/* -*- compile-command: "make rq"; -*- */ /* * Copyright 2010 by Eric House (xwords@eehouse.org). All rights reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "xwrelay.h" #ifndef DEFAULT_PORT # define DEFAULT_PORT 10998 #endif #ifndef DEFAULT_HOST # define DEFAULT_HOST "localhost" #endif #define MAX_CONN_NAMES 128 static const char* g_host = DEFAULT_HOST; static int g_port = DEFAULT_PORT; /* * Query: * list of all public games by language and number of players * * For debugging (localhost only, maybe) * count of all games in-play (cid!=null) */ static void usage( const char * const argv0 ) { fprintf( stderr, "usage: %s \\\n", argv0 ); fprintf( stderr, "\t[-p ] # (default %d) \\\n", DEFAULT_PORT ); fprintf( stderr, "\t[-a ] # (default: %s) \\\n", DEFAULT_HOST ); fprintf( stderr, "\t[-r] # list open public rooms \\\n" ); fprintf( stderr, "\t[-f # fetch message > stdout or file \\\n" ); fprintf( stderr, "\t[-l ] # language for rooms " "(1=English default) \\\n" ); fprintf( stderr, "\t[-n ] # number of players (2 default) \\\n" ); fprintf( stderr, "\t[-b ]* # nbs socket to be used for -f \\\n" ); fprintf( stderr, "\t[-o ]* # file to be used for -f " "(- = stdout, the default) \\\n" ); fprintf( stderr, "\t[-m # list msg count \\\n" ); fprintf( stderr, "\t[-d # delete game \\\n" ); exit( 1 ); } #define NUM_PER_LINE 8 void log_hex( const unsigned char* memp, int len, const char* tag ) { const char* hex = "0123456789ABCDEF"; int i, j; int offset = 0; while ( offset < len ) { char buf[128]; unsigned char vals[NUM_PER_LINE*3]; unsigned char* valsp = vals; unsigned char chars[NUM_PER_LINE+1]; unsigned char* charsp = chars; int oldOffset = offset; for ( i = 0; i < NUM_PER_LINE && offset < len; ++i ) { unsigned char byte = memp[offset]; for ( j = 0; j < 2; ++j ) { *valsp++ = hex[(byte & 0xF0) >> 4]; byte <<= 4; } *valsp++ = ':'; byte = memp[offset]; if ( (byte >= 'A' && byte <= 'Z') || (byte >= 'a' && byte <= 'z') || (byte >= '0' && byte <= '9') ) { /* keep it */ } else { byte = '.'; } *charsp++ = byte; ++offset; } *(valsp-1) = '\0'; /* -1 to overwrite ':' */ *charsp = '\0'; if ( (NULL == tag) || (strlen(tag) + sizeof(vals) >= sizeof(buf)) ) { tag = ""; } snprintf( buf, sizeof(buf), "%s[%d]: %s %s", tag, oldOffset, vals, chars ); fprintf( stderr, "%s\n", buf ); } } int read_packet( int sock, unsigned char* buf, int buflen ) { int result = -1; ssize_t nread; unsigned short msgLen; nread = recv( sock, &msgLen, sizeof(msgLen), MSG_WAITALL ); if ( nread == sizeof(msgLen) ) { msgLen = ntohs( msgLen ); if ( msgLen <= buflen ) { nread = recv( sock, buf, msgLen, MSG_WAITALL ); if ( nread == msgLen ) { result = nread; } } } return result; } static void do_rooms( int sockfd, int lang, int nPlayers ) { unsigned char msg[] = { 0, /* protocol */ PRX_PUB_ROOMS, lang, nPlayers }; unsigned short len = htons( sizeof(msg) ); write( sockfd, &len, sizeof(len) ); write( sockfd, msg, sizeof(msg) ); fprintf( stderr, "Waiting for response....\n" ); ssize_t nRead = recv( sockfd, &len, sizeof(len), MSG_WAITALL ); assert( nRead == sizeof(len) ); len = ntohs( len ); char reply[len]; nRead = recv( sockfd, reply, len, MSG_WAITALL ); assert( nRead == len ); char* ptr = reply; unsigned short nRooms; memcpy( &nRooms, ptr, sizeof(nRooms) ); ptr += sizeof( nRooms ); nRooms = ntohs( nRooms ); int ii; char* saveptr; for ( ii = 0; ii < nRooms; ++ii ) { char* str = strtok_r( ptr, "\n", &saveptr ); fprintf( stdout, "%s\n", str ); ptr = NULL; } } static void write_connnames( int sockfd, char cmd, const char** connNames, int nConnNames ) { unsigned short len, netlen; int ii; for ( len = 0, ii = 0; ii < nConnNames; ++ii ) { len += 1 + strlen( connNames[ii] ); } unsigned char hdr[] = { 0, cmd }; unsigned short netNConnNames = htons( nConnNames ); netlen = sizeof(hdr) + sizeof( netNConnNames ) + len; netlen = htons( netlen ); write( sockfd, &netlen, sizeof(netlen) ); write( sockfd, &hdr, sizeof(hdr) ); write( sockfd, &netNConnNames, sizeof(netNConnNames) ); for ( len = 0, ii = 0; ii < nConnNames; ++ii ) { write( sockfd, connNames[ii], strlen(connNames[ii]) ); write( sockfd, "\n", 1 ); } } static void do_msgs( int sockfd, const char** connNames, int nConnNames ) { write_connnames( sockfd, PRX_HAS_MSGS, connNames, nConnNames ); fprintf( stderr, "Waiting for response....\n" ); unsigned char reply[1024]; int nRead = read_packet( sockfd, reply, sizeof(reply) ); if ( nRead > 2 ) { const unsigned char* bufp = reply; const unsigned char* const end = bufp + nRead; unsigned short count; memcpy( &count, bufp, sizeof( count ) ); bufp += sizeof( count ); count = ntohs( count ); assert( count == nConnNames ); fprintf( stderr, "got count: %d\n", count ); int ii; for ( ii = 0; ii < nConnNames && bufp < end; ++ii ) { memcpy( &count, bufp, sizeof( count ) ); bufp += sizeof( count ); count = ntohs( count ); fprintf( stdout, "%s -- %d\n", connNames[ii], count ); } } } /* do_msgs */ static int connect_socket( void ) { int sockfd = socket( AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0 ); struct sockaddr_in to_sock; memset( &to_sock, 0, sizeof(to_sock) ); to_sock.sin_family = AF_INET; to_sock.sin_port = htons( g_port ); struct hostent* hostip; hostip = gethostbyname( g_host ); memcpy( &(to_sock.sin_addr.s_addr), hostip->h_addr_list[0], sizeof(hostip->h_addr_list[0] ) ); if ( 0 != connect( sockfd, (const struct sockaddr*)&to_sock, sizeof(to_sock) ) ) { fprintf( stderr, "connect failed: %d (%s)\n", errno, strerror(errno) ); exit( 1 ); } return sockfd; } /* This comes in already formatted (see relay_sendNoConn_curses). So all we need to do is open a socket and send it to the relay. Later we can coalesce, though that should happen in the (linux) client. */ static void send_msg( const unsigned char* buf, int len ) { // log_hex( buf, len, __func__ ); int sock = connect_socket(); assert( 0 <= sock ); unsigned char hdr[] = { 0, PRX_PUT_MSGS }; unsigned short netlen = htons( sizeof(hdr) + len ); ssize_t nwritten = write( sock, &netlen, sizeof(netlen) ); assert( nwritten == sizeof(netlen) ); nwritten = write( sock, hdr, sizeof(hdr) ); assert( nwritten == sizeof(hdr) ); nwritten = write( sock, buf, len ); assert( nwritten == len ); close( sock ); } static void do_fetch( int sockfd, const char** connNames, int nConnNames, const char** pipes, int nPipes, const char* nbs ) { write_connnames( sockfd, PRX_GET_MSGS, connNames, nConnNames ); unsigned char reply[1024]; int nRead = read_packet( sockfd, reply, sizeof(reply) ); if ( nRead > 2 ) { const unsigned char* bufp = reply; const unsigned char* const end = bufp + nRead; unsigned short count; memcpy( &count, bufp, sizeof( count ) ); bufp += sizeof( count ); count = ntohs( count ); assert( count <= nConnNames ); /* Now we have an array of pairs. Just write em as long as it makes sense. countPerDev makes no sense as other than 1 unless the UI is changed so I don't have to write to STDOUT -- e.g. by passing in named pipes to correspond to each deviceid provided */ for ( int ii = 0; ii < count && bufp < end; ++ii ) { int fd = STDOUT_FILENO; int nbsfd = -1; unsigned short countPerDev; memcpy( &countPerDev, bufp, sizeof( countPerDev ) ); bufp += sizeof( countPerDev ); countPerDev = ntohs( countPerDev ); if ( ii < nPipes && 0 != strcmp( pipes[ii], "-" ) ) { fd = open( pipes[ii], O_RDWR | O_CREAT, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR ); if ( fd < 0 ) { fprintf( stderr, "open(%s) failed: %s\n", pipes[ii], strerror(errno) ); exit( 1 ); } } else if ( NULL != nbs ) { nbsfd = socket( AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0 ); assert( 0 <= nbsfd ); struct sockaddr_un addr; addr.sun_family = AF_UNIX; strcpy( addr.sun_path, nbs ); for ( ; ; ) { if ( 0 == connect( nbsfd, (struct sockaddr*)&addr, sizeof(addr) ) ) { break; } switch( errno ) { case ECONNREFUSED: case ENOENT: usleep( 250000 ); break; default: fprintf( stderr, "%s: connect()=>%d (%s)\n", __func__, errno, strerror(errno) ); assert( false ); } } fd = nbsfd; } unsigned short len; ssize_t nwritten; while ( bufp < end && countPerDev-- > 0 ) { memcpy( &len, bufp, sizeof( len ) ); len = ntohs( len ) + sizeof( len ); if ( bufp + len > end ) { break; } nwritten = write( fd, bufp, len ); assert( nwritten == len ); bufp += len; } assert( bufp == end ); len = 0; nwritten = write( fd, &len, sizeof(len) ); assert( nwritten == sizeof(len) ); int ii; for ( ii = 0; -1 != nbsfd; ++ii ) { short len; ssize_t nRead = read( nbsfd, &len, sizeof(len) ); if ( sizeof(len) != nRead ) { break; } else if ( 0 == len ) { // fprintf( stderr, "%s: read 0; done\n", __func__ ); break; } len = ntohs( len ); // fprintf( stderr, "%s: read size of %d\n", __func__, len ); unsigned char buf[len]; if ( len != read( nbsfd, buf, len ) ) { break; } // fprintf( stderr, "%s: read %d bytes\n", __func__, len ); send_msg( buf, len ); } // fprintf( stderr, "%s: DONE reading from pipe\n", __func__ ); if ( fd != STDOUT_FILENO ) { close( fd ); } } if ( bufp != end ) { fprintf( stderr, "error: message not internally as expected\n" ); } } } /* do_fetch */ static void do_deletes( int sockfd, const char** connNames, int nConnNames ) { int ii; char buf[4096]; int nused = 0; for ( ii = 0; ii < nConnNames; ++ii ) { char tmp[128]; assert( strlen(connNames[ii]) < sizeof(tmp)-1 ); strcpy( tmp, connNames[ii] ); char* seedp = strrchr( tmp, '/' ); assert( !!seedp ); *(seedp++) = '\0'; /* skip */ unsigned int seed; sscanf( seedp, "%X", &seed ); short netshort = htons( (short)seed ); memcpy( &buf[nused], &netshort, sizeof(netshort) ); nused += sizeof(netshort); nused += sprintf( &buf[nused], "%s", tmp ); buf[nused++] = '\n'; } unsigned char hdr[] = { 0, PRX_DEVICE_GONE }; /* total len */ short num = htons( sizeof(hdr) + 2 + nused ); write( sockfd, &num, sizeof(num) ); /* header */ write( sockfd, hdr, sizeof(hdr) ); /* count */ num = htons( nConnNames ); write( sockfd, &num, sizeof(num) ); /* buffer */ write( sockfd, buf, nused ); unsigned char reply[2]; int nRead = read_packet( sockfd, reply, sizeof(reply) ); if ( nRead != 0 ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: nRead=%d; errno=%d (%s)\n", __func__, nRead, errno, strerror(errno) ); } } /* do_deletes */ int main( int argc, char * const argv[] ) { // fprintf( stderr, "rq called\n" ); int lang = 1; int nPlayers = 2; int doWhat = 0; const int doRooms = 1; const int doMgs = 2; const int doDeletes = 4; const int doFetch = 8; char const* connNames[MAX_CONN_NAMES]; int nConnNames = 0; const char* pipes[MAX_CONN_NAMES]; int nPipes = 0; const char* nbs = NULL; for ( ; ; ) { int opt = getopt( argc, argv, "a:b:d:f:p:rl:n:m:o:" ); if ( opt < 0 ) { break; } switch ( opt ) { case 'a': g_host = optarg; break; case 'b': nbs = optarg; break; case 'd': assert( nConnNames < MAX_CONN_NAMES - 1 ); connNames[nConnNames++] = optarg; doWhat |= doDeletes; break; case 'f': connNames[nConnNames++] = optarg; doWhat |= doFetch; break; case 'l': lang = atoi(optarg); break; case 'm': assert( nConnNames < MAX_CONN_NAMES - 1 ); connNames[nConnNames++] = optarg; doWhat |= doMgs; break; case 'n': nPlayers = atoi(optarg); break; case 'o': assert( nPipes < MAX_CONN_NAMES - 1 ); pipes[nPipes++] = optarg; break; case 'p': g_port = atoi(optarg); break; case 'r': doWhat |= doRooms; break; default: usage( argv[0] ); break; } } // fprintf( stderr, "got port %d, host %s\n", g_port, g_host ); int sockfd = connect_socket(); switch ( doWhat ) { case 0: fprintf( stderr, "no command given\n" ); usage( argv[0] ); break; case doRooms: do_rooms( sockfd, lang, nPlayers ); break; case doMgs: do_msgs( sockfd, connNames, nConnNames ); break; case doDeletes: do_deletes( sockfd, connNames, nConnNames ); break; case doFetch: do_fetch( sockfd, connNames, nConnNames, pipes, nPipes, nbs ); break; default: fprintf( stderr, "conflicting options given\n" ); usage( argv[0] ); } close( sockfd ); return 0; }