/* -*- fill-column: 77; c-basic-offset: 4; compile-command: "make TARGET_OS=wince DEBUG=TRUE"-*- */ /* * Copyright 2000-2006 by Eric House (xwords@eehouse.org). All rights reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ /* #include */ /* #include */ #include #include /* for sprintf, etc. */ #include "xptypes.h" #include "board.h" #include "draw.h" #include "mempool.h" #include "cemain.h" #include "cedict.h" #include "cedefines.h" #include "debhacks.h" #ifndef DRAW_FUNC_NAME #define DRAW_FUNC_NAME(nam) ce_draw_ ## nam #endif #define CE_MINI_V_PADDING 6 #define CE_MINIW_PADDING 0 #define CE_SCORE_PADDING -3 #define CE_REM_PADDING -1 #define CE_TIMER_PADDING -2 #define IS_TURN_VPAD 2 static void ceClearToBkground( CEDrawCtx* dctx, const XP_Rect* rect ); static void ceDrawBitmapInRect( HDC hdc, const RECT* r, HBITMAP bitmap ); static void XPRtoRECT( RECT* rt, const XP_Rect* xprect ) { rt->left = xprect->left; rt->top = xprect->top; rt->right = rt->left + xprect->width; rt->bottom = rt->top + xprect->height; } /* XPRtoRECT */ static void makeAndDrawBitmap( CEDrawCtx* XP_UNUSED(dctx), HDC hdc, const RECT* bnds, XP_Bool center, COLORREF foreRef, CEBitmapInfo* info ) { #if 1 POINT points[2]; HGDIOBJ forePen; XP_U16 nCols, nRows, row, col, rowBytes; XP_S32 x, y; XP_UCHAR* bits = info->bits; HGDIOBJ oldObj; forePen = CreatePen( PS_SOLID, 1, foreRef ); oldObj = SelectObject( hdc, forePen ); nRows = info->nRows; nCols = info->nCols; rowBytes = (nCols + 7) / 8; while ( (rowBytes % 2) != 0 ) { ++rowBytes; } x = bnds->left; y = bnds->top; if ( center ) { /* the + 1 is to round up */ x += ((bnds->right - bnds->left) - nCols + 1) / 2; y += ((bnds->bottom - bnds->top) - nRows + 1) / 2; } for ( row = 0; row < nRows; ++row ) { for ( col = 0; col < nCols; ++col ) { XP_UCHAR byt = bits[col / 8]; XP_Bool set = (byt & (0x80 >> (col % 8))) != 0; if ( set ) { points[0].x = x + col; points[0].y = y + row; points[1].x = x + col + 1; points[1].y = y + row + 1; Polyline( hdc, points, 2 ); } } bits += rowBytes; } SelectObject( hdc, oldObj ); DeleteObject( forePen ); #else /* I can't get this to work. Hence the above hack.... */ HBITMAP bm; bm = CreateBitmap( info->nCols, info->nRows, 1, 1, info->bits ); ceDrawBitmapInRect( hdc, rt->left+2, rt->top+2, bm ); DeleteObject( bm ); #endif } /* makeAndDrawBitmap */ static void measureText( CEDrawCtx* dctx, const XP_UCHAR* str, XP_S16 padding, XP_U16* widthP, XP_U16* heightP ) { HDC hdc = GetDC(dctx->mainWin);//globals->hdc; XP_U16 height = 0; XP_U16 maxWidth = 0; for ( ; ; ) { wchar_t widebuf[32]; XP_UCHAR* nextStr = strstr( str, XP_CR ); XP_U16 len = nextStr==NULL? strlen(str): nextStr - str; SIZE size; XP_ASSERT( nextStr != str ); MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, MB_PRECOMPOSED, str, len, widebuf, sizeof(widebuf)/sizeof(widebuf[0]) ); GetTextExtentPoint32( hdc, widebuf, len, &size ); maxWidth = (XP_U16)XP_MAX( maxWidth, size.cx ); height += size.cy; dctx->miniLineHt = (XP_U16)size.cy; if ( nextStr == NULL ) { break; } height += padding; str = nextStr + XP_STRLEN(XP_CR); /* skip '\n' */ } *widthP = maxWidth + 8; *heightP = height; } /* measureText */ static void drawLines( CEDrawCtx* dctx, HDC hdc, const XP_UCHAR* text, XP_S16 padding, const RECT* rp, int flags ) { wchar_t widebuf[128]; RECT textRt = *rp; for ( ; ; ) { /* draw up to the '\n' each time */ XP_UCHAR* nextStr = strstr( text, XP_CR ); XP_U16 len; if ( nextStr == NULL ) { len = XP_STRLEN(text); } else { len = nextStr - text; } MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, MB_PRECOMPOSED, text, len, widebuf, sizeof(widebuf)/sizeof(widebuf[0]) ); textRt.bottom = textRt.top + dctx->miniLineHt; DrawText( hdc, widebuf, len, &textRt, flags ); if ( nextStr == NULL ) { break; } textRt.top = textRt.bottom + padding; text = nextStr + XP_STRLEN(XP_CR); } } /* drawLines */ DLSTATIC XP_Bool DRAW_FUNC_NAME(boardBegin)( DrawCtx* p_dctx, const DictionaryCtxt* XP_UNUSED(dict), const XP_Rect* XP_UNUSED(rect), DrawFocusState XP_UNUSED(dfs) ) { CEDrawCtx* dctx = (CEDrawCtx*)p_dctx; CEAppGlobals* globals = dctx->globals; HDC hdc = globals->hdc; XP_Bool canDraw = !!hdc; if ( canDraw ) { dctx->prevBkColor = GetBkColor( hdc ); } return canDraw; } /* draw_boardBegin */ DLSTATIC void DRAW_FUNC_NAME(objFinished)( DrawCtx* XP_UNUSED(dctx), BoardObjectType XP_UNUSED(typ), const XP_Rect* XP_UNUSED(rect), DrawFocusState XP_UNUSED(dfs) ) { } static XP_U16 getPlayerColor( XP_S16 player ) { if ( player < 0 ) { return BLACK_COLOR; } else { return USER_COLOR1 + player; } } /* getPlayerColor */ static void ceDrawLine( HDC hdc, XP_S32 x1, XP_S32 y1, XP_S32 x2, XP_S32 y2 ) { POINT points[2]; points[0].x = x1; points[0].y = y1; points[1].x = x2; points[1].y = y2; Polyline( hdc, points, 2 ); } /* ceDrawLine */ static void ceDrawHintBorders( HDC hdc, const XP_Rect* xprect, HintAtts hintAtts ) { if ( hintAtts != HINT_BORDER_NONE && hintAtts != HINT_BORDER_CENTER ) { RECT rt; XPRtoRECT( &rt, xprect ); InsetRect( &rt, 1, 1 ); if ( (hintAtts & HINT_BORDER_LEFT) != 0 ) { ceDrawLine( hdc, rt.left, rt.top, rt.left, rt.bottom+1 ); } if ( (hintAtts & HINT_BORDER_RIGHT) != 0 ) { ceDrawLine( hdc, rt.right, rt.top, rt.right, rt.bottom+1 ); } if ( (hintAtts & HINT_BORDER_TOP) != 0 ) { ceDrawLine( hdc, rt.left, rt.top, rt.right+1, rt.top ); } if ( (hintAtts & HINT_BORDER_BOTTOM) != 0 ) { ceDrawLine( hdc, rt.left, rt.bottom, rt.right+1, rt.bottom ); } } } /* ceDrawHintBorders */ DLSTATIC XP_Bool DRAW_FUNC_NAME(drawCell)( DrawCtx* p_dctx, const XP_Rect* xprect, const XP_UCHAR* letters, const XP_Bitmap bitmap, Tile XP_UNUSED(tile), XP_S16 owner, XWBonusType bonus, HintAtts hintAtts, CellFlags flags ) { CEDrawCtx* dctx = (CEDrawCtx*)p_dctx; CEAppGlobals* globals = dctx->globals; HDC hdc = globals->hdc; RECT rt; RECT textRect; XP_U16 bkIndex; const XP_UCHAR* cp = NULL; COLORREF foreColorRef; XP_Bool isPending = (flags & CELL_HIGHLIGHT) != 0; XP_ASSERT( !!hdc ); XPRtoRECT( &rt, xprect ); ++rt.bottom; ++rt.right; Rectangle( hdc, rt.left, rt.top, rt.right, rt.bottom ); textRect = rt; InsetRect( &textRect, 1, 1 ); InsetRect( &rt, 1, 1 ); /* always init to silence compiler warning */ foreColorRef = dctx->globals->appPrefs.colors[getPlayerColor(owner)]; if ( (!!letters && letters[0] != '\0' ) || !!bitmap ) { if ( isPending ) { bkIndex = BLACK_COLOR; foreColorRef = dctx->globals->appPrefs.colors[WHITE_COLOR]; } else { bkIndex = TILEBACK_COLOR; // foreColorRef already has right val } } else if ( bonus == BONUS_NONE ) { bkIndex = BKG_COLOR; } else { bkIndex = (bonus - BONUS_DOUBLE_LETTER) + BONUS1_COLOR; } FillRect( hdc, &rt, dctx->brushes[bkIndex] ); if ( (flags&CELL_ISBLANK) != 0 ) { /* For some reason windoze won't let me paint just the corner pixels when certain colors are involved, but it will let me paint the whole rect and then erase all but the corners. File this under "don't ask, but it works". */ RECT tmpRT; FillRect( hdc, &rt, dctx->brushes[isPending?WHITE_COLOR:BLACK_COLOR] ); tmpRT = rt; InsetRect( &tmpRT, 0, 2 ); FillRect( hdc, &tmpRT, dctx->brushes[bkIndex] ); tmpRT = rt; InsetRect( &tmpRT, 1, 0 ); FillRect( hdc, &tmpRT, dctx->brushes[bkIndex] ); } SetBkColor( hdc, dctx->globals->appPrefs.colors[bkIndex] ); if ( !!letters && (letters[0] != '\0') ) { wchar_t widebuf[4]; cp = letters; XP_MEMSET( widebuf, 0, sizeof(widebuf) ); MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, MB_PRECOMPOSED, cp, -1, widebuf, sizeof(widebuf)/sizeof(widebuf[0]) ); SetTextColor( hdc, foreColorRef ); #ifdef TARGET_OS_WIN32 MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, MB_PRECOMPOSED, letters, -1, widebuf, sizeof(widebuf)/sizeof(widebuf[0]) ); #endif DrawText( hdc, widebuf, -1, &textRect, DT_SINGLELINE | DT_VCENTER | DT_CENTER); } else if ( !!bitmap ) { makeAndDrawBitmap( dctx, hdc, &rt, XP_TRUE, foreColorRef, (CEBitmapInfo*)bitmap ); } else if ( (flags&CELL_ISSTAR) != 0 ) { ceDrawBitmapInRect( hdc, &textRect, dctx->origin ); } ceDrawHintBorders( hdc, xprect, hintAtts ); return XP_TRUE; } /* ce_draw_drawCell */ DLSTATIC void DRAW_FUNC_NAME(invertCell)( DrawCtx* XP_UNUSED(p_dctx), const XP_Rect* XP_UNUSED(rect) ) { } /* ce_draw_invertCell */ #ifdef DEBUG #if 0 static char* logClipResult( int icrResult ) { #define caseStr(d) case d: return #d switch ( icrResult ) { caseStr(SIMPLEREGION); caseStr(COMPLEXREGION); caseStr(NULLREGION); caseStr(ERROR); } #undef caseStr return "unknown"; } /* logClipResult */ #endif #endif DLSTATIC XP_Bool DRAW_FUNC_NAME(trayBegin)( DrawCtx* p_dctx, const XP_Rect* XP_UNUSED(rect), XP_U16 owner, DrawFocusState XP_UNUSED(dfs) ) { CEDrawCtx* dctx = (CEDrawCtx*)p_dctx; CEAppGlobals* globals = dctx->globals; HDC hdc = globals->hdc; XP_Bool canDraw = !!hdc; if ( canDraw ) { dctx->trayOwner = owner; } return canDraw; } /* ce_draw_trayBegin */ static void drawDrawTileGuts( DrawCtx* p_dctx, const XP_Rect* xprect, const XP_UCHAR* letters, XP_Bitmap bitmap, XP_S16 val, CellFlags flags ) { CEDrawCtx* dctx = (CEDrawCtx*)p_dctx; CEAppGlobals* globals = dctx->globals; HDC hdc = globals->hdc; wchar_t widebuf[4]; RECT rt; XP_U16 index; XP_Bool highlighted; ceClearToBkground( dctx, xprect ); if ( (flags&CELL_ISEMPTY) == 0 ) { SetBkColor( hdc, dctx->globals->appPrefs.colors[TILEBACK_COLOR] ); index = getPlayerColor(dctx->trayOwner); SetTextColor( hdc, dctx->globals->appPrefs.colors[index] ); XPRtoRECT( &rt, xprect ); InsetRect( &rt, 1, 1 ); Rectangle(hdc, rt.left, rt.top, rt.right, rt.bottom); InsetRect( &rt, 1, 1 ); /* For some reason Rectangle isn't using the background brush to fill, so FillRect has to get called after Rectangle. Need to call InsetRect either way to put chars in the right place. */ highlighted = (flags&CELL_HIGHLIGHT) != 0; if ( highlighted ) { Rectangle( hdc, rt.left, rt.top, rt.right, rt.bottom ); InsetRect( &rt, 1, 1 ); } FillRect( hdc, &rt, dctx->brushes[TILEBACK_COLOR] ); if ( !highlighted ) { InsetRect( &rt, 1, 1 ); } if ( !!letters ) { HFONT oldFont = SelectObject( hdc, dctx->trayFont ); MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, MB_PRECOMPOSED, letters, -1, widebuf, sizeof(widebuf)/sizeof(widebuf[0]) ); DrawText( hdc, widebuf, -1, &rt, DT_SINGLELINE | DT_TOP | DT_LEFT ); SelectObject( hdc, oldFont ); } else if ( !!bitmap ) { RECT lrt = rt; XP_U16 tmp = USER_COLOR1+dctx->trayOwner; ++lrt.left; lrt.top += 4; makeAndDrawBitmap( dctx, hdc, &lrt, XP_FALSE, dctx->globals->appPrefs.colors[tmp], (CEBitmapInfo*)bitmap ); } if ( val >= 0 ) { swprintf( widebuf, L"%d", val ); DrawText(hdc, widebuf, -1, &rt, DT_SINGLELINE | DT_BOTTOM | DT_RIGHT); } } } /* drawDrawTileGuts */ DLSTATIC void DRAW_FUNC_NAME(drawTile)( DrawCtx* p_dctx, const XP_Rect* xprect, const XP_UCHAR* letters, XP_Bitmap bitmap, XP_S16 val, CellFlags flags ) { drawDrawTileGuts( p_dctx, xprect, letters, bitmap, val, flags ); } /* ce_draw_drawTile */ DLSTATIC void DRAW_FUNC_NAME(drawTileBack)( DrawCtx* p_dctx, const XP_Rect* xprect, CellFlags flags ) { drawDrawTileGuts( p_dctx, xprect, "?", NULL, -1, flags ); } /* ce_draw_drawTileBack */ DLSTATIC void DRAW_FUNC_NAME(drawTrayDivider)( DrawCtx* p_dctx, const XP_Rect* rect, XP_Bool selected ) { CEDrawCtx* dctx = (CEDrawCtx*)p_dctx; CEAppGlobals* globals = dctx->globals; HDC hdc = globals->hdc; RECT rt; XPRtoRECT( &rt, rect ); if ( selected ) { Rectangle( hdc, rt.left, rt.top, rt.right, rt.bottom ); } else { FillRect( hdc, &rt, dctx->brushes[BLACK_COLOR] ); } } /* ce_draw_drawTrayDivider */ static void ceClearToBkground( CEDrawCtx* dctx, const XP_Rect* rect ) { CEAppGlobals* globals = dctx->globals; HDC hdc = globals->hdc; RECT rt; XPRtoRECT( &rt, rect ); FillRect( hdc, &rt, dctx->brushes[BKG_COLOR] ); } /* ceClearToBkground */ /* DLSTATIC void */ /* DRAW_FUNC_NAME(clearRect)( DrawCtx* p_dctx, const XP_Rect* rectP ) */ /* { */ /* ceClearToBkground( (CEDrawCtx*)p_dctx, rectP ); */ /* } /\* ce_draw_clearRect *\/ */ static void ceDrawBitmapInRect( HDC hdc, const RECT* rect, HBITMAP bitmap ) { BITMAP bmp; HDC tmpDC; int nBytes; int x = rect->left; int y = rect->top; tmpDC = CreateCompatibleDC( hdc ); SelectObject( tmpDC, bitmap ); (void)IntersectClipRect( tmpDC, x, y, rect->right, rect->bottom ); nBytes = GetObject( bitmap, sizeof(bmp), &bmp ); XP_ASSERT( nBytes > 0 ); if ( nBytes == 0 ) { logLastError( "ceDrawBitmapInRect:GetObject" ); } x += ((rect->right - x) - bmp.bmWidth) / 2; y += ((rect->bottom - y) - bmp.bmHeight) / 2; BitBlt( hdc, x, y, bmp.bmWidth, bmp.bmHeight, tmpDC, 0, 0, SRCCOPY ); /* BLACKNESS */ DeleteDC( tmpDC ); } /* ceDrawBitmapInRect */ DLSTATIC void DRAW_FUNC_NAME(drawBoardArrow)( DrawCtx* p_dctx, const XP_Rect* xprect, XWBonusType cursorBonus, XP_Bool vertical, HintAtts hintAtts, CellFlags XP_UNUSED(flags) ) { CEDrawCtx* dctx = (CEDrawCtx*)p_dctx; CEAppGlobals* globals = dctx->globals; HDC hdc = globals->hdc; RECT rt; XP_U16 bkIndex; HBITMAP cursor; XPRtoRECT( &rt, xprect ); ++rt.bottom; ++rt.right; Rectangle( hdc, rt.left, rt.top, rt.right, rt.bottom ); InsetRect( &rt, 1, 1 ); if ( vertical ) { cursor = dctx->downArrow; } else { cursor = dctx->rightArrow; } if ( cursorBonus == BONUS_NONE ) { bkIndex = BKG_COLOR; } else { bkIndex = cursorBonus - BONUS_DOUBLE_LETTER + BONUS1_COLOR; } FillRect( hdc, &rt, dctx->brushes[bkIndex] ); SetBkColor( hdc, dctx->globals->appPrefs.colors[bkIndex] ); SetTextColor( hdc, dctx->globals->appPrefs.colors[BLACK_COLOR] ); ceDrawBitmapInRect( hdc, &rt, cursor ); ceDrawHintBorders( hdc, xprect, hintAtts ); } /* ce_draw_drawBoardArrow */ DLSTATIC void DRAW_FUNC_NAME(scoreBegin)( DrawCtx* p_dctx, const XP_Rect* rect, XP_U16 XP_UNUSED(numPlayers), DrawFocusState XP_UNUSED(dfs) ) { CEDrawCtx* dctx = (CEDrawCtx*)p_dctx; CEAppGlobals* globals = dctx->globals; HDC hdc = globals->hdc; SetBkColor( hdc, dctx->globals->appPrefs.colors[BKG_COLOR] ); dctx->scoreIsVertical = rect->height > rect->width; ceClearToBkground( (CEDrawCtx*)p_dctx, rect ); } /* ce_draw_scoreBegin */ static void formatRemText( XP_S16 nTilesLeft, XP_Bool isVertical, XP_UCHAR* buf ) { char* fmt; XP_ASSERT( nTilesLeft > 0 ); if ( isVertical ) { fmt = "Rem" XP_CR "%d"; } else { fmt = "Rem:%d"; } sprintf( buf, fmt, nTilesLeft ); } /* formatRemText */ DLSTATIC void DRAW_FUNC_NAME(measureRemText)( DrawCtx* p_dctx, const XP_Rect* XP_UNUSED(r), XP_S16 nTilesLeft, XP_U16* width, XP_U16* height ) { CEDrawCtx* dctx = (CEDrawCtx*)p_dctx; XP_UCHAR buf[16]; if ( nTilesLeft > 0 ) { formatRemText( nTilesLeft, dctx->scoreIsVertical, buf ); measureText( dctx, buf, CE_REM_PADDING, width, height ); } else { *width = *height = 0; } } /* ce_draw_measureRemText */ DLSTATIC void DRAW_FUNC_NAME(drawRemText)( DrawCtx* p_dctx, const XP_Rect* rInner, const XP_Rect* XP_UNUSED(rOuter), XP_S16 nTilesLeft ) { CEDrawCtx* dctx = (CEDrawCtx*)p_dctx; CEAppGlobals* globals = dctx->globals; HDC hdc = globals->hdc; XP_UCHAR buf[16]; RECT rt; formatRemText( nTilesLeft, dctx->scoreIsVertical, buf ); XPRtoRECT( &rt, rInner ); ++rt.left; /* 1: don't write up against edge */ drawLines( dctx, hdc, buf, CE_REM_PADDING, &rt, DT_SINGLELINE | DT_LEFT | DT_VCENTER | DT_CENTER ); } /* ce_draw_drawRemText */ static void ceWidthAndText( CEDrawCtx* dctx, const DrawScoreInfo* dsi, XP_UCHAR* buf, XP_U16* widthP, XP_U16* heightP ) { XP_UCHAR bullet[] = {'•', '\0'}; XP_UCHAR tmp[16]; /* For a horizontal scoreboard, we want *300:6* * For a vertical, it's * * 300 * 6 * * with IS_TURN_VPAD-height rects above and below */ if ( !dsi->isTurn || dctx->scoreIsVertical ) { bullet[0] = '\0'; } strcpy( buf, bullet ); sprintf( tmp, "%d", dsi->score ); strcat( buf, tmp ); if ( dsi->nTilesLeft >= 0 ) { strcat( buf, dctx->scoreIsVertical? XP_CR : ":" ); sprintf( tmp, "%d", dsi->nTilesLeft ); strcat( buf, tmp ); } strcat( buf, bullet ); measureText( dctx, buf, CE_SCORE_PADDING, widthP, heightP ); if ( dsi->isTurn && dctx->scoreIsVertical ) { *heightP += IS_TURN_VPAD * 2; } } /* ceWidthAndText */ DLSTATIC void DRAW_FUNC_NAME(measureScoreText)( DrawCtx* p_dctx, const XP_Rect* XP_UNUSED(r), const DrawScoreInfo* dsi, XP_U16* widthP, XP_U16* heightP ) { CEDrawCtx* dctx = (CEDrawCtx*)p_dctx; CEAppGlobals* globals = dctx->globals; HDC hdc = globals->hdc; XP_UCHAR buf[32]; HFONT newFont; HFONT oldFont; if ( dsi->selected ) { newFont = dctx->selPlayerFont; } else { newFont = dctx->playerFont; } oldFont = SelectObject( hdc, newFont ); ceWidthAndText( dctx, dsi, buf, widthP, heightP ); SelectObject( hdc, oldFont ); } /* ce_draw_measureScoreText */ DLSTATIC void DRAW_FUNC_NAME(score_drawPlayer)( DrawCtx* p_dctx, const XP_Rect* rInner, const XP_Rect* XP_UNUSED(rOuter), const DrawScoreInfo* dsi ) { CEDrawCtx* dctx = (CEDrawCtx*)p_dctx; CEAppGlobals* globals = dctx->globals; HDC hdc = globals->hdc; RECT rt; XP_U16 width, height; XP_UCHAR scoreBuf[20]; HFONT newFont; HFONT oldFont; XP_Bool frameScore; XPRtoRECT( &rt, rInner ); if ( dsi->selected ) { newFont = dctx->selPlayerFont; } else { newFont = dctx->playerFont; } oldFont = SelectObject( hdc, newFont ); SetTextColor( hdc, dctx->globals-> appPrefs.colors[getPlayerColor(dsi->playerNum)] ); ceWidthAndText( dctx, dsi, scoreBuf, &width, &height ); ++rt.top; /* tweak for ce */ frameScore = dsi->isTurn && dctx->scoreIsVertical; if ( frameScore ) { rt.top += IS_TURN_VPAD; rt.bottom -= IS_TURN_VPAD; } drawLines( dctx, hdc, scoreBuf, CE_SCORE_PADDING, &rt, DT_SINGLELINE | DT_VCENTER | DT_CENTER ); if ( frameScore ) { Rectangle( hdc, rt.left, rt.top-IS_TURN_VPAD, rt.right, rt.top ); Rectangle( hdc, rt.left, rt.bottom, rt.right, rt.bottom + IS_TURN_VPAD ); } SelectObject( hdc, oldFont ); } /* ce_draw_score_drawPlayer */ DLSTATIC void DRAW_FUNC_NAME(score_pendingScore)( DrawCtx* p_dctx, const XP_Rect* rect, XP_S16 score, XP_U16 XP_UNUSED(playerNum), CellFlags XP_UNUSED(flags) ) { CEDrawCtx* dctx = (CEDrawCtx*)p_dctx; CEAppGlobals* globals = dctx->globals; HDC hdc = globals->hdc; wchar_t widebuf[5]; XP_UCHAR buf[5]; RECT rt; SetTextColor( hdc, dctx->globals->appPrefs.colors[BLACK_COLOR] ); SetBkColor( hdc, dctx->globals->appPrefs.colors[BKG_COLOR] ); XPRtoRECT( &rt, rect ); FillRect( hdc, &rt, dctx->brushes[BKG_COLOR] ); if ( score < 0 ) { buf[0] = '?'; buf[1] = '?'; buf[2] = '\0'; } else { sprintf( buf, "%d", score ); } MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, MB_PRECOMPOSED, buf, -1, widebuf, sizeof(widebuf)/sizeof(widebuf[0]) ); DrawText(hdc, widebuf, -1, &rt, DT_SINGLELINE | DT_BOTTOM | DT_CENTER); DrawText(hdc, L"Pts", -1, &rt, DT_SINGLELINE | DT_TOP | DT_CENTER); } /* ce_draw_score_pendingScore */ DLSTATIC void DRAW_FUNC_NAME(drawTimer)( DrawCtx* p_dctx, const XP_Rect* rInner, const XP_Rect* XP_UNUSED(rOuter), XP_U16 player, XP_S16 secondsLeft ) { CEDrawCtx* dctx = (CEDrawCtx*)p_dctx; CEAppGlobals* globals = dctx->globals; HDC hdc = globals->hdc; XP_UCHAR buf[16]; XP_U16 mins, secs; RECT rt; PAINTSTRUCT ps; XP_Bool isNegative; XPRtoRECT( &rt, rInner ); isNegative = secondsLeft < 0; if ( isNegative ) { secondsLeft *= -1; } mins = secondsLeft / 60; secs = secondsLeft % 60; snprintf( buf, sizeof(buf), dctx->scoreIsVertical? "%s%.1dm" XP_CR "%.2ds" : "%s%.1d:%.2d", isNegative? "-": "", mins, secs ); if ( !globals->hdc ) { InvalidateRect( dctx->mainWin, &rt, FALSE ); hdc = BeginPaint( dctx->mainWin, &ps ); } SetTextColor( hdc, dctx->globals->appPrefs.colors[getPlayerColor(player)] ); ceClearToBkground( dctx, rInner ); drawLines( dctx, hdc, buf, CE_TIMER_PADDING, &rt, DT_SINGLELINE | DT_VCENTER | DT_CENTER); if ( !globals->hdc ) { EndPaint( dctx->mainWin, &ps ); } } /* ce_draw_drawTimer */ DLSTATIC XP_UCHAR* DRAW_FUNC_NAME(getMiniWText)( DrawCtx* XP_UNUSED(p_dctx), XWMiniTextType whichText ) { XP_UCHAR* str; switch( whichText ) { case BONUS_DOUBLE_LETTER: str = "Double letter"; break; case BONUS_DOUBLE_WORD: str = "Double word"; break; case BONUS_TRIPLE_LETTER: str = "Triple letter"; break; case BONUS_TRIPLE_WORD: str = "Triple word"; break; case INTRADE_MW_TEXT: str = "Trading tiles;" XP_CR "select 'Turn done' when ready"; break; default: XP_ASSERT( XP_FALSE ); str = NULL; break; } return str; } /* ce_draw_getMiniWText */ DLSTATIC void DRAW_FUNC_NAME(measureMiniWText)( DrawCtx* p_dctx, const XP_UCHAR* str, XP_U16* widthP, XP_U16* heightP ) { CEDrawCtx* dctx = (CEDrawCtx*)p_dctx; measureText( dctx, str, CE_MINIW_PADDING, widthP, heightP ); *heightP += CE_MINI_V_PADDING; } /* ce_draw_measureMiniWText */ DLSTATIC void DRAW_FUNC_NAME(drawMiniWindow)( DrawCtx* p_dctx, const XP_UCHAR* text, const XP_Rect* rect, void** XP_UNUSED(closureP) ) { CEDrawCtx* dctx = (CEDrawCtx*)p_dctx; CEAppGlobals* globals = dctx->globals; HDC hdc; RECT rt, textRt; PAINTSTRUCT ps; XPRtoRECT( &rt, rect ); if ( !!globals->hdc ) { hdc = globals->hdc; } else { InvalidateRect( dctx->mainWin, &rt, FALSE ); hdc = BeginPaint( dctx->mainWin, &ps ); } ceClearToBkground( (CEDrawCtx*)p_dctx, rect ); SetBkColor( hdc, dctx->globals->appPrefs.colors[BKG_COLOR] ); SetTextColor( hdc, dctx->globals->appPrefs.colors[BLACK_COLOR] ); Rectangle( hdc, rt.left, rt.top, rt.right, rt.bottom ); InsetRect( &rt, 1, 1 ); Rectangle( hdc, rt.left, rt.top, rt.right, rt.bottom ); textRt = rt; textRt.top += 2; InsetRect( &textRt, 3, 0 ); drawLines( dctx, hdc, text, CE_MINIW_PADDING, &textRt, DT_CENTER | DT_VCENTER ); if ( !globals->hdc ) { EndPaint( dctx->mainWin, &ps ); } } /* ce_draw_drawMiniWindow */ DLSTATIC void DRAW_FUNC_NAME(eraseMiniWindow)( DrawCtx* XP_UNUSED(p_dctx), const XP_Rect* XP_UNUSED(rect), XP_Bool XP_UNUSED(lastTime), void** XP_UNUSED(closure), XP_Bool* invalUnder ) { *invalUnder = XP_TRUE; } /* ce_draw_eraseMiniWindow */ DLSTATIC void DRAW_FUNC_NAME(destroyCtxt)( DrawCtx* p_dctx ) { XP_U16 i; CEDrawCtx* dctx = (CEDrawCtx*)p_dctx; for ( i = 0; i < NUM_COLORS; ++i ) { DeleteObject( dctx->brushes[i] ); } DeleteObject( dctx->trayFont ); DeleteObject( dctx->playerFont ); DeleteObject( dctx->selPlayerFont ); DeleteObject( dctx->rightArrow ); DeleteObject( dctx->downArrow ); DeleteObject( dctx->origin ); #ifndef DRAW_LINK_DIRECT XP_FREE( dctx->mpool, p_dctx->vtable ); #endif XP_FREE( dctx->mpool, dctx ); } /* ce_draw_destroyCtxt */ #ifdef DRAW_LINK_DIRECT DLSTATIC XP_Bool DRAW_FUNC_NAME(vertScrollBoard)( DrawCtx* p_dctx, XP_Rect* rect, XP_S16 dist ) { XP_Bool success = XP_FALSE; /* board passes in the whole board rect, so we need to subtract from it the height of the area to be overwritten. If dist is negative, the dest is above the src. Otherwise it's below. */ CEDrawCtx* dctx = (CEDrawCtx*)p_dctx; CEAppGlobals* globals = dctx->globals; int destY, srcY; XP_Bool down = dist <= 0; if ( down ) { srcY = rect->top; dist = -dist; /* make it positive */ destY = srcY + dist; } else { destY = rect->top; srcY = destY + dist; } success = FALSE != BitBlt( globals->hdc, /* HDC hdcDest, */ rect->left, /* int nXDest */ destY, rect->width, /* width */ rect->height - dist, /* int nHeight */ globals->hdc, /* HDC hdcSrc */ rect->left, /* int nXSrc */ srcY, SRCCOPY ); /* DWORD dwRop */ /* need to return the rect that must still be redrawn */ if ( success ) { if ( !down ) { rect->top += rect->height - dist; } rect->height = dist; } return success; } #else /* #ifdef DRAW_LINK_DIRECT */ static void ce_draw_doNothing( DrawCtx* dctx, ... ) { } /* ce_draw_doNothing */ #endif static void ceFontsSetup( CEDrawCtx* dctx ) { LOGFONT font; XP_MEMSET( &font, 0, sizeof(font) ); font.lfHeight = (CE_TRAY_SCALEV*2)/3; font.lfWeight = 600; /* FW_DEMIBOLD */ wcscpy( font.lfFaceName, L"Arial" ); dctx->trayFont = CreateFontIndirect( &font ); font.lfWeight = FW_LIGHT; font.lfHeight = CE_SCORE_HEIGHT - 2; dctx->playerFont = CreateFontIndirect( &font ); font.lfWeight = FW_BOLD; font.lfHeight = CE_SCORE_HEIGHT; dctx->selPlayerFont = CreateFontIndirect( &font ); } /* ceFontsSetup */ void ce_drawctxt_update( DrawCtx* p_dctx ) { CEDrawCtx* dctx = (CEDrawCtx*)p_dctx; XP_U16 i; for ( i = 0; i < NUM_COLORS; ++i ) { if ( !!dctx->brushes[i] ) { DeleteObject( dctx->brushes[i] ); } dctx->brushes[i] = CreateSolidBrush(dctx->globals->appPrefs.colors[i]); } } /* ce_drawctxt_update */ DrawCtx* ce_drawctxt_make( MPFORMAL HWND mainWin, CEAppGlobals* globals ) { CEDrawCtx* dctx = (CEDrawCtx*)XP_MALLOC( mpool, sizeof(*dctx) ); MPASSIGN(dctx->mpool, mpool); #ifndef DRAW_LINK_DIRECT dctx->vtable = (DrawCtxVTable*)XP_MALLOC( mpool, sizeof(*((dctx)->vtable))); for ( i = 0; i < sizeof(*dctx->vtable)/4; ++i ) { ((void**)(dctx->vtable))[i] = ce_draw_doNothing; } SET_VTABLE_ENTRY( dctx->vtable, draw_destroyCtxt, ce ); SET_VTABLE_ENTRY( dctx->vtable, draw_boardBegin, ce ); SET_VTABLE_ENTRY( dctx->vtable, draw_drawCell, ce ); SET_VTABLE_ENTRY( dctx->vtable, draw_invertCell, ce ); SET_VTABLE_ENTRY( dctx->vtable, draw_boardFinished, ce ); SET_VTABLE_ENTRY( dctx->vtable, draw_trayBegin, ce ); SET_VTABLE_ENTRY( dctx->vtable, draw_trayFinished, ce ); SET_VTABLE_ENTRY( dctx->vtable, draw_drawTile, ce ); SET_VTABLE_ENTRY( dctx->vtable, draw_drawTileBack, ce ); SET_VTABLE_ENTRY( dctx->vtable, draw_drawTrayDivider, ce ); SET_VTABLE_ENTRY( dctx->vtable, draw_clearRect, ce ); SET_VTABLE_ENTRY( dctx->vtable, draw_drawBoardArrow, ce ); SET_VTABLE_ENTRY( dctx->vtable, draw_scoreBegin, ce ); SET_VTABLE_ENTRY( dctx->vtable, draw_measureRemText, ce ); SET_VTABLE_ENTRY( dctx->vtable, draw_drawRemText, ce ); SET_VTABLE_ENTRY( dctx->vtable, draw_measureScoreText, ce ); SET_VTABLE_ENTRY( dctx->vtable, draw_score_drawPlayer, ce ); SET_VTABLE_ENTRY( dctx->vtable, draw_score_pendingScore, ce ); SET_VTABLE_ENTRY( dctx->vtable, draw_scoreFinished, ce ); SET_VTABLE_ENTRY( dctx->vtable, draw_drawTimer, ce ); SET_VTABLE_ENTRY( dctx->vtable, draw_getMiniWText, ce ); SET_VTABLE_ENTRY( dctx->vtable, draw_measureMiniWText, ce ); SET_VTABLE_ENTRY( dctx->vtable, draw_drawMiniWindow, ce ); SET_VTABLE_ENTRY( dctx->vtable, draw_eraseMiniWindow, ce ); #endif dctx->mainWin = mainWin; dctx->globals = globals; ce_drawctxt_update( (DrawCtx*)dctx ); ceFontsSetup( dctx ); dctx->rightArrow = LoadBitmap( globals->hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDB_RIGHTARROW) ); XP_DEBUGF( "loaded bitmap: 0x%lx", (unsigned long)dctx->rightArrow ); dctx->downArrow = LoadBitmap( globals->hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDB_DOWNARROW) ); dctx->origin = LoadBitmap( globals->hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDB_ORIGIN) ); return (DrawCtx*)dctx; } /* ce_drawctxt_make */