import groovy.swing.SwingBuilder def INITIAL_CLIENT_VERS = 8 def LIBS_DEBUG = 'libs-debug' def LIBS_RELEASE = 'libs-release' def VERSION_CODE_BASE = 111 def VERSION_NAME = '4.4.115' def VARIANTS = [ "xw4", "xw4dbg" ] def BUILDS = [ "Debug", "Release" ] apply plugin: '' dependencies { compile files('../libs/gcm.jar') compile files('../libs/android-support-v13.jar') } android { buildToolsVersion '23.0.2' defaultConfig { minSdkVersion 7 targetSdkVersion 23 versionCode VERSION_CODE_BASE versionName VERSION_NAME } // Rename all output artifacts to include version information applicationVariants.all { variant -> // renameArtifact(variant) // variant.buildConfigField "String", "FIELD_NAME", "\"my String\"" def GCM_SENDER_ID = System.getenv("GCM_SENDER_ID") variant.buildConfigField "String", "SENDER_ID", "\"$GCM_SENDER_ID\"" def CRITTERCISM_APP_ID = System.getenv("CRITTERCISM_APP_ID") variant.buildConfigField "String", "CRITTERCISM_APP_ID", "\"$CRITTERCISM_APP_ID\"" def gitHash = "../scripts/".execute().text.trim() resValue "string", "git_rev", "$gitHash" variant.buildConfigField "String", "GIT_REV", "\"$gitHash\"" // def stamp = Long.valueOf('date +\'%s\''.execute().text.trim()); def stamp = Math.round(System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000) variant.buildConfigField "long", "BUILD_STAMP", "$stamp" // FIX ME variant.buildConfigField "String", "STRINGS_HASH", "\"00000\"" variant.buildConfigField "boolean", "WIDIR_ENABLED", "false" def senderID = System.getenv("GCM_SENDER_ID") variant.buildConfigField "String", "GCM_SENDER_ID", "\"$senderID\"" variant.buildConfigField "short", "CLIENT_VERS_RELAY", "$INITIAL_CLIENT_VERS" } flavorDimensions "variant"//, "abi" productFlavors { xw4 { dimension "variant" applicationId "${VARIANTS[0]}" manifestPlaceholders = [ APP_ID: applicationId ] resValue "string", "app_name", "CrossWords" resValue "string", "nbs_port", "3344" resValue "string", "invite_prefix", "/and/" } xw4dbg { dimension "variant" applicationId "${VARIANTS[1]}" manifestPlaceholders = [ APP_ID: applicationId ] resValue "string", "app_name", "CrossDbg" resValue "string", "nbs_port", "3345" resValue "string", "invite_prefix", "/anddbg/" } // WARNING: "all" breaks things. Seems to be a keyword. Need // to figure out how to express include-all-abis // all { // dimension "abi" // versionCode 0 + VERSION_CODE_BASE // } // armeabi { // dimension "abi" // versionCode 1 + VERSION_CODE_BASE // } // x86 { // dimension "abi" // versionCode 2 + VERSION_CODE_BASE // } // armeabiv7a { // dimension "abi" // versionCode 3 + VERSION_CODE_BASE // } } signingConfigs { release { storeFile file(System.getenv("HOME") + "/.keystore") keyAlias "mykey" // These two lines make gradle believe that the signingConfigs // section is complete. Without them, tasks like installRelease // will not be available! storePassword "notReal" keyPassword "notReal" } } buildTypes { release { signingConfig signingConfigs.release debuggable false minifyEnabled true proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'), '' } debug { debuggable true // This doesn't work on marshmallow: duplicate permission error // applicationIdSuffix ".debug" } } sourceSets { // Use symlinks instead of setting non-conventional // directories here. AS doesn't respect what's set here: it'll // compile, but post-install app launch and source-level // debugging don't work. release { jniLibs.srcDir "../$LIBS_RELEASE" } debug { jniLibs.srcDir "../$LIBS_DEBUG" } } lintOptions { abortOnError false } def gitrev = "git describe --tags".execute().text.trim() applicationVariants.all { variant -> variant.outputs.each { output -> output.outputFile = new File(output.outputFile.parent,".apk", "-${gitrev}.apk")) } } } dependencies { compile fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.jar']) } task mkImages(type: Exec) { workingDir '../' commandLine './scripts/' } task copyStrings(type: Exec) { workingDir '../' commandLine './scripts/' } task ndkSetup(type: Exec) { workingDir '../' commandLine "./scripts/", "--with-clang" } task myPreBuild(dependsOn: ['ndkSetup', 'mkImages', 'copyStrings', 'mkXml']) { } preBuild.dependsOn myPreBuild task mkXml(type: Exec) { workingDir '../' commandLine './scripts/', '-o', "app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/loc/", '-t', "debug" } afterEvaluate { VARIANTS.each { VARIANT -> String variantCaps = VARIANT.capitalize() BUILDS.each { BUILD -> String lib = BUILD == 'Debug' ? LIBS_DEBUG : LIBS_RELEASE String nameLC = BUILD.toLowerCase() String name = "ndkBuild${variantCaps}${BUILD}" task "$name"(type: Exec) { workingDir '../' commandLine './scripts/', '-j3', "BUILD_TARGET=${nameLC}", "INITIAL_CLIENT_VERS=$INITIAL_CLIENT_VERS", "VARIANT=$VARIANT", "NDK_LIBS_OUT=${lib}", "NDK_OUT=./obj-${nameLC}" } String compileTask = "compile${variantCaps}${BUILD}Ndk" tasks.getByName(compileTask).dependsOn name } } String copyStringsTask = "copyStringsXw4Dbg" task "$copyStringsTask"(type: Exec) { workingDir './' environment.put('APPNAME', 'CrossDbg') commandLine 'make', '-f', '../scripts/', "src/xw4dbg/res/values/strings.xml" } preBuild.dependsOn copyStringsTask } gradle.taskGraph.whenReady { taskGraph -> if ( taskGraph.hasTask(':app:validateReleaseSigning') ) { def pass if (System.getenv("ANDROID_RELEASE_PASSWORD")) { pass = System.getenv("ANDROID_RELEASE_PASSWORD") } else if ( null != System.console() ) { pass = System.console().readPassword("\nPlease enter key passphrase: ") pass = new String(pass) } else { new SwingBuilder().edt { dialog(modal: true, // Otherwise the build will continue running before you closed the dialog title: 'Enter password', // Dialog title alwaysOnTop: true, // pretty much what the name says resizable: false, // Don't allow the user to resize the dialog locationRelativeTo: null, // Place dialog in center of the screen pack: true, // We need to pack the dialog (so it will take the size of it's children show: true // Let's show it ) { vbox { // Put everything below each other label(text: "Please enter key passphrase:") input = passwordField(); button(defaultButton: true, text: 'OK', actionPerformed: { pass = new String(input.password); // Set pass variable to value of input field // println "myPass: $myPass" dispose(); // Close dialog }) } } } } android.signingConfigs.release.storePassword = pass android.signingConfigs.release.keyPassword = pass } } // def getVersionName() { // try { // def stdout = new ByteArrayOutputStream() // exec { // commandLine 'git', 'describe', '--dirty' // standardOutput = stdout // } // return stdout.toString().trim() // } // catch (ignored) { // return null; // } // } // def renameArtifact(variant) { // variant.outputs.each { output -> // def name = String.format( "XWords4-%s-%s.apk",, // getVersionName() ) // output.outputFile = new File( (String)output.outputFile.parent, // (String)name ) // } // }