/* -*- fill-column: 77; c-basic-offset: 4; compile-command: "make TARGET_OS=wince DEBUG=TRUE" -*- */ /* * Copyright 2004-2008 by Eric House (xwords@eehouse.org). All rights reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include #include "stdafx.h" #include #include "ceclrsel.h" #include "ceutil.h" #include "cedebug.h" #include "debhacks.h" #ifdef MY_COLOR_SEL typedef struct ClrEditDlgState { CEAppGlobals* globals; RECT clrRect; HWND parent; XP_U16 labelID; XP_U8 r; XP_U8 b; XP_U8 g; XP_Bool inited; XP_Bool cancelled; } ClrEditDlgState; static void drawColorRect( ClrEditDlgState* eState, HDC hdc ) { COLORREF ref = RGB( eState->r, eState->g, eState->b ); HBRUSH brush = CreateSolidBrush( ref ); FillRect( hdc, &eState->clrRect, brush ); DeleteObject( brush ); } /* drawColorRect */ static void initEditAndSlider( HWND hDlg, XP_U16 sliderID, XP_U8 val ) { SendDlgItemMessage( hDlg, sliderID, TBM_SETRANGE, TRUE, MAKELONG(0,255) ); SendDlgItemMessage( hDlg, sliderID, TBM_SETPOS, TRUE, (long)val ); ceSetDlgItemNum( hDlg, sliderID+1, val ); } /* initEditAndSlider */ static void initChooseColor( ClrEditDlgState* eState, HWND hDlg ) { eState->clrRect.left = 162; eState->clrRect.top = 5; eState->clrRect.right = 193; eState->clrRect.bottom = 90; InvalidateRect( hDlg, &eState->clrRect, FALSE ); initEditAndSlider( hDlg, CLREDT_SLIDER1, eState->r ); initEditAndSlider( hDlg, CLREDT_SLIDER2, eState->g ); initEditAndSlider( hDlg, CLREDT_SLIDER3, eState->b ); } /* initChooseColor */ static XP_U8* colorForSlider( ClrEditDlgState* eState, XP_U16 sliderID ) { switch( sliderID ) { case CLREDT_SLIDER1: return &eState->r; case CLREDT_SLIDER2: return &eState->g; case CLREDT_SLIDER3: return &eState->b; default: XP_LOGF( "huh???" ); return NULL; } } /* colorForSlider */ static void updateForSlider( HWND hDlg, ClrEditDlgState* eState, XP_U16 sliderID ) { XP_U8 newColor = (XP_U8)SendDlgItemMessage( hDlg, sliderID, TBM_GETPOS, 0, 0L ); XP_U8* colorPtr = colorForSlider( eState, sliderID ); if ( newColor != *colorPtr ) { *colorPtr = newColor; ceSetDlgItemNum( hDlg, sliderID+1, (XP_S32)newColor ); InvalidateRect( hDlg, &eState->clrRect, FALSE ); } } /* updateForSlider */ static void updateForField( HWND hDlg, ClrEditDlgState* eState, XP_U16 fieldID ) { XP_S32 newColor = ceGetDlgItemNum( hDlg, fieldID ); XP_U8* colorPtr = colorForSlider( eState, fieldID - 1 ); XP_Bool modified = XP_FALSE;; if ( newColor > 255 ) { newColor = 255; modified = XP_TRUE; } else if ( newColor < 0 ) { newColor = 0; modified = XP_TRUE; } if ( modified ) { ceSetDlgItemNum( hDlg, fieldID, newColor ); } if ( newColor != *colorPtr ) { *colorPtr = (XP_U8)newColor; SendDlgItemMessage( hDlg, fieldID-1, TBM_SETPOS, TRUE, (long)newColor ); InvalidateRect( hDlg, &eState->clrRect, FALSE ); } } /* updateForField */ LRESULT CALLBACK EditColorsDlg( HWND hDlg, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) { ClrEditDlgState* eState; XP_U16 wid; XP_U16 notifyCode; NMTOOLBAR* nmToolP; if ( message == WM_INITDIALOG ) { SetWindowLong( hDlg, GWL_USERDATA, lParam ); eState = (ClrEditDlgState*)lParam; eState->cancelled = XP_TRUE; eState->inited = XP_FALSE; ceDlgSetup( eState->globals, hDlg, XP_FALSE ); wchar_t label[32]; XP_U16 len = SendDlgItemMessage( eState->parent, eState->labelID, WM_GETTEXT, VSIZE(label), (long)label ); if ( len > 0 ) { label[len-1] = 0; /* hack: overwrite ':' */ } wchar_t buf[64]; swprintf( buf, L"Edit color for %s", label ); SendMessage( hDlg, WM_SETTEXT, 0, (LPARAM)buf ); return TRUE; } else { eState = (ClrEditDlgState*)GetWindowLong( hDlg, GWL_USERDATA ); if ( !eState ) { return FALSE; } if ( !eState->inited ) { /* set to true first! Messages will be generated by initChooseColor call below */ eState->inited = XP_TRUE; initChooseColor( eState, hDlg ); XP_LOGF( "initChooseColor done" ); } switch (message) { case WM_VSCROLL: if ( !IS_SMARTPHONE(eState->globals) ) { ceDoDlgScroll( eState->globals, hDlg, wParam ); } break; case WM_PAINT: { PAINTSTRUCT ps; HDC hdc = BeginPaint( hDlg, &ps ); drawColorRect( eState, hdc ); EndPaint( hDlg, &ps ); } break; case WM_NOTIFY: nmToolP = (NMTOOLBAR*)lParam; wid = nmToolP->hdr.idFrom; switch ( wid ) { case CLREDT_SLIDER1: case CLREDT_SLIDER2: case CLREDT_SLIDER3: updateForSlider( hDlg, eState, wid ); break; } break; case WM_COMMAND: wid = LOWORD(wParam); switch( wid ) { case RED_EDIT: case GREEN_EDIT: case BLUE_EDIT: notifyCode = HIWORD(wParam); if ( notifyCode == EN_CHANGE ) { updateForField( hDlg, eState, wid ); return TRUE; } break; case IDOK: eState->cancelled = XP_FALSE; /* fallthrough */ case IDCANCEL: EndDialog(hDlg, wid); return TRUE; } } } return FALSE; } /* EditColorsDlg */ static XP_Bool myChooseColor( CEAppGlobals* globals, HWND parent, XP_U16 labelID, COLORREF* cref ) { ClrEditDlgState state; int result; XP_MEMSET( &state, 0, sizeof(state) ); state.globals = globals; state.r = GetRValue(*cref); state.g = GetGValue(*cref); state.b = GetBValue(*cref); state.labelID = labelID; state.parent = parent; XP_LOGF( "setting up IDD_COLOREDITDLG" ); result = DialogBoxParam( globals->hInst, (LPCTSTR)IDD_COLOREDITDLG, parent, (DLGPROC)EditColorsDlg, (long)&state ); XP_LOGF( "DialogBoxParam=>%d", result ); if ( !state.cancelled ) { *cref = RGB( state.r, state.g, state.b ); } return !state.cancelled; } /* myChooseColor */ #endif /* MY_COLOR_SEL */ typedef struct ColorsDlgState { CEAppGlobals* globals; COLORREF* inColors; COLORREF colors[CE_NUM_EDITABLE_COLORS]; HBRUSH brushes[CE_NUM_EDITABLE_COLORS]; HWND buttons[CE_NUM_EDITABLE_COLORS]; XP_Bool cancelled; XP_Bool inited; } ColorsDlgState; #define FIRST_BUTTON DLBLTR_BUTTON #define LAST_BUTTON PLAYER4_BUTTON static void initColorData( ColorsDlgState* cState, HWND hDlg ) { XP_U16 i; XP_ASSERT( (LAST_BUTTON - FIRST_BUTTON + 1) == CE_NUM_EDITABLE_COLORS ); for ( i = 0; i < CE_NUM_EDITABLE_COLORS; ++i ) { COLORREF ref = cState->inColors[i]; cState->colors[i] = ref; cState->brushes[i] = CreateSolidBrush( ref ); cState->buttons[i] = GetDlgItem( hDlg, FIRST_BUTTON + i ); } } /* initColorData */ static HBRUSH brushForButton( ColorsDlgState* cState, HWND hwndButton ) { XP_U16 i; for ( i = 0; i < CE_NUM_EDITABLE_COLORS; ++i ) { if ( cState->buttons[i] == hwndButton ) { return cState->brushes[i]; } } return NULL; } /* brushForButton */ static void deleteButtonBrushes( ColorsDlgState* cState ) { XP_U16 i; for ( i = 0; i < CE_NUM_EDITABLE_COLORS; ++i ) { DeleteObject( cState->brushes[i] ); } } /* deleteButtonBrushes */ static void wrapChooseColor( ColorsDlgState* cState, HWND parent, XP_U16 button ) { XP_U16 index = button-FIRST_BUTTON; #ifdef MY_COLOR_SEL XP_U16 labelID = button + CLRSEL_LABEL_OFFSET; COLORREF clrref = cState->colors[index]; if ( myChooseColor( cState->globals, parent, labelID, &clrref ) ) { cState->colors[index] = clrref; DeleteObject( cState->brushes[index] ); cState->brushes[index] = CreateSolidBrush( clrref ); XP_LOGF( "%s: may need to invalidate the button since color's changed", __func__ ); } #else CHOOSECOLOR ccs; BOOL hitOk; COLORREF arr[16]; XP_U16 i; XP_MEMSET( &ccs, 0, sizeof(ccs) ); XP_MEMSET( &arr, 0, sizeof(arr) ); for ( i = 0; i < CE_NUM_EDITABLE_COLORS; ++i ) { arr[i] = cState->colors[i]; } ccs.lStructSize = sizeof(ccs); ccs.hwndOwner = parent; ccs.rgbResult = cState->colors[index]; ccs.lpCustColors = arr; ccs.Flags = CC_ANYCOLOR | CC_RGBINIT | CC_FULLOPEN; hitOk = ChooseColor( &ccs ); if ( hitOk ) { cState->colors[index] = ccs.rgbResult; DeleteObject( cState->brushes[index] ); cState->brushes[index] = CreateSolidBrush( ccs.rgbResult ); } #endif } /* wrapChooseColor */ /* I'd prefer to use normal buttons, letting the OS draw them except for * their background color, but MS docs don't seem to allow any way to do * that. I'm either totally on my own drawing the button or they're all in * the same color and so useless. So they're just rects with a black outer * rect to show focus. */ static void ceDrawColorButton( ColorsDlgState* cState, DRAWITEMSTRUCT* dis ) { HBRUSH brush = brushForButton( cState, dis->hwndItem ); XP_ASSERT( !!brush ); RECT r = dis->rcItem; XP_Bool hasFocus = ((dis->itemAction & ODA_FOCUS) != 0) && ((dis->itemState & ODS_FOCUS) != 0); Rectangle( dis->hDC, r.left, r.top, r.right, r.bottom ); InsetRect( &r, 1, 1 ); if ( hasFocus ) { Rectangle( dis->hDC, r.left, r.top, r.right, r.bottom ); } InsetRect( &r, 1, 1 ); FillRect( dis->hDC, &r, brush ); } /* ceDrawColorButton */ LRESULT CALLBACK ColorsDlg( HWND hDlg, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) { ColorsDlgState* cState; XP_U16 wid; BOOL result = FALSE; if ( message == WM_INITDIALOG ) { SetWindowLong( hDlg, GWL_USERDATA, lParam ); cState = (ColorsDlgState*)lParam; cState->cancelled = XP_TRUE; cState->inited = XP_FALSE; ceDlgSetup( cState->globals, hDlg, XP_TRUE ); result = TRUE; } else { cState = (ColorsDlgState*)GetWindowLong( hDlg, GWL_USERDATA ); if ( !!cState ) { if ( !cState->inited ) { initColorData( cState, hDlg ); cState->inited = XP_TRUE; } /* XP_LOGF( "%s: event=%s (%d); wParam=0x%x; lParam=0x%lx", __func__, */ /* messageToStr(message), message, wParam, lParam ); */ switch (message) { case WM_VSCROLL: if ( !IS_SMARTPHONE(cState->globals) ) { ceDoDlgScroll( cState->globals, hDlg, wParam ); } break; case WM_DRAWITEM: /* passed when button has BS_OWNERDRAW style */ if ( !IS_SMARTPHONE(cState->globals) ) { ceDoDlgFocusScroll( cState->globals, hDlg ); } ceDrawColorButton( cState, (DRAWITEMSTRUCT*)lParam ); result = TRUE; break; case WM_COMMAND: if ( !IS_SMARTPHONE(cState->globals) ) { ceDoDlgFocusScroll( cState->globals, hDlg ); } wid = LOWORD(wParam); switch( wid ) { case IDOK: cState->cancelled = XP_FALSE; /* fallthrough */ case IDCANCEL: deleteButtonBrushes( cState ); EndDialog(hDlg, wid); result = TRUE; break; default: /* it's one of the color buttons. Set up with the appropriate color and launch ChooseColor */ wrapChooseColor( cState, hDlg, wid ); result = TRUE; break; } } } } return result; } /* ColorsDlg */ XP_Bool ceDoColorsEdit( HWND hwnd, CEAppGlobals* globals, COLORREF* colors ) { ColorsDlgState state; XP_MEMSET( &state, 0, sizeof(state) ); state.globals = globals; state.inColors = colors; (void)DialogBoxParam( globals->hInst, (LPCTSTR)IDD_COLORSDLG, hwnd, (DLGPROC)ColorsDlg, (long)&state ); if ( !state.cancelled ) { XP_U16 i; for ( i = 0; i < CE_NUM_EDITABLE_COLORS; ++i ) { colors[i] = state.colors[i]; } } return !state.cancelled; } /* ceDoColorsEdit */