/* -*- fill-column: 77; c-basic-offset: 4; compile-command: "make TARGET_OS=wince DEBUG=TRUE" -*- */ /* * Copyright 2002-2009 by Eric House (xwords@eehouse.org). All rights reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "stdafx.h" #include #include #include "ceutil.h" #include "cedefines.h" #include "cedebug.h" #include "debhacks.h" #define BUF_SIZE 128 #define VPADDING 4 #define HPADDING_L 2 #define HPADDING_R 3 static XP_Bool ceDoDlgScroll( CeDlgHdr* dlgHdr, WPARAM wParam ); static void ceDoDlgFocusScroll( CeDlgHdr* dlgHdr, HWND nextCtrl ); void ceSetDlgItemText( HWND hDlg, XP_U16 id, const XP_UCHAR* buf ) { /* wchar_t widebuf[BUF_SIZE]; */ XP_U16 len; XP_ASSERT( buf != NULL ); len = (XP_U16)XP_STRLEN( buf ); if ( len >= BUF_SIZE ) { len = BUF_SIZE - 1; } /* MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, MB_PRECOMPOSED, buf, len, widebuf, len ); */ /* widebuf[len] = 0; */ SendDlgItemMessage( hDlg, id, WM_SETTEXT, 0, (long)buf ); } /* ceSetDlgItemText */ void ceSetDlgItemFileName( HWND hDlg, XP_U16 id, XP_UCHAR* str ) { XP_UCHAR* stripstart; XP_UCHAR buf[BUF_SIZE]; XP_U16 len = XP_STRLEN(str); if ( len >= BUF_SIZE ) { len = BUF_SIZE - 1; } XP_SNPRINTF( buf, VSIZE(buf), XP_L("%ls"), str ); buf[len] = '\0'; stripstart = XP_STRRCHR( buf, '.' ); if ( !!stripstart ) { *stripstart = '\0'; } ceSetDlgItemText( hDlg, id, buf ); } /* ceSetDlgItemFileName */ void ceGetDlgItemText( HWND hDlg, XP_U16 id, XP_UCHAR* buf, XP_U16* bLen ) { XP_U16 len = *bLen; XP_U16 gotLen; /* wchar_t wbuf[BUF_SIZE]; */ XP_ASSERT( len <= BUF_SIZE ); gotLen = (XP_U16)SendDlgItemMessage( hDlg, id, WM_GETTEXT, len, (long)buf ); XP_LOGF( "%s: gotLen: %d; len: %d; got: %ls", __func__, gotLen, len, buf ); if ( gotLen > 0 ) { XP_ASSERT( gotLen < len ); if ( gotLen >= len ) { gotLen = len - 1; } /* gotLen = WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP, 0, wbuf, gotLen, */ /* buf, len, NULL, NULL ); */ *bLen = gotLen; buf[gotLen] = '\0'; } else { buf[0] = '\0'; *bLen = 0; } } /* ceGetDlgItemText */ void ceSetDlgItemNum( HWND hDlg, XP_U16 id, XP_S32 num ) { XP_UCHAR buf[20]; XP_SNPRINTF( buf, VSIZE(buf), XP_L("%ld"), num ); ceSetDlgItemText( hDlg, id, buf ); } /* ceSetDlgItemNum */ XP_S32 ceGetDlgItemNum( HWND hDlg, XP_U16 id ) { XP_S32 result = 0; XP_UCHAR buf[24]; XP_U16 len = VSIZE(buf); ceGetDlgItemText( hDlg, id, buf, &len ); result = _wtoi( buf ); return result; } /* ceGetDlgItemNum */ void ceShowOrHide( HWND hDlg, XP_U16 resID, XP_Bool visible ) { HWND itemH = GetDlgItem( hDlg, resID ); if ( !!itemH ) { ShowWindow( itemH, visible? SW_SHOW: SW_HIDE ); } } /* ceShowOrHide */ void ceEnOrDisable( HWND hDlg, XP_U16 resID, XP_Bool enable ) { HWND itemH = GetDlgItem( hDlg, resID ); if ( !!itemH ) { EnableWindow( itemH, enable ); } } /* ceShowOrHide */ void ceSetChecked( HWND hDlg, XP_U16 resID, XP_Bool check ) { SendDlgItemMessage( hDlg, resID, BM_SETCHECK, check? BST_CHECKED:BST_UNCHECKED, 0L ); } /* ceSetBoolCheck */ XP_Bool ceGetChecked( HWND hDlg, XP_U16 resID ) { XP_U16 checked; checked = (XP_U16)SendDlgItemMessage( hDlg, resID, BM_GETCHECK, 0, 0L ); return checked == BST_CHECKED; } /* ceGetChecked */ /* Return dlg-relative rect. */ void ceGetItemRect( HWND hDlg, XP_U16 resID, RECT* rect ) { HWND itemH; POINT pt = { .x = 0, .y = 0 }; ScreenToClient( hDlg, &pt ); itemH = GetDlgItem( hDlg, resID ); GetWindowRect( itemH, rect ); (void)OffsetRect( rect, pt.x, pt.y ); } /* ceGetItemRect */ void ceMoveItem( HWND hDlg, XP_U16 resID, XP_S16 byX, XP_S16 byY ) { RECT rect; HWND itemH = GetDlgItem( hDlg, resID ); ceGetItemRect( hDlg, resID, &rect ); if ( !MoveWindow( itemH, rect.left + byX, rect.top + byY, rect.right - rect.left, rect.bottom - rect.top, TRUE ) ) { XP_LOGF( "MoveWindow=>%ld", GetLastError() ); } } /* ceMoveItem */ #if 0 /* This has not been tested with ceMoveItem... */ void ceCenterCtl( HWND hDlg, XP_U16 resID ) { RECT buttonR, dlgR; XP_U16 buttonWidth; XP_S16 byX; GetClientRect( hDlg, &dlgR ); XP_ASSERT( dlgR.left == 0 && dlgR.top == 0 ); ceGetItemRect( hDlg, resID, &buttonR ); buttonWidth = buttonR.right - buttonR.left; byX = buttonR.left - ((dlgR.right - buttonWidth) / 2); ceMoveItem( hDlg, resID, byX, 0 ); } /* ceCenterCtl */ #endif /* XP_Bool */ /* ceIsLandscape( CEAppGlobals* globals ) */ /* { */ /* XP_U16 width, height; */ /* XP_Bool landscape; */ /* XP_ASSERT( !!globals ); */ /* XP_ASSERT( !!globals->hWnd ); */ /* if ( 0 ) { */ /* #if defined DEBUG && !defined _WIN32_WCE */ /* } else if ( globals->dbWidth != 0 ) { */ /* width = globals->dbWidth; */ /* height = globals->dbHeight; */ /* #endif */ /* } else { */ /* RECT rect; */ /* GetClientRect( globals->hWnd, &rect ); */ /* width = (XP_U16)(rect.right - rect.left); */ /* height = (XP_U16)(rect.bottom - rect.top); */ /* } */ /* landscape = (height - CE_SCORE_HEIGHT) */ /* < (width - CE_MIN_SCORE_WIDTH); */ /* return landscape; */ /* } /\* ceIsLandscape *\/ */ #ifdef _WIN32_WCE static XP_Bool ceIsFullScreen( CEAppGlobals* globals, HWND hWnd ) { XP_S16 screenHt; XP_U16 winHt; RECT rect; GetClientRect( hWnd, &rect ); winHt = rect.bottom - rect.top; /* top should always be 0 */ screenHt = GetSystemMetrics( SM_CYSCREEN ); XP_ASSERT( screenHt >= winHt ); screenHt -= winHt; if ( !!globals->hwndCB ) { RECT rect; GetWindowRect( globals->hwndCB, &rect ); screenHt -= rect.bottom - rect.top; } XP_ASSERT( screenHt >= 0 ); return screenHt == 0; } /* ceIsFullScreen */ static void ceSize( CEAppGlobals* globals, HWND hWnd, XP_Bool fullScreen ) { RECT rect; XP_U16 cbHeight = 0; if ( !!globals->hwndCB ) { GetWindowRect( globals->hwndCB, &rect ); cbHeight = rect.bottom - rect.top; } /* I'm leaving the SIP/cmdbar in place until I can figure out how to get menu events with it hidden -- and also the UI for making sure users don't get stuck in fullscreen mode not knowing how to reach menus to get out. Later, add SHFS_SHOWSIPBUTTON and SHFS_HIDESIPBUTTON to the sets shown and hidden below.*/ if ( fullScreen ) { SHFullScreen( hWnd, SHFS_HIDETASKBAR | SHFS_HIDESTARTICON ); SetRect( &rect, 0, 0, GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN), GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN) ); } else { SHFullScreen( hWnd, SHFS_SHOWTASKBAR | SHFS_SHOWSTARTICON ); SystemParametersInfo( SPI_GETWORKAREA, 0, &rect, FALSE ); if ( IS_SMARTPHONE(globals) ) { cbHeight = 0; } } rect.bottom -= cbHeight; MoveWindow( hWnd, rect.left, rect.top, rect.right - rect.left, rect.bottom - rect.top, TRUE ); } /* ceSize */ void ceSizeIfFullscreen( CEAppGlobals* globals, HWND hWnd ) { if ( globals->appPrefs.fullScreen != ceIsFullScreen(globals, hWnd) ) { ceSize( globals, hWnd, globals->appPrefs.fullScreen ); } } static XP_Bool mkFullscreenWithSoftkeys( CEAppGlobals* globals, HWND hDlg, XP_U16 curHt, DlgStateTask doWhat ) { XP_Bool success = XP_FALSE; SHMENUBARINFO mbi; XP_MEMSET( &mbi, 0, sizeof(mbi) ); mbi.cbSize = sizeof(mbi); mbi.hwndParent = hDlg; if ( 0 != (doWhat & DLG_STATE_DONEONLY) ) { mbi.nToolBarId = IDM_DONE_MENUBAR; } else if ( 0 != (doWhat & DLG_STATE_OKONLY) ) { mbi.nToolBarId = IDM_OK_MENUBAR; } else { mbi.nToolBarId = IDM_OKCANCEL_MENUBAR; } mbi.hInstRes = globals->hInst; success = SHCreateMenuBar( &mbi ); if ( !success ) { XP_LOGF( "SHCreateMenuBar failed: %ld", GetLastError() ); } else { if ( IS_SMARTPHONE(globals) ) { SHINITDLGINFO info; XP_MEMSET( &info, 0, sizeof(info) ); info.dwMask = SHIDIM_FLAGS; info.dwFlags = SHIDIF_SIZEDLGFULLSCREEN; info.hDlg = hDlg; success = SHInitDialog( &info ); if ( !success ) { XP_LOGF( "SHInitDialog failed: %ld", GetLastError() ); } } else { XP_U16 screenHt = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYFULLSCREEN); RECT rect; GetWindowRect( mbi.hwndMB, &rect ); screenHt -= (rect.bottom - rect.top); if ( screenHt < curHt ) { ceSize( globals, hDlg, XP_TRUE ); } } } return success; } /* mkFullscreenWithSoftkeys */ #endif #define TITLE_HT 20 /* Need to get this from the OS */ void ceDlgSetup( CeDlgHdr* dlgHdr, HWND hDlg, DlgStateTask doWhat ) { RECT rect; XP_U16 fullHeight; CEAppGlobals* globals = dlgHdr->globals; dlgHdr->hDlg = hDlg; XP_ASSERT( !!globals ); XP_ASSERT( !!hDlg ); /* at most one of these two should be set */ XP_ASSERT( (doWhat & (DLG_STATE_OKONLY|DLG_STATE_DONEONLY)) != (DLG_STATE_OKONLY|DLG_STATE_DONEONLY)); GetClientRect( hDlg, &rect ); XP_ASSERT( rect.top == 0 ); fullHeight = rect.bottom; /* This is before we've resized it */ #ifdef _WIN32_WCE (void)mkFullscreenWithSoftkeys( globals, hDlg, fullHeight, doWhat); #elif defined DEBUG /* Force it to be small so we can test scrolling etc. */ if ( globals->dbWidth > 0 && globals->dbHeight > 0) { MoveWindow( hDlg, 0, 0, globals->dbWidth, globals->dbHeight, TRUE ); rect.bottom = globals->dbHeight; } #endif /* Measure again post-resize */ GetClientRect( hDlg, &rect ); /* Set up the scrollbar if we're on PPC */ if ( !IS_SMARTPHONE(globals) ) { SCROLLINFO sinfo; XP_MEMSET( &sinfo, 0, sizeof(sinfo) ); sinfo.cbSize = sizeof(sinfo); sinfo.fMask = SIF_RANGE | SIF_POS | SIF_PAGE; if ( rect.bottom < fullHeight ) { sinfo.nMax = fullHeight; dlgHdr->nPage = sinfo.nPage = rect.bottom - 1; } (void)SetScrollInfo( hDlg, SB_VERT, &sinfo, FALSE ); } dlgHdr->doWhat = doWhat; #ifdef _WIN32_WCE /* Need to trap this for all dialogs, even if they don't have edit controls. The need goes away if the main window stops trapping it, but I don't understand why: trapping here is still required. */ if ( IS_SMARTPHONE(globals) ) { trapBackspaceKey( hDlg ); } #endif } /* ceDlgSetup */ void ceDlgComboShowHide( CeDlgHdr* dlgHdr, XP_U16 baseId ) { HWND hDlg = dlgHdr->hDlg; if ( IS_SMARTPHONE(dlgHdr->globals) ) { ceShowOrHide( hDlg, baseId+2, XP_FALSE ); } else { ceShowOrHide( hDlg, baseId, XP_FALSE ); ceShowOrHide( hDlg, baseId+1, XP_FALSE ); } } #ifdef OVERRIDE_BACKKEY static XP_Bool editHasFocus( void ) { HWND focus = GetFocus(); wchar_t buf[32]; XP_Bool isEdit = !!focus && ( 0 != GetClassName( focus, buf, VSIZE(buf) ) ) && !wcscmp( L"Edit", buf ); return isEdit; } /* editHasFocus */ #endif XP_Bool ceDoDlgHandle( CeDlgHdr* dlgHdr, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) { XP_Bool handled = XP_FALSE; switch( message ) { #ifdef OVERRIDE_BACKKEY case WM_HOTKEY: if ( VK_TBACK == HIWORD(lParam) ) { if ( editHasFocus() ) { SHSendBackToFocusWindow( message, wParam, lParam ); } else if ( 0 != (BACK_KEY_UP_MAYBE & LOWORD(lParam) ) ) { WPARAM cmd = (0 != (dlgHdr->doWhat & (DLG_STATE_DONEONLY|DLG_STATE_OKONLY))) ? IDOK : IDCANCEL; SendMessage( dlgHdr->hDlg, WM_COMMAND, cmd, 0L ); } handled = TRUE; } break; #endif case WM_VSCROLL: handled = ceDoDlgScroll( dlgHdr, wParam ); break; case WM_COMMAND: if ( BN_SETFOCUS == HIWORD(wParam) ) { ceDoDlgFocusScroll( dlgHdr, (HWND)lParam ); handled = TRUE; } else if ( BN_KILLFOCUS == HIWORD(wParam) ) { /* dialogs shouldn't have to handle this */ handled = TRUE; } break; } return handled; } static void setScrollPos( HWND hDlg, XP_S16 newPos ) { SCROLLINFO sinfo; XP_S16 vertChange; XP_MEMSET( &sinfo, 0, sizeof(sinfo) ); sinfo.cbSize = sizeof(sinfo); sinfo.fMask = SIF_POS; GetScrollInfo( hDlg, SB_VERT, &sinfo ); if ( sinfo.nPos != newPos ) { XP_U16 oldPos = sinfo.nPos; sinfo.nPos = newPos; SetScrollInfo( hDlg, SB_VERT, &sinfo, XP_TRUE ); GetScrollInfo( hDlg, SB_VERT, &sinfo ); vertChange = oldPos - sinfo.nPos; if ( 0 != vertChange ) { RECT updateR; ScrollWindowEx( hDlg, 0, vertChange, NULL, NULL, NULL, &updateR, SW_SCROLLCHILDREN|SW_ERASE); InvalidateRect( hDlg, &updateR, TRUE ); (void)UpdateWindow( hDlg ); } else { XP_LOGF( "%s: change dropped", __func__ ); } } } /* setScrollPos */ static void adjustScrollPos( HWND hDlg, XP_S16 vertChange ) { if ( vertChange != 0 ) { SCROLLINFO sinfo; XP_MEMSET( &sinfo, 0, sizeof(sinfo) ); sinfo.cbSize = sizeof(sinfo); sinfo.fMask = SIF_POS; GetScrollInfo( hDlg, SB_VERT, &sinfo ); setScrollPos( hDlg, sinfo.nPos + vertChange ); } } /* adjustScrollPos */ static XP_Bool ceDoDlgScroll( CeDlgHdr* dlgHdr, WPARAM wParam ) { XP_Bool handled = !IS_SMARTPHONE(dlgHdr->globals); if ( handled ) { XP_S16 vertChange = 0; switch ( LOWORD(wParam) ) { case SB_LINEUP: // Scrolls one line up vertChange = -1; break; case SB_PAGEUP: // vertChange = -dlgHdr->nPage; break; case SB_LINEDOWN: // Scrolls one line down vertChange = 1; break; case SB_PAGEDOWN: // Scrolls one page down vertChange = dlgHdr->nPage; break; case SB_THUMBTRACK: /* still dragging; don't redraw */ case SB_THUMBPOSITION: setScrollPos( dlgHdr->hDlg, HIWORD(wParam) ); break; } if ( 0 != vertChange ) { adjustScrollPos( dlgHdr->hDlg, vertChange ); } } return handled; } /* ceDoDlgScroll */ /* wParam */ /* If lParam is TRUE, this parameter identifies the control that receives the focus. If lParam is FALSE, this parameter indicates whether the next or previous control with the WS_TABSTOP style receives the focus. If wParam is zero, the next control receives the focus; otherwise, the previous control with the WS_TABSTOP style receives the focus. */ /* lParam */ /* The low-order word indicates how the system uses wParam. If the low-order word is TRUE, wParam is a handle associated with the control that receives the focus; otherwise, wParam is a flag that indicates whether the next or previous control with the WS_TABSTOP style receives the focus. */ static void ceDoDlgFocusScroll( CeDlgHdr* dlgHdr, HWND nextCtrl ) { /* Scroll the current focus owner into view. * * There's nothing passed in to tell us who it is, so look it up. * * What's in view? First, a window has a scroll position, nPos, that * tells how many pixels are scrolled out of view above the window. Then * a control has an offset within the containing rect (which shifts as * it's scrolled.) Finally, all rects are relative to the screen, so we * need to get the containing rect to figure out what the control's * position is. * * The first question, which can be answered without reference to * scrolling, is "Are we in view?" If we're not, then we need to look at * scrolling to see how to fix it. */ if ( !IS_SMARTPHONE(dlgHdr->globals) ) { HWND hDlg = dlgHdr->hDlg; if ( !!nextCtrl ) { RECT rect; XP_U16 dlgHeight, ctrlHeight, dlgTop; XP_S16 ctrlPos; GetClientRect( hDlg, &rect ); dlgHeight = rect.bottom - rect.top; XP_LOGF( "dlgHeight: %d", dlgHeight ); GetWindowRect( hDlg, &rect ); dlgTop = rect.top; GetWindowRect( nextCtrl, &rect ); ctrlPos = rect.top - dlgTop - TITLE_HT; ctrlHeight = rect.bottom - rect.top; if ( ctrlPos < 0 ) { XP_LOGF( "need to scroll it DOWN into view" ); adjustScrollPos( hDlg, ctrlPos ); } else if ( (ctrlPos + ctrlHeight) > dlgHeight ) { XP_LOGF( "need to scroll it UP into view" ); setScrollPos( hDlg, ctrlPos - ctrlHeight ); } } } } /* ceDoDlgFocusScroll */ static XP_Bool ceFindMenu( HMENU menu, XP_U16 id, #ifndef _WIN32_WCE HMENU* foundMenu, XP_U16* foundPos, #endif wchar_t* foundBuf, XP_U16 bufLen ) { XP_Bool found = XP_FALSE; XP_U16 pos; MENUITEMINFO minfo; XP_MEMSET( &minfo, 0, sizeof(minfo) ); minfo.cbSize = sizeof(minfo); for ( pos = 0; !found; ++pos ) { /* Set these each time through loop. GetMenuItemInfo can change some of 'em. */ minfo.fMask = MIIM_SUBMENU | MFT_STRING | MIIM_ID | MIIM_TYPE; minfo.dwTypeData = foundBuf; minfo.fType = MFT_STRING; minfo.cch = bufLen; if ( !GetMenuItemInfo( menu, pos, TRUE, &minfo ) ) { break; /* pos is too big */ } else if ( NULL != minfo.hSubMenu ) { found = ceFindMenu( minfo.hSubMenu, id, #ifndef _WIN32_WCE foundMenu, foundPos, #endif foundBuf, bufLen ); } else if ( MFT_SEPARATOR == minfo.fType ) { continue; } else if ( minfo.wID == id ) { found = XP_TRUE; #ifndef _WIN32_WCE *foundPos = pos; *foundMenu = menu; #endif } } return found; } /* ceFindMenu */ #ifndef _WIN32_WCE static void setW32DummyMenu( CEAppGlobals* globals, HMENU menu, XP_U16 id, wchar_t* oldNm ) { XP_LOGW( __func__, oldNm ); if ( globals->dummyMenu == NULL ) { HMENU tmenu; XP_U16 tpos; wchar_t ignore[32]; if ( ceFindMenu( menu, W32_DUMMY_ID, &tmenu, &tpos, ignore, VSIZE(ignore) ) ) { globals->dummyMenu = tmenu; globals->dummyPos = tpos; } } if ( globals->dummyMenu != NULL ) { MENUITEMINFO minfo; XP_MEMSET( &minfo, 0, sizeof(minfo) ); minfo.cbSize = sizeof(minfo); minfo.fMask = MFT_STRING | MIIM_TYPE | MIIM_ID; minfo.fType = MFT_STRING; minfo.dwTypeData = oldNm; minfo.cch = wcslen( oldNm ); minfo.wID = id; if ( !SetMenuItemInfo( globals->dummyMenu, globals->dummyPos, TRUE, &minfo ) ) { XP_LOGF( "SetMenuItemInfo failed" ); } } } #endif static HMENU ceGetMenu( const CEAppGlobals* globals ) { #ifdef _WIN32_WCE TBBUTTONINFO info; XP_MEMSET( &info, 0, sizeof(info) ); info.cbSize = sizeof(info); info.dwMask = TBIF_LPARAM; SendMessage( globals->hwndCB, TB_GETBUTTONINFO, IDM_MENU, (LPARAM)&info ); return (HMENU)info.lParam; #else return GetMenu( globals->hWnd ); #endif } void ceSetLeftSoftkey( CEAppGlobals* globals, XP_U16 newId ) { if ( newId != globals->softKeyId ) { wchar_t menuTxt[32]; /* text of newId menu */ HMENU menu = ceGetMenu( globals ); #ifdef _WIN32_WCE TBBUTTONINFO info; #else HMENU prevMenu; XP_U16 prevPos; #endif XP_U16 oldId = globals->softKeyId; if ( 0 == oldId ) { oldId = ID_INITIAL_SOFTID; } /* Look up the text... */ if ( ceFindMenu( menu, newId, #ifndef _WIN32_WCE &prevMenu, &prevPos, #endif menuTxt, VSIZE(menuTxt) ) ) { globals->softKeyId = newId; #ifndef _WIN32_WCE globals->softKeyMenu = prevMenu; #endif } else { XP_LOGF( "%s: ceFindMenu failed", __func__ ); } /* Make it the button */ #ifdef _WIN32_WCE XP_MEMSET( &info, 0, sizeof(info) ); info.cbSize = sizeof(info); info.dwMask = TBIF_TEXT | TBIF_COMMAND; info.idCommand = newId; info.pszText = menuTxt; SendMessage( globals->hwndCB, TB_SETBUTTONINFO, oldId, (LPARAM)&info ); #else setW32DummyMenu( globals, menu, newId, menuTxt ); #endif } ceCheckMenus( globals ); /* in case left key was or should be checked */ } /* ceSetLeftSoftkey */ static void checkOneItem( const CEAppGlobals* globals, XP_U16 id, XP_Bool check ) { UINT uCheck = check ? MF_CHECKED : MF_UNCHECKED; HMENU menu = ceGetMenu( globals ); (void)CheckMenuItem( menu, id, uCheck ); #ifndef _WIN32_WCE if ( id == globals->softKeyId ) { (void)CheckMenuItem( globals->softKeyMenu, id, uCheck ); } #endif } void ceCheckMenus( const CEAppGlobals* globals ) { const BoardCtxt* board = globals->game.board; checkOneItem( globals, ID_MOVE_VALUES, board_get_showValues( board )); checkOneItem( globals, ID_MOVE_FLIP, board_get_flipped( board ) ); checkOneItem( globals, ID_FILE_FULLSCREEN, globals->appPrefs.fullScreen ); checkOneItem( globals, ID_MOVE_HIDETRAY, TRAY_REVEALED != board_getTrayVisState( board ) ); } /* ceCheckMenus */ #ifdef OVERRIDE_BACKKEY void trapBackspaceKey( HWND hDlg ) { /* Override back key so we can pass it to edit controls */ SendMessage( SHFindMenuBar(hDlg), SHCMBM_OVERRIDEKEY, VK_TBACK, MAKELPARAM (SHMBOF_NODEFAULT | SHMBOF_NOTIFY, SHMBOF_NODEFAULT | SHMBOF_NOTIFY)); /* To undo the above SendMessage( SHFindMenuBar(hDlg), SHCMBM_OVERRIDEKEY, VK_TBACK, MAKELPARAM( SHMBOF_NODEFAULT | SHMBOF_NOTIFY, 0 ) ); */ } #endif /* Bugs in mingw32ce headers force defining _WIN32_IE, which causes * SHGetSpecialFolderPath to be defined as SHGetSpecialFolderPathW which * is not on Wince. Once I turn off _WIN32_IE this can go away. */ #ifdef _WIN32_IE # ifdef SHGetSpecialFolderPath # undef SHGetSpecialFolderPath # endif BOOL SHGetSpecialFolderPath( HWND hwndOwner, LPTSTR lpszPath, int nFolder, BOOL fCreate ); #endif static void lookupSpecialDir( wchar_t* bufW, XP_U16 indx ) { bufW[0] = 0; #ifdef _WIN32_WCE SHGetSpecialFolderPath( NULL, bufW, (indx == MY_DOCS_CACHE)? CSIDL_PERSONAL : CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILES, TRUE ); if ( 0 == bufW[0] ) { XP_WARNF( "SHGetSpecialFolderPath failed" ); wcscpy( bufW, L"\\My Documents" ); } #else wcscat( bufW, L"." ); #endif if ( indx == PROGFILES_CACHE ) { wcscat( bufW, L"\\" LCROSSWORDS_DIR_NODBG ); } else { wcscat( bufW, L"\\" LCROSSWORDS_DIR L"\\" ); } } XP_U16 ceGetPath( CEAppGlobals* globals, CePathType typ, void* bufOut, XP_U16 bufLen ) { XP_U16 len; wchar_t bufW[CE_MAX_PATH_LEN]; XP_U16 cacheIndx = typ == PROGFILES_PATH ? PROGFILES_CACHE : MY_DOCS_CACHE; wchar_t* specialDir = globals->specialDirs[cacheIndx]; XP_Bool asAscii = XP_FALSE; if ( !specialDir ) { wchar_t buf[128]; XP_U16 len; lookupSpecialDir( buf, cacheIndx ); len = 1 + wcslen( buf ); specialDir = XP_MALLOC( globals->mpool, len * sizeof(specialDir[0]) ); wcscpy( specialDir, buf ); globals->specialDirs[cacheIndx] = specialDir; } wcscpy( bufW, specialDir ); switch( typ ) { case PREFS_FILE_PATH_L: wcscat( bufW, L"xwprefs" ); break; case DEFAULT_DIR_PATH_L: /* nothing to do */ break; case DEFAULT_GAME_PATH: asAscii = XP_TRUE; wcscat( bufW, L"_newgame" ); break; case PROGFILES_PATH: /* nothing to do */ break; } len = wcslen( bufW ); if ( asAscii ) { (void)WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP, 0, bufW, len + 1, (char*)bufOut, bufLen, NULL, NULL ); } else { wcscpy( (wchar_t*)bufOut, bufW ); } return len; } /* ceGetPath */ int ceMessageBoxChar( CEAppGlobals* XP_UNUSED(globals), const XP_UCHAR* str, const wchar_t* title, XP_U16 buttons ) { HWND parent; /* Get the length required, then alloc and go. This is technically correct, but everywhere else I assume a 2:1 ratio for wchar_t:char. */ /* XP_U16 clen = 1 + XP_STRLEN(str); */ /* XP_U32 wlen = 1 + MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, MB_PRECOMPOSED, str, */ /* clen, NULL, 0 ); */ /* wchar_t widebuf[wlen]; */ /* MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, MB_PRECOMPOSED, str, clen, widebuf, wlen ); */ parent = GetForegroundWindow(); return MessageBox( parent, str, title, buttons ); } /* ceMessageBoxChar */ int ceOops( CEAppGlobals* globals, const XP_UCHAR* str ) { return ceMessageBoxChar( globals, str, L"Oops!", MB_OK | MB_ICONHAND ); } XP_U16 wince_narrow_to_wide( const XP_U8* in, XP_UCHAR* out, XP_U16 inLen, XP_U16 outLen ) { XP_U16 nWritten; nWritten = MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, MB_PRECOMPOSED, (const char*)in, inLen, out, outLen ); out[nWritten++] = 0; XP_ASSERT( nWritten < outLen ); return nWritten; } XP_U16 wince_wide_to_narrow( const XP_UCHAR* in, XP_U8* out, XP_U16 inLen, XP_U16 outLen ) { XP_U16 nWritten = WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP, 0, in, inLen, (char*)out, outLen, NULL, NULL ); out[nWritten++] = 0; XP_ASSERT( nWritten <= outLen ); return nWritten; }