/* -*- compile-command: "make MEMDEBUG=TRUE -j3"; -*- */ /* * Copyright 2000-2013 by Eric House (xwords@eehouse.org). All rights * reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "gamesdb.h" #include "main.h" static void getColumnText( sqlite3_stmt *ppStmt, int iCol, XP_UCHAR* buf, int len ); #ifdef DEBUG static char* sqliteErr2str( int err ); static void assertPrintResult( sqlite3* pDb, int result, int expect ); #endif sqlite3* openGamesDB( const char* dbName ) { int result = sqlite3_initialize(); XP_ASSERT( SQLITE_OK == result ); sqlite3* pDb = NULL; result = sqlite3_open( dbName, &pDb ); XP_ASSERT( SQLITE_OK == result ); const char* createGamesStr = "CREATE TABLE games ( " "rowid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT" ",game BLOB" ",snap BLOB" ",inviteInfo BLOB" ",room VARCHAR(32)" ",connvia VARCHAR(32)" ",ended INT(1)" ",turn INT(2)" ",nmoves INT" ",seed INT" ",gameid INT" ",ntotal INT(2)" ",nmissing INT(2)" ",lastMoveTime INT" ")"; result = sqlite3_exec( pDb, createGamesStr, NULL, NULL, NULL ); const char* createValuesStr = "CREATE TABLE pairs ( key TEXT UNIQUE,value TEXT )"; result = sqlite3_exec( pDb, createValuesStr, NULL, NULL, NULL ); XP_LOGF( "sqlite3_exec=>%d", result ); XP_USE( result ); return pDb; } void closeGamesDB( sqlite3* pDb ) { sqlite3_close( pDb ); XP_LOGF( "%s finished", __func__ ); } static sqlite3_int64 writeBlobColumnData( const XP_U8* data, gsize len, XP_U16 strVersion, sqlite3* pDb, sqlite3_int64 curRow, const char* column ) { XP_LOGF( "%s(col=%s)", __func__, column ); int result; char buf[256]; char* query; sqlite3_stmt* stmt = NULL; XP_Bool newGame = -1 == curRow; if ( newGame ) { /* new row; need to insert blob first */ const char* fmt = "INSERT INTO games (%s) VALUES (?)"; snprintf( buf, sizeof(buf), fmt, column ); query = buf; } else { const char* fmt = "UPDATE games SET %s=? where rowid=%lld"; snprintf( buf, sizeof(buf), fmt, column, curRow ); query = buf; } result = sqlite3_prepare_v2( pDb, query, -1, &stmt, NULL ); assertPrintResult( pDb, result, SQLITE_OK ); result = sqlite3_bind_zeroblob( stmt, 1 /*col 0 ??*/, sizeof(XP_U16) + len ); assertPrintResult( pDb, result, SQLITE_OK ); result = sqlite3_step( stmt ); if ( SQLITE_DONE != result ) { XP_LOGF( "%s: sqlite3_step => %s", __func__, sqliteErr2str( result ) ); XP_ASSERT(0); } XP_USE( result ); if ( newGame ) { /* new row; need to insert blob first */ curRow = sqlite3_last_insert_rowid( pDb ); XP_LOGF( "%s: new rowid: %lld", __func__, curRow ); } sqlite3_blob* blob; result = sqlite3_blob_open( pDb, "main", "games", column, curRow, 1 /*flags: writeable*/, &blob ); assertPrintResult( pDb, result, SQLITE_OK ); XP_ASSERT( strVersion <= CUR_STREAM_VERS ); result = sqlite3_blob_write( blob, &strVersion, sizeof(strVersion), 0/*offset*/ ); assertPrintResult( pDb, result, SQLITE_OK ); result = sqlite3_blob_write( blob, data, len, sizeof(strVersion) /* offset */ ); assertPrintResult( pDb, result, SQLITE_OK ); result = sqlite3_blob_close( blob ); assertPrintResult( pDb, result, SQLITE_OK ); if ( !!stmt ) { sqlite3_finalize( stmt ); } LOG_RETURNF( "%lld", curRow ); return curRow; } static sqlite3_int64 writeBlobColumnStream( XWStreamCtxt* stream, sqlite3* pDb, sqlite3_int64 curRow, const char* column ) { XP_U16 strVersion = stream_getVersion( stream ); const XP_U8* data = stream_getPtr( stream ); gsize len = stream_getSize( stream ); return writeBlobColumnData( data, len, strVersion, pDb, curRow, column ); } sqlite3_int64 writeNewGameToDB( XWStreamCtxt* stream, sqlite3* pDb ) { sqlite3_int64 newRow = writeBlobColumnStream( stream, pDb, -1, "game" ); return newRow; } void writeToDB( XWStreamCtxt* stream, void* closure ) { CommonGlobals* cGlobals = (CommonGlobals*)closure; sqlite3_int64 selRow = cGlobals->selRow; sqlite3* pDb = cGlobals->pDb; XP_Bool newGame = -1 == selRow; selRow = writeBlobColumnStream( stream, pDb, selRow, "game" ); if ( newGame ) { /* new row; need to insert blob first */ cGlobals->selRow = selRow; } (*cGlobals->onSave)( cGlobals->onSaveClosure, selRow, newGame ); } static void addSnap( sqlite3* pDb, sqlite3_int64 curRow ) { LOG_FUNC(); char* filename = "./red.png"; GError *error = NULL; GdkPixbuf* snap = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file_at_size( filename, 80, 80, &error ); XP_ASSERT( !!snap ); gchar* buffer; gsize buffer_size; gboolean worked = gdk_pixbuf_save_to_buffer( snap, &buffer, &buffer_size, "png", &error, NULL ); XP_ASSERT( worked ); sqlite3_int64 newRow = writeBlobColumnData( (const XP_U8*)buffer, buffer_size, CUR_STREAM_VERS, pDb, curRow, "snap" ); XP_ASSERT( curRow == newRow ); g_free( buffer ); g_object_unref( snap ); } void summarize( CommonGlobals* cGlobals ) { XP_S16 nMoves = model_getNMoves( cGlobals->game.model ); XP_Bool gameOver = server_getGameIsOver( cGlobals->game.server ); XP_S16 turn = server_getCurrentTurn( cGlobals->game.server ); XP_U32 lastMoveTime = server_getLastMoveTime( cGlobals->game.server ); XP_U16 seed = 0; XP_S16 nMissing = 0; XP_U16 nTotal = cGlobals->gi->nPlayers; XP_U32 gameID = cGlobals->gi->gameID; XP_ASSERT( 0 != gameID ); CommsAddrRec addr = {0}; gchar* room = ""; // gchar* connvia = "local"; gchar connvia[128] = {0}; if ( !!cGlobals->game.comms ) { nMissing = server_getMissingPlayers( cGlobals->game.server ); comms_getAddr( cGlobals->game.comms, &addr ); CommsConnType typ; for ( XP_U32 st = 0; addr_iter( &addr, &typ, &st ); ) { if ( !!connvia[0] ) { strcat( connvia, "+" ); } switch( typ) { case COMMS_CONN_RELAY: room = addr.u.ip_relay.invite; strcat( connvia, "Relay" ); break; case COMMS_CONN_SMS: strcat( connvia, "SMS" ); break; case COMMS_CONN_BT: strcat( connvia, "BT" ); break; case COMMS_CONN_IP_DIRECT: strcat( connvia, "IP" ); break; default: XP_ASSERT(0); break; } } seed = comms_getChannelSeed( cGlobals->game.comms ); } else { strcat( connvia, "local" ); } const char* fmt = "UPDATE games " " SET room='%s', ended=%d, turn=%d, ntotal=%d, nmissing=%d, nmoves=%d, seed=%d, " " gameid=%d, connvia='%s', lastMoveTime=%d" " WHERE rowid=%lld"; XP_UCHAR buf[256]; snprintf( buf, sizeof(buf), fmt, room, gameOver?1:0, turn, nTotal, nMissing, nMoves, seed, gameID, connvia, lastMoveTime, cGlobals->selRow ); XP_LOGF( "query: %s", buf ); sqlite3_stmt* stmt = NULL; int result = sqlite3_prepare_v2( cGlobals->pDb, buf, -1, &stmt, NULL ); assertPrintResult( cGlobals->pDb, result, SQLITE_OK ); result = sqlite3_step( stmt ); if ( SQLITE_DONE != result ) { XP_LOGF( "sqlite3_step=>%s", sqliteErr2str( result ) ); XP_ASSERT( 0 ); } sqlite3_finalize( stmt ); XP_USE( result ); addSnap( cGlobals->pDb, cGlobals->selRow ); } GSList* listGames( sqlite3* pDb ) { GSList* list = NULL; sqlite3_stmt *ppStmt; int result = sqlite3_prepare_v2( pDb, "SELECT rowid FROM games ORDER BY rowid", -1, &ppStmt, NULL ); assertPrintResult( pDb, result, SQLITE_OK ); XP_USE( result ); while ( NULL != ppStmt ) { switch( sqlite3_step( ppStmt ) ) { case SQLITE_ROW: /* have data */ { sqlite3_int64* data = g_malloc( sizeof( *data ) ); *data = sqlite3_column_int64( ppStmt, 0 ); XP_LOGF( "%s: got a row; id=%lld", __func__, *data ); list = g_slist_append( list, data ); } break; case SQLITE_DONE: sqlite3_finalize( ppStmt ); ppStmt = NULL; break; default: XP_ASSERT( 0 ); break; } } return list; } XP_Bool getGameInfo( sqlite3* pDb, sqlite3_int64 rowid, GameInfo* gib ) { XP_Bool success = XP_FALSE; const char* fmt = "SELECT room, ended, turn, nmoves, ntotal, nmissing, " "seed, connvia, gameid, lastMoveTime, snap " "FROM games WHERE rowid = %lld"; XP_UCHAR query[256]; snprintf( query, sizeof(query), fmt, rowid ); sqlite3_stmt* ppStmt; int result = sqlite3_prepare_v2( pDb, query, -1, &ppStmt, NULL ); assertPrintResult( pDb, result, SQLITE_OK ); result = sqlite3_step( ppStmt ); if ( SQLITE_ROW == result ) { success = XP_TRUE; getColumnText( ppStmt, 0, gib->room, sizeof(gib->room) ); gib->gameOver = 1 == sqlite3_column_int( ppStmt, 1 ); gib->turn = sqlite3_column_int( ppStmt, 2 ); gib->nMoves = sqlite3_column_int( ppStmt, 3 ); gib->nTotal = sqlite3_column_int( ppStmt, 4 ); gib->nMissing = sqlite3_column_int( ppStmt, 5 ); gib->seed = sqlite3_column_int( ppStmt, 6 ); getColumnText( ppStmt, 7, gib->conn, sizeof(gib->conn) ); gib->gameID = sqlite3_column_int( ppStmt, 8 ); gib->lastMoveTime = sqlite3_column_int( ppStmt, 9 ); snprintf( gib->name, sizeof(gib->name), "Game %lld", rowid ); /* Load the snapshot */ const XP_U8* ptr = sqlite3_column_blob( ppStmt, 10 ); int size = sqlite3_column_bytes( ppStmt, 10 ); /* Skip the version that's written in */ ptr += sizeof(XP_U16); size -= sizeof(XP_U16); GInputStream* istr = g_memory_input_stream_new_from_data( ptr, size, NULL ); GError *error = NULL; GdkPixbuf* snap = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_stream( istr, NULL, &error ); g_object_unref( istr ); if ( !snap ) { XP_LOGF( "%s(): error from gdk_pixbuf_new_from_stream(): %s", __func__, error->message ); g_error_free( error ); } XP_ASSERT( !!snap ); gib->snap = snap; } sqlite3_finalize( ppStmt ); return success; } void getRowsForGameID( sqlite3* pDb, XP_U32 gameID, sqlite3_int64* rowids, int* nRowIDs ) { int maxRowIDs = *nRowIDs; *nRowIDs = 0; char buf[256]; snprintf( buf, sizeof(buf), "SELECT rowid from games WHERE gameid = %d " "LIMIT %d", gameID, maxRowIDs ); sqlite3_stmt *ppStmt; int result = sqlite3_prepare_v2( pDb, buf, -1, &ppStmt, NULL ); assertPrintResult( pDb, result, SQLITE_OK ); int ii; for ( ii = 0; ii < maxRowIDs; ++ii ) { result = sqlite3_step( ppStmt ); if ( SQLITE_ROW != result ) { break; } rowids[ii] = sqlite3_column_int64( ppStmt, 0 ); ++*nRowIDs; } sqlite3_finalize( ppStmt ); } static XP_Bool loadBlobColumn( XWStreamCtxt* stream, sqlite3* pDb, sqlite3_int64 rowid, const char* column ) { char buf[256]; snprintf( buf, sizeof(buf), "SELECT %s from games WHERE rowid = %lld", column, rowid ); sqlite3_stmt *ppStmt; int result = sqlite3_prepare_v2( pDb, buf, -1, &ppStmt, NULL ); assertPrintResult( pDb, result, SQLITE_OK ); result = sqlite3_step( ppStmt ); XP_Bool success = SQLITE_ROW == result; if ( success ) { const void* ptr = sqlite3_column_blob( ppStmt, 0 ); int size = sqlite3_column_bytes( ppStmt, 0 ); success = 0 < size; if ( success ) { XP_U16 strVersion; XP_MEMCPY( &strVersion, ptr, sizeof(strVersion) ); XP_ASSERT( strVersion <= CUR_STREAM_VERS ); stream_setVersion( stream, strVersion ); XP_ASSERT( size >= sizeof(strVersion) ); stream_putBytes( stream, ptr + sizeof(strVersion), size - sizeof(strVersion) ); } } sqlite3_finalize( ppStmt ); return success; } XP_Bool loadGame( XWStreamCtxt* stream, sqlite3* pDb, sqlite3_int64 rowid ) { return loadBlobColumn( stream, pDb, rowid, "game" ); } void saveInviteAddrs( XWStreamCtxt* stream, sqlite3* pDb, sqlite3_int64 rowid ) { sqlite3_int64 row = writeBlobColumnStream( stream, pDb, rowid, "inviteInfo" ); assert( row == rowid ); } XP_Bool loadInviteAddrs( XWStreamCtxt* stream, sqlite3* pDb, sqlite3_int64 rowid ) { return loadBlobColumn( stream, pDb, rowid, "inviteInfo" ); } void deleteGame( sqlite3* pDb, sqlite3_int64 rowid ) { char query[256]; snprintf( query, sizeof(query), "DELETE FROM games WHERE rowid = %lld", rowid ); sqlite3_stmt* ppStmt; int result = sqlite3_prepare_v2( pDb, query, -1, &ppStmt, NULL ); assertPrintResult( pDb, result, SQLITE_OK ); result = sqlite3_step( ppStmt ); assertPrintResult( pDb, result, SQLITE_DONE ); XP_USE( result ); sqlite3_finalize( ppStmt ); } void db_store( sqlite3* pDb, const gchar* key, const gchar* value ) { char buf[256]; snprintf( buf, sizeof(buf), "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO pairs (key, value) VALUES ('%s', '%s')", key, value ); sqlite3_stmt *ppStmt; int result = sqlite3_prepare_v2( pDb, buf, -1, &ppStmt, NULL ); assertPrintResult( pDb, result, SQLITE_OK ); result = sqlite3_step( ppStmt ); assertPrintResult( pDb, result, SQLITE_DONE ); XP_USE( result ); sqlite3_finalize( ppStmt ); } XP_Bool db_fetch( sqlite3* pDb, const gchar* key, gchar* buf, gint buflen ) { char query[256]; snprintf( query, sizeof(query), "SELECT value from pairs where key = '%s'", key ); sqlite3_stmt *ppStmt; int result = sqlite3_prepare_v2( pDb, query, -1, &ppStmt, NULL ); XP_Bool found = SQLITE_OK == result; if ( found ) { result = sqlite3_step( ppStmt ); found = SQLITE_ROW == result; if ( found ) { getColumnText( ppStmt, 0, buf, buflen ); } else { buf[0] = '\0'; } } sqlite3_finalize( ppStmt ); return found; } void db_remove( sqlite3* pDb, const gchar* key ) { char query[256]; snprintf( query, sizeof(query), "DELETE FROM pairs WHERE key = '%s'", key ); sqlite3_stmt *ppStmt; int result = sqlite3_prepare_v2( pDb, query, -1, &ppStmt, NULL ); assertPrintResult( pDb, result, SQLITE_OK ); result = sqlite3_step( ppStmt ); assertPrintResult( pDb, result, SQLITE_DONE ); XP_USE( result ); sqlite3_finalize( ppStmt ); } static void getColumnText( sqlite3_stmt *ppStmt, int iCol, XP_UCHAR* buf, int XP_UNUSED_DBG(len) ) { const unsigned char* txt = sqlite3_column_text( ppStmt, iCol ); int needLen = sqlite3_column_bytes( ppStmt, iCol ); XP_ASSERT( needLen < len ); XP_MEMCPY( buf, txt, needLen ); buf[needLen] = '\0'; } #ifdef DEBUG # define CASESTR(c) case c: return #c static char* sqliteErr2str( int err ) { switch( err ) { CASESTR( SQLITE_OK ); CASESTR( SQLITE_ERROR ); CASESTR( SQLITE_INTERNAL ); CASESTR( SQLITE_PERM ); CASESTR( SQLITE_ABORT ); CASESTR( SQLITE_BUSY ); CASESTR( SQLITE_LOCKED ); CASESTR( SQLITE_NOMEM ); CASESTR( SQLITE_READONLY ); CASESTR( SQLITE_INTERRUPT ); CASESTR( SQLITE_IOERR ); CASESTR( SQLITE_CORRUPT ); CASESTR( SQLITE_NOTFOUND ); CASESTR( SQLITE_FULL ); CASESTR( SQLITE_CANTOPEN ); CASESTR( SQLITE_PROTOCOL ); CASESTR( SQLITE_EMPTY ); CASESTR( SQLITE_SCHEMA ); CASESTR( SQLITE_TOOBIG ); CASESTR( SQLITE_CONSTRAINT ); CASESTR( SQLITE_MISMATCH ); CASESTR( SQLITE_MISUSE ); CASESTR( SQLITE_NOLFS ); CASESTR( SQLITE_AUTH ); CASESTR( SQLITE_FORMAT ); CASESTR( SQLITE_RANGE ); CASESTR( SQLITE_NOTADB ); CASESTR( SQLITE_NOTICE ); CASESTR( SQLITE_WARNING ); CASESTR( SQLITE_ROW ); CASESTR( SQLITE_DONE ); } return ""; } static void assertPrintResult( sqlite3* pDb, int result, int expect ) { int code = sqlite3_errcode( pDb ); XP_ASSERT( code == result ); /* do I need to pass it? */ if ( code != expect ) { const char* msg = sqlite3_errmsg( pDb ); XP_LOGF( "sqlite3 error: %s", msg ); XP_ASSERT(0); } } #endif