#!/usr/bin/python # Script meant to be installed on eehouse.org. import logging, shelve, hashlib, sys, re, json, subprocess, glob, os import struct, random, string, psycopg2, zipfile import mk_for_download, mygit import xwconfig # I'm not checking my key in... import mykey from stat import ST_CTIME try: from mod_python import apache apacheAvailable = True except ImportError: apacheAvailable = False # constants that are also used in UpdateCheckReceiver.java VERBOSE = False k_NAME = 'name' k_AVERS = 'avers' k_GVERS = 'gvers' k_INSTALLER = 'installer' k_DEVOK = 'devOK' k_APP = 'app' k_DEBUG = "dbg" k_DICTS = 'dicts' k_XLATEINFO = 'xlatinfo' k_CALLBACK = 'callback' k_LOCALE = 'locale' k_XLATPROTO = 'proto' k_XLATEVERS = 'xlatevers' k_STRINGSHASH = 'strings' k_DICT_HEADER_MASK = 0x08 k_OLD = 'old' k_NEW = 'new' k_PAIRS = 'pairs' k_LANG = 'lang' k_MD5SUM = 'md5sum' k_INDEX = 'index' k_ISUM = 'isum' k_SUCCESS = 'success' k_URL = 'url' k_SUMS = 'sums' k_COUNT = 'count' k_LANGS = 'langs' k_LANGSVERS = 'lvers' # Version for those sticking with RELEASES k_REL_REV = 'android_beta_98' # newer build-info.txt file contain lines like this: # git: android_beta_123 pat_git_tag = re.compile( 'git: (\S*)', re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE ) # Version for those getting intermediate builds k_suffix = '.xwd' k_filebase = "/var/www/html/" k_apkDir = "xw4/android/" k_shelfFile = k_filebase + 'xw4/info_shelf_2' k_urlbase = "http://eehouse.org" k_versions = { 'org.eehouse.android.xw4': { 'version' : 91, k_AVERS : 91, k_URL : k_apkDir + 'XWords4-release_' + k_REL_REV + '.apk', }, } # k_versions_dbg = { 'org.eehouse.android.xw4': { # 'version' : 74, # k_AVERS : 74, # k_GVERS : k_DBG_REV, # k_URL : k_apkDir + 'XWords4-release_' + k_DBG_REV + '.apk', # }, # } s_shelf = None g_langs = {'English' : 'en', 'Swedish' : 'se', 'Portuguese' : 'pt', 'Dutch' : 'nl', 'Danish' : 'dk', 'Czech' : 'cz', 'French' : 'fr', 'German' : 'de', 'Catalan' : 'ca', 'Slovak' : 'sk', 'Spanish' : 'es', 'Polish' : 'pl', 'Italian' : 'it', } logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG ,format='%(asctime)s [[%(levelname)s]] %(message)s' ,datefmt='%d %b %y %H:%M' ,filename='/tmp/info_py.log') # ,filemode='w') # This seems to be required to prime the pump somehow. # logging.debug( "loaded...." ) def languageCodeFor( lang ): result = '' if lang in g_langs: result = g_langs[lang] return result def getInternalSum( filePath ): filePath = k_filebase + "and_wordlists/" + filePath proc = subprocess.Popen(['/usr/bin/perl', '--', k_filebase + 'xw4/dawg2dict.pl', '-get-sum', '-dict', filePath ], stdout = subprocess.PIPE, stderr = subprocess.PIPE) return proc.communicate()[0].strip() def md5Checksums( sums, filePath ): if not filePath.endswith(k_suffix): filePath += k_suffix if filePath in sums: result = sums[filePath] else: logging.debug( "opening %s" % (k_filebase + "and_wordlists/" + filePath)) try: file = open( k_filebase + "and_wordlists/" + filePath, 'rb' ) md5 = hashlib.md5() while True: buffer = file.read(128) if not buffer: break md5.update( buffer ) sums[filePath] = [ md5.hexdigest(), getInternalSum( filePath ) ] logging.debug( "figured sum for %s: %s" % (filePath, sums[filePath] ) ) result = sums[filePath] except: # logging.debug( "Unexpected error: " + sys.exc_info()[0] ) result = None return result def openShelf(): global s_shelf # shelve will fail if permissions are wrong. That's ok for some # testing: just make a fake shelf and test before saving it later. if not s_shelf: try: s_shelf = shelve.open(k_shelfFile) except: s_shelf = {} if not k_SUMS in s_shelf: s_shelf[k_SUMS] = {} if not k_COUNT in s_shelf: s_shelf[k_COUNT] = 0 s_shelf[k_COUNT] += 1 logging.debug( "Count now %d" % s_shelf[k_COUNT] ) def closeShelf(): global s_shelf if 'close' in s_shelf: s_shelf.close() def getDictSums(): global s_shelf openShelf() return s_shelf[k_SUMS] def getGitRevFor(file, repo): result = None zip = zipfile.ZipFile(file); try: result = zip.read('assets/gitvers.txt').split("\n")[0] except KeyError, err: result = None if not result: try: data = zip.read('assets/build-info.txt') match = pat_git_tag.match(data) if match: tag = match.group(1) if not 'dirty' in tag: result = repo.tagToRev(tag) except KeyError, err: None # print "getGitRevFor(", file, "->", result return result def getOrderedApks( path, debug ): # logging.debug( "getOrderedApks(" + path + ")" ) apks = [] fileToRev = {} pattern = path if debug: pattern += "/*debug*.apk" else: pattern += "/*release*.apk" repo = mygit.GitRepo(xwconfig.k_REPOPATH) refs = repo.getAllRevs() revToOrder = {} index = 0 for ref in refs: revToOrder[ref] = index index = index + 1 files = ((os.stat(apk).st_mtime, apk) for apk in glob.glob(pattern)) for mtime, file in sorted(files, reverse=True): # logging.debug( file + ": " + str(mtime) ) gitRev = getGitRevFor(file, repo) if gitRev: if gitRev in revToOrder: fileToRev[file] = gitRev apks.append( file ) # now we can sort based on the ordering of git revisions apks = sorted(apks, key=lambda apk: revToOrder[fileToRev[apk]]) return apks def getVariantDir( name ): result = '' splits = string.split( name, '.' ) last = splits[-1] if not last == 'xw4': result = last + '/' # logging.debug( 'getVariantDir(' + name + ") => " + result ) return result # public, but deprecated def curVersion( req, name, avers = 41, gvers = None, installer = None ): global k_versions result = { k_SUCCESS : True } if apacheAvailable: logging.debug( 'IP address of requester is %s' % req.get_remote_host(apache.REMOTE_NAME) ) logging.debug( "name: %s; avers: %s; installer: %s; gvers: %s" % (name, avers, installer, gvers) ) if name in k_versions: versions = k_versions[name] if versions[k_AVERS] > int(avers): logging.debug( avers + " is old" ) result[k_URL] = k_urlbase + '/' + versions[k_URL] else: logging.debug(name + " is up-to-date") else: logging.debug( 'Error: bad name ' + name ) return json.dumps( result ) # public, but deprecated def dictVersion( req, name, lang, md5sum ): result = { k_SUCCESS : True } if not name.endswith(k_suffix): name += k_suffix dictSums = getDictSums() path = lang + "/" + name if not path in dictSums: sums = md5Checksums( dictSums, path ) if sums: dictSums[path] = sums s_shelf[k_SUMS] = dictSums if path in dictSums: if not md5sum in dictSums[path]: result[k_URL] = k_urlbase + "/and_wordlists/" + path else: logging.debug( path + " not known" ) closeShelf() return json.dumps( result ) def getApp( params, name ): result = None if k_NAME in params: name = params[k_NAME] if name: variantDir = getVariantDir( name ) # If we're a dev device, always push the latest if k_DEBUG in params and params[k_DEBUG]: dir = k_filebase + k_apkDir + variantDir apks = getOrderedApks( dir, True ) if 0 < len(apks): apk = apks[0] curApk = params[k_GVERS] + '.apk' if curApk in apk: logging.debug( "already have " + curApk ) else: url = k_urlbase + '/' + k_apkDir + variantDir + apk[len(dir):] logging.debug("url: " + url) result = {k_URL: url} elif k_DEVOK in params and params[k_DEVOK]: apks = getOrderedApks( k_filebase + k_apkDir, False ) if 0 < len(apks): apk = apks[0] # Does path NOT contain name of installed file curApk = params[k_GVERS] + '.apk' if curApk in apk: logging.debug( "already have " + curApk ) else: url = k_urlbase + '/' + apk[len(k_filebase):] result = {k_URL: url} logging.debug( result ) elif k_AVERS in params and k_GVERS in params: avers = params[k_AVERS] gvers = params[k_GVERS] if k_INSTALLER in params: installer = params[k_INSTALLER] else: installer = '' logging.debug( "name: %s; avers: %s; installer: %s; gvers: %s" % (name, avers, installer, gvers) ) if name in k_versions: versForName = k_versions[name] if versForName[k_AVERS] > int(avers): result = {k_URL: k_urlbase + '/' + versForName[k_URL]} elif k_GVERS in versForName and not gvers == versForName[k_GVERS]: result = {k_URL: k_urlbase + '/' + versForName[k_URL]} else: logging.debug(name + " is up-to-date") else: logging.debug( 'Error: bad name ' + name ) else: logging.debug( 'missing param' ) return result def getStats( path ): nBytes = int(os.stat( path ).st_size) nWords = -1 note = md5sum = None with open(path, "rb") as f: flags = struct.unpack('>h', f.read(2))[0] hasHeader = not 0 == (flags & k_DICT_HEADER_MASK) if hasHeader: headerLen = struct.unpack('>h', f.read(2))[0] nWords = struct.unpack('>i', f.read(4))[0] headerLen -= 4 if 0 < headerLen: rest = f.read(headerLen) for ii in range(len(rest)): if '\0' == rest[ii]: if not note: note = rest[:ii] start = ii + 1 elif not md5sum: md5sum = rest[start:ii] f.close() result = { 'nWords' : nWords, 'nBytes' : nBytes } if note: result['note'] = note if md5sum: result['md5sum'] = md5sum return result # create obj containing array of objects each with 'lang' and 'xwds', # the latter an array of objects giving info about a dict. def listDicts( lc = None ): global s_shelf langsVers = 2 # langsVers = random.random() # change this to force recalc of shelf langs data ldict = {} root = k_filebase + "and_wordlists/" openShelf() if not k_LANGS in s_shelf or not k_LANGSVERS in s_shelf \ or s_shelf[k_LANGSVERS] != langsVers: dictSums = getDictSums() for path in glob.iglob( root + "*/*.xwd" ): entry = getStats( path ) path = path.replace( root, '' ) lang, xwd = path.split( '/' ) entry.update( { 'xwd' : xwd, 'md5sums' : md5Checksums( dictSums, path ), } ) if not lang in ldict: ldict[lang] = [] ldict[lang].append( entry ) # now format as we want 'em langs = [] for lang, entry in ldict.iteritems(): obj = { 'lang' : lang, 'lc' : languageCodeFor(lang), 'dicts' : entry, } langs.append( obj ) s_shelf[k_LANGS] = langs s_shelf[k_LANGSVERS] = langsVers result = { 'langs' : s_shelf[k_LANGS] } closeShelf(); print "looking for", lc if lc: result['langs'] = [elem for elem in result['langs'] if elem['lc'] == lc] return result def getDicts( params ): result = [] dictSums = getDictSums() for param in params: name = param[k_NAME] lang = param[k_LANG] md5sum = param[k_MD5SUM] index = param[k_INDEX] if not name.endswith(k_suffix): name += k_suffix path = lang + "/" + name if not path in dictSums: sums = md5Checksums( dictSums, path ) if sums: dictSums[path] = sums s_shelf[k_SUMS] = dictSums if path in dictSums: if not md5sum in dictSums[path]: cur = { k_URL : k_urlbase + "/and_wordlists/" + path, k_INDEX : index, k_ISUM: dictSums[path][1] } result.append( cur ) else: logging.debug( path + " not known" ) closeShelf() if 0 == len(result): result = None return result def variantFor( name ): if name == 'xw4': result = 'XWords4' logging.debug( 'variantFor(%s)=>%s' % (name, result)) return result def getXlate( params, name, stringsHash ): result = [] path = xwconfig.k_REPOPATH logging.debug('creating repo with path ' + path) repo = mygit.GitRepo( path ) logging.debug( "getXlate: %s, hash=%s" % (json.dumps(params), stringsHash) ) # logging.debug( 'status: ' + repo.status() ) # reduce org.eehouse.anroid.xxx to xxx, then turn it into a # variant and get the contents of the R.java file splits = name.split('.') name = splits[-1] variant = variantFor( name ); rPath = '%s/archive/R.java' % variant rDotJava = repo.cat( rPath, stringsHash ) # Figure out the newest hash possible for translated strings.xml # files. If our R.java's the newest, that's HEAD. Otherwise it's # the revision BEFORE the revision that changed R.java head = repo.getHeadRev() logging.debug('head = %s' % head) rjavarevs = repo.getRevsBetween(head, stringsHash, rPath) if rjavarevs: assert( 1 >= len(rjavarevs) ) assert( stringsHash == rjavarevs[-1] ) if 1 == len(rjavarevs): firstPossible = head else: firstPossible = rjavarevs[-2] + '^' # get actual number for rev^ firstPossible = repo.getRevsBetween( firstPossible, firstPossible )[0] logging.debug('firstPossible: %s' % firstPossible) for entry in params: curVers = entry[k_XLATEVERS] if not curVers == firstPossible: locale = entry[k_LOCALE] data = mk_for_download.getXlationFor( repo, rDotJava, locale, \ firstPossible ) if data: result.append( { k_LOCALE: locale, k_OLD: curVers, k_NEW: firstPossible, k_PAIRS: data, } ) if 0 == len(result): result = None logging.debug( "getXlate=>%s" % (json.dumps(result)) ) return result def init(): try: con = psycopg2.connect(port=mykey.psqlPort, database='xwgames', user='relay', password=mykey.relayPwd, host='localhost') except psycopg2.DatabaseError, e: print 'Error %s' % e sys.exit(1) return con # public # Give a list of relayIDs, e.g. eehouse.org:56022505:64/2, assumed to # represent the caller's position in games, return for each a list of # relayIDs representing the other devices in the game. def opponentIDsFor( req, params ): # build array of connnames by taking the part before the slash params = json.loads( params ) relayIDs = params['relayIDs'] me = int(params['me']) connnames = {} for relayID in relayIDs: (connname, index) = string.split(relayID, '/') if connname in connnames: connnames[connname].append(int(index)) else: connnames[connname] = [int(index)] query = "SELECT connname, devids FROM games WHERE connname in ('%s')" % \ string.join(connnames.keys(), '\',\'') con = init() cur = con.cursor() cur.execute(query) results = [] for row in cur: connname = row[0] indices = connnames[connname] for index in indices: devids = [] for devid in row[1]: if not devid == me: devids.append(str(devid)) if 0 < len(devids): results.append({"%s/%d" % (connname, index) : devids}) result = { k_SUCCESS : True, 'devIDs' : results, 'me' : me, } return result def getUpdates( req, params ): result = { k_SUCCESS : True } appResult = None logging.debug( "getUpdates: got params: %s" % params ) asJson = json.loads( params ) if k_APP in asJson: name = None if k_NAME in asJson: name = asJson[k_NAME] appResult = getApp( asJson[k_APP], name ) if appResult: result[k_APP] = appResult if k_DICTS in asJson: dictsResult = getDicts( asJson[k_DICTS] ) if dictsResult: result[k_DICTS] = dictsResult # Let's not upgrade strings at the same time as we're upgrading the app if appResult: logging.debug( 'skipping xlation upgrade because app being updated' ) elif k_XLATEINFO in asJson and k_NAME in asJson and k_STRINGSHASH in asJson: xlateResult = getXlate( asJson[k_XLATEINFO], asJson[k_NAME], asJson[k_STRINGSHASH] ) if xlateResult: logging.debug( xlateResult ) result[k_XLATEINFO] = xlateResult; else: logging.debug( "NOT FOUND xlate info" ) result = json.dumps( result ) # logging.debug( result ) return result def clearShelf(): shelf = shelve.open(k_shelfFile) for key in shelf: del shelf[key] shelf.close() def usage(): print "usage:", sys.argv[0], '--get-sums [lang/dict]*' print ' | --test-get-app app avers gvers' print ' | --test-get-dicts name lang curSum' print ' | --list-apks [path/to/apks] [debug|release]' print ' | --list-dicts' print ' | --opponent-ids-for' print ' | --clear-shelf' sys.exit(-1) def main(): if 1 >= len(sys.argv): usage(); arg = sys.argv[1] if arg == '--clear-shelf': clearShelf() elif arg == '--list-dicts': if 2 < len(sys.argv): lc = sys.argv[2] else: lc = None dictsJson = listDicts( lc ) print json.dumps( dictsJson ) elif arg == '--get-sums': dictSums = getDictSums() for arg in sys.argv[2:]: print arg, md5Checksums(dictSums, arg) s_shelf[k_SUMS] = dictSums closeShelf() elif arg == '--test-get-app': if not 5 == len(sys.argv): usage() params = { k_NAME: sys.argv[2], k_AVERS: int(sys.argv[3]), k_GVERS: sys.argv[4], } print getApp( params ) elif arg == '--test-get-dicts': if not 5 == len(sys.argv): usage() params = { k_NAME: sys.argv[2], k_LANG : sys.argv[3], k_MD5SUM : sys.argv[4], k_INDEX : 0, } print getDicts( [params] ) elif arg == '--list-apks': argc = len(sys.argv) if argc >= 5: usage() path = "" if argc >= 3: path = sys.argv[2] debug = False if argc >= 4: debug = sys.argv[3] == 'debug' apks = getOrderedApks( path, debug ) if 0 == len(apks): print "No apks in", path for apk in apks: print apk elif arg == '--opponent-ids-for': ids = ['eehouse.org:55f90207:7/1', 'eehouse.org:55f90207:7/2', 'eehouse.org:56022505:5/2', 'eehouse.org:56022505:6/1', 'eehouse.org:56022505:10/1', 'eehouse.org:56022505:64/2', 'eehouse.org:56022505:64/1', ] params = {'relayIDs' : ids, 'me' : '80713149'} result = opponentIDsFor(None, json.dumps(params)) print json.dumps(result) else: usage() ############################################################################## if __name__ == '__main__': main()