// -*-mode: C; fill-column: 78; c-basic-offset: 4; -*- /* * Copyright 1999-2001 by Eric House (fixin@peak.org). All rights reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include <assert.h> #include <ctype.h> #include "sys.h" #include "gui.h" #include "ebm_object.h" extern "C" { #include "comtypes.h" } #include "franksavedgames.h" #include "frankids.h" #define RENAME_BUTTON_ID 1000 #define DUP_BUTTON_ID 1001 #define DELETE_BUTTON_ID 1002 #define DONE_BUTTON_ID 1003 #define OPEN_BUTTON_ID 1004 #define NAME_FIELD_ID 1005 #define ROW_HEIGHT 12 #define GAMES_NUM_VISROWS 6 #define GAMES_ROW_WIDTH 150 #define LIST_TOP 5 #define LIST_HEIGHT (GAMES_NUM_VISROWS*ROW_HEIGHT) #define FIELD_TOP (LIST_TOP+LIST_HEIGHT+8) #define LIST_LEFT 5 #define FIELD_HEIGHT 15 #define FIELD_WIDTH 100 #define BUTTON_TOP (FIELD_TOP+FIELD_HEIGHT+8) class GamesList : public CList { private: CGamesDB* gamesDB; public: GamesList( CGamesDB* gamesDB, U16 numRows, U16 startRow ); U16 GetRowHeight( S32 row ) { return ROW_HEIGHT; } void DrawRow( RECT *rect, S32 row ); }; GamesList::GamesList( CGamesDB* gamesDB, U16 numRows, U16 startRow ) : CList( 1001, GAMES_ROW_WIDTH, LIST_HEIGHT, numRows, LISTOPTION_ALWAYS_HIGHLIGHT ) { this->gamesDB = gamesDB; this->SetCurrentRow(startRow); } void GamesList::DrawRow( RECT *rect, S32 row ) { XP_UCHAR* name = this->gamesDB->getNthName( row+1 ); if ( !name ) { name = (XP_UCHAR*)"untitled"; } CWindow* window = this->GetWindow(); window->DrawText( (char*)name, rect->x, rect->y ); } /* GamesList::DrawRow */ /***************************************************************************** * The class itself ****************************************************************************/ CSavedGamesWindow::CSavedGamesWindow( CGamesDB* gamesDB, U16* toOpen, U16* curIndex ) : CWindow( SAVEDGAMES_WINDOW_ID, 2, 90, 196, 148, "Saved games", TRUE, FALSE, FALSE /* no closebox */ ) { this->gamesDB = gamesDB; this->toOpenP = toOpen; /* what we'll say to open */ this->curIndexP = curIndex; /* where we'll say current's moved to */ this->curIndex = *curIndex; /* save current (move when delete/dup) */ this->displayIndex = this->curIndex; /* start display at current */ this->gamesList = (GamesList*)NULL; CTextEdit* field = new CTextEdit( NAME_FIELD_ID, FIELD_WIDTH, FIELD_HEIGHT, TEXTOPTION_HAS_FOCUS | TEXTOPTION_ONELINE ); this->nameField = field; field->SetText( (char*)gamesDB->getNthName( this->displayIndex ) ); this->AddChild( field, LIST_LEFT, FIELD_TOP ); CButton* button = new CButton( RENAME_BUTTON_ID, 0, 0, "Rename" ); U16 result = this->AddChild( button, 130, FIELD_TOP ); button = new CButton( DUP_BUTTON_ID, 0, 0, "Dup" ); result = this->AddChild( button, 5, BUTTON_TOP ); button = new CButton( DELETE_BUTTON_ID, 0, 0, "Delete" ); result = this->AddChild( button, 40, BUTTON_TOP ); this->deleteButton = button; checkDisableDelete(); button = new CButton( OPEN_BUTTON_ID, 0, 0, "Open" ); result = this->AddChild( button, 90, BUTTON_TOP ); button = new CButton( DONE_BUTTON_ID, 0, 0, "Done" ); result = this->AddChild( button, 130, BUTTON_TOP ); reBuildGamesList(); } // CSavedGamesWindow void CSavedGamesWindow::reBuildGamesList() { if ( !!this->gamesList ) { this->DeleteChild( this->gamesList ); delete this->gamesList; } U16 numRows = this->gamesDB->countRecords() - 1; /* skip prefs */ GamesList* list = new GamesList( gamesDB, numRows, this->curIndex-1 ); this->gamesList = list; this->AddChild( list, LIST_LEFT, LIST_TOP ); list->SetCurrentRow( this->displayIndex-1 ); } /* reBuildGamesList */ void CSavedGamesWindow::checkDisableDelete() { BOOL disable = this->displayIndex == this->curIndex; CButton* button = this->deleteButton; if ( disable != button->IsDisabled() ) { if ( disable ) { button->Disable(); } else { button->Enable(); } } } /* checkDisableDelete */ S32 CSavedGamesWindow::MsgHandler( MSG_TYPE type, CViewable *object, S32 data ) { S32 result = 0; XP_UCHAR* name; U16 newID; switch (type) { case MSG_BUTTON_SELECT: // there's only one button.... switch (object->GetID()) { case RENAME_BUTTON_ID: name = (XP_UCHAR*)this->nameField->GetText(); this->gamesDB->putNthName( this->displayIndex, name ); this->gamesList->Draw(); break; case DUP_BUTTON_ID: newID = this->gamesDB->duplicateNthRecord( this->displayIndex ); this->displayIndex = newID; reBuildGamesList(); this->gamesList->Draw(); checkDisableDelete(); break; case DELETE_BUTTON_ID: /* disable button instead of checking here */ XP_ASSERT( this->displayIndex != this->curIndex ); if ( 1 == GUI_Alert( ALERT_OK, "Are you sure you want to delete" " the selected game?" ) ) { this->gamesDB->removeNthRecord( this->displayIndex ); if ( this->displayIndex < this->curIndex ) { --this->curIndex; } if ( this->displayIndex == this->gamesDB->countRecords() ) { --this->displayIndex; } reBuildGamesList(); this->gamesList->Draw(); checkDisableDelete(); } break; case DONE_BUTTON_ID: this->displayIndex = this->curIndex; /* restore to saved so next line's does nothing */ /* FALLTHRU */ case OPEN_BUTTON_ID: *this->curIndexP = this->curIndex; *this->toOpenP = this->displayIndex; this->Close(); break; } result = 1; break; case MSG_ROW_SELECT: this->displayIndex = (U16)data + 1; nameField->SetText( (char*)gamesDB->getNthName( this->displayIndex ) ); checkDisableDelete(); result = 1; break; default: break; } if ( result == 0 ) { result = CWindow::MsgHandler( type, object, data ); } return result; } // MsgHandler