#!/usr/bin/perl # # Copyright 2004 by Eric House (xwords@eehouse.org) # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # Given a .pdb or .xwd file, print all the words in the DAWG to # stdout. use strict; use Fcntl; use Encode 'from_to'; use Encode; my $gInFile; my $gDoRaw = 0; my $gFileType; my $gNodeSize; use Fcntl 'SEEK_CUR'; sub systell { sysseek($_[0], 0, SEEK_CUR) } sub usage() { print STDERR "USAGE: $0 " . "[-raw] " . "-dict " . "\n" . "\t(Takes a .pdb or .xwd and prints its words to stdout)\n"; exit 1; } sub parseARGV() { while ( my $parm = shift(@ARGV) ) { if ( $parm eq "-raw" ) { $gDoRaw = 1; } elsif ( $parm eq "-dict" ) { $gInFile = shift(@ARGV); } else { usage(); } } if ( $gInFile =~ m|.xwd$| ) { $gFileType = "xwd"; } elsif ( $gInFile =~ m|.pdb$| ) { $gFileType = "pdb"; } else { usage(); } } # parseARGV sub countSpecials($) { my ( $facesRef ) = @_; my $count = 0; map { ++$count if ( ord($_) < 32 ); } @$facesRef; return $count; } # countSpecials sub readXWDFaces($$$) { my ( $fh, $facRef, $nSpecials ) = @_; my ( $buf, $nRead, $nChars, $nBytes ); $nRead = sysread( $fh, $buf, 1 ); $nBytes = unpack( 'c', $buf ); printf STDERR "nBytes of faces: %d\n", $nBytes; $nRead = sysread( $fh, $buf, 1 ); $nChars = unpack( 'c', $buf ); printf STDERR "nChars of faces: %d\n", $nChars; binmode( $fh, ":encoding(utf8)" ) or die "binmode(:utf-8) failed\n"; sysread( $fh, $buf, $nChars ); length($buf) == $nChars or die "didn't read expected number of bytes\n"; binmode( $fh ) or die "binmode failed\n"; print STDERR "string now: $buf\n"; my @faces; for ( my $ii = 0; $ii < $nChars; ++$ii ) { my $chr = substr( $buf, $ii, 1 ); print STDERR "pushing $chr \n"; push( @faces, $chr ); } printf STDERR "at 0x%x after reading faces\n", systell($fh); ${$nSpecials} = countSpecials( \@faces ); @{$facRef} = @faces; printf STDERR "readXWDFaces=>%d\n", $nChars; return $nChars; } # readXWDFaces sub skipBitmap($) { my ( $fh ) = @_; my $buf; sysread( $fh, $buf, 1 ); my $nCols = unpack( 'C', $buf ); if ( $nCols > 0 ) { sysread( $fh, $buf, 1 ); my $nRows = unpack( 'C', $buf ); my $nBytes = (($nRows * $nCols) + 7) / 8; sysread( $fh, $buf, $nBytes ); } printf STDERR "skipBitmap\n"; } # skipBitmap sub getSpecials($$$) { my ( $fh, $nSpecials, $specRef ) = @_; my @specials; for ( my $i = 0; $i < $nSpecials; ++$i ) { my $buf; sysread( $fh, $buf, 1 ); my $len = unpack( 'C', $buf ); sysread( $fh, $buf, $len ); push( @specials, $buf ); skipBitmap( $fh ); skipBitmap( $fh ); } @{$specRef} = @specials; } # getSpecials sub readNodesToEnd($) { my ( $fh ) = @_; my @nodes; my $count = 0; my $offset = 4 - $gNodeSize; my ( $buf, $nRead ); do { $nRead = sysread( $fh, $buf, $gNodeSize, $offset ); $count += $nRead; my $node = unpack( 'N', $buf ); push( @nodes, $node ); } while ( $nRead == $gNodeSize ); die "out of sync? nRead=$nRead, count=$count" if $nRead != 0; return @nodes; } # readNodesToEnd sub nodeSizeFromFlags($) { my ( $flags ) = @_; if ( $flags == 4 ) { return 3; } elsif ( $flags == 5 ) { return 4; } else { die "invalid dict flags $flags"; } } # nodeSizeFromFlags sub mergeSpecials($$) { my ( $facesRef, $specialsRef ) = @_; for ( my $i = 0; $i < @$facesRef; ++$i ) { my $ref = ord($$facesRef[$i]); if ( $ref < 32 ) { $$facesRef[$i] = $$specialsRef[$ref]; #print STDERR "set $ref to $$specialsRef[$ref]\n"; } } } sub prepXWD($$$$) { my ( $fh, $facRef, $nodesRef, $startRef ) = @_; printf STDERR "at 0x%x at start\n", systell($fh); my $buf; my $nRead = sysread( $fh, $buf, 2 ); my $flags = unpack( "n", $buf ); $gNodeSize = nodeSizeFromFlags( $flags ); my $nSpecials; my $faceCount = readXWDFaces( $fh, $facRef, \$nSpecials ); printf STDERR "at 0x%x before header read\n", systell($fh); # skip xloc header $nRead = sysread( $fh, $buf, 2 ); # skip values info. printf STDERR "at 0x%x before reading %d values\n", systell($fh), $faceCount; sysread( $fh, $buf, $faceCount * 2 ); printf STDERR "at 0x%x after values read\n", systell($fh); printf STDERR "at 0x%x before specials read\n", systell($fh); my @specials; getSpecials( $fh, $nSpecials, \@specials ); mergeSpecials( $facRef, \@specials ); printf STDERR "at 0x%x after specials read\n", systell($fh); printf STDERR "at 0x%x before offset read\n", systell($fh); sysread( $fh, $buf, 4 ); $$startRef = unpack( 'N', $buf ); print STDERR "startRef=$$startRef\n"; my @nodes = readNodesToEnd( $fh ); @$nodesRef = @nodes; print STDERR "prepXWD done\n"; } # prepXWD sub readPDBSpecials($$$$$) { my ( $fh, $nChars, $nToRead, $nSpecials, $specRef ) = @_; my ( $nRead, $buf ); # first skip counts and values, and xloc header $nRead += sysread( $fh, $buf, ($nChars * 2) + 2 ); while ( $nSpecials-- ) { $nRead += sysread( $fh, $buf, 8 ); # sizeof(Xloc_specialEntry) my @chars = unpack( 'C8', $buf ); my $str; foreach my $char (@chars) { if ( $char == 0 ) { # null-terminated on palm last; } $str .= chr($char); } push( @$specRef, $str ); } $nRead += sysread( $fh, $buf, $nToRead - $nRead ); # skip bitmaps return $nRead; } # readPDBSpecials sub prepPDB($$$$) { my ( $fh, $facRef, $nodesRef, $startRef ) = @_; $$startRef = 0; # always for palm? my $buf; # skip header info my $nRead = sysread( $fh, $buf, 76 ); $nRead += sysread( $fh, $buf, 2 ); my $nRecs = unpack( 'n', $buf ); my @offsets; for ( my $i = 0; $i < $nRecs; ++$i ) { $nRead += sysread( $fh, $buf, 4 ); push( @offsets, unpack( 'N', $buf ) ); $nRead += sysread( $fh, $buf, 4 ); # skip } die "too far" if $nRead > $offsets[0]; while ( $nRead < $offsets[0] ) { $nRead += sysread( $fh, $buf, 1 ); } my $facesOffset = $offsets[1]; my $nChars = ($offsets[2] - $facesOffset) / 2; $nRead += sysread( $fh, $buf, $facesOffset - $nRead ); my @tmp = unpack( 'Nc6n', $buf ); $gNodeSize = nodeSizeFromFlags( $tmp[7] ); my @faces; for ( my $i = 0; $i < $nChars; ++$i ) { $nRead += sysread( $fh, $buf, 2 ); push( @faces, chr(unpack( "n", $buf ) ) ); } @{$facRef} = @faces; die "out of sync: $nRead != $offsets[2]" if $nRead != $offsets[2]; my @specials; $nRead += readPDBSpecials( $fh, $nChars, $offsets[3] - $nRead, countSpecials($facRef), \@specials ); mergeSpecials( $facRef, \@specials ); die "out of sync" if $nRead != $offsets[3]; my @nodes = readNodesToEnd( $fh ); @$nodesRef = @nodes; } # prepPDB sub parseNode($$$$$) { my ( $node, $chrIndex, $nextEdge, $accepting, $last ) = @_; if ( $gNodeSize == 4 ) { $$accepting = ($node & 0x00008000) != 0; $$last = ($node & 0x00004000) != 0; $$chrIndex = ($node & 0x00003f00) >> 8; $$nextEdge = ($node >> 16) + (($node & 0x000000FF) << 16); } elsif( $gNodeSize == 3 ) { $$accepting = ($node & 0x00000080) != 0; $$last = ($node & 0x00000040) != 0; $$chrIndex = $node & 0x0000001f; $$nextEdge = ($node >> 8) + (($node & 0x00000020) << 11); } # printf "%x: acpt=$$accepting; last=$$last; " # . "next=$$nextEdge; ci=$$chrIndex\n", $node; } # parseNode sub printStr($$) { my ( $strRef, $facesRef ) = @_; print join( "", map {$$facesRef[$_]} @$strRef), "\n"; } # printStr # Given an array of 4-byte nodes, a start index. and another array of # two-byte faces, print out all of the words in the nodes array. sub printDAWG($$$$) { my ( $strRef, $arrRef, $start, $facesRef ) = @_; die "infinite recursion???" if @$strRef > 15; for ( ; ; ) { my $node = $$arrRef[$start++]; my $nextEdge; my $chrIndex; my $accepting; my $lastEdge; parseNode( $node, \$chrIndex, \$nextEdge, \$accepting, \$lastEdge ); push( @$strRef, $chrIndex ); if ( $accepting ) { printStr( $strRef, $facesRef ); } if ( $nextEdge != 0 ) { printDAWG( $strRef, $arrRef, $nextEdge, $facesRef ); } pop( @$strRef ); if ( $lastEdge ) { last; } } } # printDAWG sub printNodes($$) { my ( $nr, $fr ) = @_; my $len = @$nr; for ( my $i = 0; $i < $len; ++$i ) { my $node = $$nr[$i]; my ( $chrIndex, $nextEdge, $accepting, $lastEdge ); parseNode( $node, \$chrIndex, \$nextEdge, \$accepting, \$lastEdge ); printf "%.8x: (%.8x) %2d(%s) %.8x ", $i, $node, $chrIndex, $$fr[$chrIndex], $nextEdge; print ($accepting? "A":"a"); print " "; print ($lastEdge? "L":"l"); print "\n"; } } ################################################################# # main ################################################################# binmode( STDERR, ":encoding(utf8)" ) or die "binmode(:utf-8) failed\n"; parseARGV(); sysopen(INFILE, $gInFile, O_RDONLY) or die "couldn't open $gInFile: $!\n";; binmode INFILE; my @faces; my @nodes; my $startIndex; if ( $gFileType eq "xwd" ){ prepXWD( *INFILE, \@faces, \@nodes, \$startIndex ); } elsif ( $gFileType eq "pdb" ) { prepPDB( *INFILE, \@faces, \@nodes, \$startIndex ); } close INFILE; die "no nodes!!!" if 0 == @nodes; if ( $gDoRaw ) { printNodes( \@nodes, \@faces ); } else { binmode( STDOUT, ":encoding(utf8)" ) or die "binmode(:utf-8) failed\n"; printDAWG( [], \@nodes, $startIndex, \@faces ); } exit 0;