and use it to send and check for heartbeats over any transport.
Caller must supply a reset proc which is called when heartbeat hasn't
been received in too long. No changes required to comms protocol, but
that means the heartbeat interval is fixed at compile time: can't be
negotiated, and the two ends had better agree. Currently tested with
linux host and PalmOS guest, where only the first heartbeat failure is
recovered from. So there's some debugging to be done still.
data with the goal of detecting disconnects more quickly. Stops
working after a few packets (client only tested against host on linux
so far), and doesn't compile for ARM yet, but the framework is there.
Am framing packets on Palm side which may not be necessary.
scoreboard and tray on palm; make center drill into the focussed object and
spacebar come back up then move the focus among them. Integrate with other
focussable objects on main form. Go from separate drawCursor routines to
same for all three, with cursor only visible when focus is drilled down.
On curses, add a hilite rect routine that can be called after text is laid
down, and use for cursors.
than two-way enabled state, but mostly about getting focus ring
working for five-way-equipped devices. Add fnav resources to the two
dialogs with gadgets, and code so the gadgets are included in the
focus rotation. The move to three-way means that disabled controls
can visible while excluded from the rotation. There's cleanup and
polish to be done still, and five-way navigation doesn't work for the
main form yet. No changes to bluetooth at all.
A full robot vs. robot game now works between two Treos. Added UI to
choose BT as transport mechanism, and added new send proc to establish
socket connection between host and guest. Works only for two devices:
no piconet yet. No error recovery, ability to quit game in middle,
start new game, etc.
Catalan and Spanish as well as English. There's also some character
conversion in the former two that may be linked to my local LANG
setting now being en_US.utf8. May need to revisit if there are