/* -*- compile-command: "make -k -j3"; -*- */ /* * Copyright 2010-2012 by Eric House (xwords@eehouse.org). All rights * reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "dbmgr.h" #include "strwpf.h" #include "mlock.h" #include "configs.h" #include "xwrelay_priv.h" #define GAMES_TABLE "games" #define MSGS_TABLE "msgs" #define DEVICES_TABLE "devices" #define ARRAYSUM "sum_array(nPerDevice)" static DBMgr* s_instance = NULL; #define MAX_NUM_PLAYERS 4 #define MAX_WAIT_SECONDS (5*60) // five minutes static int here_less_seed( const char* seeds, int perDeviceSum, unsigned short seed ); static void destr_function( void* conn ); /* static */ DBMgr* DBMgr::Get() { if ( s_instance == NULL ) { s_instance = new DBMgr(); } return s_instance; } /* Get */ DBMgr::DBMgr() { int tmp; RelayConfigs::GetConfigs()->GetValueFor( "USE_B64", &tmp ); m_useB64 = tmp != 0; logf( XW_LOGINFO, "%s: m_useB64=%d", __func__, m_useB64 ); pthread_key_create( &m_conn_key, destr_function ); pthread_mutex_init( &m_haveNoMessagesMutex, NULL ); srand( time( NULL ) ); } DBMgr::~DBMgr() { assert( s_instance == this ); s_instance = NULL; int err = pthread_key_delete( m_conn_key ); logf( XW_LOGINFO, "%s: pthread_key_delete=>%d", __func__, err ); } void DBMgr::AddNew( const char* cookie, const char* connName, CookieID cid, int langCode, int nPlayersT, bool isPublic ) { if ( !cookie ) cookie = ""; if ( !connName ) connName = ""; QueryBuilder qb; qb.appendQueryf( "INSERT INTO " GAMES_TABLE " (cid, room, connName, nTotal, lang, pub)" " VALUES( $$, $$, $$, $$, $$, $$ )" ) .appendParam(cid) .appendParam(cookie) .appendParam(connName) .appendParam(nPlayersT) .appendParam(langCode) .appendParam(isPublic?"TRUE":"FALSE" ) .finish(); PGresult* result = PQexecParams( getThreadConn(), qb.c_str(), qb.paramCount(), NULL, qb.paramValues(), NULL, NULL, 0 ); if ( PGRES_COMMAND_OK != PQresultStatus(result) ) { logf( XW_LOGERROR, "PQexec=>%s;%s", PQresStatus(PQresultStatus(result)), PQresultErrorMessage(result) ); } PQclear( result ); } /* Grab the row for a connname. If the params don't check out, return false. */ bool DBMgr::FindGameFor( const char* connName, char* cookieBuf, int bufLen, unsigned short seed, HostID hid, int nPlayersH, int nPlayersS, int* langP, bool* isDead, CookieID* cidp ) { bool found = false; const char* fmt = "SELECT cid, room, lang, dead FROM " GAMES_TABLE " WHERE connName = '%s' AND nTotal = %d " "AND %d = seeds[%d] AND 'A' = ack[%d] " ; StrWPF query; query.catf( fmt, connName, nPlayersS, seed, hid, hid ); logf( XW_LOGINFO, "query: %s", query.c_str() ); PGresult* result = PQexec( getThreadConn(), query.c_str() ); assert( 1 >= PQntuples( result ) ); found = 1 == PQntuples( result ); if ( found ) { int col = 0; *cidp = atoi( PQgetvalue( result, 0, col++ ) ); snprintf( cookieBuf, bufLen, "%s", PQgetvalue( result, 0, col++ ) ); *langP = atoi( PQgetvalue( result, 0, col++ ) ); *isDead = 't' == PQgetvalue( result, 0, col++ )[0]; } PQclear( result ); logf( XW_LOGINFO, "%s(%s)=>%d", __func__, connName, found ); return found; } /* FindGameFor */ CookieID DBMgr::FindGame( const char* connName, HostID hid, char* roomBuf, int roomBufLen, int* langP, int* nPlayersTP, int* nPlayersHP, bool* isDead ) { CookieID cid = 0; const char* fmt = "SELECT cid, room, lang, nTotal, nPerDevice[%d], dead FROM " GAMES_TABLE " WHERE connName = '%s'" // " LIMIT 1" ; StrWPF query; query.catf( fmt, hid, connName ); logf( XW_LOGINFO, "query: %s", query.c_str() ); PGresult* result = PQexec( getThreadConn(), query.c_str() ); assert( 1 >= PQntuples( result ) ); if ( 1 == PQntuples( result ) ) { int col = 0; cid = atoi( PQgetvalue( result, 0, col++ ) ); snprintf( roomBuf, roomBufLen, "%s", PQgetvalue( result, 0, col++ ) ); *langP = atoi( PQgetvalue( result, 0, col++ ) ); *nPlayersTP = atoi( PQgetvalue( result, 0, col++ ) ); *nPlayersHP = atoi( PQgetvalue( result, 0, col++ ) ); *isDead = 't' == PQgetvalue( result, 0, col++ )[0]; } PQclear( result ); logf( XW_LOGINFO, "%s(%s)=>%d", __func__, connName, cid ); return cid; } /* FindGame */ CookieID DBMgr::FindGame( const AddrInfo::ClientToken clientToken, HostID hid, char* connNameBuf, int connNameBufLen, char* roomBuf, int roomBufLen, int* langP, int* nPlayersTP, int* nPlayersHP ) { CookieID cid = 0; const char* fmt = "SELECT cid, room, lang, nTotal, nPerDevice[%d], connname FROM " GAMES_TABLE " WHERE tokens[%d] = %d and NOT dead"; // " LIMIT 1" ; StrWPF query; query.catf( fmt, hid, hid, clientToken ); logf( XW_LOGINFO, "query: %s", query.c_str() ); PGresult* result = PQexec( getThreadConn(), query.c_str() ); assert( 1 >= PQntuples( result ) ); if ( 1 == PQntuples( result ) ) { int col = 0; cid = atoi( PQgetvalue( result, 0, col++ ) ); // room snprintf( roomBuf, roomBufLen, "%s", PQgetvalue( result, 0, col++ ) ); // lang *langP = atoi( PQgetvalue( result, 0, col++ ) ); *nPlayersTP = atoi( PQgetvalue( result, 0, col++ ) ); *nPlayersHP = atoi( PQgetvalue( result, 0, col++ ) ); snprintf( connNameBuf, connNameBufLen, "%s", PQgetvalue( result, 0, col++ ) ); } PQclear( result ); logf( XW_LOGINFO, "%s(ct=%d,hid=%d) => %d (connname=%s)", __func__, clientToken, hid, cid, connNameBuf ); return cid; } bool DBMgr::FindPlayer( DevIDRelay relayID, AddrInfo::ClientToken token, string& connName, HostID* hidp, unsigned short* seed ) { int nSuccesses = 0; const char* fmt = "SELECT connName FROM %s WHERE %d = ANY(devids) AND %d = ANY(tokens)"; StrWPF query; query.catf( fmt, GAMES_TABLE, relayID, token ); PGresult* result = PQexec( getThreadConn(), query.c_str() ); int nTuples = PQntuples( result ); vector names(nTuples); for ( int ii = 0; ii < nTuples; ++ii ) { string name( PQgetvalue( result, ii, 0 ) ); names.push_back( name ); } PQclear( result ); for ( vector::const_iterator iter = names.begin(); iter != names.end(); ++iter ) { const char* name = iter->c_str(); for ( HostID hid = 1; hid <= MAX_NUM_PLAYERS; ++hid ) { fmt = "SELECT seeds[%d] FROM %s WHERE connname = '%s' " "AND devids[%d] = %d AND tokens[%d] = %d"; StrWPF query; query.catf( fmt, hid, GAMES_TABLE, name, hid, relayID, hid, token ); result = PQexec( getThreadConn(), query.c_str() ); int nTuples2 = PQntuples( result ); for ( int jj = 0; jj < nTuples2; ++jj ) { connName = name; *hidp = hid; *seed = atoi( PQgetvalue( result, 0, 0 ) ); ++nSuccesses; } PQclear( result ); } } if ( 1 < nSuccesses ) { logf( XW_LOGERROR, "%s found %d matches!!!", __func__, nSuccesses ); } return nSuccesses >= 1; } // FindPlayer bool DBMgr::FindRelayIDFor( const char* connName, HostID hid, unsigned short seed, const DevID* host, DevIDRelay* devIDP ) { DevIDRelay devID = DEVID_NONE; StrWPF query; query.catf( "SELECT devids[%d] FROM " GAMES_TABLE " WHERE " "connname = '%s' AND seeds[%d] = %d", hid, connName, hid, seed ); PGresult* result = PQexec( getThreadConn(), query.c_str() ); int nTuples = PQntuples( result ); assert( nTuples <= 1 ); bool found = nTuples == 1; if ( found ) { devID = (DevIDRelay)strtoul( PQgetvalue( result, 0, 0 ), NULL, 10 ); *devIDP = devID; ReregisterDevice( devID, host, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL ); } PQclear( result ); if ( !found ) { logf( XW_LOGERROR, "%s: relayid not found for slot %d of %s)", __func__, hid, connName ); } return found; } bool DBMgr::SeenSeed( const char* cookie, unsigned short seed, int langCode, int nPlayersT, bool wantsPublic, char* connNameBuf, int bufLen, int* nPlayersHP, CookieID* cid ) { QueryBuilder qb; qb.appendQueryf( "SELECT cid, connName, seeds, sum_array(nPerDevice) FROM " GAMES_TABLE " WHERE NOT dead" " AND room ILIKE $$" " AND lang = $$" " AND nTotal = $$" " AND $$ = ANY(seeds)" " AND $$ = pub" " ORDER BY ctime DESC" " LIMIT 1") .appendParam(cookie) .appendParam(langCode) .appendParam(nPlayersT) .appendParam(seed) .appendParam(wantsPublic?"TRUE":"FALSE" ) .finish(); PGresult* result = PQexecParams( getThreadConn(), qb.c_str(), qb.paramCount(), NULL, qb.paramValues(), NULL, NULL, 0 ); bool found = 1 == PQntuples( result ); if ( found ) { int col = 0; *cid = atoi( PQgetvalue( result, 0, col++ ) ); snprintf( connNameBuf, bufLen, "%s", PQgetvalue( result, 0, col++ ) ); const char* seeds = PQgetvalue( result, 0, col++ ); int perDeviceSum = atoi( PQgetvalue( result, 0, col++ ) ); *nPlayersHP = here_less_seed( seeds, perDeviceSum, seed ); } PQclear( result ); logf( XW_LOGINFO, "%s(%4X)=>%s", __func__, seed, found?"true":"false" ); return found; } CookieID DBMgr::FindOpen( const char* cookie, int lang, int nPlayersT, int nPlayersH, bool wantsPublic, char* connNameBuf, int bufLen, int* nPlayersHP ) { QueryBuilder qb; qb.appendQueryf("SELECT cid, connName, sum_array(nPerDevice) FROM " GAMES_TABLE " WHERE NOT dead" " AND room ILIKE $$" " AND lang = $$" " AND nTotal = $$" " AND $$ <= nTotal-sum_array(nPerDevice)" " AND $$ = pub" " LIMIT 1") .appendParam(cookie) .appendParam(lang) .appendParam(nPlayersT) .appendParam(nPlayersH) .appendParam(wantsPublic?"TRUE":"FALSE" ) .finish(); PGresult* result = PQexecParams( getThreadConn(), qb.c_str(), qb.paramCount(), NULL, qb.paramValues(), NULL, NULL, 0 ); CookieID cid = 0; if ( 1 == PQntuples( result ) ) { int col = 0; cid = atoi( PQgetvalue( result, 0, col++ ) ); snprintf( connNameBuf, bufLen, "%s", PQgetvalue( result, 0, col++ ) ); *nPlayersHP = atoi( PQgetvalue( result, 0, col++ ) ); /* cid may be 0, but should use game anyway */ } PQclear( result ); logf( XW_LOGINFO, "%s=>%d", __func__, cid ); return cid; } /* FindOpen */ bool DBMgr::AllDevsAckd( const char* const connName ) { const char* cmd = "SELECT ntotal=sum_array(nperdevice) AND 'A'=ALL(ack) from " GAMES_TABLE " WHERE connName='%s'"; StrWPF query; query.catf( cmd, connName ); logf( XW_LOGINFO, "query: %s", query.c_str() ); PGresult* result = PQexec( getThreadConn(), query.c_str() ); int nTuples = PQntuples( result ); assert( nTuples <= 1 ); bool full = nTuples == 1 && 't' == PQgetvalue( result, 0, 0 )[0]; PQclear( result ); return full; } // Return DevIDRelay for device, adding it to devices table IFF it's not // already there. DevIDRelay DBMgr::RegisterDevice( const DevID* host, int clientVersion, const char* const desc, const char* const model, const char* const osVers ) { DevIDRelay devID; assert( host->m_devIDType != ID_TYPE_NONE ); // if it's already present, just return devID = getDevID( host ); // If it's not present *and* of type ID_TYPE_RELAY, we can do nothing. // Otherwise proceed. if ( DEVID_NONE != devID ) { (void)UpdateDevice( devID ); } else if ( ID_TYPE_RELAY < host->m_devIDType ) { // loop until we're successful inserting the unique key. Ship with this // coming from random, but test with increasing values initially to make // sure duplicates are detected. const char* devidStr = host->m_devIDString.c_str(); int ii; bool success; for ( success = false, ii = 0; !success; ++ii ) { assert( 10 > ii ); // better to check that we're looping BECAUSE // of uniqueness problem. do { devID = (DevIDRelay)random(); } while ( DEVID_NONE == devID ); QueryBuilder qb; qb.appendQueryf( "INSERT INTO " DEVICES_TABLE " (id, devTypes[1]," " devids[1], clntVers, versdesc, model, osvers)" " VALUES($$, $$, $$, $$, $$, $$, $$)" ) .appendParam( devID ) .appendParam( host->m_devIDType ) .appendParam( devidStr ) .appendParam( clientVersion ) .appendParam( desc ) .appendParam( model ) .appendParam( osVers ) .finish(); success = execParams( qb ); } } return devID; } // RegisterDevice DevIDRelay DBMgr::RegisterDevice( const DevID* host ) { return RegisterDevice( host, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL ); } void DBMgr::ReregisterDevice( DevIDRelay relayID, const DevID* host, const char* const desc, int clientVersion, const char* const model, const char* const osVers ) { QueryBuilder qb; qb.appendQueryf( "UPDATE " DEVICES_TABLE " SET " "devTypes = array_prepend($$, devTypes), " "devids = array_prepend($$, devids), " ) .appendParam( host->m_devIDType ) .appendParam( host->m_devIDString.c_str() ); formatUpdate( qb, true, desc, clientVersion, model, osVers, relayID ); qb.finish(); execParams( qb ); } // Return true if the relayID exists in the DB already bool DBMgr::UpdateDevice( DevIDRelay relayID, const char* const desc, int clientVersion, const char* const model, const char* const osVers, bool check ) { bool exists = !check; if ( !exists ) { StrWPF test; test.catf( "id = %d", relayID ); exists = 1 <= getCountWhere( DEVICES_TABLE, test ); } if ( exists ) { QueryBuilder qb; qb.appendQueryf( "UPDATE " DEVICES_TABLE " SET " ); formatUpdate( qb, false, desc, clientVersion, model, osVers, relayID ); qb.finish(); execParams( qb ); } return exists; } bool DBMgr::UpdateDevice( DevIDRelay relayID ) { return UpdateDevice( relayID, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, false ); } void DBMgr::formatUpdate( QueryBuilder& qb, bool append, const char* const desc, int clientVersion, const char* const model, const char* const osVers, DevIDRelay relayID ) { if ( append ) { qb.appendQueryf( "mtimes=array_prepend('now', mtimes)" ); // FIXME: too many } else { qb.appendQueryf( "mtimes[1]='now'" ); } if ( NULL != desc && '\0' != desc[0] ) { qb.appendQueryf( ", clntVers=$$" ) .appendParam( clientVersion ) .appendQueryf( ", versDesc=$$" ) .appendParam( desc ); } if ( NULL != model && '\0' != model[0] ) { qb.appendQueryf( ", model=$$" ) .appendParam( model ); } if ( NULL != osVers && '\0' != osVers[0] ) { qb.appendQueryf( ", osvers=$$" ) .appendParam( osVers ); } qb.appendQueryf( " WHERE id = $$" ) .appendParam( relayID ); } HostID DBMgr::AddToGame( const char* connName, HostID curID, int clientVersion, int nToAdd, unsigned short seed, const AddrInfo* addr, DevIDRelay devID, bool ackd ) { HostID newID = curID; if ( newID == HOST_ID_NONE ) { int ackArr[4] = {0}; int seedArr[4] = {0}; readArray( connName, "nPerDevice", ackArr ); readArray( connName, "seeds", seedArr ); // If our seed's already there, grab that slot. Otherwise grab the // first empty one. HostID firstEmpty = HOST_ID_NONE; for ( newID = HOST_ID_SERVER; newID <= 4; ++newID ) { if ( seedArr[newID-1] == seed ) { break; } else if ( HOST_ID_NONE == firstEmpty && 0 == ackArr[newID-1] ) { firstEmpty = newID; } } if ( 4 < newID && HOST_ID_NONE != firstEmpty ) { newID = firstEmpty; } logf( XW_LOGINFO, "%s: set newID = %d", __func__, newID ); } assert( newID <= 4 ); StrWPF query; query.catf( "UPDATE " GAMES_TABLE " SET nPerDevice[%d] = %d," " clntVers[%d] = %d, seeds[%d] = %d, addrs[%d] = \'%s\', ", newID, nToAdd, newID, clientVersion, newID, seed, newID, inet_ntoa( addr->sin_addr() ) ); if ( DEVID_NONE != devID ) { query.catf( "devids[%d] = %d, ", newID, devID ); } query.catf( " tokens[%d] = %d, mtimes[%d]='now', ack[%d]=\'%c\'" " WHERE connName = '%s'", newID, addr->clientToken(), newID, newID, ackd?'A':'a', connName ); // Update the devices table too. Eventually the clntVers field of the // games table should go away. if ( DEVID_NONE != devID ) { query.catf( "; UPDATE " DEVICES_TABLE " SET clntVers = %d" " WHERE id = %d", clientVersion, devID ); } logf( XW_LOGINFO, "%s: query: %s", __func__, query.c_str() ); execSql( query ); return newID; } /* AddToGame */ void DBMgr::NoteAckd( const char* const connName, HostID id ) { const char* fmt = "UPDATE " GAMES_TABLE " SET ack[%d]='A'" " WHERE connName = '%s'"; StrWPF query; query.catf( fmt, id, connName ); logf( XW_LOGINFO, "%s: query: %s", __func__, query.c_str() ); execSql( query ); } bool DBMgr::RmDeviceByHid( const char* connName, HostID hid ) { const char* fmt = "UPDATE " GAMES_TABLE " SET nPerDevice[%d] = 0, " "seeds[%d] = 0, ack[%d]='-', mtimes[%d]='now' WHERE connName = '%s'"; StrWPF query; query.catf( fmt, hid, hid, hid, hid, connName ); logf( XW_LOGINFO, "%s: query: %s", __func__, query.c_str() ); return execSql( query ); } HostID DBMgr::HIDForSeed( const char* const connName, unsigned short seed ) { HostID hid = HOST_ID_NONE; char seeds[128] = {0}; const char* fmt = "SELECT seeds FROM " GAMES_TABLE " WHERE connName = '%s'" " AND %d = ANY(seeds)"; StrWPF query; query.catf( fmt, connName, seed ); logf( XW_LOGINFO, "%s: query: %s", __func__, query.c_str() ); PGresult* result = PQexec( getThreadConn(), query.c_str() ); if ( 1 == PQntuples( result ) ) { snprintf( seeds, sizeof(seeds), "%s", PQgetvalue( result, 0, 0 ) ); } PQclear( result ); if ( 0 != seeds[0] ) { char *saveptr = NULL; int ii; char* str; for ( str = seeds, ii = 0; ; str = NULL, ++ii ) { char* tok = strtok_r( str, "{},", &saveptr ); if ( NULL == tok ) { break; } else { int asint = atoi( tok ); if ( asint == seed ) { hid = ii + 1; break; } } } } else { assert(0); /* but don't ship with this!!!! */ } return hid; } void DBMgr::RmDeviceBySeed( const char* const connName, unsigned short seed ) { HostID hid = HIDForSeed( connName, seed ); if ( hid != HOST_ID_NONE ) { RmDeviceByHid( connName, hid ); } } /* RmDeviceSeed */ bool DBMgr::HaveDevice( const char* connName, HostID hid, int seed ) { bool found = false; const char* fmt = "SELECT * from " GAMES_TABLE " WHERE connName = '%s' AND seeds[%d] = %d"; StrWPF query; query.catf( fmt, connName, hid, seed ); logf( XW_LOGINFO, "%s: query: %s", __func__, query.c_str() ); PGresult* result = PQexec( getThreadConn(), query.c_str() ); found = 1 == PQntuples( result ); PQclear( result ); return found; } bool DBMgr::AddCID( const char* const connName, CookieID cid ) { const char* fmt = "UPDATE " GAMES_TABLE " SET cid = %d " " WHERE connName = '%s' AND cid IS NULL"; StrWPF query; query.catf( fmt, cid, connName ); logf( XW_LOGINFO, "%s: query: %s", __func__, query.c_str() ); bool result = execSql( query ); logf( XW_LOGINFO, "%s(cid=%d)=>%d", __func__, cid, result ); return result; } void DBMgr::ClearCID( const char* connName ) { const char* fmt = "UPDATE " GAMES_TABLE " SET cid = null " "WHERE connName = '%s'"; StrWPF query; query.catf( fmt, connName ); logf( XW_LOGINFO, "%s: query: %s", __func__, query.c_str() ); execSql( query ); } void DBMgr::RecordSent( const char* const connName, HostID hid, int nBytes ) { assert( hid >= 0 && hid <= 4 ); const char* fmt = "UPDATE " GAMES_TABLE " SET" " nsents[%d] = nsents[%d] + %d, mtimes[%d] = 'now'" " WHERE connName = '%s'"; StrWPF query; query.catf( fmt, hid, hid, nBytes, hid, connName ); logf( XW_LOGINFO, "%s: query: %s", __func__, query.c_str() ); execSql( query ); } void DBMgr::RecordSent( const int* msgIDs, int nMsgIDs ) { if ( nMsgIDs > 0 ) { StrWPF query; query.catf( "SELECT connname,hid,sum(msglen)" " FROM " MSGS_TABLE " WHERE id IN (" ); for ( int ii = 0; ; ) { query.catf( "%d", msgIDs[ii] ); if ( ++ii == nMsgIDs ) { break; } else { query.append( "," ); } } query.append( ") GROUP BY connname,hid" ); PGresult* result = PQexec( getThreadConn(), query.c_str() ); if ( PGRES_TUPLES_OK == PQresultStatus( result ) ) { int ntuples = PQntuples( result ); for ( int ii = 0; ii < ntuples; ++ii ) { int col = 0; const char* const connName = PQgetvalue( result, ii, col++ ); HostID hid = atoi( PQgetvalue( result, ii, col++ ) ); int nBytes = atoi( PQgetvalue( result, ii, col++ ) ); RecordSent( connName, hid, nBytes ); } } PQclear( result ); } } void DBMgr::RecordAddress( const char* const connName, HostID hid, const AddrInfo* addr ) { assert( hid >= 0 && hid <= 4 ); const char* fmt = "UPDATE " GAMES_TABLE " SET addrs[%d] = \'%s\'" " WHERE connName = '%s'"; StrWPF query; char* ntoa = inet_ntoa( addr->sin_addr() ); query.catf( fmt, hid, ntoa, connName ); logf( XW_LOGVERBOSE0, "%s: query: %s", __func__, query.c_str() ); execSql( query ); } void DBMgr::GetPlayerCounts( const char* const connName, int* nTotal, int* nHere ) { const char* fmt = "SELECT ntotal, sum_array(nperdevice) FROM " GAMES_TABLE " WHERE connName = '%s'"; StrWPF query; query.catf( fmt, connName ); logf( XW_LOGINFO, "%s: query: %s", __func__, query.c_str() ); PGresult* result = PQexec( getThreadConn(), query.c_str() ); assert( 1 == PQntuples( result ) ); *nTotal = atoi( PQgetvalue( result, 0, 0 ) ); *nHere = atoi( PQgetvalue( result, 0, 1 ) ); PQclear( result ); } void DBMgr::KillGame( const char* const connName, int hid ) { const char* fmt = "UPDATE " GAMES_TABLE " SET dead = TRUE," " nperdevice[%d] = - nperdevice[%d]" " WHERE connName = '%s'"; StrWPF query; query.catf( fmt, hid, hid, connName ); execSql( query ); } void DBMgr::WaitDBConn( void ) { int nSeconds = 0; int toSleep = 1; for ( ; ; ) { PGconn* conn = DBMgr::getThreadConn(); if ( !!conn ) { ConnStatusType status = PQstatus( conn ); if ( CONNECTION_OK == status ) { break; } } toSleep *= 2; if ( toSleep > MAX_WAIT_SECONDS ) { toSleep = MAX_WAIT_SECONDS; } (void)sleep( toSleep ); nSeconds += toSleep; logf( XW_LOGERROR, "%s: waiting for postgres; %d seconds so far", __func__, nSeconds ); } logf( XW_LOGERROR, "%s() done", __func__ ); } void DBMgr::ClearCIDs( void ) { execSql( "UPDATE " GAMES_TABLE " set cid = null" ); } void DBMgr::PublicRooms( int lang, int nPlayers, int* nNames, string& names ) { const char* fmt = "SELECT room, nTotal-sum_array(nPerDevice)," " round( extract( epoch from age('now', ctime)))" " FROM " GAMES_TABLE " WHERE NOT dead" " AND pub = TRUE" " AND lang = %d" " AND nTotal>sum_array(nPerDevice)" " AND nTotal = %d"; StrWPF query; query.catf( fmt, lang, nPlayers ); logf( XW_LOGINFO, "%s: query: %s", __func__, query.c_str() ); PGresult* result = PQexec( getThreadConn(), query.c_str() ); int nTuples = PQntuples( result ); for ( int ii = 0; ii < nTuples; ++ii ) { names.append( PQgetvalue( result, ii, 0 ) ); names.append( "/" ); names.append( PQgetvalue( result, ii, 1 ) ); names.append( "/" ); names.append( PQgetvalue( result, ii, 2 ) ); names.append( "\n" ); } PQclear( result ); *nNames = nTuples; } bool DBMgr::TokenFor( const char* const connName, int hid, DevIDRelay* devid, AddrInfo::ClientToken* token ) { bool found = false; const char* fmt = "SELECT tokens[%d], devids[%d] FROM " GAMES_TABLE " WHERE connName='%s'"; StrWPF query; query.catf( fmt, hid, hid, connName ); PGresult* result = PQexec( getThreadConn(), query.c_str() ); if ( 1 == PQntuples( result ) ) { AddrInfo::ClientToken token_tmp = atoi( PQgetvalue( result, 0, 0 ) ); DevIDRelay devid_tmp = atoi( PQgetvalue( result, 0, 1 ) ); if ( AddrInfo::NULL_TOKEN != token_tmp && 0 != devid_tmp ) { *token = token_tmp; *devid = devid_tmp; found = true; } } PQclear( result ); if ( found ) { logf( XW_LOGINFO, "%s(%s,%d)=>true (%d, %d)", __func__, connName, hid, *devid, *token ); } else { logf( XW_LOGINFO, "%s(%s,%d)=>false", __func__, connName, hid ); } return found; } bool DBMgr::execSql( const string& query ) { return execSql( query.c_str() ); } bool DBMgr::execSql( const char* const query ) { bool ok = false; for ( int ii = 0; !ok && ii < 3; ++ii ) { PGresult* result = PQexec( getThreadConn(), query ); ok = PGRES_COMMAND_OK == PQresultStatus(result); if ( !ok ) { logf( XW_LOGERROR, "%s(%s): PQexec=>%s;%s", __func__, query, PQresStatus(PQresultStatus(result)), PQresultErrorMessage(result) ); clearThreadConn(); usleep( 20000 ); } PQclear( result ); } assert( ok ); return ok; } bool DBMgr::execParams( QueryBuilder& qb ) { PGresult* result = PQexecParams( getThreadConn(), qb.c_str(), qb.paramCount(), NULL, qb.paramValues(), NULL, NULL, 0 ); bool success = PGRES_COMMAND_OK == PQresultStatus( result ); if ( !success ) { logf( XW_LOGERROR, "PQexecParams(%s)=>%s;%s", qb.c_str(), PQresStatus(PQresultStatus(result)), PQresultErrorMessage(result) ); } PQclear( result ); return success; } void DBMgr::readArray( const char* const connName, const char* column, int arr[] ) /* len 4 */ { const char* fmt = "SELECT %s FROM " GAMES_TABLE " WHERE connName='%s'"; StrWPF query; query.catf( fmt, column, connName ); logf( XW_LOGINFO, "%s: query: %s", __func__, query.c_str() ); PGresult* result = PQexec( getThreadConn(), query.c_str() ); assert( 1 == PQntuples( result ) ); const char* arrStr = PQgetvalue( result, 0, 0 ); logf( XW_LOGINFO, "%s: arrStr=\"%s\"", __func__, arrStr ); sscanf( arrStr, "{%d,%d,%d,%d}", &arr[0], &arr[1], &arr[2], &arr[3] ); PQclear( result ); } // parse something created by comms.c's formatRelayID DevIDRelay DBMgr::getDevID( string& relayID ) { size_t pos = relayID.find_first_of( '/' ); string connName = relayID.substr( 0, pos ); int hid = relayID[pos + 1] - '0'; DevIDRelay result = getDevID( connName.c_str(), hid ); // Not an error. Remove or downlog when confirm working logf( XW_LOGERROR, "%s(%s) => %d", __func__, relayID.c_str(), result ); return result; } DevIDRelay DBMgr::getDevID( const char* connName, int hid ) { DevIDRelay devID = DEVID_NONE; const char* fmt = "SELECT devids[%d] FROM " GAMES_TABLE " WHERE connName='%s'"; StrWPF query; query.catf( fmt, hid, connName ); logf( XW_LOGINFO, "%s: query: %s", __func__, query.c_str() ); PGresult* result = PQexec( getThreadConn(), query.c_str() ); if ( 1 == PQntuples( result ) ) { devID = (DevIDRelay)strtoul( PQgetvalue( result, 0, 0 ), NULL, 10 ); } PQclear( result ); return devID; } DevIDRelay DBMgr::getDevID( const DevID* devID ) { DevIDRelay rDevID = DEVID_NONE; DevIDType devIDType = devID->m_devIDType; const string& devIDString = devID->m_devIDString; StrWPF query; assert( ID_TYPE_NONE < devIDType ); if ( ID_TYPE_RELAY == devIDType ) { // confirm it's there DevIDRelay cur = devID->asRelayID(); if ( DEVID_NONE != cur ) { const char* fmt = "SELECT id FROM " DEVICES_TABLE " WHERE id=%d"; query.catf( fmt, cur ); } } else if ( 0 < devIDString.size() ) { query.catf( "SELECT id FROM " DEVICES_TABLE " WHERE devtypes[1]=%d and devids[1] = '%s'" " ORDER BY ctime DESC LIMIT 1", devIDType, devIDString.c_str() ); } if ( 0 < query.size() ) { logf( XW_LOGINFO, "%s: query: %s", __func__, query.c_str() ); PGresult* result = PQexec( getThreadConn(), query.c_str() ); int nTuples = PQntuples( result ); assert( 1 >= nTuples ); if ( 1 == nTuples ) { rDevID = (DevIDRelay)strtoul( PQgetvalue( result, 0, 0 ), NULL, 10 ); } PQclear( result ); } logf( XW_LOGINFO, "%s(in='%s')=>%d (0x%.8X)", __func__, devIDString.c_str(), rDevID, rDevID ); return rDevID; } /* id | connname | hid | msg ----+-----------+-----+--------- 1 | abcd:1234 | 2 | xyzzx 2 | abcd:1234 | 2 | xyzzxxx 3 | abcd:1234 | 3 | xyzzxxx */ int DBMgr::CountStoredMessages( const char* const connName, int hid ) { StrWPF test; test.catf( "connname = '%s'", connName ); #ifdef HAVE_STIME test.catf( " AND stime = 'epoch'" ); #endif if ( hid != -1 ) { test.catf( " AND hid = %d", hid ); } return getCountWhere( MSGS_TABLE, test ); } int DBMgr::CountStoredMessages( const char* const connName ) { return CountStoredMessages( connName, -1 ); } /* CountStoredMessages */ int DBMgr::CountStoredMessages( DevIDRelay relayID ) { StrWPF test; test.catf( "devid = %d", relayID ); #ifdef HAVE_STIME test.catf( "AND stime = 'epoch'" ); #endif return getCountWhere( MSGS_TABLE, test ); } int DBMgr::StoreMessage( DevIDRelay destDevID, const uint8_t* const buf, int len ) { int msgID = 0; clearHasNoMessages( destDevID ); size_t newLen; const char* fmt = "INSERT INTO " MSGS_TABLE " " "(devid, %s, msglen) VALUES(%d, %s'%s', %d) RETURNING id"; StrWPF query; if ( m_useB64 ) { gchar* b64 = g_base64_encode( buf, len ); query.catf( fmt, "msg64", destDevID, "", b64, len ); g_free( b64 ); } else { uint8_t* bytes = PQescapeByteaConn( getThreadConn(), buf, len, &newLen ); assert( NULL != bytes ); query.catf( fmt, "msg", destDevID, "E", bytes, len ); PQfreemem( bytes ); } logf( XW_LOGINFO, "%s: query: %s", __func__, query.c_str() ); PGresult* result = PQexec( getThreadConn(), query.c_str() ); if ( 1 == PQntuples( result ) ) { msgID = atoi( PQgetvalue( result, 0, 0 ) ); } PQclear( result ); return msgID; } int DBMgr::StoreMessage( const char* const connName, int destHid, const uint8_t* buf, int len ) { int msgID = 0; clearHasNoMessages( connName, destHid ); DevIDRelay devID = getDevID( connName, destHid ); if ( DEVID_NONE == devID ) { logf( XW_LOGERROR, "%s: warning: devid not found for connName=%s, " "hid=%d", __func__, connName, destHid ); } else { clearHasNoMessages( devID ); } size_t newLen; const char* fmt = "INSERT INTO " MSGS_TABLE " " "(connname, hid, devid, token, %s, msglen) " "SELECT '%s', %d, %d, " "(SELECT tokens[%d] from " GAMES_TABLE " where connname='%s'), " "%s'%s', %d " ; StrWPF query; if ( m_useB64 ) { gchar* b64 = g_base64_encode( buf, len ); query.catf( fmt, "msg64", connName, destHid, devID, destHid, connName, "", b64, len ); query.catf( " WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM " MSGS_TABLE " WHERE connname='%s' AND hid=%d AND msg64='%s'" #ifdef HAVE_STIME " AND stime='epoch'" #endif " )", connName, destHid, b64 ); g_free( b64 ); } else { uint8_t* bytes = PQescapeByteaConn( getThreadConn(), buf, len, &newLen ); assert( NULL != bytes ); query.catf( fmt, "msg", connName, destHid, devID, destHid, connName, "E", bytes, len ); PQfreemem( bytes ); } query.catf(" RETURNING id;"); logf( XW_LOGINFO, "%s: query: %s", __func__, query.c_str() ); PGresult* result = PQexec( getThreadConn(), query.c_str() ); if ( 1 == PQntuples( result ) ) { msgID = atoi( PQgetvalue( result, 0, 0 ) ); } else { logf( XW_LOGINFO, "Not stored; duplicate?" ); } PQclear( result ); return msgID; } void DBMgr::decodeMessage( PGresult* result, bool useB64, int rowIndx, int b64indx, int byteaIndex, uint8_t* buf, size_t* buflen ) { const char* from = NULL; if ( useB64 ) { from = PQgetvalue( result, rowIndx, b64indx ); } if ( NULL == from || '\0' == from[0] ) { useB64 = false; from = PQgetvalue( result, rowIndx, byteaIndex ); } size_t to_length; if ( useB64 ) { gsize out_len; guchar* txt = g_base64_decode( (const gchar*)from, &out_len ); to_length = out_len; assert( to_length <= *buflen ); memcpy( buf, txt, to_length ); g_free( txt ); } else { uint8_t* bytes = PQunescapeBytea( (const uint8_t*)from, &to_length ); assert( to_length <= *buflen ); memcpy( buf, bytes, to_length ); PQfreemem( bytes ); } *buflen = to_length; } void DBMgr::storedMessagesImpl( string test, vector& msgs, bool nullConnnameOK ) { StrWPF query; query.catf( "SELECT id, msg64, msg, msglen, token, connname FROM " MSGS_TABLE " WHERE %s " #ifdef HAVE_STIME " AND stime = 'epoch' " #endif " AND (connname IN (SELECT connname FROM " GAMES_TABLE " WHERE NOT " GAMES_TABLE ".dead)", test.c_str() ); if ( nullConnnameOK ) { query.catf( " OR connname IS NULL "); } query.catf( ") ORDER BY id" ); logf( XW_LOGINFO, "%s: query: %s", __func__, query.c_str() ); PGresult* result = PQexec( getThreadConn(), query.c_str() ); int nTuples = PQntuples( result ); for ( int ii = 0; ii < nTuples; ++ii ) { int id = atoi( PQgetvalue( result, ii, 0 ) ); AddrInfo::ClientToken token = atoi( PQgetvalue( result, ii, 4 ) ); const char* connname = PQgetvalue( result, ii, 5 ); bool hasConnname = connname != NULL && '\0' != connname[0]; MsgInfo msg( id, token, hasConnname ); uint8_t buf[1024]; size_t buflen = sizeof(buf); decodeMessage( result, m_useB64, ii, 1, 2, buf, &buflen ); size_t msglen = atoi( PQgetvalue( result, ii, 3 ) ); assert( 0 == msglen || buflen == msglen ); msg.msg.insert( msg.msg.end(), buf, &buf[buflen] ); msgs.push_back( msg ); } PQclear( result ); } void DBMgr::GetStoredMessages( DevIDRelay relayID, vector& msgs ) { if ( !hasNoMessages( relayID ) ) { StrWPF query; query.catf( "devid=%d", relayID ); storedMessagesImpl( query, msgs, true ); if ( 0 == msgs.size() ) { setHasNoMessages( relayID ); } } } void DBMgr::GetStoredMessages( const char* const connName, HostID hid, vector& msgs ) { if ( !hasNoMessages( connName, hid ) ) { StrWPF query; query.catf( "hid = %d AND connname = '%s'", hid, connName ); storedMessagesImpl( query, msgs, false ); if ( 0 == msgs.size() ) { setHasNoMessages( connName, hid ); } } } void DBMgr::RemoveStoredMessages( string& msgids ) { const char* fmt = #ifdef HAVE_STIME "UPDATE " MSGS_TABLE " SET stime='now' " #else "DELETE FROM " MSGS_TABLE #endif " WHERE id IN (%s)"; StrWPF query; query.catf( fmt, msgids.c_str() ); logf( XW_LOGINFO, "%s: query: %s", __func__, query.c_str() ); execSql( query ); } void DBMgr::RemoveStoredMessages( const int* msgIDs, int nMsgIDs ) { if ( nMsgIDs > 0 ) { StrWPF ids; size_t len = 0; int ii; for ( ii = 0; ; ) { ids.catf( "%d", msgIDs[ii] ); assert( len < sizeof(ids) ); if ( ++ii == nMsgIDs ) { break; } else { ids.append( "," ); } } RemoveStoredMessages( ids ); } } void DBMgr::RemoveStoredMessages( vector& idv ) { if ( 0 < idv.size() ) { StrWPF ids; vector::const_iterator iter = idv.begin(); for ( ; ; ) { ids.catf( "%d", *iter ); if ( ++iter == idv.end() ) { break; } ids.catf( "," ); } RemoveStoredMessages( ids ); } } void DBMgr::RemoveStoredMessage( const int msgID ) { RemoveStoredMessages( &msgID, 1 ); } int DBMgr::getCountWhere( const char* table, string& test ) { StrWPF query; query.catf( "SELECT count(*) FROM %s WHERE %s", table, test.c_str() ); PGresult* result = PQexec( getThreadConn(), query.c_str() ); assert( 1 == PQntuples( result ) ); int count = atoi( PQgetvalue( result, 0, 0 ) ); PQclear( result ); return count; } void DBMgr::formatKey( StrWPF& key, const char* const connName, HostID hid ) { key.catf( "%s:%d", connName, hid ); } bool DBMgr::hasNoMessages( const char* const connName, HostID hid ) { StrWPF key; formatKey( key, connName, hid ); MutexLock ml( &m_haveNoMessagesMutex ); bool result = m_haveNoMessagesConnname.find(key) != m_haveNoMessagesConnname.end(); return result; } void DBMgr::setHasNoMessages( const char* const connName, HostID hid ) { StrWPF key; formatKey( key, connName, hid ); { MutexLock ml( &m_haveNoMessagesMutex ); m_haveNoMessagesConnname.insert( key ); } assert( hasNoMessages( connName, hid ) ); } void DBMgr::clearHasNoMessages( const char* const connName, HostID hid ) { StrWPF key; formatKey( key, connName, hid ); { MutexLock ml( &m_haveNoMessagesMutex ); m_haveNoMessagesConnname.erase( key ); } assert( !hasNoMessages( connName, hid ) ); } bool DBMgr::hasNoMessages( DevIDRelay devid ) { MutexLock ml( &m_haveNoMessagesMutex ); bool result = m_haveNoMessagesDevID.find(devid) != m_haveNoMessagesDevID.end(); return result; } void DBMgr::setHasNoMessages( DevIDRelay devid ) { { MutexLock ml( &m_haveNoMessagesMutex ); m_haveNoMessagesDevID.insert( devid ); } assert( hasNoMessages( devid ) ); } void DBMgr::clearHasNoMessages( DevIDRelay devid ) { { MutexLock ml( &m_haveNoMessagesMutex ); m_haveNoMessagesDevID.erase( devid ); } assert( !hasNoMessages( devid ) ); } static int here_less_seed( const char* seeds, int sumPerDevice, unsigned short seed ) { logf( XW_LOGINFO, "%s: find %x(%d) in \"%s\", sub from \"%d\"", __func__, seed, seed, seeds, sumPerDevice ); return sumPerDevice - 1; /* FIXME */ } static void destr_function( void* conn ) { logf( XW_LOGINFO, "%s()", __func__ ); PGconn* pgconn = (PGconn*)conn; PQfinish( pgconn ); } void DBMgr::clearThreadConn() { logf( XW_LOGERROR, "%s called()", __func__ ); PGconn* conn = (PGconn*)pthread_getspecific( m_conn_key ); if ( NULL != conn ) { PQfinish( conn ); int result = pthread_setspecific( m_conn_key, NULL ); assert( 0 == result ); } } PGconn* DBMgr::getThreadConn( void ) { PGconn* conn = (PGconn*)pthread_getspecific( m_conn_key ); if ( NULL == conn ) { char buf[128]; int port; if ( !RelayConfigs::GetConfigs()->GetValueFor( "DB_NAME", buf, sizeof(buf) ) ) { assert( 0 ); } if ( !RelayConfigs::GetConfigs()->GetValueFor( "DB_PORT", &port ) ) { assert( 0 ); } StrWPF params; params.catf( "dbname = %s ", buf ); params.catf( "port = %d ", port ); conn = PQconnectdb( params.c_str() ); if ( CONNECTION_OK == PQstatus( conn ) ) { pthread_setspecific( m_conn_key, conn ); } else { PQfinish( conn ); conn = NULL; } } return conn; }