self.launchCount = 0 self.allDone = False # when true, can be killed self.nTilesLeftPool = None self.nTilesLeftTray = None self.relayID = None self.relaySeed = 0 self.locked = False with open(self.logPath, "w") as log: log.write('New cmdline: ' + self.app + ' ' + (' '.join([str(p) for p in self.params]))) log.write(os.linesep) def logReaderMain(self): assert self and self.proc stdout, stderr = self.proc.communicate() # print('logReaderMain called; opening:', self.logPath, 'flag:', flag) nLines = 0 with open(self.logPath, 'a') as log: for line in stderr.splitlines(): nLines += 1 log.write(line + os.linesep) self.locked = True # check for connname if not self.connname: match = Device.sConnNamePat.match(line) if match: self.connname = match.group(1) if not self.connname in Device.sConnnameMap: Device.sConnnameMap[self.connname] = set() Device.sConnnameMap[self.connname].add(self) # check for game over if not self.gameOver: match = Device.sGameOverPat.match(line) if match: self.gameOver = True # Check every line for tiles left in pool match = Device.sTilesLeftPoolPat.match(line) if match: self.nTilesLeftPool = int(match.group(1)) # Check every line for tiles left in tray match = Device.sTilesLeftTrayPat.match(line) if match: self.nTilesLeftTray = int(match.group(1)) if not self.relayID: match = Device.sRelayIDPat.match(line) if match: self.relaySeed = int(match.group(1)) self.relayID = match.group(2) self.locked = False # print('logReaderMain done, wrote lines:', nLines, 'to', self.logPath); def launch(self): args = [] if self.args.VALGRIND: args += ['valgrind'] # args += ['--leak-check=full'] # args += ['--track-origins=yes'] args += [self.app] + [str(p) for p in self.params] if self.devID: args.extend( ' '.split(self.devID)) self.launchCount += 1 # self.logStream = open(self.logPath, flag) self.proc = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout = subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr = subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines = True) self.pid = self.proc.pid self.minEnd = datetime.datetime.now() + datetime.timedelta(seconds = self.args.MINRUN) # Now start a thread to read stdio self.reader = threading.Thread(target = logReaderStub, args=(self,)) self.reader.isDaemon = True self.reader.start() def running(self): return self.proc and not self.proc.poll() def minTimeExpired(self): assert self.proc return self.minEnd < datetime.datetime.now() def kill(self): if self.proc.poll() is None: self.proc.terminate() self.proc.wait() assert self.proc.poll() is not None self.reader.join() self.reader = None else: print('NOT killing') self.proc = None self.check_game() def handleAllDone(self): global gDeadLaunches if self.allDone: self.moveFiles() self.send_dead() gDeadLaunches += self.launchCount return self.allDone def moveFiles(self): assert not self.running() shutil.move(self.logPath, self.args.LOGDIR + '/done') shutil.move(self.db, self.args.LOGDIR + '/done') def send_dead(self): JSON = json.dumps([{'relayID': self.relayID, 'seed': self.relaySeed}]) url = 'http://%s/xw4/relay.py/kill' % (self.args.HOST) params = {'params' : JSON} try: req = requests.get(url, params = params) # failing except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: print('got exception sending to', url, params, '; is relay.py running as apache module?') def getTilesCount(self): assert not self.locked return {'index': self.indx, 'nTilesLeftPool': self.nTilesLeftPool, 'nTilesLeftTray': self.nTilesLeftTray, 'launchCount': self.launchCount, 'game': self.game, } def update_ldevid(self): if not self.app in Device.sHasLDevIDMap: hasLDevID = False proc = subprocess.Popen([self.app, '--help'], stderr=subprocess.PIPE) # output, err, = proc.communicate() for line in proc.stderr.readlines(): if b'--ldevid' in line: hasLDevID = True break print('found --ldevid:', hasLDevID); Device.sHasLDevIDMap[self.app] = hasLDevID if Device.sHasLDevIDMap[self.app]: RNUM = random.randint(0, 99) if not self.devID: if RNUM < 30: self.devID = '--ldevid LINUX_TEST_%.5d_' % (self.indx) elif RNUM < 10: self.devID += 'x' def check_game(self): if self.gameOver and not self.allDone: allDone = False if len(Device.sConnnameMap[self.connname]) == self.nInGame: allDone = True for dev in Device.sConnnameMap[self.connname]: if dev == self: continue if not dev.gameOver: allDone = False break if allDone: for dev in Device.sConnnameMap[self.connname]: assert self.game == dev.game dev.allDone = True # print('Closing', self.connname, datetime.datetime.now()) # for dev in Device.sConnnameMap[self.connname]: # dev.kill() # # kill_from_logs $OTHERS $KEY # for ID in $OTHERS $KEY; do # echo -n "${ID}:${LOGS[$ID]}, " # kill_from_log ${LOGS[$ID]} || /bin/true # send_dead $ID # close_device $ID $DONEDIR "game over" # done # echo "" # # XWRELAY_ERROR_DELETED may be old # elif grep -aq 'relay_error_curses(XWRELAY_ERROR_DELETED)' $LOG; then # echo "deleting $LOG $(connName $LOG) b/c another resigned" # kill_from_log $LOG || /bin/true # close_device $KEY $DEADDIR "other resigned" # elif grep -aq 'relay_error_curses(XWRELAY_ERROR_DEADGAME)' $LOG; then # echo "deleting $LOG $(connName $LOG) b/c another resigned" # kill_from_log $LOG || /bin/true # close_device $KEY $DEADDIR "other resigned" # else # maybe_resign $KEY # fi # } def build_cmds(args): devs = [] COUNTER = 0 PLAT_PARMS = [] if not args.USE_GTK: PLAT_PARMS += ['--curses', '--close-stdin'] for GAME in range(1, args.NGAMES + 1): ROOM = 'ROOM_%.3d' % (GAME % args.NROOMS) NDEVS = pick_ndevs(args) LOCALS = figure_locals(args, NDEVS) # as array NPLAYERS = sum(LOCALS) assert(len(LOCALS) == NDEVS) DICT = args.DICTS[GAME % len(args.DICTS)] # make one in three games public PUBLIC = [] if random.randint(0, 3) == 0: PUBLIC = ['--make-public', '--join-public'] DEV = 0 for NLOCALS in LOCALS: DEV += 1 DB = '{}/{:02d}_{:02d}_DB.sql3'.format(args.LOGDIR, GAME, DEV) LOG = '{}/{:02d}_{:02d}_LOG.txt'.format(args.LOGDIR, GAME, DEV) BOARD_SIZE = ['--board-size', '15'] # if [ 0 -lt ${#APPS_OLD[@]} ]; then # # 50% chance of starting out with old app # NAPPS=$((1+${#APPS_OLD[*]})) # if [ 0 -lt $((RANDOM%$NAPPS)) ]; then # APPS[$COUNTER]=${APPS_OLD[$((RANDOM%${#APPS_OLD[*]}))]} # BOARD_SIZE="--board-size ${BOARD_SIZES_OLD[$((RANDOM%${#BOARD_SIZES_OLD[*]}))]}" # NEW_ARGS[$COUNTER]="" # fi # fi PARAMS = player_params(args, NLOCALS, NPLAYERS, DEV) PARAMS += PLAT_PARMS PARAMS += BOARD_SIZE + ['--room', ROOM, '--trade-pct', args.TRADE_PCT, '--sort-tiles'] if args.UNDO_PCT > 0: PARAMS += ['--undo-pct', args.UNDO_PCT] PARAMS += [ '--game-dict', DICT, '--relay-port', args.PORT, '--host', args.HOST] PARAMS += ['--slow-robot', '1:3', '--skip-confirm'] PARAMS += ['--db', DB] if random.randint(0,100) % 100 < g_UDP_PCT_START: PARAMS += ['--use-udp'] PARAMS += ['--drop-nth-packet', g_DROP_N] if random.randint(0, 100) < args.HTTP_PCT: PARAMS += ['--use-http'] PARAMS += ['--split-packets', '2'] if args.SEND_CHAT: PARAMS += ['--send-chat', args.SEND_CHAT] if args.DUP_PACKETS: PARAMS += ['--dup-packets'] # PARAMS += ['--my-port', '1024'] # PARAMS += ['--savefail-pct', 10] # With the --seed param passed, games with more than 2 # devices don't get going. No idea why. This param is NOT # passed in the old bash version of this script, so fixing # it isn't a priority. # PARAMS += ['--seed', args.SEED] PARAMS += PUBLIC if DEV > 1: PARAMS += ['--force-channel', DEV - 1] else: PARAMS += ['--server'] # print('PARAMS:', PARAMS) dev = Device(args, GAME, COUNTER, args.APP_NEW, PARAMS, ROOM, DB, LOG, len(LOCALS)) dev.update_ldevid() devs.append(dev) COUNTER += 1 return devs # read_resume_cmds() { # COUNTER=0 # for LOG in $(ls $LOGDIR/*.txt); do # echo "need to parse cmd and deal with changes" # exit 1 # CMD=$(head -n 1 $LOG) # ARGS[$COUNTER]=$CMD # LOGS[$COUNTER]=$LOG # PIDS[$COUNTER]=0 # set $CMD # while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do # case $1 in # --file) # FILES[$COUNTER]=$2 # shift # ;; # --room) # ROOMS[$COUNTER]=$2 # shift # ;; # esac # shift # done # COUNTER=$((COUNTER+1)) # done # ROOM_PIDS[$ROOM]=0 # } # launch() { # KEY=$1 # LOG=${LOGS[$KEY]} # APP="${APPS[$KEY]}" # if [ -z "$APP" ]; then # echo "error: no app set" # exit 1 # fi # PARAMS="${NEW_ARGS[$KEY]} ${ARGS[$KEY]} ${ARGS_DEVID[$KEY]}" # exec $APP $PARAMS >/dev/null 2>>$LOG # } # # launch_via_rq() { # # KEY=$1 # # RELAYID=$2 # # PIPE=${PIPES[$KEY]} # # ../relay/rq -f $RELAYID -o $PIPE & # # CMD="${CMDS[$KEY]}" # # exec $CMD >/dev/null 2>>$LOG # # } # send_dead() { # ID=$1 # DB=${FILES[$ID]} # while :; do # [ -f $DB ] || break # it's gone # RES=$(echo 'select relayid, seed from games limit 1;' | sqlite3 -separator ' ' $DB || /bin/true) # [ -n "$RES" ] && break # sleep 0.2 # done # RELAYID=$(echo $RES | awk '{print $1}') # SEED=$(echo $RES | awk '{print $2}') # JSON="[{\"relayID\":\"$RELAYID\", \"seed\":$SEED}]" # curl -G --data-urlencode params="$JSON" http://$HOST/xw4/relay.py/kill >/dev/null 2>&1 # } # close_device() { # ID=$1 # MVTO=$2 # REASON="$3" # PID=${PIDS[$ID]} # if [ $PID -ne 0 ]; then # kill ${PIDS[$ID]} 2>/dev/null # wait ${PIDS[$ID]} # ROOM=${ROOMS[$ID]} # [ ${ROOM_PIDS[$ROOM]} -eq $PID ] && ROOM_PIDS[$ROOM]=0 # fi # unset PIDS[$ID] # unset ARGS[$ID] # echo "closing game: $REASON" >> ${LOGS[$ID]} # if [ -n "$MVTO" ]; then # [ -f "${FILES[$ID]}" ] && mv ${FILES[$ID]} $MVTO # mv ${LOGS[$ID]} $MVTO # else # rm -f ${FILES[$ID]} # rm -f ${LOGS[$ID]} # fi # unset FILES[$ID] # unset LOGS[$ID] # unset ROOMS[$ID] # unset APPS[$ID] # unset ARGS_DEVID[$ID] # COUNT=${#ARGS[*]} # echo "$COUNT devices left playing..." # } # OBITS="" # kill_from_log() { # LOG=$1 # RELAYID=$(./scripts/relayID.sh --long $LOG) # if [ -n "$RELAYID" ]; then # OBITS="$OBITS -d $RELAYID" # if [ 0 -eq $(($RANDOM%2)) ]; then # ../relay/rq -a $HOST $OBITS 2>/dev/null || /bin/true # OBITS="" # fi # return 0 # success # fi # echo "unable to send kill command for $LOG" # return 1 # } # maybe_resign() { # if [ "$RESIGN_PCT" -gt 0 ]; then # KEY=$1 # LOG=${LOGS[$KEY]} # if grep -aq XWRELAY_ALLHERE $LOG; then # if [ $((${RANDOM}%100)) -lt $RESIGN_PCT ]; then # echo "making $LOG $(connName $LOG) resign..." # kill_from_log $LOG && close_device $KEY $DEADDIR "resignation forced" || /bin/true # fi # fi # fi # } # try_upgrade() { # KEY=$1 # if [ 0 -lt ${#APPS_OLD[@]} ]; then # if [ $APP_NEW != "${APPS[$KEY]}" ]; then # # one in five chance of upgrading # if [ 0 -eq $((RANDOM % UPGRADE_ODDS)) ]; then # APPS[$KEY]=$APP_NEW # NEW_ARGS[$KEY]="$APP_NEW_PARAMS" # print_cmdline $KEY # fi # fi # fi # } # try_upgrade_upd() { # KEY=$1 # CMD=${ARGS[$KEY]} # if [ "${CMD/--use-udp/}" = "${CMD}" ]; then # if [ $((RANDOM % 100)) -lt $UDP_PCT_INCR ]; then # ARGS[$KEY]="$CMD --use-udp" # echo -n "$(date +%r): " # echo "upgrading key $KEY to use UDP" # fi # fi # } # check_game() { # KEY=$1 # LOG=${LOGS[$KEY]} # CONNNAME="$(connName $LOG)" # OTHERS="" # if [ -n "$CONNNAME" ]; then # if grep -aq '\[unused tiles\]' $LOG ; then # for INDX in ${!LOGS[*]}; do # [ $INDX -eq $KEY ] && continue # ALOG=${LOGS[$INDX]} # CONNNAME2="$(connName $ALOG)" # if [ "$CONNNAME2" = "$CONNNAME" ]; then # if ! grep -aq '\[unused tiles\]' $ALOG; then # OTHERS="" # break # fi # OTHERS="$OTHERS $INDX" # fi # done # fi # fi # if [ -n "$OTHERS" ]; then # echo -n "Closing $CONNNAME [$(date)]: " # # kill_from_logs $OTHERS $KEY # for ID in $OTHERS $KEY; do # echo -n "${ID}:${LOGS[$ID]}, " # kill_from_log ${LOGS[$ID]} || /bin/true # send_dead $ID # close_device $ID $DONEDIR "game over" # done # echo "" # # XWRELAY_ERROR_DELETED may be old # elif grep -aq 'relay_error_curses(XWRELAY_ERROR_DELETED)' $LOG; then # echo "deleting $LOG $(connName $LOG) b/c another resigned" # kill_from_log $LOG || /bin/true # close_device $KEY $DEADDIR "other resigned" # elif grep -aq 'relay_error_curses(XWRELAY_ERROR_DEADGAME)' $LOG; then # echo "deleting $LOG $(connName $LOG) b/c another resigned" # kill_from_log $LOG || /bin/true # close_device $KEY $DEADDIR "other resigned" # else # maybe_resign $KEY # fi # } # increment_drop() { # KEY=$1 # CMD=${ARGS[$KEY]} # if [ "$CMD" != "${CMD/drop-nth-packet//}" ]; then # DROP_N=$(echo $CMD | sed 's,^.*drop-nth-packet \(-*[0-9]*\) .*$,\1,') # if [ $DROP_N -gt 0 ]; then # NEXT_N=$((DROP_N+1)) # ARGS[$KEY]=$(echo $CMD | sed "s,^\(.*drop-nth-packet \)$DROP_N\(.*\)$,\1$NEXT_N\2,") # fi # fi # } def summarizeTileCounts(devs, endTime, state): global gDeadLaunches shouldGoOn = True data = [dev.getTilesCount() for dev in devs] nDevs = len(data) totalTiles = 0 colWidth = max(2, len(str(nDevs))) headWidth = 0 fmtData = [{'head' : 'dev', }, {'head' : 'launches', }, {'head' : 'tls left', }, ] for datum in fmtData: headWidth = max(headWidth, len(datum['head'])) datum['data'] = [] # Group devices by game games = [] prev = -1 for datum in data: gameNo = datum['game'] if gameNo != prev: games.append([]) prev = gameNo games[-1].append('{:0{width}d}'.format(datum['index'], width=colWidth)) fmtData[0]['data'] = ['+'.join(game) for game in games] nLaunches = gDeadLaunches for datum in data: launchCount = datum['launchCount'] nLaunches += launchCount fmtData[1]['data'].append('{:{width}d}'.format(launchCount, width=colWidth)) # Format tiles left. It's the number in the bag/pool until # that drops to 0, then the number in the tray preceeded by # '+'. Only the pool number is included in the totalTiles sum. nTilesPool = datum['nTilesLeftPool'] nTilesTray = datum['nTilesLeftTray'] if nTilesPool is None and nTilesTray is None: txt = ('-' * colWidth) elif int(nTilesPool) == 0 and not nTilesTray is None: txt = '+{:{width}d}'.format(nTilesTray, width=colWidth-1) else: txt = '{:{width}d}'.format(nTilesPool, width=colWidth) totalTiles += int(nTilesPool) fmtData[2]['data'].append(txt) print('') print('devs left: {}; bag tiles left: {}; total launches: {}; {}/{}' .format(nDevs, totalTiles, nLaunches, datetime.datetime.now(), endTime )) fmt = '{head:>%d} {data}' % headWidth for datum in fmtData: datum['data'] = ' '.join(datum['data']) for datum in fmtData: print(fmt.format(**datum)) # Now let's see if things are stuck: if the tile string hasn't # changed in two minutes bail. Note that the count of tiles left # isn't enough because it's zero for a long time as devices are # using up what's left in their trays and getting killed. now = datetime.datetime.now() tilesStr = fmtData[2]['data'] if not 'tilesStr' in state or state['tilesStr'] != tilesStr: state['lastChange'] = now state['tilesStr'] = tilesStr return now - state['lastChange'] < datetime.timedelta(minutes = 1) def countCores(): return len(glob.glob1('/tmp',"core*")) gDone = False def run_cmds(args, devs): nCores = countCores() endTime = datetime.datetime.now() + datetime.timedelta(minutes = args.TIMEOUT_MINS) LOOPCOUNT = 0 printState = {} while len(devs) > 0 and not gDone: if countCores() > nCores: print('core file count increased; exiting') break if datetime.datetime.now() > endTime: print('outta time; outta here') break LOOPCOUNT += 1 if 0 == LOOPCOUNT % 20: if not summarizeTileCounts(devs, endTime, printState): print('no change in too long; exiting') break dev = random.choice(devs) if not dev.running(): if dev.handleAllDone(): devs.remove(dev) else: # if [ -n "$ONE_PER_ROOM" -a 0 -ne ${ROOM_PIDS[$ROOM]} ]; then # continue # fi # try_upgrade $KEY # try_upgrade_upd $KEY dev.launch() # PID=$! # # renice doesn't work on one of my machines... # renice -n 1 -p $PID >/dev/null 2>&1 || /bin/true # PIDS[$KEY]=$PID # ROOM_PIDS[$ROOM]=$PID # MINEND[$KEY]=$(($NOW + $MINRUN)) elif not dev.minTimeExpired(): # print('sleeping...') time.sleep(1.0) else: dev.kill() if dev.handleAllDone(): devs.remove(dev) # if g_DROP_N >= 0: dev.increment_drop() # update_ldevid $KEY # if we get here via a break, kill any remaining games if devs: print('stopping %d remaining games' % (len(devs))) for dev in devs: if dev.running(): dev.kill() # run_via_rq() { # # launch then kill all games to give chance to hook up # for KEY in ${!ARGS[*]}; do # echo "launching $KEY" # launch $KEY & # PID=$! # sleep 1 # kill $PID # wait $PID # # add_pipe $KEY # done # echo "now running via rq" # # then run them # while :; do # COUNT=${#ARGS[*]} # [ 0 -ge $COUNT ] && break # INDX=$(($RANDOM%COUNT)) # KEYS=( ${!ARGS[*]} ) # KEY=${KEYS[$INDX]} # CMD=${ARGS[$KEY]} # RELAYID=$(./scripts/relayID.sh --short ${LOGS[$KEY]}) # MSG_COUNT=$(../relay/rq -a $HOST -m $RELAYID 2>/dev/null | sed 's,^.*-- ,,') # if [ $MSG_COUNT -gt 0 ]; then # launch $KEY & # PID=$! # sleep 2 # kill $PID || /bin/true # wait $PID # fi # [ "$DROP_N" -ge 0 ] && increment_drop $KEY # check_game $KEY # done # } # run_via_rq # function getArg() { # [ 1 -lt "$#" ] || usage "$1 requires an argument" # echo $2 # } def mkParser(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--send-chat', dest = 'SEND_CHAT', type = str, default = None, help = 'the message to send') parser.add_argument('--app-new', dest = 'APP_NEW', default = './obj_linux_memdbg/xwords', help = 'the app we\'ll use') parser.add_argument('--num-games', dest = 'NGAMES', type = int, default = 1, help = 'number of games') parser.add_argument('--num-rooms', dest = 'NROOMS', type = int, default = 0, help = 'number of roooms (default to --num-games)') parser.add_argument('--timeout-mins', dest = 'TIMEOUT_MINS', default = 10000, type = int, help = 'minutes after which to timeout') parser.add_argument('--log-root', dest='LOGROOT', default = '.', help = 'where logfiles go') parser.add_argument('--dup-packets', dest = 'DUP_PACKETS', default = False, help = 'send all packet twice') parser.add_argument('--use-gtk', dest = 'USE_GTK', default = False, action = 'store_true', help = 'run games using gtk instead of ncurses') # # # # echo " [--clean-start] \\" >&2 parser.add_argument('--game-dict', dest = 'DICTS', action = 'append', default = []) # # echo " [--help] \\" >&2 parser.add_argument('--host', dest = 'HOST', default = 'localhost', help = 'relay hostname') # # echo " [--max-devs ] \\" >&2 parser.add_argument('--min-devs', dest = 'MINDEVS', type = int, default = 2, help = 'No game will have fewer devices than this') parser.add_argument('--max-devs', dest = 'MAXDEVS', type = int, default = 4, help = 'No game will have more devices than this') parser.add_argument('--min-run', dest = 'MINRUN', type = int, default = 2, help = 'Keep each run alive at least this many seconds') # # echo " [--new-app &2 # # echo " [--new-app-args [arg*]] # passed only to new app \\" >&2 # # echo " [--num-rooms ] \\" >&2 # # echo " [--old-app &2 parser.add_argument('--one-per', dest = 'ONEPER', default = False, action = 'store_true', help = 'force one player per device') parser.add_argument('--port', dest = 'PORT', default = 10997, type = int, \ help = 'Port relay\'s on') parser.add_argument('--resign-pct', dest = 'RESIGN_PCT', default = 0, type = int, \ help = 'Odds of resigning [0..100]') parser.add_argument('--seed', type = int, dest = 'SEED', default = random.randint(1, 1000000000)) # # echo " [--send-chat \\" >&2 # # echo " [--udp-incr ] \\" >&2 # # echo " [--udp-start ] # default: $UDP_PCT_START \\" >&2 # # echo " [--undo-pct ] \\" >&2 parser.add_argument('--http-pct', dest = 'HTTP_PCT', default = 0, type = int, help = 'pct of games to be using web api') parser.add_argument('--undo-pct', dest = 'UNDO_PCT', default = 0, type = int) parser.add_argument('--trade-pct', dest = 'TRADE_PCT', default = 0, type = int) parser.add_argument('--with-valgrind', dest = 'VALGRIND', default = False, action = 'store_true') return parser # ####################################################### # ##################### MAIN begins ##################### # ####################################################### def parseArgs(): args = mkParser().parse_args() assignDefaults(args) print(args) return args # print(options) # while [ "$#" -gt 0 ]; do # case $1 in # --udp-start) # UDP_PCT_START=$(getArg $*) # shift # ;; # --udp-incr) # UDP_PCT_INCR=$(getArg $*) # shift # ;; # --clean-start) # DO_CLEAN=1 # ;; # --num-games) # NGAMES=$(getArg $*) # shift # ;; # --num-rooms) # NROOMS=$(getArg $*) # shift # ;; # --old-app) # APPS_OLD[${#APPS_OLD[@]}]=$(getArg $*) # shift # ;; # --log-root) # [ -d $2 ] || usage "$1: no such directory $2" # LOGDIR=$2/$(basename $0)_logs # shift # ;; # --dup-packets) # DUP_PACKETS=1 # ;; # --new-app) # APP_NEW=$(getArg $*) # shift # ;; # --new-app-args) # APP_NEW_PARAMS="${2}" # echo "got $APP_NEW_PARAMS" # shift # ;; # --game-dict) # DICTS[${#DICTS[@]}]=$(getArg $*) # shift # ;; # --min-devs) # MINDEVS=$(getArg $*) # shift # ;; # --max-devs) # MAXDEVS=$(getArg $*) # shift # ;; # --min-run) # MINRUN=$(getArg $*) # [ $MINRUN -ge 2 -a $MINRUN -le 60 ] || usage "$1: n must be 2 <= n <= 60" # shift # ;; # --one-per) # ONEPER=TRUE # ;; # --host) # HOST=$(getArg $*) # shift # ;; # --port) # PORT=$(getArg $*) # shift # ;; # --seed) # SEED=$(getArg $*) # shift # ;; # --undo-pct) # UNDO_PCT=$(getArg $*) # shift # ;; # --http-pct) # HTTP_PCT=$(getArg $*) # [ $HTTP_PCT -ge 0 -a $HTTP_PCT -le 100 ] || usage "$1: n must be 0 <= n <= 100" # shift # ;; # --send-chat) # SEND_CHAT=$(getArg $*) # shift # ;; # --resign-pct) # RESIGN_PCT=$(getArg $*) # [ $RESIGN_PCT -ge 0 -a $RESIGN_PCT -le 100 ] || usage "$1: n must be 0 <= n <= 100" # shift # ;; # --no-timeout) # TIMEOUT=0x7FFFFFFF # ;; # --help) # usage # ;; # *) usage "unrecognized option $1" # ;; # esac # shift # done def assignDefaults(args): if not args.NROOMS: args.NROOMS = args.NGAMES if len(args.DICTS) == 0: args.DICTS.append('CollegeEng_2to8.xwd') args.LOGDIR = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) + '_logs' # Move an existing logdir aside if os.path.exists(args.LOGDIR): shutil.move(args.LOGDIR, '/tmp/' + args.LOGDIR + '_' + str(random.randint(0, 100000))) for d in ['', 'done', 'dead',]: os.mkdir(args.LOGDIR + '/' + d) # [ -z "$SAVE_GOOD" ] && SAVE_GOOD=YES # # [ -z "$RESIGN_PCT" -a "$NGAMES" -gt 1 ] && RESIGN_RATIO=1000 || RESIGN_RATIO=0 # [ -z "$DROP_N" ] && DROP_N=0 # [ -z "$USE_GTK" ] && USE_GTK=FALSE # [ -z "$UPGRADE_ODDS" ] && UPGRADE_ODDS=10 # #$((NGAMES/50)) # [ 0 -eq $UPGRADE_ODDS ] && UPGRADE_ODDS=1 # [ -n "$SEED" ] && RANDOM=$SEED # [ -z "$ONEPER" -a $NROOMS -lt $NGAMES ] && usage "use --one-per if --num-rooms < --num-games" # [ -n "$DO_CLEAN" ] && cleanup # RESUME="" # for FILE in $(ls $LOGDIR/*.{xwg,txt} 2>/dev/null); do # if [ -e $FILE ]; then # echo "Unfinished games found in $LOGDIR; continue with them (or discard)?" # read -p " " ANSWER # case "$ANSWER" in # y|yes|Y|YES) # RESUME=1 # ;; # *) # ;; # esac # fi # break # done # if [ -z "$RESUME" -a -d $LOGDIR ]; then # NEWNAME="$(basename $LOGDIR)_$$" # (cd $(dirname $LOGDIR) && mv $(basename $LOGDIR) /tmp/${NEWNAME}) # fi # mkdir -p $LOGDIR # if [ "$SAVE_GOOD" = YES ]; then # DONEDIR=$LOGDIR/done # mkdir -p $DONEDIR # fi # DEADDIR=$LOGDIR/dead # mkdir -p $DEADDIR # for VAR in NGAMES NROOMS USE_GTK TIMEOUT HOST PORT SAVE_GOOD \ # MINDEVS MAXDEVS ONEPER RESIGN_PCT DROP_N ALL_VIA_RQ SEED \ # APP_NEW; do # echo "$VAR:" $(eval "echo \$${VAR}") 1>&2 # done # echo "DICTS: ${DICTS[*]}" # echo -n "APPS_OLD: "; [ xx = "${APPS_OLD[*]+xx}" ] && echo "${APPS_OLD[*]}" || echo "" # echo "*********$0 starting: $(date)**************" # STARTTIME=$(date +%s) # [ -z "$RESUME" ] && build_cmds || read_resume_cmds # if [ TRUE = "$ALL_VIA_RQ" ]; then # run_via_rq # else # run_cmds # fi # wait # SECONDS=$(($(date +%s)-$STARTTIME)) # HOURS=$((SECONDS/3600)) # SECONDS=$((SECONDS%3600)) # MINUTES=$((SECONDS/60)) # SECONDS=$((SECONDS%60)) # echo "*********$0 finished: $(date) (took $HOURS:$MINUTES:$SECONDS)**************" def termHandler(signum, frame): global gDone print('termHandler() called') gDone = True def main(): startTime = datetime.datetime.now() signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, termHandler) args = parseArgs() devs = build_cmds(args) nDevs = len(devs) run_cmds(args, devs) print('{} finished; took {} for {} devices'.format(sys.argv[0], datetime.datetime.now() - startTime, nDevs)) ############################################################################## if __name__ == '__main__': main()