keyDown event to a form put up while processing a keyUp event in the
main form: set a flag while handling key events, and drop the first
keyDown in child forms when it's set.
has Treo but doesn't have OS support for moving focus among objects.
And since zodiac doesn't support the std Palm hires APIs don't try to
use them. Up version string to b4.
board, which looks crappy. Instead inval only what was previously a
border row, and pass a new param to draw_vertScrollBoard so the
platform can choose not to scroll cells that will just get overwritten
with different bits.
after focus event, and on handling it inval rect of focus ring on
button. This fixes drawing glitch where palm remembers pixels behind
focus ring but they're not right.
they're focussed so that they can draw that during rather than after
everything else. On palm, use this to draw focus using the system
selected color rather than with the blue nav rect. Since a new param
was too much, add new enum type CellFlags and pass as bitvector to
draw APIs.
getting a new connection, making a callback that calls resend_all().
This means a lot of duplication, but duplication is free with
bluetooth. The underlying problem is that packets are reported as
sent not when acked by the other side, but when passed to a lower
level that may not be connected at all.
bottom of tray; add focus-related params to draw*Finished routines
(and simplify to one) so platforms don't have to save from Begin
routines (and stop palm doing that); check version of saved game, and
handle case where older binary tries to open newer version; redraw
Palm tray buttons after focus change to stop focus-rect ghosting; fix
annoying overlap in saved games dialog; palm version goes to a3.
scoreboard and tray on palm; make center drill into the focussed object and
spacebar come back up then move the focus among them. Integrate with other
focussable objects on main form. Go from separate drawCursor routines to
same for all three, with cursor only visible when focus is drilled down.
On curses, add a hilite rect routine that can be called after text is laid
down, and use for cursors.