/* -*-mode: C; fill-column: 78; c-basic-offset: 4; -*- */ /* * Copyright 2005 by Eric House (fixin@peak.org). All rights reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "tpool.h" #include "xwrelay_priv.h" #include "xwrelay.h" #include "mlock.h" XWThreadPool* XWThreadPool::g_instance = NULL; /* static */ XWThreadPool* XWThreadPool::GetTPool() { XWThreadPool* me = g_instance; if ( me == NULL ) { me = new XWThreadPool(); g_instance = me; } return me; } XWThreadPool::XWThreadPool() { pthread_mutex_init ( &m_activeSocketsMutex, NULL ); pthread_mutex_init ( &m_queueMutex, NULL ); pthread_cond_init( &m_queueCondVar, NULL ); int fd[2]; if ( pipe( fd ) ) { logf( "pipe failed" ); } m_pipeRead = fd[0]; m_pipeWrite = fd[1]; m_nThreads = 0; } void XWThreadPool::Setup( int nThreads, packet_func pFunc ) { m_nThreads = nThreads; m_pFunc = pFunc; pthread_t thread; int i; for ( i = 0; i < nThreads; ++i ) { int result = pthread_create( &thread, NULL, tpool_main, this ); assert( result == 0 ); } int result = pthread_create( &thread, NULL, listener_main, this ); assert( result == 0 ); } void XWThreadPool::AddSocket( int socket ) { logf( "AddSocket(%d)", socket ); { MutexLock ml( &m_activeSocketsMutex ); m_activeSockets.push_back( socket ); } interrupt_poll(); } void XWThreadPool::RemoveSocket( int socket ) { { MutexLock ml( &m_activeSocketsMutex ); vector::iterator iter = m_activeSockets.begin(); while ( iter != m_activeSockets.end() ) { if ( *iter == socket ) { m_activeSockets.erase( iter ); break; } ++iter; } } } int XWThreadPool::get_process_packet( int socket ) { short packetSize; assert( sizeof(packetSize) == 2 ); ssize_t nRead = recv( socket, &packetSize, sizeof(packetSize), MSG_WAITALL ); if ( nRead != 2 ) { killSocket( socket, "nRead != 2" ); return 0; } packetSize = ntohs( packetSize ); if ( packetSize < 0 || packetSize > MAX_MSG_LEN ) { killSocket( socket, "packetSize wrong" ); return 0; } unsigned char buf[MAX_MSG_LEN]; nRead = recv( socket, buf, packetSize, MSG_WAITALL ); if ( nRead != packetSize ) { killSocket( socket, "nRead != packetSize" ); return 0; } logf( "read %d bytes\n", nRead ); logf( "calling m_pFunc" ); (*m_pFunc)( buf, packetSize, socket ); return 1; } /* get_process_packet */ /* static */ void* XWThreadPool::tpool_main( void* closure ) { XWThreadPool* me = (XWThreadPool*)closure; me->real_tpool_main(); } void XWThreadPool::real_tpool_main() { logf( "worker thread starting" ); for ( ; ; ) { pthread_mutex_lock( &m_queueMutex ); while ( m_queue.size() == 0 ) { pthread_cond_wait( &m_queueCondVar, &m_queueMutex ); } int socket = m_queue.front(); m_queue.pop_front(); pthread_mutex_unlock( &m_queueMutex ); logf( "worker thread got socket %d from queue", socket ); if ( get_process_packet( socket ) ) { AddSocket( socket ); } /* else drop it: error */ } logf( "worker thread exiting" ); } void XWThreadPool::interrupt_poll() { logf( "interrupt_poll" ); unsigned char byt = 0; int nSent = write( m_pipeWrite, &byt, 1 ); if ( nSent != 1 ) { logf( "errno = %d", errno ); } } void XWThreadPool::real_listener() { int flags = POLLIN | POLLERR | POLLHUP; for ( ; ; ) { pthread_mutex_lock( &m_activeSocketsMutex ); int nSockets = m_activeSockets.size() + 1; /* for pipe */ pollfd* fds = (pollfd*)malloc( sizeof(fds[0]) * nSockets ); pollfd* curfd = fds; char* log = (char*)malloc( 4 * nSockets ); log[0] = '\0'; int len = 0; curfd->fd = m_pipeRead; curfd->events = flags; len += sprintf( log+len, "%d,", curfd->fd ); ++curfd; vector::iterator iter = m_activeSockets.begin(); while ( iter != m_activeSockets.end() ) { curfd->fd = *iter++; curfd->events = flags; len += sprintf( log+len, "%d,", curfd->fd ); ++curfd; } pthread_mutex_unlock( &m_activeSocketsMutex ); logf( "calling poll on %s", log ); int nEvents = poll( fds, nSockets, -1 ); /* -1: infinite timeout */ logf( "back from poll: %d", nEvents ); if ( nEvents < 0 ) { logf( "errno: %d", errno ); } if ( fds[0].revents != 0 ) { logf( "poll interrupted" ); assert( fds[0].revents == POLLIN ); unsigned char byt; read( fds[0].fd, &byt, 1 ); --nEvents; } if ( nEvents > 0 ) { --nSockets; curfd = &fds[1]; int i; for ( i = 0; i < nSockets && nEvents > 0; ++i ) { if ( curfd->revents != 0 ) { assert( curfd->revents == POLLIN ); int socket = curfd->fd; RemoveSocket( socket ); logf( "enqueuing %d", socket ); enqueue( socket ); --nEvents; } ++curfd; } assert( nEvents == 0 ); } free( fds ); } } /* real_listener */ /* static */ void* XWThreadPool::listener_main( void* closure ) { XWThreadPool* me = (XWThreadPool*)closure; me->real_listener(); } void XWThreadPool::enqueue( int socket ) { MutexLock ml( &m_queueMutex ); m_queue.push_back( socket ); logf( "calling pthread_cond_signal" ); pthread_cond_signal( &m_queueCondVar ); /* implicit unlock */ }