/* -*- compile-command: "make MEMDEBUG=TRUE -j3"; -*- */ /* * Copyright 2020 by Eric House (xwords@eehouse.org). All rights reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include #include #include "curgamlistwin.h" struct CursGameList { WINDOW* window; int width, height; int curSel; int yOffset; GSList* games; sqlite3* pDb; }; static void adjustCurSel( CursGameList* cgl ); CursGameList* cgl_init( sqlite3* pDb, int width, int height ) { CursGameList* cgl = g_malloc0( sizeof( *cgl ) ); cgl->pDb = pDb; cgl->window = newwin( height, width, 0, 0 ); XP_LOGF( "%s(): made window with height=%d, width=%d", __func__, height, width ); cgl->width = width; cgl->height = height; return cgl; } void cgl_destroy( CursGameList* cgl ) { g_slist_free_full( cgl->games, g_free ); delwin( cgl->window ); g_free( cgl ); } static void addOne( CursGameList* cgl, sqlite3_int64 rowid ) { GameInfo gib; if ( getGameInfo( cgl->pDb, rowid, &gib ) ) { GameInfo* gibp = g_malloc( sizeof(*gibp) ); *gibp = gib; cgl->games = g_slist_append( cgl->games, gibp ); } } /* Load from the DB */ void cgl_refresh( CursGameList* cgl ) { g_slist_free_full( cgl->games, g_free ); cgl->games = NULL; sqlite3* pDb = cgl->pDb; GSList* games = listGames( pDb ); for ( GSList* iter = games; !!iter; iter = iter->next ) { sqlite3_int64* rowid = (sqlite3_int64*)iter->data; addOne( cgl, *rowid ); } cgl_draw( cgl ); } static GSList* findFor( CursGameList* cgl, sqlite3_int64 rowid ) { GSList* result = NULL; for ( GSList* iter = cgl->games; !!iter && !result; iter = iter->next ) { GameInfo* gib = (GameInfo*)iter->data; if ( gib->rowid == rowid ) { result = iter; } } return result; } void cgl_refreshOne( CursGameList* cgl, sqlite3_int64 rowid, bool select ) { // Update the info. In place if it exists, otherwise creating a new list // elem GameInfo gib; if ( getGameInfo( cgl->pDb, rowid, &gib ) ) { GameInfo* found; GSList* elem = findFor( cgl, rowid ); if ( !!elem ) { found = (GameInfo*)elem->data; *found = gib; } else { found = g_malloc( sizeof(*found) ); *found = gib; cgl->games = g_slist_append( cgl->games, found ); } if ( select ) { cgl->curSel = g_slist_index( cgl->games, found ); } adjustCurSel( cgl ); } } void cgl_remove( CursGameList* cgl, sqlite3_int64 rowid ) { GSList* elem = findFor( cgl, rowid ); if ( !!elem ) { g_free( elem->data ); cgl->games = g_slist_delete_link( cgl->games, elem ); } adjustCurSel( cgl ); } void cgl_moveSel( CursGameList* cgl, bool down ) { int nGames = g_slist_length( cgl->games ); cgl->curSel += nGames + (down ? 1 : -1); cgl->curSel %= nGames; adjustCurSel( cgl ); } static void adjustCurSel( CursGameList* cgl ) { XP_LOGF( "%s() start: curSel: %d; yOffset: %d", __func__, cgl->curSel, cgl->yOffset ); int nGames = g_slist_length( cgl->games ); if ( cgl->curSel >= nGames ) { cgl->curSel = nGames - 1; } /* Now adjust yOffset */ int nVisRows = cgl->height - 2; /* 1 for the title and header rows */ if ( cgl->curSel - cgl->yOffset >= nVisRows ) { cgl->yOffset = cgl->curSel - nVisRows + 1; } else { while ( cgl->curSel < cgl->yOffset ) { --cgl->yOffset; } } XP_LOGF( "%s() end: curSel: %d; yOffset: %d", __func__, cgl->curSel, cgl->yOffset ); cgl_draw( cgl ); } static int countBits( int bits ) { int result = 0; while ( 0 != bits ) { ++result; bits &= bits - 1; } return result; } static const char* codeToLang( XP_LangCode langCode ) { const char* langName = "<\?\?\?>"; switch( langCode ) { case 1: langName = "English"; break; case 2: langName = "French"; break; case 3: langName = "German"; break; case 4: langName = "Turkish";break; case 5: langName = "Arabic"; break; case 6: langName = "Spanish"; break; case 7: langName = "Swedish"; break; case 8:langName = "Polish";; break; case 9: langName = "Danish"; break; case 10: langName = "Italian"; break; case 11: langName = "Dutch"; break; case 12: langName = "Catalan"; break; case 13: langName = "Portuguese"; break; case 15: langName = "Russian"; break; case 17: langName = "Czech"; break; case 18: langName = "Greek"; break; case 19: langName = "Slovak"; break; default: XP_LOGF( "%s(): bad code %d", __func__, langCode ); break; // XP_ASSERT(0); } return langName; } void cgl_draw( CursGameList* cgl ) { WINDOW* win = cgl->window; werase( win ); const int nGames = g_slist_length( cgl->games ); /* Draw '+' at far right if scrollable */ int nBelow = nGames - (cgl->height-2) - cgl->yOffset; XP_LOGF( "%s(): yOffset: %d; nBelow: %d", __func__, cgl->yOffset, nBelow ); if ( 0 < nBelow ) { mvwaddstr( win, cgl->height-2, cgl->width - 1, "+" ); } if ( 0 < cgl->yOffset ) { mvwaddstr( win, 0, cgl->width-1, "+" ); } const char* cols[] = {"Row", "RowID", "Lang", "Scores", "GameID", "Role", "Room", "nTotal", "nMissing", "Seed", "nMoves", "Turn", "nPend", }; int nShown = nGames <= cgl->height - 2 ? nGames : cgl->height - 2; char* data[nShown + 1][VSIZE(cols)]; for ( int ii = 0; ii < VSIZE(cols); ++ii ) { data[0][ii] = g_strdup(cols[ii]); } int line = 1; for ( int ii = 0; ii < nShown; ++ii ) { const GameInfo* gi = g_slist_nth_data( cgl->games, ii + cgl->yOffset ); int col = 0; data[line][col++] = g_strdup_printf( "%d", ii + cgl->yOffset + 1 ); /* 1-based */ data[line][col++] = g_strdup_printf( "%05lld", gi->rowid ); data[line][col++] = g_strdup( codeToLang(gi->dictLang) ); data[line][col++] = g_strdup( gi->scores ); data[line][col++] = g_strdup_printf( "%d", gi->gameID ); data[line][col++] = g_strdup_printf( "%d", gi->role ); data[line][col++] = g_strdup( gi->room ); data[line][col++] = g_strdup_printf( "%d", gi->nTotal ); data[line][col++] = g_strdup_printf( "%d", countBits(gi->nMissing) ); data[line][col++] = g_strdup_printf( "%d", gi->seed ); data[line][col++] = g_strdup_printf( "%d", gi->nMoves ); data[line][col++] = g_strdup_printf( "%d", gi->turn ); data[line][col++] = g_strdup_printf( "%d", gi->nPending ); XP_ASSERT( col == VSIZE(data[line]) ); ++line; } int maxlen = 0; int offset = 0; for ( int col = 0; col < VSIZE(data[0]); ++col ) { for ( int line = 0; line < VSIZE(data); ++line ) { char* str = data[line][col]; int len = strlen(str); if ( maxlen < len ) { maxlen = len; } bool highlight = cgl->yOffset + line - 1 == cgl->curSel; if ( highlight ) { wstandout( win ); } mvwaddstr( win, line + 1, offset, str ); if ( highlight ) { wstandend( win ); } g_free( str ); } offset += maxlen + 2; maxlen = 0; } char buf[cgl->width + 1]; snprintf( buf, VSIZE(buf), "%d games total", nGames ); mvwaddstr( win, 0, 0, buf ); wrefresh( win ); } const GameInfo* cgl_getSel( CursGameList* cgl ) { return g_slist_nth_data( cgl->games, cgl->curSel ); } int cgl_getNGames( CursGameList* cgl ) { return g_slist_length( cgl->games ); }