/* -*-mode: C; fill-column: 78; c-basic-offset: 4; -*- */ /* * Copyright 2005 by Eric House (xwords@eehouse.org). All rights reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include #include #include /* gethostbyname */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "ctrl.h" #include "cref.h" #include "crefmgr.h" #include "mlock.h" #include "xwrelay_priv.h" #include "configs.h" /* this is *only* for testing. Don't abuse!!!! */ extern pthread_rwlock_t gCookieMapRWLock; /* Return of true means exit the ctrl thread */ typedef bool (*CmdPtr)( int socket, const char** args ); typedef struct FuncRec { char* name; CmdPtr func; } FuncRec; vector g_ctrlSocks; pthread_mutex_t g_ctrlSocksMutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; static bool cmd_quit( int socket, const char** args ); static bool cmd_print( int socket, const char** args ); static bool cmd_lock( int socket, const char** args ); static bool cmd_help( int socket, const char** args ); static bool cmd_start( int socket, const char** args ); static bool cmd_stop( int socket, const char** args ); static bool cmd_kill_eject( int socket, const char** args ); static bool cmd_get( int socket, const char** args ); static bool cmd_set( int socket, const char** args ); static bool cmd_shutdown( int socket, const char** args ); static bool cmd_rev( int socket, const char** args ); static bool cmd_uptime( int socket, const char** args ); static bool cmd_crash( int socket, const char** args ); static void print_to_sock( int sock, bool addCR, const char* what, ... ) { char buf[256]; va_list ap; va_start( ap, what ); vsnprintf( buf, sizeof(buf) - 1, what, ap ); va_end(ap); if ( addCR ) { strncat( buf, "\n", sizeof(buf) ); } send( sock, buf, strlen(buf), 0 ); } static const FuncRec gFuncs[] = { { "?", cmd_help }, { "help", cmd_help }, { "quit", cmd_quit }, { "print", cmd_print }, { "lock", cmd_lock }, { "start", cmd_start }, { "stop", cmd_stop }, { "kill", cmd_kill_eject }, { "eject", cmd_kill_eject }, { "shutdown", cmd_shutdown }, { "get", cmd_get }, { "set", cmd_set }, { "rev", cmd_rev }, { "uptime", cmd_uptime }, { "crash", cmd_crash }, }; static bool cmd_quit( int socket, const char** args ) { if ( 0 == strcmp( "help", args[1] ) ) { print_to_sock( socket, true, "* %s (disconnect from ctrl port)", args[0] ); return false; } else { print_to_sock( socket, true, "bye bye" ); return true; } } static void print_cookies( int socket, CookieID theID ) { CRefMgr* cmgr = CRefMgr::Get(); CookieMapIterator iter = cmgr->GetCookieIterator(); CookieID id; for ( id = iter.Next(); id != 0; id = iter.Next() ) { if ( theID == 0 || theID == id ) { SafeCref scr( id ); string s; scr.PrintCookieInfo( s ); print_to_sock( socket, true, s.c_str() ); } } } static bool cmd_start( int socket, const char** args ) { print_to_sock( socket, true, "* %s (unimplemented)", args[0] ); return false; } static bool cmd_stop( int socket, const char** args ) { print_to_sock( socket, true, "* %s (unimplemented)", args[0] ); return false; } static bool cmd_kill_eject( int socket, const char** args ) { int found = 0; int isKill = 0 == strcmp( args[0], "kill" ); if ( 0 == strcmp( args[1], "socket" ) ) { int victim = atoi( args[2] ); if ( victim != 0 ) { killSocket( victim, "ctrl command" ); found = 1; } } else if ( 0 == strcmp( args[1], "cref" ) ) { const char* idhow = args[2]; const char* id = args[3]; if ( idhow != NULL && id != NULL ) { if ( 0 == strcmp( idhow, "name" ) ) { CRefMgr::Get()->Delete( id ); found = 1; } else if ( 0 == strcmp( idhow, "id" ) ) { CRefMgr::Get()->Delete( atoi( id ) ); found = 1; } } } else if ( 0 == strcmp( args[1], "relay" ) ) { print_to_sock( socket, true, "not yet unimplemented" ); } const char* expl = isKill? "silently remove from game" : "remove from game with error to device"; if ( !found ) { char* msg = "* %s socket -- %s\n" " %s cref connName \n" " %s cref id " ; print_to_sock( socket, true, msg, args[0], expl, args[0], args[0] ); } return false; } /* cmd_kill_eject */ static bool cmd_get( int socket, const char** args ) { if ( 0 == strcmp( args[1], "help" ) ) { print_to_sock( socket, true, "* %s -- lists all attributes (unimplemented)\n" "* %s loglevel", args[0], args[0] ); } else { const char* attr = args[1]; if ( (NULL != attr) && (0 == strcmp( attr, "loglevel" )) ) { RelayConfigs* rc = RelayConfigs::GetConfigs(); if ( NULL != rc ) { print_to_sock( socket, true, "loglevel=%d\n", rc->GetLogLevel() ); } else { logf( XW_LOGERROR, "RelayConfigs::GetConfigs() => NULL" ); } } } return false; } static bool cmd_set( int socket, const char** args ) { if ( 0 == strcmp( args[1], "help" ) ) { print_to_sock( socket, true, "* %s loglevel \n", args[0] ); } else { const char* attr = args[1]; const char* val = args[2]; if ( (NULL != attr) && (0 == strcmp( attr, "loglevel" )) && (NULL != val) ) { RelayConfigs* rc = RelayConfigs::GetConfigs(); if ( rc != NULL ) { rc->SetLogLevel( atoi(val) ); } } } return false; } static bool cmd_rev( int socket, const char** args ) { if ( 0 == strcmp( args[1], "help" ) ) { print_to_sock( socket, true, "* %s -- prints svn rev number of build", args[0] ); } else { print_to_sock( socket, true, "svn rev: %s", SVN_REV ); } return false; } static bool cmd_uptime( int socket, const char** args ) { if ( 0 == strcmp( args[1], "help" ) ) { print_to_sock( socket, true, "* %s -- prints how long the relay's been running", args[0] ); } else { time_t seconds = now(); int days = seconds / (24*60*60); seconds %= (24*60*60); int hours = seconds / (60*60); seconds %= (60*60); int minutes = seconds / 60; seconds %= 60; print_to_sock( socket, true, "uptime: %d days, %d hours, %d minutes, %ld seconds", days, hours, minutes, seconds ); } return false; } static bool cmd_crash( int socket, const char** args ) { if ( 0 == strcmp( args[1], "help" ) ) { print_to_sock( socket, true, "* %s -- fires an assert (debug case) or divides-by-zero", args[0] ); } else { assert(0); int i = 1; while ( i > 0 ) --i; return 6/i > 0; } return false; } static bool cmd_shutdown( int socket, const char** args ) { print_to_sock( socket, true, "* %s -- shuts down relay (exiting main) (unimplemented)", args[0] ); return false; } static void print_cookies( int socket, const char* cookie, const char* connName ) { CookieMapIterator iter = CRefMgr::Get()->GetCookieIterator(); CookieID id; for ( id = iter.Next(); id != 0; id = iter.Next() ) { SafeCref scr( id ); if ( cookie != NULL && 0 == strcmp( scr.Cookie(), cookie ) ) { /* print this one */ } else if ( connName != NULL && 0 == strcmp( scr.ConnName(), connName ) ) { /* print this one */ } else { continue; } string s; scr.PrintCookieInfo( s ); print_to_sock( socket, true, s.c_str() ); } } static void print_socket_info( int out, int which ) { string s; CRefMgr::Get()->PrintSocketInfo( which, s ); print_to_sock( out, 1, s.c_str() ); } static void print_sockets( int out, int sought ) { SocketsIterator iter = CRefMgr::Get()->MakeSocketsIterator(); int sock; while ( (sock = iter.Next()) != 0 ) { if ( sought == 0 || sought == sock ) { print_socket_info( out, sock ); } } } static bool cmd_print( int socket, const char** args ) { logf( XW_LOGINFO, "cmd_print called" ); int found = 0; if ( 0 == strcmp( "cref", args[1] ) ) { if ( 0 == strcmp( "all", args[2] ) ) { print_cookies( socket, (CookieID)0 ); found = 1; } else if ( 0 == strcmp( "cookie", args[2] ) ) { print_cookies( socket, args[3], NULL ); found = 1; } else if ( 0 == strcmp( "connName", args[2] ) ) { print_cookies( socket, NULL, args[3] ); found = 1; } else if ( 0 == strcmp( "id", args[2] ) ) { print_cookies( socket, atoi(args[3]) ); found = 1; } } else if ( 0 == strcmp( "socket", args[1] ) ) { if ( 0 == strcmp( "all", args[2] ) ) { print_sockets( socket, 0 ); found = 1; } else if ( 0 == strcmp( "id", args[2] ) ) { print_sockets( socket, atoi(args[3]) ); found = 1; } } if ( !found ) { char* str = "* %s cref all\n" " %s cref name \n" " %s cref connName \n" " %s cref id \n" " %s socket all\n" " %s socket -- print info about crefs and sockets"; print_to_sock( socket, true, str, args[0], args[0], args[0], args[0], args[0], args[0] ); } return 0; } /* cmd_print */ static bool cmd_lock( int socket, const char** args ) { CRefMgr* mgr = CRefMgr::Get(); if ( 0 == strcmp( "on", args[1] ) ) { mgr->LockAll(); } else if ( 0 == strcmp( "off", args[1] ) ) { mgr->UnlockAll(); } else { print_to_sock( socket, true, "* %s [on|off] -- lock/unlock access mutex", args[0] ); } return 0; } /* cmd_lock */ static bool cmd_help( int socket, const char** args ) { if ( 0 == strcmp( "help", args[1] ) ) { print_to_sock( socket, true, "* %s -- prints this", args[0] ); } else { const char* help[] = { NULL, "help", NULL, NULL }; const FuncRec* fp = gFuncs; const FuncRec* last = fp + (sizeof(gFuncs) / sizeof(gFuncs[0])); while ( fp < last ) { help[0] = fp->name; (*fp->func)( socket, help ); ++fp; } } return 0; } static void print_prompt( int socket ) { print_to_sock( socket, false, "=> " ); } static bool dispatch_command( int sock, const char** args ) { bool result = false; const char* cmd = args[0]; const FuncRec* fp = gFuncs; const FuncRec* last = fp + (sizeof(gFuncs) / sizeof(gFuncs[0])); while ( fp < last ) { if ( 0 == strcmp( cmd, fp->name ) ) { result = (*fp->func)( sock, args ); break; } ++fp; } if ( fp == last ) { print_to_sock( sock, 1, "unknown command: \"%s\"", cmd ); result = cmd_help( sock, args ); } return result; } static void* ctrl_thread_main( void* arg ) { int socket = (int)arg; { MutexLock ml( &g_ctrlSocksMutex ); g_ctrlSocks.push_back( socket ); } for ( ; ; ) { string arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3; print_prompt( socket ); char buf[512]; ssize_t nGot = recv( socket, buf, sizeof(buf)-1, 0 ); if ( nGot <= 1 ) { /* break when just \n comes in */ break; } else if ( nGot > 2 ) { /* if nGot is 2, reuse prev string */ buf[nGot] = '\0'; istringstream cmd( buf ); cmd >> arg0 >> arg1 >> arg2 >> arg3; } const char* args[] = { arg0.c_str(), arg1.c_str(), arg2.c_str(), arg3.c_str() }; if ( dispatch_command( socket, args ) ) { break; } } close ( socket ); MutexLock ml( &g_ctrlSocksMutex ); vector::iterator iter = g_ctrlSocks.begin(); while ( iter != g_ctrlSocks.end() ) { if ( *iter == socket ) { g_ctrlSocks.erase(iter); break; } } return NULL; } /* ctrl_thread_main */ void run_ctrl_thread( int ctrl_sock ) { logf( XW_LOGINFO, "calling accept on socket %d\n", ctrl_sock ); sockaddr newaddr; socklen_t siz = sizeof(newaddr); int newSock = accept( ctrl_sock, &newaddr, &siz ); logf( XW_LOGINFO, "got one for ctrl: %d", newSock ); pthread_t thread; int result = pthread_create( &thread, NULL, ctrl_thread_main, (void*)newSock ); pthread_detach( thread ); assert( result == 0 ); } void stop_ctrl_threads() { MutexLock ml( &g_ctrlSocksMutex ); vector::iterator iter = g_ctrlSocks.begin(); while ( iter != g_ctrlSocks.end() ) { int sock = *iter++; print_to_sock( sock, 1, "relay going down..." ); close( sock ); } }