#include #include #include #include "anddict.h" #include "xptypes.h" #include "dictnry.h" #include "strutils.h" typedef struct _AndDictionaryCtxt { DictionaryCtxt super; JNIEnv *env; XP_U8* bytes; } AndDictionaryCtxt; void dict_splitFaces( DictionaryCtxt* dict, const XP_U8* bytes, XP_U16 nBytes, XP_U16 nFaces ) { LOG_FUNC(); XP_UCHAR* faces = (XP_UCHAR*)XP_CALLOC( dict->mpool, nBytes + nFaces ); XP_UCHAR** ptrs = (XP_UCHAR**)XP_CALLOC( dict->mpool, nFaces * sizeof(ptrs[0])); XP_U16 ii; XP_UCHAR* next = faces; /* now split; this will not work for utf8!!! */ for ( ii = 0; ii < nFaces; ++ii ) { ptrs[ii] = next; *next++ = *bytes++; *next++ = 0; XP_LOGF( "pointing at str: %s", ptrs[ii] ); } XP_ASSERT( next == faces + nFaces + nBytes ); XP_ASSERT( !dict->faces ); dict->faces = faces; XP_ASSERT( !dict->facePtrs ); dict->facePtrs = ptrs; } static XP_U32 n_ptr_tohl( XP_U8** inp ) { XP_U32 t; XP_MEMCPY( &t, *inp, sizeof(t) ); *inp += sizeof(t); return XP_NTOHL(t); } /* n_ptr_tohl */ static XP_U16 n_ptr_tohs( XP_U8** inp ) { XP_U16 t; XP_MEMCPY( &t, *inp, sizeof(t) ); *inp += sizeof(t); return XP_NTOHS(t); } /* n_ptr_tohs */ static XP_U16 andCountSpecials( AndDictionaryCtxt* ctxt ) { XP_U16 result = 0; XP_U16 ii; for ( ii = 0; ii < ctxt->super.nFaces; ++ii ) { if ( IS_SPECIAL( ctxt->super.facePtrs[ii][0] ) ) { ++result; } } return result; } /* ceCountSpecials */ static XP_Bitmap andMakeBitmap( XP_U8** ptrp ) { LOG_FUNC(); XP_U8* ptr = *ptrp; XP_U8 nCols = *ptr++; XP_Bitmap bitmap = NULL; /* CEBitmapInfo* bitmap = (CEBitmapInfo*)NULL; */ if ( nCols > 0 ) { XP_ASSERT(0); #if 0 XP_U8* dest; XP_U8* savedDest; XP_U8 nRows = *ptr++; XP_U16 rowBytes = (nCols+7) / 8; XP_U8 srcByte = 0; XP_U8 destByte = 0; XP_U8 nBits; XP_U16 i; bitmap = (CEBitmapInfo*)XP_CALLOC( ctxt->super.mpool, sizeof(bitmap) ); bitmap->nCols = nCols; bitmap->nRows = nRows; dest = XP_MALLOC( ctxt->super.mpool, rowBytes * nRows ); bitmap->bits = savedDest = dest; nBits = nRows * nCols; for ( i = 0; i < nBits; ++i ) { XP_U8 srcBitIndex = i % 8; XP_U8 destBitIndex = (i % nCols) % 8; XP_U8 srcMask, bit; if ( srcBitIndex == 0 ) { srcByte = *ptr++; } srcMask = 1 << (7 - srcBitIndex); bit = (srcByte & srcMask) != 0; destByte |= bit << (7 - destBitIndex); /* we need to put the byte if we've filled it or if we're done with the row */ if ( (destBitIndex==7) || ((i%nCols) == (nCols-1)) ) { *dest++ = destByte; destByte = 0; } } /* printBitmapData1( nCols, nRows, savedDest ); */ /* printBitmapData2( nCols, nRows, savedDest ); */ #endif } *ptrp = ptr; return (XP_Bitmap)bitmap; } /* andMakeBitmap */ static void andLoadSpecialData( AndDictionaryCtxt* ctxt, XP_U8** ptrp ) { LOG_FUNC(); XP_U16 nSpecials = andCountSpecials( ctxt ); XP_U8* ptr = *ptrp; Tile ii; XP_UCHAR** texts; SpecialBitmaps* bitmaps; texts = (XP_UCHAR**)XP_MALLOC( ctxt->super.mpool, nSpecials * sizeof(*texts) ); bitmaps = (SpecialBitmaps*) XP_CALLOC( ctxt->super.mpool, nSpecials * sizeof(*bitmaps) ); for ( ii = 0; ii < ctxt->super.nFaces; ++ii ) { const XP_UCHAR* facep = ctxt->super.facePtrs[(short)ii]; if ( IS_SPECIAL(*facep) ) { /* get the string */ XP_U8 txtlen = *ptr++; XP_UCHAR* text = (XP_UCHAR*)XP_MALLOC(ctxt->super.mpool, txtlen+1); XP_MEMCPY( text, ptr, txtlen ); ptr += txtlen; text[txtlen] = '\0'; XP_ASSERT( *facep < nSpecials ); texts[(int)*facep] = text; bitmaps[(int)*facep].largeBM = andMakeBitmap( &ptr ); bitmaps[(int)*facep].smallBM = andMakeBitmap( &ptr ); } } ctxt->super.chars = texts; ctxt->super.bitmaps = bitmaps; *ptrp = ptr; LOG_RETURN_VOID(); } /* andLoadSpecialData */ static void parseDict( AndDictionaryCtxt* ctxt, XP_U8* ptr, XP_U32 dictLength ) { LOG_FUNC(); while( !!ptr ) { /* lets us break.... */ XP_U32 offset; XP_U16 numFaces, numFaceBytes = 0; XP_U16 i; XP_U16 flags; void* mappedBase = (void*)ptr; XP_U8 nodeSize; XP_Bool isUTF8 = XP_FALSE; flags = n_ptr_tohs( &ptr ); #ifdef NODE_CAN_4 if ( flags == 0x0002 ) { nodeSize = 3; } else if ( flags == 0x0003 ) { nodeSize = 4; } else if ( flags == 0x0004 ) { isUTF8 = XP_TRUE; nodeSize = 3; } else if ( flags == 0x0005 ) { isUTF8 = XP_TRUE; nodeSize = 4; } else { break; /* we want to return NULL */ } #else if( flags != 0x0001 ) { break; } #endif if ( isUTF8 ) { numFaceBytes = (XP_U16)(*ptr++); } numFaces = (XP_U16)(*ptr++); if ( numFaces > 64 ) { break; } ctxt->super.nodeSize = nodeSize; if ( !isUTF8 ) { numFaceBytes = numFaces * 2; } ctxt->super.nFaces = (XP_U8)numFaces; ctxt->super.isUTF8 = isUTF8; if ( isUTF8 ) { XP_ASSERT(0); dict_splitFaces( &ctxt->super, ptr, numFaceBytes, numFaces ); ptr += numFaceBytes; } else { XP_U8 tmp[numFaces*4]; /* should be enough... */ XP_U16 nBytes = 0; XP_U16 ii; /* Need to translate from iso-8859-n to utf8 */ for ( ii = 0; ii < numFaces; ++ii ) { XP_UCHAR ch = ptr[1]; ptr += 2; tmp[nBytes] = ch; nBytes += 1; } dict_splitFaces( &ctxt->super, tmp, nBytes, numFaces ); } ctxt->super.is_4_byte = (ctxt->super.nodeSize == 4); ctxt->super.countsAndValues = (XP_U8*)XP_MALLOC(ctxt->super.mpool, numFaces*2); ptr += 2; /* skip xloc header */ for ( i = 0; i < numFaces*2; i += 2 ) { ctxt->super.countsAndValues[i] = *ptr++; ctxt->super.countsAndValues[i+1] = *ptr++; } andLoadSpecialData( ctxt, &ptr ); dictLength -= ptr - (XP_U8*)mappedBase; if ( dictLength > sizeof(XP_U32) ) { offset = n_ptr_tohl( &ptr ); dictLength -= sizeof(offset); #ifdef NODE_CAN_4 XP_ASSERT( dictLength % ctxt->super.nodeSize == 0 ); # ifdef DEBUG ctxt->super.numEdges = dictLength / ctxt->super.nodeSize; # endif #else XP_ASSERT( dictLength % 3 == 0 ); # ifdef DEBUG ctxt->super.numEdges = dictLength / 3; # endif #endif } else { offset = 0; } if ( dictLength > 0 ) { ctxt->super.base = (array_edge*)ptr; #ifdef NODE_CAN_4 ctxt->super.topEdge = ctxt->super.base + (offset * ctxt->super.nodeSize); #else ctxt->super.topEdge = ctxt->super.base + (offset * 3); #endif } else { ctxt->super.topEdge = (array_edge*)NULL; ctxt->super.base = (array_edge*)NULL; } setBlankTile( &ctxt->super ); ctxt->super.name = copyString(ctxt->super.mpool, "no name dict" ); break; /* exit phony while loop */ } } static void and_dictionary_destroy( DictionaryCtxt* dict ) { } DictionaryCtxt* makeDict( MPFORMAL JNIEnv *env, jbyteArray jbytes ) { XP_Bool formatOk = XP_TRUE; XP_Bool isUTF8 = XP_FALSE; XP_U16 charSize; LOG_FUNC(); AndDictionaryCtxt* anddict = NULL; jsize len = (*env)->GetArrayLength( env, jbytes ); XP_LOGF( "%s: got %d bytes", __func__, len ); XP_U8* localBytes = XP_MALLOC( mpool, len ); jbyte* src = (*env)->GetByteArrayElements( env, jbytes, NULL ); XP_MEMCPY( localBytes, src, len ); (*env)->ReleaseByteArrayElements( env, jbytes, src, 0 ); anddict = (AndDictionaryCtxt*)XP_CALLOC( mpool, sizeof( *anddict ) ); dict_super_init( (DictionaryCtxt*)anddict ); anddict->super.destructor = and_dictionary_destroy; /* anddict->super.func_dict_getShortName = and_dict_getShortName; */ MPASSIGN(anddict->super.mpool, mpool); anddict->bytes = localBytes; anddict->env = env; parseDict( anddict, localBytes, len ); setBlankTile( &anddict->super ); err: LOG_RETURNF( "%p", anddict ); return (DictionaryCtxt*)anddict; }