//{{NO_DEPENDENCIES}} // Microsoft Developer Studio generated include file. // Used by xwords4.rc // #define IDS_APP_TITLE 1 #define IDS_HELLO 2 #define IDC_XWORDS4 3 #define IDI_XWORDS4 101 #define IDM_MENU 102 #define IDD_ABOUTBOX 103 #define IDD_DIALOG1 104 #define IDD_GAMEINFO 104 #define IDD_STRBOX 106 #define IDB_RIGHTARROW 111 #define IDB_DOWNARROW 112 #define IDD_ASKBLANK 113 #define IDD_ASKPASS 116 #define IDD_OPTIONSDLG 117 #define IDD_COLORSDLG 118 #define IDD_COLOREDITDLG 119 #define IDB_FLIPBUTTON 120 #define IDB_VALUESBUTTON 121 #define IDB_HINTBUTTON 122 #define IDB_JUGGLEBUTTON 123 #define IDB_ORIGIN 124 #ifdef XWFEATURE_SEARCHLIMIT # define IDD_ASKHINTLIMTS 125 #endif #define FLIP_BUTTON_ID 1001 #define VALUE_BUTTON_ID 1002 #define HINT_BUTTON_ID 1003 #define JUGGLE_BUTTON_ID 1004 #define REMOTE_CHECK1 1005 #define NAME_EDIT1 1006 #define ROBOT_CHECK1 1007 #define PASS_EDIT1 1008 #define REMOTE_CHECK2 1009 #define NAME_EDIT2 1010 #define ROBOT_CHECK2 1011 #define PASS_EDIT2 1012 #define REMOTE_CHECK3 1013 #define NAME_EDIT3 1014 #define ROBOT_CHECK3 1015 #define PASS_EDIT3 1016 #define REMOTE_CHECK4 1017 #define NAME_EDIT4 1018 #define ROBOT_CHECK4 1019 #define PASS_EDIT4 1020 #define IDC_COMBO1 1021 #define PLAYERNUM_COMBO 1022 #define IDC_NPLAYERSCOMBO 1023 #define TIMER_CHECK 1024 #define NAME_EDIT5 1025 #define TIMER_EDIT 1026 #define IDC_DICTBUTTON 1027 #define IDC_COMBO3 1028 #define BLANKFACE_COMBO 1029 #define PHONIES_COMBO 1030 #define IDC_PWDLABEL 1031 #define PASS_EDIT 1032 #define BLANKFACE_LIST 1033 #define IDC_NPLAYERSLIST 1034 #define OPTIONS_BUTTON 1035 #define IDC_RADIOGLOBAL 1036 #define IDC_RADIOLOCAL 1037 #define IDC_LEFTYCHECK 1038 #define IDC_CHECKCOLORPLAYED 1039 #define IDC_CHECKSMARTROBOT 1040 #define IDC_CHECKNOHINTS 1041 #define IDC_CHECKSHOWCURSOR 1042 #define IDC_CHECKROBOTSCORES 1043 #define IDC_PREFCOLORS 1044 #define PHONIES_LABEL 1045 #define IDC_ROLECOMBO 1046 #define IDC_LOCALP_LABEL 1047 #define IDC_TOTAL_LABEL 1048 #define IDC_REMOTE_LABEL 1049 #define IDC_PICKTILES 1050 #define IDC_BPICK 1051 #define IDC_PICKMSG 1052 #ifdef FEATURE_TRAY_EDIT # define IDC_CPICK 1053 # define IDC_PICKALL 1054 # define IDC_BACKUP 1055 #endif #ifdef XWFEATURE_SEARCHLIMIT # define IDC_CHECKHINTSLIMITS 1056 #endif #define DLBLTR_BUTTON 1056 #define DBLWRD_BUTTON 1057 #define TPLLTR_BUTTON 1058 #define TPLWRD_BUTTON 1059 #define EMPCELL_BUTTON 1060 #define TBACK_BUTTON 1061 #define PLAYER1_BUTTON 1062 #define PLAYER2_BUTTON 1063 #define PLAYER3_BUTTON 1064 #define PLAYER4_BUTTON 1065 #define PLAYER1_LABEL 1066 #define PLAYER2_LABEL 1067 #define PLAYER3_LABEL 1068 #define PLAYER4_LABEL 1069 #define DLBLTR_LABEL 1070 #define DBLWRD_LABEL 1071 #define TPLLTR_LABEL 1072 #define TPLWRD_LABEL 1073 #define EMPTYCELL_LABEL 1074 #define TILEBACK_LABEL 1075 /* editor dlg: assumption is that the edit field's ID is one more than the corresponding slider's */ #ifdef MY_COLOR_SEL # define CLREDT_SLIDER1 1076 # define RED_EDIT 1077 # define CLREDT_SLIDER2 1078 # define GREEN_EDIT 1079 # define CLREDT_SLIDER3 1080 # define BLUE_EDIT 1081 # define RED_LABEL 1082 # define GREEN_LABEL 1083 # define BLUE_LABEL 1084 #endif // MY_COLOR_SEL #define HC_MIN_COMBO 1085 #define HC_MAX_COMBO 1086 #define IDM_FILE_EXIT 40002 #define IDM_HELP_ABOUT 40003 #define ID_FILE_ABOUT 40004 #define ID_GAME_GAMEINFO 40005 #define ID_GAME_HISTORY 40006 #define ID_GAME_FINALSCORES 40007 #define ID_GAME_TILECOUNTSANDVALUES 40008 #define ID_GAME_TILESLEFT 40009 #define ID_MOVE_HINT 40010 #ifdef XWFEATURE_SEARCHLIMIT # define ID_MOVE_LIMITEDHINT 40011 #endif #define ID_MOVE_NEXTHINT 40012 #define ID_MOVE_UNDOCURRENT 40013 #define ID_MOVE_UNDOLAST 40014 #define ID_MOVE_TRADE 40015 #define ID_MOVE_JUGGLE 40016 #define ID_MOVE_HIDETRAY 40017 #define ID_MOVE_TURNDONE 40018 #define ID_FILE_NEWGAME 40019 #define ID_FILE_SAVEDGAMES 40020 #define ID_EDITTEXT 40021 #define ID_FILE_PREFERENCES 40022 #define ID_FILE_BEAMDICT 40023 #define ID_FILE_BEAMBOARDS 40024 #define ID_GAME_RESENDMSGS 40025 #define ID_COLORS_RES 9999 #define ID_BONUS_RES 9998 // Next default values for new objects // #ifdef APSTUDIO_INVOKED #ifndef APSTUDIO_READONLY_SYMBOLS #define _APS_NEXT_RESOURCE_VALUE 125 #define _APS_NEXT_COMMAND_VALUE 40026 #define _APS_NEXT_CONTROL_VALUE 1087 #define _APS_NEXT_SYMED_VALUE 101 #endif #endif