/* -*-mode: C; fill-column: 78; c-basic-offset: 4; -*- */ /* * Copyright 2005 by Eric House (fixin@peak.org). All rights reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "cref.h" #include "xwrelay.h" #include "mlock.h" #include "tpool.h" #include "states.h" using namespace std; static CookieMap gCookieMap; pthread_rwlock_t gCookieMapRWLock = PTHREAD_RWLOCK_INITIALIZER; pthread_mutex_t g_IdsMutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; CookieID CookieRef::ms_nextConnectionID = 1000; /* static */ CookieRef* CookieRef::AddNew( string s, CookieID id ) { RWWriteLock rwl( &gCookieMapRWLock ); CookieRef* ref = new CookieRef( s, id ); gCookieMap.insert( pair(ref->GetCookieID(), ref ) ); logf( "paired cookie %s with id %d", s.c_str(), ref->GetCookieID() ); return ref; } /* static */ void CookieRef::Delete( CookieID id ) { CookieRef* cref = get_cookieRef( id ); if ( cref != NULL ) { delete cref; } } /* static */ void CookieRef::Delete( const char* name ) { CookieID id = CookieIdForName( name ); Delete( id ); } /* Delete */ CookieID CookieIdForName( const char* name ) { CookieRef* ref = NULL; string s(name); RWReadLock rwl( &gCookieMapRWLock ); CookieMap::iterator iter = gCookieMap.begin(); while ( iter != gCookieMap.end() ) { ref = iter->second; if ( ref->Name() == s && ref->NotFullyConnected() ) { return ref->GetCookieID(); } ++iter; } return 0; } /* CookieIdForName */ void CheckHeartbeats( time_t now, vector* sockets ) { logf( "CheckHeartbeats" ); RWReadLock rwl( &gCookieMapRWLock ); CookieMap::iterator iter = gCookieMap.begin(); while ( iter != gCookieMap.end() ) { CookieRef* ref = iter->second; ref->CheckHeartbeats( now, sockets ); ++iter; } logf( "CheckHeartbeats done" ); } /* CheckHeartbeats */ /* [Re]connecting. If there was a game in progress and this host disconnected * briefly then we can just reconnect. Otherwise we have to create just as if * it were a from-scratch connect, but without choosing the CookieID. */ CookieRef* get_make_cookieRef( const char* cookie, CookieID cookieID ) { /* start with the cookieID if it's set */ CookieRef* cref = cookieID == 0 ? NULL: get_cookieRef( cookieID ); if ( cref == NULL ) { /* need to keep looking? */ CookieID newId = CookieIdForName( cookie ); if ( newId == 0 ) { /* not in the system */ cref = CookieRef::AddNew( string(cookie), cookieID ); } else { cref = get_cookieRef( newId ); } } return cref; } CookieRef* get_cookieRef( CookieID cookieID ) { CookieRef* ref = NULL; RWReadLock rwl( &gCookieMapRWLock ); CookieMap::iterator iter = gCookieMap.find( cookieID); while ( iter != gCookieMap.end() ) { CookieRef* sec = iter->second; if ( sec->GetCookieID() == cookieID ) { ref = sec; break; } ++iter; } return ref; } /* get_cookieRef */ static void ForgetCref( CookieRef* cref ) { RWWriteLock ml( &gCookieMapRWLock ); CookieMap::iterator iter = gCookieMap.begin(); while ( iter != gCookieMap.end() ) { CookieRef* ref = iter->second; if ( ref == cref ) { logf( "erasing cref" ); gCookieMap.erase( iter ); break; } ++iter; } assert( iter != gCookieMap.end() ); /* didn't find it */ } class SocketStuff { public: SocketStuff( pthread_t id, CookieRef* cref ) : m_threadID(id), m_cref(cref) { pthread_mutex_init( &m_writeMutex, NULL ); } ~SocketStuff() { pthread_mutex_destroy( &m_writeMutex ); } pthread_t m_threadID; CookieRef* m_cref; pthread_mutex_t m_writeMutex; /* so only one thread writes at a time */ }; SocketMap SocketMgr::ms_SocketStuff; pthread_mutex_t SocketMgr::ms_SocketStuffMutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; /* static */ void SocketMgr::Associate( int socket, CookieRef* cref ) { logf( "ms_SocketStuffMutex=%x", &ms_SocketStuffMutex ); MutexLock ml( &ms_SocketStuffMutex ); SocketMap::iterator iter = ms_SocketStuff.find( socket ); if ( iter == ms_SocketStuff.end() ) { logf( "replacing existing cref/threadID pair for socket %d", socket ); } pthread_t self = pthread_self(); SocketStuff* stuff = new SocketStuff( self, cref ); ms_SocketStuff.insert( pair< int, SocketStuff* >( socket, stuff ) ); } /* Associate */ /*static*/ CookieRef* SocketMgr::CookieRefForSocket( int socket ) { MutexLock ml( &ms_SocketStuffMutex ); SocketMap::iterator iter = ms_SocketStuff.find( socket ); if ( iter != ms_SocketStuff.end() ) { SocketStuff* stuff = iter->second; return stuff->m_cref; } return NULL; } /* static */ pthread_mutex_t* SocketMgr::GetWriteMutexForSocket( int socket ) { MutexLock ml( &ms_SocketStuffMutex ); SocketMap::iterator iter = ms_SocketStuff.find( socket ); if ( iter != ms_SocketStuff.end() ) { SocketStuff* stuff = iter->second; return &stuff->m_writeMutex; } assert( 0 ); } /* static */ void SocketMgr::RemoveSocketRefs( int socket ) { CookieRef* cref = CookieRefForSocket( socket ); if ( cref != NULL ) { MutexLock ml( &ms_SocketStuffMutex ); SocketMap::iterator iter = ms_SocketStuff.find( socket ); assert( iter != ms_SocketStuff.end() ); delete iter->second; ms_SocketStuff.erase( iter ); cref->Remove( socket ); } else { logf( "socket already dead" ); } } /* RemoveSocketRefs */ /* static */ void SocketMgr::PrintSocketInfo( int socket, string& out ) { CookieRef* me = SocketMgr::CookieRefForSocket( socket ); assert( me ); char buf[64]; snprintf( buf, sizeof(buf), "* socket: %d\n", socket ); out += buf; snprintf( buf, sizeof(buf), " in cookie: %s\n", me->Name().c_str() ); out += buf; } /* static */ SocketsIterator SocketMgr::MakeSocketsIterator() { SocketsIterator iter( ms_SocketStuff.begin() ); return iter; } /***************************************************************************** * SocketsIterator class *****************************************************************************/ SocketsIterator::SocketsIterator( SocketMap::iterator iter ) : m_iter( iter ) { } int SocketsIterator::Next() { int socket = m_iter->first; ++m_iter; return socket; } /***************************************************************************** * CookieRef class *****************************************************************************/ CookieRef::CookieRef( string s, CookieID id ) : m_name(s) , m_totalSent(0) , m_curState(XW_ST_INITED) { pthread_rwlock_init( &m_sockets_rwlock, NULL ); pthread_mutex_init( &m_EventsMutex, NULL ); if ( id == 0 ) { MutexLock ml( &g_IdsMutex ); m_connectionID = ms_nextConnectionID++; /* needs a mutex!!! */ } else { m_connectionID = id; } } CookieRef::~CookieRef() { /* get rid of any sockets still contained */ XWThreadPool* tPool = XWThreadPool::GetTPool(); for ( ; ; ) { RWWriteLock rwl( &m_sockets_rwlock ); map::iterator iter = m_hostSockets.begin(); if ( iter == m_hostSockets.end() ) { break; } int socket = iter->second.m_socket; tPool->CloseSocket( socket ); m_hostSockets.erase( iter ); } pthread_rwlock_destroy( &m_sockets_rwlock ); logf( "CookieRef for %d being deleted", m_connectionID ); } void CookieRef::Connect( int socket, HostID srcID ) { SocketMgr::Associate( socket, this ); MutexLock ml( &m_EventsMutex ); pushConnectEvent( socket, srcID ); handleEvents(); } int CookieRef::SocketForHost( HostID dest ) { int socket; map::iterator iter = m_hostSockets.find( dest ); if ( iter == m_hostSockets.end() ) { socket = -1; } else { socket = iter->second.m_socket; logf( "socketForHost(%x) => %d", dest, socket ); } logf( "returning socket=%d for hostid=%x", socket, dest ); return socket; } void CookieRef::Remove( int socket ) { int count; { RWWriteLock rwl( &m_sockets_rwlock ); count = CountSockets(); assert( count > 0 ); map::iterator iter = m_hostSockets.begin(); while ( iter != m_hostSockets.end() ) { if ( iter->second.m_socket == socket ) { m_hostSockets.erase(iter); --count; break; } ++iter; } } /* Does this belong here or at a higher level? */ XWThreadPool::GetTPool()->CloseSocket( socket ); if ( count == 0 ) { ForgetCref( this ); delete this; } } void CookieRef::HandleHeartbeat( HostID id, int socket ) { MutexLock ml( &m_EventsMutex ); pushHeartbeatEvent( id, socket ); handleEvents(); } /* HandleHeartbeat */ void CookieRef::CheckHeartbeats( time_t now, vector* victims ) { logf( "CookieRef::CheckHeartbeats" ); MutexLock ml( &m_EventsMutex ); pushHeartTimerEvent( now, victims ); handleEvents(); } /* CheckHeartbeats */ void CookieRef::Forward( HostID src, HostID dest, unsigned char* buf, int buflen ) { MutexLock ml( &m_EventsMutex ); pushForwardEvent( src, dest, buf, buflen ); handleEvents(); } /* Forward */ void CookieRef::pushConnectEvent( int socket, HostID srcID ) { CRefEvent evt; evt.type = XW_EVENT_CONNECTMSG; evt.u.con.socket = socket; evt.u.con.srcID = srcID; m_eventQueue.push_front( evt ); } /* pushConnectEvent */ void CookieRef::pushHeartbeatEvent( HostID id, int socket ) { CRefEvent evt; evt.type = XW_EVENT_HEARTMSG; evt.u.heart.id = id; evt.u.heart.socket = socket; m_eventQueue.push_front( evt ); } void CookieRef::pushHeartTimerEvent( time_t now, vector* victims ) { CRefEvent evt; evt.type = XW_EVENT_HEARTTIMER; evt.u.htime.now = now; evt.u.htime.victims = victims; m_eventQueue.push_front( evt ); } void CookieRef::pushForwardEvent( HostID src, HostID dest, unsigned char* buf, int buflen ) { CRefEvent evt; evt.type = XW_EVENT_FORWARDMSG; evt.u.fwd.src = src; evt.u.fwd.dest = dest; evt.u.fwd.buf = buf; evt.u.fwd.buflen = buflen; m_eventQueue.push_front( evt ); } void CookieRef::handleEvents() { XW_RELAY_ACTION takeAction; while ( m_eventQueue.size() > 0 ) { CRefEvent evt = m_eventQueue.front(); m_eventQueue.pop_front(); if ( getFromTable( m_curState, evt.type, &takeAction, &m_nextState ) ) { logf( "moving from state %s to state %s for event %s", stateString(m_curState), stateString(m_nextState), eventString(evt.type) ); switch( takeAction ) { case XW_ACTION_SENDRSP: sendResponse( &evt ); break; case XW_ACTION_FWD: forward( &evt ); break; case XW_ACTION_DISCONNECTALL: disconnectAll( &evt ); break; case XW_ACTION_NOTEHEART: noteHeartbeat( &evt ); break; case XW_ACTION_CHECKHEART: checkHeartbeats( &evt ); break; case XW_ACTION_HEARTOK: /* nothing to do for this */ break; case XW_ACTION_NONE: default: assert(0); break; } m_curState = m_nextState; } } } /* handleEvents */ static void send_with_length( int socket, unsigned char* buf, int bufLen ) { SocketWriteLock slock( socket ); if ( !send_with_length_unsafe( socket, buf, bufLen ) ) { /* ok that the slock above is still in scope */ killSocket( socket, "couldn't send" ); } } static void putNetShort( unsigned char** bufpp, unsigned short s ) { s = htons( s ); memcpy( *bufpp, &s, sizeof(s) ); *bufpp += sizeof(s); } static void putNetLong( unsigned char** bufpp, unsigned long s ) { s = htonl( s ); memcpy( *bufpp, &s, sizeof(s) ); *bufpp += sizeof(s); assert( sizeof(s) == 4 ); /* otherwise need to hardcode */ } void CookieRef::sendResponse( const CRefEvent* evt ) { int socket = evt->u.con.socket; HostID id = evt->u.con.srcID; assert( id != HOST_ID_NONE ); logf( "remembering pair: hostid=%x, socket=%d", id, socket ); RWWriteLock ml( &m_sockets_rwlock ); HostRec hr(socket); m_hostSockets.insert( pair(id,hr) ); /* Now send the response */ unsigned char buf[7]; unsigned char* bufp = buf; *bufp++ = XWRELAY_CONNECTRESP; putNetShort( &bufp, GetHeartbeat() ); putNetLong( &bufp, GetCookieID() ); send_with_length( socket, buf, sizeof(buf) ); RecordSent( sizeof(buf), socket ); logf( "sent CONNECTIONRSP" ); } /* sendResponse */ void CookieRef::forward( const CRefEvent* evt ) { unsigned char* buf = evt->u.fwd.buf; int buflen = evt->u.fwd.buflen; HostID src = evt->u.fwd.src; HostID dest = evt->u.fwd.dest; int destSocket = SocketForHost( dest ); /* This is an ugly hack!!!! */ *buf = XWRELAY_MSG_FROMRELAY; send_with_length( destSocket, buf, buflen ); /* also note that we've heard from src recently */ pushHeartbeatEvent( src, SocketForHost(src) ); } /* forward */ void CookieRef::disconnectAll( const CRefEvent* evt ) { } void CookieRef::noteHeartbeat( const CRefEvent* evt ) { int socket = evt->u.heart.socket; HostID id = evt->u.heart.id; RWWriteLock rwl( &m_sockets_rwlock ); map::iterator iter = m_hostSockets.find(id); assert( iter != m_hostSockets.end() ); /* PENDING If the message came on an unexpected socket, kill the connection. An attack is the most likely explanation. */ assert( iter->second.m_socket == socket ); logf( "upping m_lastHeartbeat from %d to %d", iter->second.m_lastHeartbeat, now() ); iter->second.m_lastHeartbeat = now(); } /* noteHeartbeat */ void CookieRef::checkHeartbeats( const CRefEvent* evt ) { int vcount = 0; vector* victims = evt->u.htime.victims; time_t now = evt->u.htime.now; RWWriteLock rwl( &m_sockets_rwlock ); map::iterator iter = m_hostSockets.begin(); while ( iter != m_hostSockets.end() ) { time_t last = iter->second.m_lastHeartbeat; if ( (now - last) > HEARTBEAT * 2 ) { victims->push_back( iter->second.m_socket ); ++vcount; } ++iter; } logf( "CookieRef::CheckHeartbeats done" ); /* Post an event */ CRefEvent newEvt; newEvt.type = vcount > 0 ? XW_EVENT_HEARTFAILED : XW_EVENT_HEARTOK; m_eventQueue.push_front( newEvt ); } /* checkHeartbeats */ void CookieRef::PrintCookieInfo( string& out ) { out += "Name: "; out += Name(); out += "\n"; out += "ID: "; char buf[64]; snprintf( buf, sizeof(buf), "%ld\n", GetCookieID() ); out += buf; snprintf( buf, sizeof(buf), "Bytes sent: %d\n", m_totalSent ); out += buf; /* n messages */ /* n bytes */ /* open since when */ /* sockets */ } /* PrintCookieInfo */ /* static */ CookieMapIterator CookieRef::GetCookieIterator() { CookieMapIterator iter; return iter; } CookieMapIterator:: CookieMapIterator() : _iter( gCookieMap.begin() ) { } CookieID CookieMapIterator::Next() { CookieID id = 0; if ( _iter != gCookieMap.end() ) { CookieRef* cref = _iter->second; id = cref->GetCookieID(); ++_iter; } return id; }