connName/hid pair. This works around a problem where a device,
continuing to connect and send all pending messages for another device
that is not connecting, winds up with hundreds of identical messages
memory. Confirmed that devices can hookup without ever being
connected at the same time and that the messages survive a relay
reboot. No further testing yet.
recycling of crefs between when devices in a game connect. This plus
movement of messages into the DB will re-enable games played without
the two devices ever being connected at the same time.
ahead of processing data arrived on the same socket, with EnqueueKill
that adds to same queue from which data's taken. So if device dies
immediately after sending data there won't be a race between closing
the cref (if this is the last open socket) and handling the data. I'm
still dying with assert fails when running 100 games at once, but much
less frequently
(e.g. socket closes) can also be queued; track what sockets are
currently being handled so no two threads are ever processing events
on same socket. This makes running 'NGAMES=50
./scripts/' crash very infrequently rather than every
time, but the race condition in crefmgr remains. Queuing socket
closes should help.
threads can't share the same db connection. So synchronize all
queries. Multiple threads *can* access the db concurrently as long as
each has its own connection, so I could add connections to the tpool
threads. But this will probably be performant enough for the first
10K simultaneous users. :-)
ALLCOND until it's time to kill the cref. When one device connects
and leaves the cref is recycled, so when a new device joins and is
assigned the same game and a new cref is initialized the number of
players already registered must be set from the db entry; do that.
HostRec. This fixes failure to reconnect so that now a complete game
is possible (gtk version) without the two devices every being
connected at the same time.
consistent: nJoined in DB tracks players "ever seen and issued
connName" rather than "currently connected". Next step: debug game
between two devices never connected at same time.