XLATE ME: %1$s (%2$s) XLATE ME: Add group Konfigurovať XLATE ME: Move to group… XLATE ME: Rename… Vymazať Kopírovať XLATE ME: Change the name of this game to: XLATE ME: Rename game XLATE ME: Games that have already connected to the relay cannot be copied. Use \"New from\" for a ready-to-play copy with all the same settings. Vynulovať Nová hra podľa vzoru Hrať hru Slovníky CrossWords Konfigurovať %1$s XLATE ME: Lock settings XLATE ME: Languages (based on installed wordlists) XLATE ME: %1$s settings (networked) Predvoľby CrossWords XLATE ME: Are you sure you want to restore all settings to their original values? XLATE ME: Restore colors XLATE ME: Are you sure you want to restore all color settings to their original values? XLATE ME: Restore all Áno Nie Uložiť Zrušiť XLATE ME: You already have a game that seems to have been created (on %1$s) from the same invitation. Are you sure you want to create another? XLATE ME: Retry Meno: XLATE ME: Installed wordlists (in %1$s) XLATE ME: Wordlist (in %1$s) Pre vašu informáciu... Otázka... XLATE ME: Thanks for installing CrossWords!\n\nFeel free to enter your name here. It will be used when creating new games. (You can change it later in the \"New game default\" section of Settings.) XLATE ME: Welcome XLATE ME: Create a new ready-to-play game using all the settings from this one. That is, treat this game as a template. XLATE ME: The player whose turn it is is drawn large in the scoreboard.\n\nHold your finger on a name in the scoreboard to get details about that player\'s most recent move. XLATE ME: Moving tiles to the board:\nYou can drag tiles between the rack and the board, or you can tap an empty square to place the board arrow. Rack tiles you tap will replace the arrow (moving it one square in the direction it points.) Tap the arrow once to change its orientation; a second time, to hide it. A checkbox in the Appearance section of Settings will hide it permanently. XLATE ME: You have connected and joined a game on the relay; the room is now full. The device that created the room will now assign your initial tiles and play can begin. XLATE ME: You have connected and joined a game on the relay. You will be notified when the remaining device[s] have joined your room and play can begin. XLATE ME: You have connected and started a game in a new room. Once the remaining devices have joined your room and CrossWords has assigned them tiles the game can begin. XLATE ME: This game is in play. Some settings, e.g. the number of players, cannot be changed without restarting it. When you leave this page you will have a chance to discard changes to avoid a restart. XLATE ME: Tapping the \"pts\" counter that appears at the right end of the rack is the easiest way to commit a move. XLATE ME: This button changes whether the board shows letters on placed tiles or their point values. Use it to remind yourself what a tile is worth. XLATE ME: This button opens the screen for messaging between devices in this game. Messages will be kept until you delete the game that contains them. XLATE ME: This button undos or redoes the current turn. XLATE ME: This button flips the board across a diagonal axis. XLATE ME: This button randomly rearranges tiles in the rack. XLATE ME: This button shows all possible moves in descending order (using tiles to the right of the rack divider.) XLATE ME: This button shows all possible moves in ascending order (using tiles to the right of the rack divider.) XLATE ME: Use the menu or action bar to commit your turn or exit exchange mode. XLATE ME: Use the buttons to commit your turn or exit exchange mode. XLATE ME: You are entering tile-exchange mode.\n\nTap tiles to add/remove them from the set to be exchanged.\n\n XLATE ME: This action checks the relay for pending moves/messages for all networked games and flags those with pending moves. When you open a flagged game it will connect and sync. (In a later release these moves will be downloaded in the background.) XLATE ME: Do not show again XLATE ME: New user info Zostávajúce kamene Počty a hodnoty kameňov História hry Celkové skóre Ukončiť ťah Vymeniť XLATE ME: Undo last XLATE ME: Show rack XLATE ME: Hide rack Hra Počty a hodnoty Zostávajúce kamene História hry Celkové skóre XLATE ME: Resign Preposlať správy O CrossWords %1$s počet/hodnota:\n + %1$d [všetky zostávajúce kamene] - %1$d [nepoužité kamene] - %1$d [čas] ťah (od %1$s naprieč) ťah (od %1$s dolu) Zásobník pri štarte: %1$s Vymenil %1$s za %2$s. Nepovolené slovo; ťah stratený! Celkové skóre: %1$d XLATE ME: Remote player %1$s made this move:\u0020 Nové kamene: %1$s Potvrdiť tento ťah?\n XLATE ME: \u0020vs.\u0020 XLATE ME: %1$s (remote) Bonus za využitie všetkých kameňov: 50\n Skóre za ťah: %1$d\n XLATE ME: Are you sure you want to undo the last committed turn? (There is no redo option.) Kamene musia ležať v jednom rade. Medzi kameňmi nesmie byť žiadne prázdne políčko. V prvom ťahu musíte umiestniť dva alebo viacej kameňov. Nové kamene musia naväzovať na už položené kamene (alebo sa s nimi krížiť). To nemôžete spraviť; nie je to váš ťah! Nenakúkajte na kamene robota! Zostáva príliž málo kameňov na výmenu. Priradenie kameňa nemôže byť vrátené spät. Pre túto hru je zakázaná nápoveda. Pre novú hru ju môžete povoliť v Predvolbách. Nenakúkajte na kamene vzdialeného hráča! Odmietnutý pokus o registráciu neočakávaného hráča(ů) Konflikt medzi slovníkmi Servera a Klienta; Platí vždy slovník Servera. Nahrávam slovník CrossWords %1$s... Aspoň jeden hráč musí byť označený ako \"Vzdialený\" aby ste mohli hru spustiť ako Server. Hráč klient Hráč robot %1$s (robot) XLATE ME: Game over in room \"%1$s\" XLATE ME: Game in play in room \"%1$s\" XLATE ME: Waiting for players in room \"%1$s\" XLATE ME: Configured for room \"%1$s\" XLATE ME: (not here yet…) (hráč klient) Heslo XLATE ME: All players are here in room \"%1$s\". XLATE ME: pts XLATE ME: \u0020(You are expecting multiple remote players. Be sure to address your invitation to that many people.) XLATE ME: (No moves yet) XLATE ME: 3W XLATE ME: 3L XLATE ME: 2W XLATE ME: 2L XLATE ME: Tap tiles to select… XLATE ME: Cancel trade XLATE ME: Commit trade Hráč Hráči XLATE ME: Players (%1$d local, %2$d off-device) Pridať hráča Prehodiť hráča XLATE ME: No public rooms found for %1$d-player games in %2$s. Try refreshing or creating your own. XLATE ME: Fetching public rooms for %1$d-player games in %2$s. XLATE ME: Select public room XLATE ME: Make new room public XLATE ME: Room name XLATE ME: Join public room XLATE ME: Game language/wordlist XLATE ME: Game language Nastaviť ako východzí XLATE ME: External XLATE ME: Internal XLATE ME: Location for wordlist %1$s XLATE ME: Both XLATE ME: Robot XLATE ME: Human XLATE ME: For what players should the wordlist %1$s be the default for new games? (The language %2$s will be the default for both.) Nastavenie hry Minút v hre XLATE ME: How to handle \"phonies\" (words not in wordlist) XLATE ME: Smartest robot XLATE ME: Smarter robot XLATE ME: Smart robot XLATE ME: How smart is the robot player? XLATE ME: Change storage location XLATE ME: Downloads XLATE ME: Built-in Potvrdiť uloženie Táto hra je rozohraná. Ak tieto zmeny uložíte, musí byť hra spustená znovu. Chcete tieto zmeny uložiť alebo ich chcete zrušiť? Povoliť nápovedu XLATE ME: Allow hints (networked) Povoliť časovač Ukázať šipku Slovo sa začne písať v smere šipky a od jejho umiestenia XLATE ME: Keep board screen on 10 mins XLATE ME: Keep screen on Vysvetliť ťahy robota Ukázať skóre po každom ťahu robota Preskočit potvrdenie ťahu Neukazovať skóre po každom ťahu hráča XLATE ME: Sort racks whenever new tiles are added XLATE ME: Sort new tiles XLATE ME: This game cannot connect without a room name. XLATE ME: Clear history XLATE ME: Send XLATE ME: Not me:\u0020 XLATE ME: Me:\u0020 XLATE ME: %1$s message history XLATE ME: email XLATE ME: Send invitation via %1$s XLATE ME: \u003ca href=\"%1$s\"\u003ETap here\u003c/a\u003E (or tap the full link below, or, if you already have CrossWords installed, open the attachment) to accept my invitation and join this game. \u003cbr \\\u003E \u003cbr \\\u003E (full link: %1$s ) XLATE ME: Let\'s play CrossWords (Room %1$s) XLATE ME: Invite now XLATE ME: When opponent moves arrive XLATE ME: Vibrate XLATE ME: Play sound XLATE ME: Once every day XLATE ME: Every six hours XLATE ME: Every hour XLATE ME: Every 30 minutes XLATE ME: Every 15 minutes XLATE ME: Every 5 minutes XLATE ME: Never check XLATE ME: Background move check XLATE ME: Settings that apply to networked games XLATE ME: Network game settings XLATE ME: Do not visually indicate which board cell is touched XLATE ME: Disable crosshairs XLATE ME: Tapping on scoreboard name shows that player\'s tiles XLATE ME: View tiles out-of-turn Ignorovať slovník Varovať ak nie je v slovníku Zakázať ak nie je v slovníku Predvolby XLATE ME: No games found that connect via the relay. XLATE ME: Checking relay for moves etc… XLATE ME: Check for moves Slovníky Východzie nastavenie Východzie nastavenie pre novú hru XLATE ME: Default wordlists XLATE ME: Wordlists XLATE ME: Fourth player XLATE ME: Third player XLATE ME: Second player XLATE ME: First player XLATE ME: Default player names XLATE ME: Player names Slovník pre hru XLATE ME: Handle phonies XLATE ME: Randomly, for new games XLATE ME: Juggle players XLATE ME: Enable hints for two-device games XLATE ME: Enable the hint feature XLATE ME: Wordlist for robots Veľkosť hracej plochy XLATE ME: Hiding the game name lets the board be slightly larger XLATE ME: Hide titlebar XLATE ME: Game state XLATE ME: Opponent name[s] XLATE ME: Game language XLATE ME: \u003cNothing\u003E XLATE ME: Include in game listing XLATE ME: Settings controlling appearance XLATE ME: Appearance Farby Upraviť farby hráčov a hracej plochy Dvojitá hodnota písmena Trojitá hodnota písmena Dvojitá hodnota slova Trojitá hodnota slova XLATE ME: Crosshairs color Pozadie kamenňov Prázdne pole/pozadie XLATE ME: In-square bonus hint XLATE ME: Board background Chyba pripojenia Chcete prihlásiť viac hráčov ako očakáva server. Žiadny server si nezaregistroval miestnosť s týmto menom. Iný server si už zaregistroval miestnosť s týmto menom. Premenujte ju alebo to skúste neskôr. Relay stratil kontakt s niektorým zariadením v hre. Chcete napriek tomu potvrdiť tento ťah? Ťah stratený. Neplatné slovo[á] Určite chcete hru ihneď ukončiť? Vzdialený hráč[i] Ako Server vyberte jedného alebo viacerých hráčov ktorí sa budú mocť pripojiť ako Klient. XLATE ME: Modified first player. Hra skončená XLATE ME: Reset Vymazat Copyright (C) 1998-2020 Eric House. Tento software je vydaný pod licenciou GNU Public License. Manuál a zdrojové kódy nájdete na: http://xwords.sf.net. Hlásiť chyby, doporučiť vylepšenia, ponúknuť pomoc, atď. môžete na email: eehouse@eehouse.org. Slovenský preklad Tomáš Morkus XLATE ME: Translate XLATE ME: Selected: %1$d XLATE ME: Unselect all XLATE ME: Select all XLATE ME: Word lookup XLATE ME: The selected words will be copied to the system clipboard. You can then paste them into any app that supports pasting text, e.g. an email app. XLATE ME: You have not yet saved any words into a studylist. XLATE ME: You have not yet saved any words into a studylist for %1$s. XLATE ME: Your words for: XLATE ME: Studylist for %1$s XLATE ME: %1$s added to list XLATE ME: Delete XLATE ME: Copy to clipboard XLATE ME: Studylist… XLATE ME: Offer to add to and display lists of words to remember XLATE ME: Enable studylists XLATE ME: Add %1$s to studylist XLATE ME: Google Play app not found XLATE ME: Rate CrossWords XLATE ME: \u0020pct. XLATE ME: Launch Settings XLATE ME: NFC is turned off on this device. You can use the Android Settings app to turn it on . XLATE ME: Invite XLATE ME: %1$s (in use) XLATE ME: Invitation received but ignored: it has already been used to create a game. XLATE ME: Disabled XLATE ME: Thumbnail size XLATE ME: Groups: %1$d XLATE ME: Games: %1$d XLATE ME: The back button clears any selection instead of exiting. Hit it again to exit the app. XLATE ME: Tapping a game opens it.\n\nYou can instead tap the icons at the left to select or deselect games, then act on selected games, e.g. to delete them, using the menu or \"Actionbar.\" XLATE ME: Message from relay XLATE ME: Move selected games to: XLATE ME: Even if they can be taller XLATE ME: Square rack tiles XLATE ME: Reconnect XLATE ME: Rematch XLATE ME: The group for new games, %1$s, cannot be deleted. XLATE ME: Name group XLATE ME: Change the name of this group to: XLATE ME: New games XLATE ME: My games XLATE ME: Move down XLATE ME: Move up XLATE ME: Put new games here XLATE ME: Rename XLATE ME: Delete XLATE ME: Name your new group: XLATE ME: Downloads Directory XLATE ME: (Not in external/sdcard memory) XLATE ME: Store wordlists internally XLATE ME: Download unsuccessful XLATE ME: Download finished XLATE ME: Decline XLATE ME: You have been invited to play CrossWords using the wordlist %2$s (for play in %3$s), but it is not installed. Would you like to download the wordlist? XLATE ME: %1$s has invited you to play CrossWords using the wordlist %2$s (for play in %3$s), but it is not installed. Would you like to download the wordlist or decline the invitation? XLATE ME: Missing wordlist XLATE ME: Required wordlist missing XLATE ME: Game invitation pending XLATE ME: Reloading game with %1$s XLATE ME: \u0020(You will have to download it first.) XLATE ME: You are using the wordlist %1$s but the game host is using %2$s. Would you like to use %3$s too? XLATE ME: Wordlist mismatch XLATE ME: You and the host of this game are using different versions of the wordlist %1$s. XLATE ME: Tap to download and install XLATE ME: New version of %1$s XLATE ME: Tap to update %1$s XLATE ME: New wordlist available XLATE ME: Everything is up-to-date. XLATE ME: Check for updates XLATE ME: Play via SMS is currently disabled, so no moves will be sent for this game. (If you want to enable play via SMS, go to Settings->Network game settings.) XLATE ME: Yes: I\'ll pay all carrier charges XLATE ME: Yes: I have unlimited texting XLATE ME: No: leave disabled XLATE ME: Enable play via SMS? XLATE ME: Warning: This feature is meant for phones with unlimited texting plans. Once you enable it dozens of SMS (text) messages will be sent (invisibly) for each game played. If you don\'t have an unlimited plan your carrier may charge you for each and every message!\n\nShould play via SMS be enabled? XLATE ME: Confirm your SMS plan XLATE ME: Only if you have unlimited texting! XLATE ME: Allow games via SMS XLATE ME: internet/relay XLATE ME: No messages have been received. XLATE ME: Last receipt was %1$s XLATE ME: (Last successful send was %1$s) XLATE ME: (Last failure was %1$s) XLATE ME: Last send was %1$s (%2$s) XLATE ME: unsuccessful XLATE ME: successful XLATE ME: Network status for game connected via %1$s: XLATE ME: Building game summary… XLATE ME: Browse wordlist XLATE ME: Toggle values XLATE ME: Chat XLATE ME: Flip board XLATE ME: Juggle rack XLATE ME: Undo/Redo XLATE ME: Next hint XLATE ME: Prev hint XLATE ME: Remote device undid a turn. XLATE ME: Are you certain this number is on an account with unlimited texting? Click cancel if you are not. XLATE ME: Game in play with %1$s XLATE ME: Enter phone number: XLATE ME: Phone list is empty. Use the \"Import contact\" button to add people you want to invite, the + button to enter numbers directly. XLATE ME: The number %1$s for %2$s is not a \"mobile\" number. Import anyway? XLATE ME: Import contact XLATE ME: %1$s has invited you to play XLATE ME: Invite checked XLATE ME: Bluetooth sends to %1$s have failed too many times. Re-open the game to try again. XLATE ME: Bluetooth send to %1$s failed; retry %3$d in %2$d seconds. XLATE ME: CrossWords on %1$s wrong version for Bluetooth play. XLATE ME: Paired device %1$s has invited you to play XLATE ME: Game in play XLATE ME: Game over XLATE ME: Unconnected XLATE ME: Waiting for connection[s] XLATE ME: Remove checked XLATE ME: (If relevant, please include the version: \"%1$s\"; and make/model of your phone or tablet.) XLATE ME: Send comment via XLATE ME: Comment about CrossWords XLATE ME: Email author XLATE ME: Words no longer than XLATE ME: Words no shorter than XLATE ME: Max length XLATE ME: Min length XLATE ME: The wordlist %1$s contains only tile information. There are no words to browse. XLATE ME: This button opens the wordlist browser on the wordlist of your choice. XLATE ME: This button opens the wordlist browser on the current player\'s wordlist. XLATE ME: No word in %1$s starts with %2$s. XLATE ME: %1$s (%2$d words using %3$d tiles) XLATE ME: %1$s (%2$d words using %3$d-%4$d tiles) XLATE ME: Pick tiles face-up XLATE ME: First letters XLATE ME: Find XLATE ME: Move XLATE ME: This button lets you look up the words just played online. (Note that not all languages are supported yet.) XLATE ME: Pass XLATE ME: Look up %1$s at XLATE ME: Done with %1$s XLATE ME: Done XLATE ME: Tap to look up or study XLATE ME: Tap to look up XLATE ME: Look up/study %1$s XLATE ME: Look up %1$s XLATE ME: Look up/study words XLATE ME: Look up words XLATE ME: Recent changes XLATE ME: Recent changes XLATE ME: Toolbar icons by Sarah Chu. Slovník sa nenašiel XLATE ME: Unable to open game \"%1$s\" because wordlist %2$s not found. (It may have been deleted, or stored on an external card that is no longer available.) You can download a replacement or substitute another %3$s wordlist. XLATE ME: You need to download a replacement %2$s wordlist before you can open game \"%1$s\". (The original may have been deleted or stored on an external card that is no longer available.) XLATE ME: Close game Nahrať XLATE ME: Substitute wordlist (wordcount) XLATE ME: Substitute Heslo pre \"%1$s\": Hráč %1$d Hra %1$d Červená Zelená Modrá XLATE ME: Settings controlling app behavior XLATE ME: Behavior Trvanie hry v minutách