/* -*- compile-command: "cd ../wasm && make MEMDEBUG=TRUE install -j3"; -*- */ /* * Copyright 2021 by Eric House (xwords@eehouse.org). All rights reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "game.h" #include "device.h" #include "mempool.h" #include "nli.h" #include "strutils.h" #include "movestak.h" #include "main.h" #include "wasmdraw.h" #include "wasmutil.h" #include "wasmdutil.h" #include "wasmdict.h" #include "wasmasm.h" #ifdef __EMSCRIPTEN__ #include #endif #define WASM_BOARD_LEFT 0 #define WASM_HOR_SCORE_TOP 0 #define WINDOW_WIDTH 400 #define WINDOW_HEIGHT 600 #define BDWIDTH WINDOW_WIDTH #define BDHEIGHT WINDOW_HEIGHT #define KEY_LAST "cur_game" #define KEY_PLAYER_NAME "player_name" #define KEY_GAME_PREFIX "key_data_" #define KEY_NAME_PREFIX "key_name_" #define DICTNAME "assets_dir/CollegeEng_2to8.xwd" #define BUTTON_OK "OK" #define BUTTON_CANCEL "Cancel" #define BUTTONS_ID_GAME "game_buttons" #define BUTTONS_ID_DEVICE "device_buttons" #define BUTTON_HINTDOWN "Prev Hint" #define BUTTON_HINTUP "Next Hint" #define BUTTON_TRADE "Trade" #define BUTTON_STOPTRADE "Cancel Trade" #define BUTTON_COMMIT "Commit" #define BUTTON_FLIP "Flip" #define BUTTON_REDO "Redo" #define BUTTON_VALS "Vals" #define BUTTON_INVITE "Invite" #define BUTTON_EXIT "Quit" #define BUTTON_GAME_NEW "New Game" #define BUTTON_GAME_OPEN "Open Game" #define BUTTON_GAME_RENAME "Rename Game" #define BUTTON_GAME_DELETE "Delete Game" #define MAX_BUTTONS 20 /* not sure what's safe here */ typedef struct _NewGameParams { bool isRobotNotRemote; bool hintsNotAllowed; } NewGameParams; static void loadAndDraw( Globals* globals, const NetLaunchInfo* invite, const char* key, NewGameParams* params ); static void nameGame( Globals* globals ); static void ensureName( Globals* globals ); static void loadName( Globals* globals ); static void saveName( Globals* globals ); typedef void (*AlertProc)(void* closure, const char* button); /* typedef struct _Buttons { */ /* int nButtons; */ /* const char** buttons; */ /* } Buttons; */ EM_JS(void, call_dialog, (const char* str, const char** but_strs, AlertProc proc, void* closure), { var buttons = []; for ( let ii = 0; ; ++ii ) { const mem = HEAP32[(but_strs + (ii * 4)) >> 2]; if ( 0 == mem ) { break; } const str = UTF8ToString(mem); buttons.push(str); } nbDialog(UTF8ToString(str), buttons, proc, closure); } ); EM_JS(void, call_pickBlank, (const char* msg, const char** strs, int nStrs, AlertProc proc, void* closure), { var buttons = []; for ( let ii = 0; ii < nStrs; ++ii ) { const mem = HEAP32[(strs + (ii * 4)) >> 2]; const str = UTF8ToString(mem); buttons.push(str); } nbBlankPick(UTF8ToString(msg), buttons, proc, closure); } ); EM_JS(void, call_pickGame, (const char* msg, AlertProc proc, void* closure), { var map = {}; for (var ii = 0; ii < localStorage.length; ++ii ) { var key = localStorage.key(ii); if ( key.startsWith('key_data_') ) { // KEY_GAME_PREFIX /* This is a legit stored game. Get the gameID part as key, mapped to name if known. */ let arr = key.split('_'); let id = arr[arr.length - 1]; let name = localStorage.getItem('key_name_' + id); if (! name ) { name = key; } map[id] = name; console.log('added ' + id + ' -> ' + name); } } nbGamePick(UTF8ToString(msg), map, proc, closure); } ); EM_JS(void, call_get_string, (const char* msg, const char* dflt, AlertProc proc, void* closure), { let jsMgs = UTF8ToString(msg); let jsDflt = UTF8ToString(dflt); nbGetString( jsMgs, jsDflt, proc, closure ); } ); EM_JS(void, call_haveDevID, (void* closure, const char* devid), { onHaveDevID(closure, UTF8ToString(devid)); }); EM_JS(bool, call_mqttSend, (const char* topic, const uint8_t* ptr, int len), { let topStr = UTF8ToString(topic); let buffer = new Uint8Array(Module.HEAPU8.buffer, ptr, len); return mqttSend(topStr, buffer); }); EM_JS(int, getNextGameNo, (void), { let jskey = UTF8ToString('next_gameno_2'); let val = localStorage.getItem(jskey); if (val) { val = parseInt(val); } else { val = 0; } ++val; localStorage.setItem(jskey, val); return val; }); typedef void (*JSCallback)(void* closure); EM_JS(void, jscallback_set, (JSCallback proc, void* closure, int inMS), { let timerproc = function(closure) { ccall('jscallback', null, ['number', 'number'], [proc, closure]); }; setTimeout( timerproc, inMS, closure ); }); EM_JS(void, setButtonText, (const char* id, const char* text), { let jsid = UTF8ToString(id); let jstext = UTF8ToString(text); document.getElementById(jsid).textContent = jstext; }); EM_JS(void, setButtons, (const char* id, const char** bstrs, AlertProc proc, void* closure), { var buttons = []; for ( let ii = 0; ; ++ii ) { const mem = HEAP32[(bstrs + (ii * 4)) >> 2]; if ( 0 == mem ) { break; } const str = UTF8ToString(mem); buttons.push(str); } setDivButtons(UTF8ToString(id), buttons, proc, closure); }); EM_JS(void, callNewGame, (const char* msg, void* closure), { let jsmsg = UTF8ToString(msg); nbGetNewGame(closure, jsmsg); }); static void updateScreen( Globals* globals, bool doSave ); typedef void (*ConfirmProc)( void* closure, bool confirmed ); typedef struct _ConfirmState { Globals* globals; ConfirmProc proc; void* closure; } ConfirmState; static void onConfirmed( void* closure, const char* button ) { bool confirmed = 0 == strcmp( button, BUTTON_OK ); ConfirmState* cs = (ConfirmState*)closure; (*cs->proc)( cs->closure, confirmed ); XP_FREE( cs->globals->mpool, cs ); } static void call_confirm( Globals* globals, const char* msg, ConfirmProc proc, void* closure ) { const char* buttons[] = { BUTTON_CANCEL, BUTTON_OK, NULL }; ConfirmState* cs = XP_MALLOC( globals->mpool, sizeof(*cs) ); cs->globals = globals; cs->proc = proc; cs->closure = closure; call_dialog( msg, buttons, onConfirmed, cs ); } static void call_alert( const char* msg ) { const char* buttons[] = { BUTTON_OK, NULL }; call_dialog( msg, buttons, NULL, NULL ); } static bool sendStreamToDev( XWStreamCtxt* stream, const MQTTDevID* devID ) { XP_S16 nSent = -1; XP_UCHAR topic[64]; formatMQTTTopic( devID, topic, sizeof(topic) ); XP_U16 streamLen = stream_getSize( stream ); bool success = call_mqttSend( topic, stream_getPtr( stream ), streamLen ); stream_destroy( stream, NULL ); LOG_RETURNF("%d", nSent); return success; } static XP_S16 send_msg( XWEnv xwe, const XP_U8* buf, XP_U16 len, const XP_UCHAR* msgNo, const CommsAddrRec* addr, CommsConnType conType, XP_U32 gameID, void* closure ) { XP_S16 nSent = -1; Globals* globals = (Globals*)closure; if ( addr_hasType( addr, COMMS_CONN_MQTT ) ) { // MQTTDevID devID = addr->u.mqtt.devID; XWStreamCtxt* stream = mem_stream_make_raw( MPPARM(globals->mpool) globals->vtMgr ); dvc_makeMQTTMessage( globals->dutil, NULL, stream, gameID, buf, len ); if ( sendStreamToDev( stream, &addr->u.mqtt.devID ) ) { nSent = len; } } LOG_RETURNF( "%d", nSent ); return nSent; } static void doExit( Globals* globals ) { call_alert( "Control passed to another tab" ); XP_MEMSET( globals, 0, sizeof(*globals) ); /* stop everything :-) */ // emscripten_cancel_main_loop(); <-- does nothing } static void formatGameID( char* buf, size_t len, int gameID ) { snprintf( buf, len, "%X", gameID ); } static void formatGameKeyStr( char* buf, size_t len, const char* gameID ) { snprintf( buf, len, KEY_GAME_PREFIX "%s", gameID ); } static void formatGameKeyInt( char* buf, size_t len, int gameID ) { snprintf( buf, len, KEY_GAME_PREFIX "%X", gameID ); } static void formatNameKey( char* buf, size_t len, int gameID ) { snprintf( buf, len, KEY_NAME_PREFIX "%X", gameID ); } static void makeSelfAddr( Globals* globals, CommsAddrRec* addr ) { addr_setType( addr, COMMS_CONN_MQTT ); dvc_getMQTTDevID( globals->dutil, NULL, &addr->u.mqtt.devID ); } static void onGotInviteeID( void* closure, const char* mqttid ) { MQTTDevID remoteDevID; if ( strToMQTTCDevID( mqttid, &remoteDevID ) ) { Globals* globals = (Globals*)closure; CommsAddrRec myAddr = {0}; makeSelfAddr( globals, &myAddr ); NetLaunchInfo nli = {0}; /* include everything!!! */ nli_init( &nli, &globals->gs.gi, &myAddr, 1, 1 ); XWStreamCtxt* stream = mem_stream_make_raw( MPPARM(globals->mpool) globals->vtMgr ); dvc_makeMQTTInvite( globals->dutil, NULL, stream, &nli ); sendStreamToDev( stream, &remoteDevID ); } else { call_alert( "MQTT id looks badly formed" ); } } static void onGameButton( void* closure, const char* button ) { if ( !!button ) { Globals* globals = (Globals*)closure; XP_Bool draw = XP_FALSE; BoardCtxt* board = globals->gs.game.board; XP_Bool redo; if ( 0 == strcmp(button, BUTTON_HINTDOWN ) ) { draw = board_requestHint( board, NULL, XP_TRUE, &redo ); } else if ( 0 == strcmp(button, BUTTON_HINTUP) ) { draw = board_requestHint( board, NULL, XP_FALSE, &redo ); } else if ( 0 == strcmp(button, BUTTON_TRADE ) ) { draw = board_beginTrade( board, NULL ); } else if ( 0 == strcmp(button, BUTTON_STOPTRADE ) ) { draw = board_endTrade( board ); } else if ( 0 == strcmp(button, BUTTON_COMMIT) ) { draw = board_commitTurn( board, NULL, XP_FALSE, XP_FALSE, NULL ); } else if ( 0 == strcmp(button, BUTTON_FLIP) ) { draw = board_flip( board ); } else if ( 0 == strcmp(button, BUTTON_REDO) ) { draw = board_redoReplacedTiles( board, NULL ) || board_replaceTiles( board, NULL ); } else if ( 0 == strcmp(button, BUTTON_VALS) ) { globals->cp.tvType = (globals->cp.tvType + 1) % TVT_N_ENTRIES; draw = board_prefsChanged( board, &globals->cp ); } else if ( 0 == strcmp(button, BUTTON_INVITE) ) { call_get_string( "Invitee's MQTT Device ID?", "", onGotInviteeID, globals ); } else if ( 0 == strcmp(button, BUTTON_EXIT) ) { doExit( globals ); } if ( draw ) { updateScreen( globals, true ); } } } static void updateGameButtons( Globals* globals ) { const char* buttons[MAX_BUTTONS]; int cur = 0; if ( !!globals->gs.util ) { XP_U16 nPending = server_getPendingRegs( globals->gs.game.server ); if ( 0 < nPending ) { buttons[cur++] = BUTTON_INVITE; } else { GameStateInfo gsi; game_getState( &globals->gs.game, NULL, &gsi ); if ( gsi.canHint ) { buttons[cur++] = BUTTON_HINTDOWN; buttons[cur++] = BUTTON_HINTUP; } if ( gsi.inTrade ) { buttons[cur++] = BUTTON_STOPTRADE; } else if ( gsi.canTrade ) { buttons[cur++] = BUTTON_TRADE; } buttons[cur++] = BUTTON_COMMIT; buttons[cur++] = BUTTON_FLIP; if ( gsi.canRedo ) { buttons[cur++] = BUTTON_REDO; } buttons[cur++] = BUTTON_VALS; } } buttons[cur++] = NULL; setButtons( BUTTONS_ID_GAME, buttons, onGameButton, globals ); } static void onGameChosen( void* closure, const char* key ) { Globals* globals = (Globals*)closure; loadAndDraw( globals, NULL, key, NULL ); } static void onGameRanamed( void* closure, const char* newName ) { if ( !!newName ) { Globals* globals = (Globals*)closure; snprintf( globals->gs.gameName, sizeof(globals->gs.gameName) - 1, "%s", newName ); // be safe globals->gs.gameName[sizeof(globals->gs.gameName)-1] = '\0'; saveName( globals ); } } static void cleanupGame( Globals* globals ) { if ( !!globals->gs.util ) { game_dispose( &globals->gs.game, NULL ); gi_disposePlayerInfo( MPPARM(globals->mpool) &globals->gs.gi ); wasm_util_destroy( globals->gs.util ); XP_MEMSET( &globals->gs, 0, sizeof(globals->gs) ); } } static void deleteCurGame( Globals* globals ) { int gameID = globals->gs.gi.gameID; /* remember it */ cleanupGame( globals ); char key[32]; formatNameKey( key, sizeof(key), gameID ); remove_stored_value( key ); formatGameKeyInt( key, sizeof(key), gameID ); remove_stored_value( key ); } static void onDeleteConfirmed( void* closure, bool confirmed ) { if ( confirmed ) { Globals* globals = (Globals*)closure; deleteCurGame( globals ); updateScreen( globals, false ); } } static void onDeviceButton( void* closure, const char* button ) { Globals* globals = (Globals*)closure; XP_LOGFF( "(button=%s)", button ); if ( 0 == strcmp(button, BUTTON_GAME_NEW) ) { callNewGame("Configure your new game", globals); } else if ( 0 == strcmp(button, BUTTON_GAME_OPEN) ) { const char* msg = "Choose game to open"; call_pickGame( msg, onGameChosen, globals); } else if ( 0 == strcmp(button, BUTTON_GAME_RENAME ) ) { ensureName( globals ); call_get_string( "Rename your game", globals->gs.gameName, onGameRanamed, globals ); } else if ( 0 == strcmp(button, BUTTON_GAME_DELETE) ) { char msg[256]; snprintf( msg, sizeof(msg), "Are you sure you want to delete the game \"%s\"?" "\nThis action cannot be undone.", globals->gs.gameName ); call_confirm( globals, msg, onDeleteConfirmed, globals ); } } static void updateDeviceButtons( Globals* globals ) { const char* buttons[MAX_BUTTONS]; int cur = 0; buttons[cur++] = BUTTON_GAME_NEW; buttons[cur++] = BUTTON_GAME_OPEN; buttons[cur++] = BUTTON_GAME_RENAME; buttons[cur++] = BUTTON_GAME_DELETE; buttons[cur++] = NULL; setButtons( BUTTONS_ID_DEVICE, buttons, onDeviceButton, globals ); } static void initDeviceGlobals( Globals* globals ) { globals->cp.showBoardArrow = XP_TRUE; globals->cp.allowPeek = XP_TRUE; globals->cp.showRobotScores = XP_TRUE; globals->cp.sortNewTiles = XP_TRUE; globals->cp.showColors = XP_TRUE; globals->procs.send = send_msg; globals->procs.closure = globals; #ifdef MEMDEBUG globals->mpool = mpool_make( "wasm" ); #endif globals->vtMgr = make_vtablemgr( MPPARM_NOCOMMA(globals->mpool) ); globals->dutil = wasm_dutil_make( MPPARM(globals->mpool) globals->vtMgr, globals ); globals->dictMgr = dmgr_make( MPPARM_NOCOMMA(globals->mpool) ); globals->dict = wasm_dictionary_make( MPPARM(globals->mpool) NULL, globals, DICTNAME, true ); dict_ref( globals->dict, NULL ); globals->draw = wasm_draw_make( MPPARM(globals->mpool) WINDOW_WIDTH, WINDOW_HEIGHT ); MQTTDevID devID; dvc_getMQTTDevID( globals->dutil, NULL, &devID ); XP_UCHAR buf[32]; XP_SNPRINTF( buf, VSIZE(buf), MQTTDevID_FMT, devID ); XP_LOGFF( "got mqtt devID: %s", buf ); call_haveDevID( globals, buf ); } static void startGame( Globals* globals, const char* name ) { LOG_FUNC(); BoardDims dims; board_figureLayout( globals->gs.game.board, NULL, &globals->gs.gi, WASM_BOARD_LEFT, WASM_HOR_SCORE_TOP, BDWIDTH, BDHEIGHT, 110, 150, 200, BDWIDTH-25, BDWIDTH/15, BDHEIGHT/15, XP_FALSE, &dims ); XP_LOGFF( "calling board_applyLayout" ); board_applyLayout( globals->gs.game.board, NULL, &dims ); XP_LOGFF( "calling model_setDictionary" ); model_setDictionary( globals->gs.game.model, NULL, globals->dict ); if ( SERVER_ISCLIENT == globals->gs.gi.serverRole ) { if ( !!name ) { replaceStringIfDifferent( globals->mpool, &globals->gs.gi.players[0].name, name ); } server_initClientConnection( globals->gs.game.server, NULL ); } (void)server_do( globals->gs.game.server, NULL ); /* assign tiles, etc. */ if ( !!globals->gs.game.comms ) { comms_resendAll( globals->gs.game.comms, NULL, COMMS_CONN_MQTT, XP_TRUE ); } updateScreen( globals, true ); LOG_RETURN_VOID(); } typedef struct _AskReplaceState { Globals* globals; NetLaunchInfo invite; } AskReplaceState; static void onPlayerNamed( void* closure, const char* name ) { Globals* globals = (Globals*)closure; if ( !!name ) { set_stored_value( KEY_PLAYER_NAME, name ); startGame( globals, name ); } } static void doReplace( Globals* globals, const NetLaunchInfo* invite ) { cleanupGame( globals ); gi_disposePlayerInfo( MPPARM(globals->mpool) &globals->gs.gi ); XP_MEMSET( &globals->gs.gi, 0, sizeof(globals->gs.gi) ); globals->gs.util = wasm_util_make( MPPARM(globals->mpool) &globals->gs.gi, globals->dutil, globals ); game_makeFromInvite( MPPARM(globals->mpool) NULL, invite, &globals->gs.game, &globals->gs.gi, globals->dict, NULL, globals->gs.util, globals->draw, &globals->cp, &globals->procs ); ensureName( globals ); const char* name = get_stored_value( KEY_PLAYER_NAME ); if ( NULL != name ) { startGame( globals, name ); free( (void*)name ); } else { const char* msg = "Please enter your name so you opponent knows it's you"; call_get_string( msg, "Player 1", onPlayerNamed, globals ); } } static void onReplaceConfirmed( void* closure, bool confirmed ) { AskReplaceState* ars = (AskReplaceState*)closure; Globals* globals = ars->globals; if ( confirmed ) { doReplace( globals, &ars->invite ); } XP_FREE( globals->mpool, ars ); } static bool gameFromInvite( Globals* globals, const NetLaunchInfo* invite ) { bool needsLoad = true; if ( NULL != globals->gs.game.model ) { /* there's a current game. Ignore the invitation if it has the same gameID. Otherwise ask to replace */ if ( globals->gs.gi.gameID == invite->gameID ) { call_alert( "Duplicate invitation: game already open" ); needsLoad = false; } else { AskReplaceState* ars = XP_MALLOC( globals->mpool, sizeof(*ars) ); ars->globals = globals; ars->invite = *invite; call_confirm( globals, "Invitation received; replace current game?", onReplaceConfirmed, ars ); needsLoad = false; } } else if ( invite->lang != 1 ) { call_alert( "Invitations are only supported for play in English right now." ); needsLoad = false; } else { // No game open. Just do it doReplace( globals, invite ); } bool loaded = !needsLoad; LOG_RETURNF( "%d", loaded ); return loaded; } static bool loadSavedGame( Globals* globals, const char* key ) { XP_LOGFF( "key: %s", key ); bool loaded = false; XWStreamCtxt* stream = mem_stream_make_raw( MPPARM(globals->mpool) globals->vtMgr ); char buf[32]; formatGameKeyStr( buf, sizeof(buf), key ); dutil_loadStream( globals->dutil, NULL, buf, NULL, stream ); if ( 0 < stream_getSize( stream ) ) { XP_ASSERT( !globals->gs.util ); globals->gs.util = wasm_util_make( MPPARM(globals->mpool) &globals->gs.gi, globals->dutil, globals ); XP_LOGFF( "there's a saved game!!" ); loaded = game_makeFromStream( MPPARM(globals->mpool) NULL, stream, &globals->gs.game, &globals->gs.gi, globals->dict, NULL, globals->gs.util, globals->draw, &globals->cp, &globals->procs ); if ( loaded ) { loadName( globals ); ensureName( globals ); updateScreen( globals, false ); } } else { XP_LOGFF( "ERROR: no saved data for key %s", key ); } stream_destroy( stream, NULL ); return loaded; } static void saveName( Globals* globals ) { char key[32]; formatNameKey( key, sizeof(key), globals->gs.gi.gameID ); set_stored_value( key, globals->gs.gameName ); XP_LOGFF( "wrote %s => %s", key, globals->gs.gameName ); } static void loadName( Globals* globals ) { char key[32]; formatNameKey( key, sizeof(key), globals->gs.gi.gameID ); const char* ptr = get_stored_value( key ); if ( !!ptr ) { snprintf( globals->gs.gameName, sizeof(globals->gs.gameName), "%s", ptr ); free( (void*)ptr ); } } static void ensureName( Globals* globals ) { if ( '\0' == globals->gs.gameName[0] ) { nameGame( globals ); saveName( globals ); } } static void nameGame( Globals* globals ) { snprintf( globals->gs.gameName, sizeof(globals->gs.gameName), "Game %d", getNextGameNo() ); XP_LOGFF( "named game: %s", globals->gs.gameName ); } static void loadAndDraw( Globals* globals, const NetLaunchInfo* invite, const char* key, NewGameParams* params ) { cleanupGame( globals ); bool haveGame; if ( !!params ) { haveGame = false; } else { /* First, load any saved game. We need it e.g. to confirm that an incoming invite is a dup and should be dropped. */ if ( !!key ) { haveGame = loadSavedGame( globals, key ); } if ( !!invite ) { haveGame = gameFromInvite( globals, invite ); } } if ( !haveGame ) { globals->gs.gi.serverRole = !!params && !params->isRobotNotRemote ? SERVER_ISSERVER : SERVER_STANDALONE; globals->gs.gi.phoniesAction = PHONIES_WARN; globals->gs.gi.hintsNotAllowed = !!params && params->hintsNotAllowed || false; globals->gs.gi.gameID = 0; globals->gs.gi.dictLang = 1; /* English only for now */ replaceStringIfDifferent( globals->mpool, &globals->gs.gi.dictName, "CollegeEng_2to8" ); globals->gs.gi.nPlayers = 2; globals->gs.gi.boardSize = 15; globals->gs.gi.players[0].name = copyString( globals->mpool, "Player 1" ); /* FIXME */ globals->gs.gi.players[0].isLocal = XP_TRUE; globals->gs.gi.players[0].robotIQ = 0; globals->gs.gi.players[1].name = copyString( globals->mpool, "Player 2" ); globals->gs.gi.players[1].isLocal = !!params ? params->isRobotNotRemote : true; XP_LOGFF( "set isLocal[1]: %d", globals->gs.gi.players[1].isLocal ); globals->gs.gi.players[1].robotIQ = 99; /* doesn't matter if remote */ globals->gs.util = wasm_util_make( MPPARM(globals->mpool) &globals->gs.gi, globals->dutil, globals ); XP_LOGFF( "calling game_makeNewGame()" ); game_makeNewGame( MPPARM(globals->mpool) NULL, &globals->gs.game, &globals->gs.gi, globals->gs.util, globals->draw, &globals->cp, &globals->procs ); ensureName( globals ); if ( !!globals->gs.game.comms ) { CommsAddrRec addr = {0}; makeSelfAddr( globals, &addr ); comms_augmentHostAddr( globals->gs.game.comms, NULL, &addr ); } } startGame( globals, NULL ); } void main_gameFromInvite( Globals* globals, const NetLaunchInfo* invite ) { if ( gameFromInvite( globals, invite ) ) { startGame( globals, NULL ); } } typedef struct _OpenForMessageState { Globals* globals; int gameID; CommsAddrRec from; XWStreamCtxt* stream; } OpenForMessageState; static void onOpenForMsgConfirmed( void* closure, bool confirmed ) { OpenForMessageState* ofm = (OpenForMessageState*)closure; Globals* globals = ofm->globals; if ( confirmed ) { char gameID[16]; formatGameID( gameID, sizeof(gameID), ofm->gameID ); loadAndDraw( globals, NULL, gameID, NULL ); XP_ASSERT( globals->gs.gi.gameID == ofm->gameID ); if ( game_receiveMessage( &globals->gs.game, NULL, ofm->stream, &ofm->from ) ) { updateScreen( globals, true ); } } stream_destroy( ofm->stream, NULL ); XP_FREE( globals->mpool, ofm ); } void main_onGameMessage( Globals* globals, XP_U32 gameID, const CommsAddrRec* from, XWStreamCtxt* stream ) { if ( gameID == globals->gs.gi.gameID ) { /* current game open */ if ( game_receiveMessage( &globals->gs.game, NULL, stream, from ) ) { updateScreen( globals, true ); } } else { char key[32]; formatGameKeyInt( key, sizeof(key), gameID ); if ( have_stored_value( key ) ) { formatNameKey( key, sizeof(key), gameID ); const char* name = get_stored_value( key ); XP_ASSERT( !!name ); char msg[128]; snprintf( msg, sizeof(msg), "Move arrived for closed game \"%s\"; " "Shall I open it?", name ); free( (void*)name); OpenForMessageState* ofm = XP_MALLOC( globals->mpool, sizeof(*ofm) ); ofm->globals = globals; ofm->gameID = gameID; ofm->from = *from; ofm->stream = stream_ref( stream ); call_confirm( globals, msg, onOpenForMsgConfirmed, ofm ); } else { XWStreamCtxt* stream = mem_stream_make_raw( MPPARM(globals->mpool) globals->vtMgr ); dvc_makeMQTTNoSuchGame( globals->dutil, NULL, stream, gameID ); sendStreamToDev( stream, &from->u.mqtt.devID ); call_alert( "Dropping move for deleted game" ); } } } void main_onGameGone( Globals* globals, XP_U32 gameID ) { LOG_FUNC(); const char* msg = "This game has been deleted on the remote device. " "Delete here too?"; call_confirm( globals, msg, onDeleteConfirmed, globals ); } void main_sendOnClose( XWStreamCtxt* stream, XWEnv env, void* closure ) { Globals* globals = (Globals*)closure; XP_LOGFF( "called with msg of len %d", stream_getSize(stream) ); (void)comms_send( globals->gs.game.comms, NULL, stream ); } void main_playerScoreHeld( Globals* globals, XP_U16 player ) { LastMoveInfo lmi; XP_UCHAR buf[128]; if ( model_getPlayersLastScore( globals->gs.game.model, NULL, player, &lmi ) ) { switch ( lmi.moveType ) { case ASSIGN_TYPE: XP_SNPRINTF( buf, sizeof(buf), "Tiles assigned to %s", lmi.names[0] ); break; case MOVE_TYPE: XP_SNPRINTF( buf, sizeof(buf), "%s formed %s for %d points", lmi.names[0], lmi.word, lmi.score ); break; case TRADE_TYPE: XP_SNPRINTF( buf, sizeof(buf), "%s traded %d tiles", lmi.names[0], lmi.nTiles ); break; default: buf[0] = '\0'; } } if ( buf[0] ) { call_alert( buf ); } } void main_showRemaining( Globals* globals ) { XWStreamCtxt* stream = mem_stream_make_raw( MPPARM(globals->mpool) globals->vtMgr ); board_formatRemainingTiles( globals->gs.game.board, NULL, stream ); stream_putU8( stream, 0 ); call_alert( (const XP_UCHAR*)stream_getPtr( stream ) ); stream_destroy( stream, NULL ); } typedef struct _BlankPickState { Globals* globals; int col, row; int nTiles; int playerNum; char** faces; } BlankPickState; static void onBlankPicked( void* closure, const char* face ) { XP_LOGFF( "face: %s", face ); BlankPickState* bps = (BlankPickState*)closure; Globals* globals = bps->globals; int indx = -1; for ( int ii = 0; ii < bps->nTiles; ++ii ) { char* oneFace = bps->faces[ii]; if ( indx < 0 && 0 == strcmp( face, oneFace ) ) { indx = ii; } XP_FREE( globals->mpool, oneFace ); } XP_FREE( globals->mpool, bps->faces ); if ( board_setBlankValue( globals->gs.game.board, bps->playerNum, bps->col, bps->row, indx ) ) { updateScreen( globals, true ); } XP_FREE( bps->globals->mpool, bps ); } void main_pickBlank( Globals* globals, int playerNum, int col, int row, const char** tileFaces, int nTiles ) { BlankPickState* bps = XP_MALLOC( globals->mpool, sizeof(*bps) ); bps->globals = globals; bps->row = row; bps->col = col; bps->playerNum = playerNum; bps->nTiles = nTiles; bps->faces = XP_CALLOC( globals->mpool, nTiles * sizeof(bps->faces[0]) ); for ( int ii = 0; ii < nTiles; ++ii ) { replaceStringIfDifferent( globals->mpool, &bps->faces[ii], tileFaces[ii] ); } call_pickBlank( "Pick for your blank", tileFaces, nTiles, onBlankPicked, bps ); } void main_showGameOver( Globals* globals ) { XWStreamCtxt* stream = mem_stream_make_raw( MPPARM(globals->mpool) globals->vtMgr ); server_writeFinalScores( globals->gs.game.server, NULL, stream ); stream_putU8( stream, 0 ); call_alert( (const XP_UCHAR*)stream_getPtr( stream ) ); stream_destroy( stream, NULL ); } static time_t getCurMS() { struct timeval tv; gettimeofday( &tv, NULL ); time_t result = tv.tv_sec * 1000; /* convert to millis */ result += tv.tv_usec / 1000; /* convert to millis too */ // LOG_RETURNF( "%x", result ); return result; } void main_clear_timer( Globals* globals, XWTimerReason why ) { XP_LOGFF( "why: %d" ); // XP_ASSERT(0); fires when start new game } typedef struct _TimerClosure { Globals* globals; XWTimerReason why; XWTimerProc proc; void* closure; } TimerClosure; static void onTimerFired( void* closure ) { LOG_FUNC(); TimerClosure* tc = (TimerClosure*)closure; XP_Bool draw = (*tc->proc)( tc->closure, NULL, tc->why ); if ( draw ) { updateScreen( tc->globals, true ); } XP_FREE( tc->globals->mpool, tc ); } void main_set_timer( Globals* globals, XWTimerReason why, XP_U16 when, XWTimerProc proc, void* closure ) { XP_LOGFF( "why: %d", why ); TimerClosure* tc = XP_MALLOC( globals->mpool, sizeof(*tc) ); tc->globals = globals; tc->proc = proc; tc->closure = closure; tc->why = why; if ( 0 == when ) { when = 1; } when *= 1000; /* convert to ms */ jscallback_set( onTimerFired, tc, when ); } typedef struct _QueryState { Globals* globals; QueryProc proc; void* closure; } QueryState; static void onQueryCalled( void* closure, const char* button ) { QueryState* qs = (QueryState*)closure; bool ok = 0 == strcmp( button, BUTTON_OK ); (*qs->proc)( qs->closure, ok ); XP_FREE( qs->globals->mpool, qs ); } void main_query( Globals* globals, const XP_UCHAR* query, QueryProc proc, void* closure ) { QueryState* qs = XP_MALLOC( globals->mpool, sizeof(*qs) ); qs->proc = proc; qs->closure = closure; qs->globals = globals; const char* buttons[] = { BUTTON_CANCEL, BUTTON_OK, NULL }; call_dialog( query, buttons, onQueryCalled, qs ); } void main_alert( Globals* globals, const XP_UCHAR* msg ) { call_alert( msg ); } typedef struct _IdleClosure { Globals* globals; IdleProc proc; void* closure; } IdleClosure; static void onIdleFired( void* closure ) { LOG_FUNC(); IdleClosure* ic = (IdleClosure*)closure; XP_Bool draw = (*ic->proc)(ic->closure); if ( draw ) { updateScreen( ic->globals, true ); } XP_FREE( ic->globals->mpool, ic ); } void main_set_idle( Globals* globals, IdleProc proc, void* closure ) { LOG_FUNC(); IdleClosure* ic = XP_MALLOC( globals->mpool, sizeof(*ic) ); ic->globals = globals; ic->proc = proc; ic->closure = closure; jscallback_set( onIdleFired, ic, 0 ); } static XP_Bool checkForEvent( Globals* globals ) { XP_Bool handled; XP_Bool draw = XP_FALSE; BoardCtxt* board = globals->gs.game.board; SDL_Event event; if ( SDL_PollEvent(&event) ) { switch ( event.type ) { case SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: draw = event.button.button == SDL_BUTTON_LEFT && board_handlePenDown( board, NULL, event.button.x, event.button.y, &handled ); break; case SDL_MOUSEBUTTONUP: draw = event.button.button == SDL_BUTTON_LEFT && board_handlePenUp( board, NULL, event.button.x, event.button.y ); break; case SDL_MOUSEMOTION: draw = board_handlePenMove( board, NULL, event.motion.x, event.motion.y ); break; default: break; } } // XP_LOGFF( "draw: %d", draw ); return draw; } static void updateScreen( Globals* globals, bool doSave ) { SDL_RenderClear( globals->renderer ); if ( !!globals->gs.game.board ) { board_draw( globals->gs.game.board, NULL ); wasm_draw_render( globals->draw, globals->renderer ); } SDL_RenderPresent( globals->renderer ); updateGameButtons( globals ); /* Let's save state here too, though likely too often */ if ( doSave ) { XWStreamCtxt* stream = mem_stream_make_raw( MPPARM(globals->mpool) globals->vtMgr ); game_saveToStream( &globals->gs.game, NULL, &globals->gs.gi, stream, ++globals->gs.saveToken ); char buf[32]; formatGameKeyInt( buf, sizeof(buf), globals->gs.gi.gameID ); dutil_storeStream( globals->dutil, NULL, buf, stream ); stream_destroy( stream, NULL ); game_saveSucceeded( &globals->gs.game, NULL, globals->gs.saveToken ); char gidBuf[16]; formatGameID( gidBuf, sizeof(gidBuf), globals->gs.gi.gameID ); set_stored_value( KEY_LAST, gidBuf ); XP_LOGFF( "saved KEY_LAST: %s", gidBuf ); } } void main_updateScreen( Globals* globals ) { updateScreen( globals, true ); } static void looper( void* closure ) { Globals* globals = (Globals*)closure; if ( checkForEvent( globals ) ) { updateScreen( globals, true ); } } static bool loadInvite( Globals* globals, NetLaunchInfo* nlip, int argc, const char** argv ) { LOG_FUNC(); CurGameInfo gi = {0}; CommsAddrRec addr = {0}; MQTTDevID mqttDevID = 0; XP_U16 nPlayersH = 0; XP_U16 forceChannel = 0; const XP_UCHAR* gameName = NULL; const XP_UCHAR* inviteID = NULL; for ( int ii = 0; ii < argc; ++ii ) { const char* argp = argv[ii]; char* param = strchr(argp, '='); if ( !param ) { /* no '='? */ continue; } char arg[8]; int argLen = param - argp; XP_MEMCPY( arg, argp, argLen ); arg[argLen] = '\0'; ++param; /* skip the '=' */ if ( 0 == strcmp( "lang", arg ) ) { gi.dictLang = atoi(param); } else if ( 0 == strcmp( "np", arg ) ) { gi.nPlayers = atoi(param); } else if ( 0 == strcmp( "nh", arg ) ) { nPlayersH = atoi(param); } else if ( 0 == strcmp( "gid", arg ) ) { gi.gameID = atoi(param); } else if ( 0 == strcmp( "fc", arg ) ) { gi.forceChannel = atoi(param); } else if ( 0 == strcmp( "nm", arg ) ) { gameName = param; } else if ( 0 == strcmp( "id", arg ) ) { inviteID = param; } else if ( 0 == strcmp( "wl", arg ) ) { replaceStringIfDifferent( globals->mpool, &gi.dictName, param ); } else if ( 0 == strcmp( "r2id", arg ) ) { if ( strToMQTTCDevID( param, &addr.u.mqtt.devID ) ) { addr_addType( &addr, COMMS_CONN_MQTT ); } else { XP_LOGFF( "bad devid %s", param ); } } else { XP_LOGFF( "dropping arg %s, param %s", arg, param ); } } bool success = 0 < nPlayersH && addr_hasType( &addr, COMMS_CONN_MQTT ); if ( success ) { nli_init( nlip, &gi, &addr, nPlayersH, forceChannel ); if ( !!gameName ) { nli_setGameName( nlip, gameName ); } if ( !!inviteID ) { nli_setInviteID( nlip, inviteID ); } LOGNLI( nlip ); } gi_disposePlayerInfo( MPPARM(globals->mpool) &gi ); LOG_RETURNF( "%d", success ); return success; } static void initNoReturn( int argc, const char** argv ) { time_t now = getCurMS(); srandom( now ); XP_LOGFF( "called(srandom( %x )", now ); Globals* globals = calloc(1, sizeof(*globals)); NetLaunchInfo nli = {0}; NetLaunchInfo* nlip = NULL; if ( loadInvite( globals, &nli, argc, argv ) ) { nlip = &nli; } SDL_Init( SDL_INIT_EVENTS ); TTF_Init(); SDL_CreateWindowAndRenderer( WINDOW_WIDTH, WINDOW_HEIGHT, 0, &globals->window, &globals->renderer ); /* whip the canvas to background */ SDL_SetRenderDrawColor( globals->renderer, 155, 155, 155, 255 ); SDL_RenderClear( globals->renderer ); initDeviceGlobals( globals ); const char* lastKey = get_stored_value( KEY_LAST ); XP_LOGFF( "loaded KEY_LAST: %s", lastKey ); loadAndDraw( globals, nlip, lastKey, NULL ); if ( !!lastKey ) { free( (void*)lastKey ); } updateDeviceButtons( globals ); emscripten_set_main_loop_arg( looper, globals, -1, 1 ); } void MQTTConnectedChanged( void* closure, bool connected ) { XP_LOGFF( "connected=%d", connected); Globals* globals = (Globals*)closure; if ( connected && !!globals->gs.game.comms ) { comms_resendAll( globals->gs.game.comms, NULL, COMMS_CONN_MQTT, XP_TRUE ); } } void gotMQTTMsg( void* closure, int len, const uint8_t* msg ) { Globals* globals = (Globals*)closure; dvc_parseMQTTPacket( globals->dutil, NULL, msg, len ); } void jscallback( JSCallback proc, void* closure ) { LOG_FUNC(); (*proc)(closure); } void onDlgButton( AlertProc proc, void* closure, const char* button ) { if ( !!proc ) { (*proc)( closure, button ); } } void onNewGame( void* closure, bool opponentIsRobot ) { Globals* globals = (Globals*)closure; XP_LOGFF( "isRobot: %d", opponentIsRobot ); NewGameParams ngp = {0}; ngp.isRobotNotRemote = opponentIsRobot; loadAndDraw( globals, NULL, NULL, &ngp ); } int main( int argc, const char** argv ) { XP_LOGFF( "(argc=%d)", argc ); initNoReturn( argc, argv ); return 0; }