# -*- mode: Makefile; -*- PLATFORM = PALM_PNO PALMDIR = /usr/local/share/palmdev/sdk-5r3/include #WHICH = elf WHICH = palmos CC_ARM = arm-$(WHICH)-gcc OC_ARM= arm-$(WHICH)-objcopy OD_ARM = arm-$(WHICH)-objdump INCLUDE += \ -I$(PALMDIR) \ -I$(PALMDIR)/Libraries \ -I$(PALMDIR)/Dynamic \ -I$(PALMDIR)/Core \ -I$(PALMDIR)/Extensions/ExpansionMgr \ -I$(PALMDIR)/Core/UI \ -I$(PALMDIR)/Core/System \ -I$(PALMDIR)/Core/System/Unix \ -I$(PALMDIR)/Core/Hardware \ -I. -I../common # NOTE!!!! Added the -w flag to supress all warnings since arm-elf-gcc # does so much bitching about the Palm headers. Need to fix that, or # use the arm-palmos-gcc, or something. But for now, -w.... CCFLAGS = -O2 -g -Wall -D__PALMOS__ ARMCCFS = $(CCFLAGS) -DNATIVE \ -nostartfiles -mshort-load-bytes -nodefaultlibs -ffixed-r9 \ -mpic-register=r10 -msingle-pic-base -fpic \ $(INCLUDE) ARMLDFS = -Xlinker --script=./ldscript.arm -lgcc # ARM-specific ARM_DEFINES = $(MYDEFS) -DXW_TARGET_PNO -D__LITTLE_ENDIAN # turn show progress off for now # ARM_DEFINES += -USHOW_PROGRESS include ../common/config.mk OBJS = $(PLATFORM)/pnolet.o \ $(PLATFORM)/palmmain.o \ $(PLATFORM)/palmsavg.o \ $(PLATFORM)/gameutil.o \ $(PLATFORM)/newgame.o \ $(PLATFORM)/palmdict.o \ $(PLATFORM)/palmdraw.o \ $(PLATFORM)/palmutil.o \ $(PLATFORM)/dictui.o \ $(PLATFORM)/dictlist.o \ $(PLATFORM)/palmir.o \ $(PLATFORM)/prefsdlg.o \ $(PLATFORM)/connsdlg.o \ $(PLATFORM)/pace_gen.o \ $(PLATFORM)/pace_man.o \ $(COMMONOBJ) # The target of this makefile is the .bin files that comprise the # pnolet. There will be more than just PNOC0000.bin, but the others # get made as a matter of course and as long as they all get included # in the .prc we're fine. all: Pnoc0000.bin Pnog0000.bin $(PLATFORM)/%.o : %.c $(MAKEFILE) mkdir -p $(PLATFORM) $(CC_ARM) -o $@ -c $(ARM_DEFINES) -DHERE $(ARMCCFS) $< $(COMMONOBJDIR)/%.o : $(COMMONDIR)/%.c $(MAKEFILE) mkdir -p $(COMMONOBJDIR) $(CC_ARM) -o $@ -c $(ARM_DEFINES) -DHERE $(ARMCCFS) $< Pnoc_bin.pre Pnog0000.bin: pace_gen.h $(OBJS) $(CC_ARM) $(OBJS) $(ARMCCFS) $(ARMLDFS) -Wl,-Map,Pnoc_bin.map -o tmp.out # @$(OD_ARM) --disassemble-all tmp.out $(OC_ARM) -j .text -O binary tmp.out Pnoc_bin.pre $(OC_ARM) -j .got -O binary tmp.out Pnog0000.bin # @rm -f tmp.out # create not only Pnoc0000.bin but any others required to fit the # pnolet into 50K chunks (for hotsyncing...) Pnoc0000.bin: Pnoc_bin.pre rm -f Pnoc????.bin split -a 4 -b 50k -d $< Pnoc for f in $$(ls Pnoc????); do mv $$f $$f.bin; done pace_gen.c pace_gen.h: ./gen_pace.pl funcfile.txt rm -f $@ _dirList ./gen_pace.pl -func funcfile.txt \ -file $(PALMDIR)/Core/UI \ -file $(PALMDIR)/Core/System \ -file $(PALMDIR)/Extensions/ExpansionMgr \ -oc pace_gen.c -oh pace_gen.h rm -f _dirList clean: rm -rf $(OBJS) pace_gen.c pace_gen.h *.bin Pnoc_bin.pre