Ajouter une partie
Ajouter un groupe
%1$s (%2$s)
%1$s (robot)
(pas encore ici…)
Configuré pour le salon
En attente de joueurs pour le salon
Partie en cours dans le salon \"%1$s\"
Partie finie dans le salon \"%1$s\"
Partie finie
%1$d coups joués
Listes de mots…
Paramètres de l\'application…
Vérifier les coups
Vérification de coups, etc, sur le relai
Aucune partie trouvée se connectant par ce relai.
À propos de Crosswords…
Actions pour \"%1$s\" :
Paramètres de la partie…
Déplacer vers le groupe…
Effacer la partie
Utiliser comme modèle
Les parties qui sont déjà connectées au
relai ne peuvent pas être copiées. Utilisez \"Utiliser comme modèle\" pour
obtenir une copie avec les mêmes paramètres.
Renommer la partie
Changer le nom de la partie pour :
Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir effacer les
%1$d parties sélectionnées ? Cette action ne peut pas être annulée.
Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir recommencer les %1$d
parties sélectionnées ?\n\n(Recommencer fait perdre tous les coups et
toutes les informations de connexion.)
Listes de mots Crosswords
En télécharger d\'autres…
Changer l\'emplacement de stockage
Utiliser par défaut
Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir effacer les
listes de mots %1$s ?
Effacer %1$s vous laissera sans
liste de mots en %2$s. Une ou plusieurs parties seront inutilisables (jusqu\'à
ce que vous téléchargiez une liste de remplacement.)
Pour quels joueurs la liste %1$s
devrait être celle par défaut pour les nouvelles parties ? (La langue %2$s sera
celle par défaut pour les deux.)
Les deux
Emplacement pour la liste de mots %1$s
Paramètres pour %1$s
Paramètres de %1$s (en réseau)
Langues (basé sur les listes de mots
Bloquer les paramètres
Joueurs (toucher pour modifier)
Joueurs (%1$d locaux, %2$d
Ajouter un joueur
Mélanger les joueurs
Langue de la partie
Langue/Liste de mots de la partie
Rejoindre un salon public
Nom du salon
Rendre le nouveau salon public
Sélectionner le salon public
Recherche de salons publics pour
des parties à %1$d joueurs en %2$s.
Aucun salon public trouvé pour des parties
à %1$d dans %2$s
Autres paramètres
Autoriser les indications
Autoriser les indications (en réseau)
Activer le chronomètre
Nombre de minutes par joueur :
Quel est le degré d\'intelligence du
joueur robot ?
Robot intelligent
Robot plus intelligent
Robot le plus intelligent
Comment gérer les \"mots faux\" (mots
qui ne sont pas dans la liste de mots)
Ignorer les mots faux
Avertir si il y a des mots faux
Interdire les mots faux
Au moins un joueur doit être
indiqué "distant" pour une partie démarrée comme hôte.
(Joueur hors-périphérique)
Cette partie est en cours. Si vous enregistrez ces
changements, elle doit être recommencée. Voulez-vous enregistrer ces
changements ?
Confirmer l\'enregistrement
Joueur[s] hors-périphérique
Lors d\'une partie multi-périphériques il faut au
moins un joueur sur ce périphérique et un autre extérieur. Vérifiez les joueurs
Premier joueur modifié.
Modifier le joueur
Joueur hors-périphérique
Nom :
Liste de mots (en %1$s)
Listes de mots installées (en %1$s)
Joueur robot
Mot de passe
Valider l\'échange
Annuler l\'échange
Toucher des jetons pour les sélectionner…
(Pas encore de coups)
Il manque %1$d joueur[s] distant[s] à cette
partie. Voulez-vous inviter quelqu\'un -- à moins que vous ne l\'ayiez déjà
fait ?
(ou toucher pour inviter -- si un autre
périphérique a aussi Android Beam et est proche.)
%1$d joueur[s] manquant[s]
\u0020(Si vous attendez plusieurs joueurs
distants. Assurez-vous d\'envoyer votre invitation à ce nombre de personnes.)
Le périphérique %1$d est connecté au
relai dans le salon \"%2$s\". En attente de %3$d joueur[s].
Tous les joueurs sont présents dans
le salon \"%1$s\".
Problème de connexion
Vous fournissez plus de joueurs que ce que
l\'hôte attend.
Aucun hôte n\'a créé de salon de ce nom.
Un autre hôte a déjà créé un salon utilisant ce
nom. Renommer le vôtre ou réessayer plus tard.
Le relai a perdu le contact avec un autre
périphérique dans cette partie.
Cette partie a été effacée sur un autre
périphérique. Vous pourrez plus la jouer.
Mot[s] %1$s non trouvés dans la liste de
mots %2$s.
\u0020Voulez-vous malgré tout accepter ce
coup ?
Tour perdu.
Mots illégaux
Tour joué
Cacher le chevalet
Afficher le chevalet
Annuler le dernier tour
Partie ->
Comptes et valeurs…
Jetons restants…
Historique de la partie…
Scores finaux
Renvoyer les messages
Renvoi fini ; %1$d message[s] envoyé[s].
Le robot %1$s a joué ce coup :\u0020
a échangé %1$d jetons.
Comptes/valeurs en %1$s :\n
+ %1$d [tous les jetons
- %1$d [jetons inutilisés]
Nouveaux jetons : %1$s
Score cumulatif : %1$d\n
Le joueur distant %1$s a joué ce coup :\u0020
- %1$d [temps]
A passé son tour\n
coup (depuis %1$s horizontalement
coup (depuis %1$s verticalement)
Chevalet au départ : %1$s\n
A échangé %1$s contre %2$s.
Mot illégal pour le coup ; tour perdu !
Valider le coup courrant ?\n
%1$s (distant)
Prime pour avoir utilisé tous les jetons :
Score pour le tour : %1$d\n
%1$d jetons restants dans le sac.
%1$d jetons restants dans le sac et
tous les chevalets :\n
Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir annuler le
dernier tour validé ? (Il n\'y a pas d\'option pour le rétablir.)
Paramètres de Crosswords
Tout rétablir
Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir redonner à tous les paramètres de couleurs leurs valeurs d\'origine ?
Rétablir les couleurs
Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir redonner à tous les paramètres leurs valeurs d\'origine ?
Par défaut pour les nouvelles parties
Paramètres par défaut pour les nouvelles parties
Noms des joueurs
Noms par défaut des joueurs
Premier joueur
Deuxième joueur
Troisième joueur
Quatrième joueur
Joueur humain
Pas encore utilisé…
Listes de mots
Listes de mots par défaut
Liste de mots pour les humains
Liste de mots pour les robots
Activer les indications
Activer les indications pour les parties à deux périphériques
Mélanger les joueurs
Aléatoirement, pour les nouvelles parties
Gérer les mots faux
Nombre de minutes par joueur
Taille du plateau
Paramètres contrôlant l\'apparance
Inclure dans la liste des parties
Langue de la partie\u200C
Noms des adversaires
État du jeu
Cacher la barre de titre
Cacher le nom de la partie permet au plateau d\'être légèrement plus grand
Afficher la flèche du plateau
Les jetons du chevalet touchés se mettent sur cette flèche quand elle est visible
Garder l\'écran allumé
Garder l\'écran allumé pendant 10 min
Couleurs individuelles
Modifier les couleurs utilisées sur le
Lettre compte double
Lettre compte triple
Mot compte double
Mot compte triple
Couleur du réticule
Fond des jetons
Case vide/arrière-plan
Fond du plateau
Indication de prime dans la case
Paramètres contrôlant le comportement
de l\'application
Expliquer les coups des autres
Afficher le résumé du score après le
tour de chaque robot ou joueur distant
Sauter la confirmation du tour
NE PAS afficher le résumé du score
après le tour de chaque humain
Trier les nouveaux jetons
Trier les chevalets quand des nouveaux
jetons sont ajoutés
Zoom avec les touches de volume
Zoom du plateau avec les touches de
Voir les jetons en dehors du tour
Toucher un nom sur le tableau d\'affichage
montre les jetons de ce joueur
Désactiver le réticule
Ne pas indiquer visuellement quelle
case du plateau est touchée
Paramètres des parties en réseau
Paramètres qui s\'appliquent aux
parties en réseau
Vérification des coups en arrière-plan
Ne jamais vérifier
Toutes les 5 minutes
Toutes les 15 minutes
Toutes les 30 minutes
Toutes les heures
Toutes les six heures
Une fois par jour
Jouer un son
Quand les coups d\'un adversaire
Nouvelle partie uniquement locale
Créer une nouvelle partie pour
laquelle tous les joueurs seront sur ce périphérique. Pour jouer contre un
robot et avec les paramètres par défaut (en %1$s, etc.) appuyez juste sur
\"Jouer maintenant\". Pour ajouter des joueurs ou changer les paramètres de la
partie, appuyez sur \"Configurer d\'abord\".
Jouer maintenant
Configurer d\'abord
Nouvelle partie en réseau
Créer une partie qui sera jouée en
réseau. Le bouton \"Inviter maintenant\" démarre un partie à deux périphériques
et vous aide à inviter un ami à la rejoindre. Ou appuyez sur \"Configurer
d\'abord\" pour changer quelques paramètres avant de démarrer votre partie en
réseau. (Vous pourrez envoyer des invitations plus tard.)
Inviter maintenant
Nouvelle partie par Bluetooth
Let\'s play Crosswords (Room %1$s)
\u003Ca href=\"%1$s\"\u003ETap
here\u003C/a\u003E (or tap the full link below, or, if you already
have Crosswords installed, open the attachment) to accept my
invitation and join this game.
\u003Cbr \\\u003E
\u003Cbr \\\u003E
(full link: %1$s )
Let\'s play Crosswords! Join this game:
%1$s .
Send invitation via %1$s
Are you sure you want to exchange the
%1$d selected tiles (%2$s)?
%1$s message history
Not me:\u0020
Clear history
Player name
Advanced game settings
This game cannot connect without a
room name.
All tiles played must be in a
Empty squares cannot
separate tiles played.
Must play two or more
pieces on the first move.
New pieces must contact
others already in place (or the middle square on the first
You can\'t do that; it\'s not
your turn!
No peeking at the robot\'s
No peeking at remote
players\' tiles!
Too few tiles left
to exchange.
Tile assignment can\'t be
The hint feature is
disabled for this game. Enable it for a new game using the
Settings dialog.
Refused attempt to register
unexpected user[s].
Conflict between Host and
Guest wordlists; Host wins.
Downloading %1$s…
Wordlist not found
A wordlist this game is using has
disappeared. (Usually this means it\'s on an external card that
is no longer available.)
Close game
Game \"%1$s\" requires a %2$s wordlist.
Please download one before opening.
Unable to open game \"%1$s\" because
wordlist %2$s not found. (It may have been deleted, or stored
on an external card that is no longer available.)\n\nYou can
download a replacement or substitute another %3$s
Substitute wordlist (wordcount)
Password for \"%1$s\":
Game %1$d
Player %1$d
Move in game %1$s
You already have a game that seems
to have been created (on %1$s) from the same invitation. Are you
sure you want to create another?
Letter for blank
Remaining tiles
Tile Counts and Values
Game History
Final scores\u200C
Are you sure you want to resign?
A question…
Here\'s a tip
Do not show again
This action checks the relay for
pending moves/messages for all networked games and flags those
with pending moves. When you open a flagged game it will connect
and sync. (In a later release these moves will be downloaded in
the background.)
You are entering tile-exchange
mode.\n\nTap tiles to add/remove them from the set to be
Use the buttons to
commit your turn or exit exchange mode.
Use the menu or action bar
to commit your turn or exit exchange mode.
This button shows all possible
moves in ascending order (using tiles to the right of the rack
This button shows all possible
moves in descending order (using tiles to the right of the rack
This button randomly rearranges
tiles in the rack.
This button flips the board across a
diagonal axis.
This button toggles the board
between zoomed and regular size. Drag it when it is zoomed to
see parts that are hidden.
This button undos or redoes the
current turn.
This button opens the screen for
messaging between devices in this game. Messages will be kept
until you delete the game that contains them.
This button changes whether the
board shows letters on placed tiles or their point values.
Use it to remind yourself what a tile is worth.
Tapping the \"pts\" counter that
appears at the right end of the rack is the easiest way to
commit a move.
This game is in play. Some
settings, e.g. the number of players, cannot be changed without
restarting it. When you leave this page you will have a chance
to discard changes to avoid a restart.
You have connected and started
a game in a new room. Once the remaining devices have joined
your room and Crosswords has assigned them tiles the game can
You have connected and joined a
game on the relay. You will be notified when the remaining
device[s] have joined your room and play can begin.
You have connected and joined a
game on the relay; the room is now full. The device that
created the room will now assign your initial tiles and play can
Moving tiles to the board:\nYou can
drag tiles between the rack and the board, or you can tap an
empty square to place the board arrow. Rack tiles you tap will
replace the arrow (moving it one square in the direction it
points.) Tap the arrow once to change its orientation; a second
time, to hide it. A checkbox in the Appearance section of
Settings will hide it permanently.
The player whose turn it is
is drawn large in the scoreboard.\n\nHold your finger on a name in
the scoreboard to get details about that player\'s most recent
Create a new ready-to-play game
using all the settings from this one. That is, treat this game
as a template.
Thanks for installing
Crosswords!\n\nFeel free to enter your name here. It will be used
when creating new games. (You can change it later in the \"New
game default\" section of Settings.)
Crosswords for Android, Version %1$s,
rev %2$s, built on %3$s.
Copyright (C) 1998-2015 by Eric
House. This free/open source software is released under the GNU Public
For a manual or sourcecode see:
http://xwords.sf.net/android.php. To report bugs, suggest
features, offer to help, etc., please email:
Toolbar icons by Sarah Chu.
Recent changes
Recent changes\u200C
Look up words
Look up/study words
Look up %1$s
Look up/study %1$s
Tap to look up
Tap to look up or study
Done with %1$s
Look up %1$s at
This button lets you look up,
online, the words just played.
New group
First letters
Undo last\u200C
Pick for me
Tile picker\n(so far: %1$s)
Pick tiles face-up
%1$s (%2$d words using %3$d-%4$d
%1$s (%2$d words using %3$d
No word in %1$s starts with
This button opens the wordlist
browser on the current player\'s wordlist.
This button opens the wordlist
browser on the wordlist of your choice.
The wordlist %1$s contains only
tile information. There are no words to browse.
Min length
Max length
Words no shorter than
Words no longer than
Email author
Comment about Crosswords
Send comment via
(If relevant, please include the
version: \"%1$s\"; and make/model of your phone or
Add all Paired
Remove checked
Sending invitation to Crosswords on %1$s
Waiting for connection[s]
Game over\u200C
Game in play
New game via Bluetooth
From a player on the device %1$s wants to start a game
The version of Crosswords on
\"%1$s\" is incompatible with this one for play using
Bluetooth. One of you may need to upgrade before you can
Invitation via Bluetooth
One or more moves has arrived
Please select the %1$d device[s]
you want to include in this game. Use the \"%2$s\"
button if you don\'t see a device you expect.
Bluetooth send to %1$s failed; retry %3$d in
%2$d seconds.
Bluetooth sends to %1$s have failed too many
times. Re-open the game to try again.
Invite checked
Bluetooth Invitation
SMS Invitation
Bluetooth game name
New SMS Game
SMS Game %1$X
New game via SMS
%1$s has invited you to play
Import contact
Please check the %1$d phone
number[s] you want to invite to your new game, then tap \"%2$s\".
(Not in contacts)
The number %1$s for %2$s is not
a \"mobile\" number. Import anyway?
This phone list is empty. Use the
\"Import contact\" button to add people you want to invite, the +
button to enter numbers directly.
Enter phone number:
Are you sure you want to delete the
checked phone number[s]?
Connection (via SMS/text)
Connected number[s]:
Game in play with %1$s
Are you certain this number is on an
account with unlimited texting? Click cancel if you are not.
Remote device undid a turn.
Prev hint
Next hint
Juggle rack
Flip board
Zoom in/out
Toggle values
Browse wordlist
Building game summary…
This is a standalone game. There is
no network status.
Network status for game connected via
Last send was %1$s (%2$s)
(Last failure was %1$s)
(Last successful send was
Last receipt was %1$s
No messages have been received.
Allow games via SMS
Only if you have unlimited texting!
Confirm your SMS plan
Warning: This feature is meant for
phones with unlimited texting plans. Once you enable it dozens of
SMS (text) messages will be sent (invisibly) for each game
played. If you don\'t have an unlimited plan your carrier may
charge you for each and every message!\n\nShould play via SMS be
Enable play via SMS?
No: leave disabled
Yes: I have unlimited texting
Yes: I\'ll pay all carrier charges
Play via SMS is currently
disabled, so no moves will be sent for this game. (If you want to
enable play via SMS, go to Settings->Network game settings.)
Check for updates
Everything is up-to-date.
New wordlist available
Tap to update %1$s
New version of %1$s
Tap to download and install
You and the host of this
game are using different versions of the wordlist %1$s.
Wordlist mismatch
You are using the wordlist
%1$s but the game host is using %2$s. Would you like to use %3$s
\u0020(You will have to download it
Reloading game with %1$s
Game invitation pending
Tap to download missing wordlist
Missing wordlist
%1$s has invited you to
play Crosswords using the wordlist %2$s (for play in %3$s), but it
is not installed. Would you like to download the wordlist or
decline the invitation?
You have been
invited to play Crosswords using the wordlist %2$s (for play in
%3$s), but it is not installed. Would you like to download the
Download finished
Download unsuccessful
Store wordlists internally
(Not in external/sdcard memory)
Downloads Directory
Name your new group:
Delete group
Put new games here
Move up
Move down
My games
New games
Are you sure you want to delete
the %1$d selected group[s]?
\n\n(%1$d game[s] will
also be deleted.)
Change the name of this group to:
Name group
The group for new games, %1$s,
cannot be deleted.
%1$s (%2$d games)
Square rack tiles
Even if they can be taller
Move selected games to:
Wordlist browser
Message from relay
Tapping a game opens it.\n\nYou
can instead tap the icons at the left to select or deselect games,
then act on selected games, e.g. to delete them, using the menu or
The back button clears any
selection instead of exiting. Hit it again to exit the
Games: %1$d
Groups: %1$d
Thumbnail size
Invitation received but ignored: it
has already been used to create a game.
%1$s (in use)
NFC is turned off on this device. You
can use the Android Settings app to turn it on .
Launch Settings
Tap the receiving device now
Rate Crosswords
Google Play app not found
Add %1$s to studylist
Enable studylists
Offer to add to and display lists
of words to remember
Copy to clipboard
Delete selected
Are you sure you want to
delete the %1$d selected word[s]?\n\n(This action cannot be undone.)
%1$d word[s] copied
%1$s added to %2$s studylist
Studylist for %1$s
Your words for:
You have not yet saved any words
into a studylist for %1$s.
You have not yet saved any words
into a studylist.
The selected words will be
copied to the system clipboard. You can then paste them into any
app that supports pasting text, e.g. an email app.
Word lookup
Select all
Unselect all
Selected: %1$d
%1$s (official)
%1$s (yours)
Installed %1$d new translations
Enable local translating
Add option to every screen menu
SMS Data is only available on GSM phones.
Filter by:
Search for:
Latest screen
Latest menu
Modified by me
Copy English
Copy official
Illegal translation: a translated
string must have the same format specifiers (e.g. %1$s) as the
This string has special format
specifiers (e.g. %1$s). Please be sure that your translation has
the same ones as the original.\n\n(You will not be able to save it
unless it does.)
Fetching wordlist information from server…
Processing wordlist information…
Unable to fetch wordlist information
from server.
Get info
Delete wordlist[s]
Show downloadable
Updates are available for one or more
installed wordlists. Would you like to download the new
version[s] of %1$s now?
Number of words: %1$d\nDownload size:
%2$dK\nNote: %3$s
Tap to download
%1$s (%2$d wordlists)
This screen lets you install new
wordslists and view the ones you already have.\n\nWhat wordlists
you have installed determines:\n• What languages you can play
in\n• How smart the robot player is\n• What words are
legal.\n\nCheck the \"Show downloadable\" box at the top to see
what\'s available.
Force tablet layout
Even if my screen is too small
Reminder: It\'s your turn
%1$d minute[s]
%1$d hour[s]
%1$d day[s]
%1$s moved more than %2$s ago.
Last warning: %1$s
Your opponent
%1$s passed (0 points)
%1$s played %2$s for %3$d points
%1$s traded %2$d tiles
%1$s lost a turn
Tiles assigned to %1$s
%1$d bluetooth errors so far
You currently have no paired Bluetooth
devices. Would you like to open the Android Settings Panel to add
one or more?\n\n(You may also need to open it on the device you
want to pair with.)
Unable to connect to Crosswords
on the device %1$s. Please check that the device is within range
and that Crosswords is installed on it.
Default language
Change the name of this game
(on this device only) to:
Connection (via %1$s)
Hide newgame buttons
Hiding the newgame buttons in
the main screen makes more games visible
The version of Crosswords on the
phone with number \"%1$s\" is incompatible with this one for play
using SMS. One of you may need to upgrade before you can
Name your game
New game name:
%1$s copy
Bluetooth is currently off on this
device. No moves will be sent via Bluetooth.\n\nYou can enable
Bluetooth now, or later.
Enable SMS
Enable Bluetooth
New one-device game
New networked game
Would you like to create this game
using default settings?\n\nOr would you like to configure it
This game must be
configured before it can be opened.
(You will have a chance to
invite other players when it is open.)
Use defaults
Number on this device
%1$d player[s]
Duplicate invitation rejected:
device \"%1$s\" has already accepted an invitation to this
For experienced players
Invite multiple
Invite more than one player per remote device
Enable public rooms
Rooms others can see and join
Change Communicate via
Hide buttons
These two buttons do
the same thing as the first two items in this window\'s Action Bar
(or menu). If you like you can hide the buttons to make more games
visible.\n\n(If you later want to unhide them go to the Appearance
section of App settings).
Waiting for players
(This dialog will stay up until all
remote players have connected. You can close the game if you
expect it to take a while. They will still be able to
To invite via NFC just touch the back
of this device against the one you want to invite—any time the
game is open.
Every networked game must have at
least one way of communicating. If you have no default connection
options every new networked game will have to be configured
This game has no way to connect
and cannot be saved. Would you like to discard your changes, or
edit to give it a way to connect?
Discard changes
Issuing rematch invitation. You will
see this message until it has been accepted.\n\nYou do not need to
keep this game open while waiting. You will be notified when the
game is ready to play.
Public rooms have been made
an \"advanced\" feature in this release. If you were using them
and want them back, enable them now. You can turn them off again
in Settings.
For debugging
You should never need these...
Relay host
Invite redirect host
Wordlist download URL
Enable logging
(release builds only)
Enable debug features
Menuitems etc. (release builds
Send SMS as data
(GSM phones only)
Network stats
Game network stats
Source version id
Relay game port
Relay device port
Write DB to SD card
Load DB from SD card
Accept duplicate invites
Fake locale for translation
Accept invitations more than once
Reminder intervals (minutes1,minutes2,...)
Enable NFC to self
Fake invitation to aid debugging
Short-circuit SMS to self
Skip radio when phone numbers same
Pretend to have radio
Don\'t pretend
Tablet/no radio
Send via NFC to self?