/* -*- compile-command: "make -j3"; -*- */ /* * Copyright 2013 by Eric House (xwords@eehouse.org). All rights reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include #include "udpack.h" #include "mlock.h" UDPAckTrack* UDPAckTrack::s_self = NULL; #define ACK_LIMIT 60 /* static*/ bool UDPAckTrack::shouldAck( XWRelayReg cmd ) { return ( XWPDEV_ACK != cmd && XWPDEV_ALERT != cmd ); } /* static*/ uint32_t UDPAckTrack::nextPacketID( XWRelayReg cmd ) { uint32_t result = 0; if ( shouldAck( cmd ) ) { result = get()->nextPacketIDImpl(); } return result; } /* static*/ void UDPAckTrack::recordAck( uint32_t packetID ) { get()->recordAckImpl( packetID ); } /* static */ void UDPAckTrack::setOnAck( OnAckProc proc, uint32_t packetID, void* data ) { get()->setOnAckImpl( proc, packetID, data ); } /* static */ UDPAckTrack* UDPAckTrack::get() { if ( NULL == s_self ) { s_self = new UDPAckTrack(); } return s_self; } UDPAckTrack::UDPAckTrack() { m_nextID = 0; pthread_mutex_init( &m_mutex, NULL ); pthread_t thread; pthread_create( &thread, NULL, thread_main, (void*)this ); pthread_detach( thread ); } uint32_t UDPAckTrack::nextPacketIDImpl() { MutexLock ml( &m_mutex ); AckRecord record; uint32_t result = ++m_nextID; m_pendings.insert( pair(result, record) ); return result; } void UDPAckTrack::recordAckImpl( uint32_t packetID ) { map::iterator iter; MutexLock ml( &m_mutex ); iter = m_pendings.find( packetID ); if ( m_pendings.end() == iter ) { logf( XW_LOGERROR, "%s: packet ID %d not found", __func__, packetID ); } else { time_t took = time( NULL ) - iter->second.m_createTime; if ( 5 < took ) { logf( XW_LOGERROR, "%s: packet ID %d took %d seconds to get acked", __func__, packetID, took ); } callProc( iter->first, true, &(iter->second) ); m_pendings.erase( iter ); } } void UDPAckTrack::setOnAckImpl( OnAckProc proc, uint32_t packetID, void* data ) { MutexLock ml( &m_mutex ); map::iterator iter = m_pendings.find( packetID ); if ( m_pendings.end() != iter ) { iter->second.proc = proc; iter->second.data = data; } } void UDPAckTrack::callProc( uint32_t packetID, bool acked, const AckRecord* record ) { OnAckProc proc = record->proc; logf( XW_LOGINFO, "%s: acked=%d, proc=%p", __func__, acked, proc ); if ( NULL != proc ) { (*proc)( acked, packetID, record->data ); } } void* UDPAckTrack::threadProc() { for ( ; ; ) { sleep( 30 ); vector older; { MutexLock ml( &m_mutex ); time_t now = time( NULL ); map::iterator iter; for ( iter = m_pendings.begin(); iter != m_pendings.end(); ++iter ) { time_t took = now - iter->second.m_createTime; if ( ACK_LIMIT < took ) { older.push_back( iter->first ); callProc( iter->first, false, &(iter->second) ); m_pendings.erase( iter ); } } } if ( 0 < older.size() ) { string leaked; vector::const_iterator iter = older.begin(); for ( ; ; ) { string_printf( leaked, "%d", *iter ); if ( ++iter == older.end() ) { break; } string_printf( leaked, ", " ); } logf( XW_LOGERROR, "%s: these packets leaked (were not ack'd within %d seconds): %s", __func__, ACK_LIMIT, leaked.c_str() ); } } return NULL; } /* static */ void* UDPAckTrack::thread_main( void* arg ) { UDPAckTrack* self = (UDPAckTrack*)arg; return self->threadProc(); }