/* -*- mode: c; -*- */ /* * Copyright 1997 - 2002 by Eric House (fixin@peak.org) and others. All rights reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ /* This table is where English user-visible strings come from (all * strings meant to wind up in a str# resource, actually. Each entry * is a pair of strings, first the constant name and then the string * itself. The build system creats a str# resource with the latter * and generates a .h file of #defines using the former. */ { "STR_COMMIT_CONFIRM", "Acceptes la jugada?\n\n" }, { "STR_NOT_YOUR_TURN", "No ho pots fer; no és el teu torn!" }, { "STR_NO_PEEK_ROBOT_TILES", "No miris les fitxes de la màquina!" }, #ifndef XWFEATURE_STANDALONE_ONLY { "STR_NO_PEEK_REMOTE_TILES", "No miris les fitxes dels altres!" }, { "STR_SERVER_DICT_WINS", "Conflicte de diccionaris: mana el del servidor." }, { "STR_REG_UNEXPECTED_USER", "Jugador inesperat: no s'accepta" }, { "STR_RESEND_IR", "Error enviant el missatge; ¿reenviar?" }, #endif { "STR_TOO_FEW_TILES", "No hi ha prou fitxes." }, { "STR_VALUES_TITLE", "Quantitat i Valor" }, { "STR_VALUES_HEADER", "Quantitat[Queden] i Valor\n" }, { "STR_DOUBLE_LETTER", "Doble de lletra" }, { "STR_DOUBLE_WORD", "Doble de paraula" }, { "STR_TRIPLE_LETTER", "Triple de lletra" }, { "STR_TRIPLE_WORD", "Triple de paraula" }, { "STR_REMTILES", "Hi ha:%d" }, /* { "STR_NO_TILES_IN_POOL", "No hi ha prou fitxes a la bossa." }, */ { "STR_CANT_TRADE_MIDTURN", "Encara tens fitxes al tauler."}, { "STR_ASK_REPLACE_GAME", "Vols sobreescriure la partida?" }, { "STR_NO", "No" }, /* { "STR_CONFIRM_ERASE_GAME", "Segur que vols\n" \ */ /* "esborrar la partida?" }, */ { "STR_ABOUT_TITLE", "Sobre Crosswords" }, { "STR_DEFAULT_NAME", "Jugador %d" }, { "STR_ABOUT_CONTENT", "Crosswords " XW_PALM_VERSION_STRING ".\n" \ "Copyright 1998-2003 by Eric House. "\ "Tots els drets reservats.\n\n"\ "El manual és a www.peak.org/~fixin/xwords\n\n" \ "Aquest programa és postalware.\nSi el fas servir, " \ "envia una postal a:\n" \ "The Houses\n" \ "124 NW 7th St. No. 310\n" \ "Corvallis, OR 97330 USA\n\n" "Escrit sobre Debian GNU/Linux usant les prc-tools.\n\n" \ "Versió catalana de F. Xavier Gil\n(setimig@wanadooadsl.net)." \ }, { "STR_CONFIRM_END_GAME", "Segur que vols acabar la partida?"}, /* { "STR_TOO_MANY_TILES_SEL", "Has triat massa fitxes." }, */ /* { "STR_CONFIRM_DISCARD", "Segur que vols canviar\n" \ */ /* "les fitxes marcades?" }, */ { "STR_CONFIRM_TRADE", "Segur que vols usar el teu torn " \ "per canviar fitxes?" }, { "STR_TRADING_REMINDER", "Prem D per acabar." }, #ifndef NO_REG_REQUIRED { "STR_NOT_UNREG_VERS", "Només funciona a la versió registrada." }, #endif /* { "STRS_LANGUAGE_NAME", "Diccionari: %s\n" }, */ { "STR_NONLOCAL_NAME", "%s (remot)" }, /* { "STR_FINALSCORE_TITLE", "\n\nPuntuació final\n" }, */ /* { "STR_NO_HISTORY", "No hi ha jugades." }, */ { "STR_HISTORY_TITLE", "Jugades" }, /* { "STRS_NO_SCORE_MID_PICK", "No es pot puntuar mentre %s " \ */ /* "estigui jugant." }, */ { "STRD_REMAINING_TILES_ADD", "+ %d [fitxes sobreres]" }, { "STRD_UNUSED_TILES_SUB", "- %d [fitxes no usades]" }, /* { "STR_MOVESCORE_TITLE", "Punts" }, */ /* { "STR_ZERO_SCORE", "Punts: 0 (No hi ha jugada.)" }, */ { "STR_BONUS_ALL", "Per usar les set fitxes: 50\n" }, { "STRD_TURN_SCORE", "Parcial de la jugada: %d\n" }, /* { "STRSD_RUNNING_TOTAL", "\nAcumulat per a %s: %d" }, */ { "STR_ALL_IN_LINE_ERR", "Les fitxes no estan en línia." }, { "STR_NO_EMPTIES_ERR", "Les fitxes s'han de tocar." }, { "STR_FIRST_MOVE_ERR", "Has de posar dues o mes fitxes a " \ "la primera jugada." }, { "STR_MUST_CONTACT_ERR", "Les fitxes n'han de tocar d'altres (o " \ "el quadre central a la primera jugada)." }, /* { "STR_EDIT", "Editar" }, */ /* { "STR_USE", "Usar" }, */ //{ "STRC_BAD_BLANK_VAL", "\"%c\" no és una fitxa." }, { "STR_PTS", "Punts:" }, /* { "STR_NA", "N/A" }, */ { "STR_CONFIRM_DEL_GAME", "Segur que la vols esborrar?" }, /* { "STR_REPLACE_STR", "Canviar" }, */ /* { "STR_NEW_OR_QUIT", "El diccionari no s'ha trobat.\n" \ */ /* "Surt si no vols modificar\n" \ */ /* "la partida." }, */ { "STRD_TIME_PENALTY_SUB", " - %d [per temps]" }, { "STR_NO_DICT_INSTALLED", "Crosswords 4 necessita algun diccionari." }, /* { "STR_PASS", "No s'ha trobat cap jugada."}, */ /* { "STR_TRADED", "El robot canvia fitxes."}, */ { "STR_ILLEGAL_WORD", "Ep!, %s no està al diccionari." }, { "STR_FINAL_SCORES_TITLE", "Puntuació final"}, { "STRD_CUMULATIVE_SCORE", "Acumulat: %d\n" }, { "STRS_TRAY_AT_START", "Faristol inicial: %s\n" }, { "STRS_MOVE_ACROSS", "jugada (%s, horitzontal)\n" }, { "STRS_MOVE_DOWN", "jugada (%s, vertical)\n" }, { "STRS_NEW_TILES", "Noves fitxes: %s\n" }, { "STRSS_TRADED_FOR", "Canvi de %s per %s." }, { "STR_PASS", "passa\n" }, { "STR_PHONY_REJECTED", "Mot incorrecte; torn perdut!\n" }, { "STR_ROBOT_MOVED", "The robot made this move:\n" }, { "STR_REMOTE_MOVED", "Remote player made this move:\n" }, { "STRD_ROBOT_TRADED", "%d tiles traded this turn." }, { "STR_ROBOT_TITLE", "Punts del robot" }, { "STR_PICK_BLANK", "Select the letter for your blank." }, #ifdef FEATURE_TRAY_EDIT { "STRS_PICK_TILE", "Choose a new tile for %s." }, #endif #ifdef NODE_CAN_4 { "STR_CONFIRM_CONVERTDICT", "Do you want to convert any existing Crosswords " \ "dictionaries to the new format? " \ "The change is not reversible." }, { "STRS_CONFIRM_ONEDICT", "Convert dictionary %s?" }, #endif